Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Precipice [NJO]




On the Jedi homeworld of Tython, the scattered members of the New Jedi Order convene. Despite efforts to rebuild following the attack on Coruscant, confusion’s grip tightens as each individual struggles to find their new place in the galaxy. At the heart of this turmoil lies the Circle’s earlier decision to break official ties with the government of the Galactic Alliance. Though each Jedi was told to make their choice — and urged to make the right choice by prioritizing their vows and bonds to the order — many remain under the official command of the defense force and intelligence agency, refusing to abandon their stations. The rift widens between two sides of the same coin as the term duty morphs from one Jedi to another.

Within Ashla’s light, members gather at the nexus, in the heart of the ancient tree upon the lake. Each has been invited to stand on common ground, away from enclave loyalties, rank, and leadership, making their voice heard. The calming energies and ancient roots above them serve as a solemn reminder that these ideals and the Order itself are far more than any one person. Will the New Jedi be able to find a resolution and secure the future of their order?

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Location: The Nexus, Tython
Tags: Keiran Varn Keiran Varn , Open

Traden stood there in the midst of the others who were gathered, a look on his face that expressed an edge of frustration as well as sadness. He never felt like he had been fully accepted in the New Jedi Order, ever since he had taken on a more unorthodox approach. He would have surely been considered a Jedi master by now if he had remained in the fold and followed in the accepted culture and traditions of their heritage, but Traden had chosen a different path… One that had fully hardened his own father against him, as well as many of the New Jedi Order. However, even though he was unorthodox, it was undeniable that he walked in the Spirit of the Jedi ways and values. Many supported him and even saw the value in what he stood for, but he had accepted his fate long ago... knowing that he would always be somewhat of an outsider, and likely never be invited onto the circle.

And now the divide almost seemed to grow with every passing moment with this new separation and expectation that was being forced upon every member of the New Jedi Order… The expectation for every Jedi to choose between the order, or their roles within the Alliance. With Traden having led the GADF War Hogs for almost a decade now, he viewed it as another way for him to be further judged and devalued. It was a common feeling he had grown accustomed to, but he felt like this might prove to be the final straw that might excommunicate him from the New Jedi Order, as he had no intention of relinquishing his role within the GADF.

And at the same time, he had no intention of willingly stepping down from the New Jedi Order… a true paradox that he would leave for his fellow comrades to decide as he refused to draw a line in the sand himself. If they would demand his resignation from the order, then he would oblige. It was a politically poignant and humanistic problem in Tradens mind, a problem that was created by mistrust, fear, and agendas. And it was exactly what the Sith had desired to accomplish… to divide the Alliance and the Jedi.

And they had succeeded. It would be to the Jedi's own shame that they looked so narrowly at the problem in light of the broader picture that seemed to evade many within the order.

Traden bit his tongue. While there were many words to be said, none of them that would come from his mouth would change anything. None of them would truly be heard, or respected, or affect anything, really...

It didn't matter.

And so he kept his silence for the moment... it almost seemed to be a common feeling that weighed upon many Jedi in the shared moment around the tree…

He felt the heaviest weight for his own Padawan, Keiran Varn Keiran Varn , who had such high hopes of growing and thriving within the New Jedi Order. For him to be forced to wrestle with such decisions and issues right now was a true burden. Traden truly wanted what was best for him… and he realized solemnly that it might be best for the Padawan to distance himself from Traden in the midst of this whole bloody mess. If Keiran's highest value was to become a Jedi Knight within the New Jedi Order, then Traden would likely be a stumbling block for the Padawan. However, if he desired to grow in the force and become strong in his gifting and connection to it, then Traden had a lot to offer.

But again… politics and human agendas had a way of making a mess of something that could have been much, much simpler. Traden did not look at Keiran Varn Keiran Varn , instead he simply stared forward at the majestic tree in front of them. The man would need to determine his own path, Traden could not choose it for him. It was an unfortunate crossroads... but it was reality.

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Soren Dar




Soren's Post 1


Soren Dar had departed to the difficult journey to the Deep Core once the call for the Jedi to gather echoed through the Galaxy. He hasn´t been to Tython for many years and a conclave about the future of the Jedi, not even the Order or an enclave, but it was about the entirety of the Jedi Path, should not be ignored and silently passed by.

After the tiresome journey in the Herald of Mithras, Soren had finally arrived over the pretty birthplace of his kin. Many millennia the first of his order walked the surface, a few less millennia it was the hideout of the Jedi Order after they have been forcefully driven from Coruscant - just like now. Those traditionalists would see a great value in doing so again, going back to the roots.

Quite literally this time. The nexus on Tython was within a majestic tree and Jedi of all backgrounds and affiliations gathered. Diversity behind a single goal, the Light Side, harmony, peace. War had rushed through everyone doorstep, not for the first time. But neither was the order in dire need of reconciliation for the first time. The Jedi never achieved the extreme heights of power the Sith did, but the Jedi were always here, their stability and strength was a constant people could depend on.

Soren stood with his arms crossed in front of his chest,
his white attire seemingly emitting light itself. It was no pride, nor the desire to stand out or prettiness which made him choose his garments, no - white was pure and everyone should strife for purity in heart and mind. The white was Soren's reminder of the path he still had to go, the flaws everyone bears, the errors one commits.

This was a mistake. Choosing Tython of all places was a mistake. To cling to pointless scraps of the past was a mistake. Everything that Aeris saw before her felt like a waste, and yet she was one of those that had supposedly endorsed it as the meeting spot where this conclave of sorts would take place.

She personally held no memories of this place, felt no reverence for what this had become in the here and now. It could be seen as unsanctimonious as a Historian of her to feel it, but all she saw when she glanced upon the altar before them was an arid little rock on an insignificant little planet. Why was it that this place was so special? Why not Manaan? Why not Nar Shaddaa or Korriban? What made this little rock out of all rocks in this rocky galaxy the most special rock?

The moon that hugged the horizon opposite the rising sun, Ashla? That was what people called the so-called 'light side' of the force. But in the end it was just drivel that people told themselves because they wanted to make a perceived deity into something more corporeal, something that they could understand. So was this what the Jedi were? Moon worshippers? Did they worship the gleaming ocean surface of a goddamned moon?

No, they were guardians of peace. Protectors of those who could not protect themselves and bringer of light where ignorance had taken root. They were all here today because of the force. They were here because the balance between light and dark had to mean something. When one of them pushed, the other pulled, and vice versa. Aeris may have had her doubts about where all of this was all going, but she had never had any doubt in her conviction to see it through.

This 'division' as people had called it had absolutely nothing to do with splitting the Alliance and the Jedi. No, it had everything to do with ensuring a healthy separation and accountability. To step back from safeguarding a singular government and to start taking care of its people. For as much as the Alliance could claim to be the 'democratic center' of the Galaxy and its best hope for a humane society, it too suffered from corruption and for as long as the Jedi were so firmly embedded into that system, so too would the Jedi be corrupted.

This was why she even considered being here today. Because today was about unity in faith. It was about having a future to strive for once the Alliance inevitably crumbled, and it was about the New Jedi Order finally doing what a real Jedi Order did: protect the peace and the people that embraced it.

Everything else was secondary.


LOCATION: The Nexus, Tython
WEAPON: Single-bladed Amethyst Lightsaber
TAGS: Traden Avarice Traden Avarice , Open


The wind whipped around Keiran's silvery blonde hair as he stood stationary in his deep contemplation. The Jedi milleu hustled and bustled slightly yet the tree emananted a soothing aura that kept tensions at bay for the moment. His own relationship with the New Jedi had been one of a sort of confusion, for a while. Though the actions of the Circle were unprecedent, he could hardly say that he didn't see this coming.

But he could never have prepared adequately. Keiran took a moment to admire the vast array of force-users gathered, all of different, species, backgrounds and stances on the situation. He had never really properly differentiated between his role in the Order and his role in the Alliance Military. The Jedi Soldier, an oxymoron to many, but an all too true reality for Jedi such as himself and his Master.

He watched Traden, the leader of their black operations military unit, the War Hogs and one of the most dedicated Jedi he had ever known. Having some knowledge of his master's tenuous relationship with both the Jedi and his own father, he felt a deep worry, and thought about the great weight that must be on his shoulders. One of the most difficult choices he might ever have to make. But Keiran knew well that his Master, whatever he did, would never back down.

And he would have to make his own. Which came first? Soldier or Jedi Knight? Alliance or the Order? He had made vows to both organisations, each just as meaningful as the other. He decided to head towards his master, gently moving through the crowd to reach him. The padawan crossed his arms and gazed out toward the lake and the ancient trunk standing before them.

"You never really think about it till it happens, do you? And then all hell breaks loose."


Location: The Nexus, Tython
Tags: Keiran Varn Keiran Varn , Open

Traden let a sliver of a smile and an edge of warmth hit his face as his eyes locked onto Keiran Varn Keiran Varn , his apprentice, as he moved to stand beside him. It was a grateful gesture, one that meant more to the master than Keiran would likely realize. It felt as though, in some ways, it was more than just a physical movement… but in some sense, at least to the master, it felt metaphorical. Whether or not that was the case, time would only truly be able to tell.

Either way, Traden was grateful for Keiran. He had not necessarily been looking for a Padawan, but their relationship had honestly been a breath of fresh air for the Divergent Jedi. No matter what would happen… or what decisions the Padawan would choose to make moving forward… he had no regrets regarding the bond that had been formed between them. Traden wasn’t one who much cared for the notability of being viewed as a wise sage who took on a younger, hungry potential, instead choosing to view himself almost as a bigger brother in regards to Keiran…

But Keiran was his own man. And Traden never silenced the Padawans voice, or tried to control him or mitigate him in any way. Traden encouraged him to stand on his own two feet, and for better or worse… to own his decisions as his and his alone. That was the best teacher… and the best way for the Padawan to truly discover what was inside of him… and who it was that he desired to become.

And he considered him to be a good friend.

“Yes… good times.” He mused in response to Keiran Varn Keiran Varn ’s comment.

He then looked over at his Padawan after a moment of silence, a rather serious and solemn expression unavoidably hinted at the inner processing of the force master,

“You’ll need to choose your path, my friend… And when you do… don’t let me stand in your way.” He said in a lower, quieter tone, “I have chosen my path. All I want is for you to be true to yourself… and to be true to what you value.” He placed his rugged hand firmly upon the shoulder of his companion, his eyes focused, “Don’t make any decision based on the manipulations or expectations of others… be honest… be true… and never look back. Don’t make a decision for me, or for the GADF… or for the New Jedi Order… Make it for you, and you alone.”

He released his hand from his shoulder, a slight look of sadness was undeniable as he turned back to look at those who had continued to gather around them. He wasn't sure if the Padawan needed to hear it, but Traden wanted for him to feel released from the master, with no hopes or hidden expectations being placed upon him. As painful as it would be if he chose a different path than his, he would be grateful that he was following his heart and his dreams. But if he felt any unnecessary pressure, or even manipulation, being put upon Keiran by the New Jedi Order... he would be very unpleased. He gritted his teeth together silently behind closed lips, continuing to process all the possible outcomes and implications that this gathering could have on future generations.

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No one was talking.

Everyone just mulled and waited for someone else to step forward. It bothered Jem. Master Aeris had told her about what the counsel had done. Or rather, what they hadn't done. The growing instability inside the order was frightening her in ways she couldn't yet put to words. The jedi could do better.

The first voice to speak up was a girl, and a padawan to boot.

"This is ridiculous," she announced, her back to the nexus that lapped against her senses. It reminded her to take a deep breath in and release some of the tightness in her chest. It did little to ease the words about to burst from her chest.

"We have more important things to be doing, and we're just standing here like-- like chickens without heads, waiting for someone to tell us what to do. But that's just it-- We served the Force! Not the counsel, not politicians. My lessons taught me to listen to the world around me, and there is something deeply wrong with all of this.

"The senate signed the order that had us killed.
The senate. And not a single one of you can tell us who was involved, or how they got it through. A whole Temple was slaughtered and not a single legislative response was launched. Not an inquisition-- from them, or us. That's not normal. This isn't ok!

Dagon's hand went over her shoulder, squeezing in a worldless reminder to keep herself steady. They were working on that recently. Ever since Ponemah, when.... She forced another breath in, some of her tension loosening.

"We need to step up." The words were smaller, more of plea than anything. These jedi were suppose to be superiors, but they felt so far away-- weighed down by thoughts or concerns that got in the way of what really mattered.

She felt helpless to it.


Issue #12 w/ Jem Fossk Jem Fossk Traden Avarice Traden Avarice Keiran Varn Keiran Varn Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec Soren Dar

Never was one to meditate, sit in one place and 'do nothing'. He'd run off and escape into the Coruscani streets nearly every time his mentor Asmundr Varobalder Asmundr Varobalder would sit him down for a lesson in meditation. Crime, evil, the bad guys - they didn't just stand idle. He always had to be on the move, always on a case.

That hadn't changed much as he grew into adolescence and became a Knight. It became worse. Sleepless nights and anti-sleep pills to keep him going, to keep him on his ever-moving feet. And when needed to clear his mind? A late-night cruise on Denon's boulevards did the trick, and recently - taking a week away to Coruscant to help with the slow restoration of the Temple.

After what had happened on Ponemah, though, Dag had felt compelled to make the journey to the ancient Jedi world. For Jem, mostly. He hoped the solace and serenity of the planet would clear their heads, set them straight, and reconnect them with the Light Side of the Force. The Jedi meeting at the nexus came second. Maybe even third. He'd never been one for the spotlight but ever since the Sword of the Jedi Ryv had set up shop in the Suicide Slums of Denon as a ward of four orphans, Dag found himself more and more on a stage he was reluctant to be on. Not because he was shy - he was anything but - but because the spotlight usually meant more talk and less action.

The fact that no one else seemed to speak up as they gathered further proved that. Clearing his throat, the raven-haired Jedi was about to speak when Jem's voice burst through from beside him. He pursed his lips and listened. Her words echoed his sentiment, for the most part, but he would've... delivered the message differently.

"Well, that saved me a lot of hassle..." Dag tilted his head, smirking, then with a voice loud enough to be heard, "... my stance isn't very different to what Jem's saying as some of you already know." barging into the Council right after the Maw retreated from Coruscant was still vivid in his head, "Serving the Alliance in an official capacity, as a fully integrated part of the system, inhibits us with limitations."
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None of this made sense.

Iris stepped around the crowd, her eyes narrowed, her brow furrowed. How could this be? What happened that made this of all things possible? Burning questions in the young Padawan's mind. Onwards she went, towards the front of the gathering.

Then past it. Her attention wasn't on the voices debating things she didn't understand. Instead, she was focused on the tree. The colors of nature were something she'd learned so much about, but this? A tree of Light. It's colors matched nothing she'd seen before! Where the subtle shades of nature and life should be, there was just light. A.. Color she didn't have a word for.

So she plopped down in front of the tree, took out one of her sketchpads, and started to paint. At least through painting she might understand something that was happening here.
Kai showed up as a hologram transmission from Coruscant. Being unable to send his telepathy across the stars, he instead wrote on an erasable board and held it up for all to see:


His trepidation about the meeting itself expressed, he then erased the board and wrote:


Iris Arani Iris Arani Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Jem Fossk Jem Fossk Traden Avarice Traden Avarice Keiran Varn Keiran Varn Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec Soren Dar

There was lots of mumbling of different opinions in the group of Jedi. From what he'd seen while he'd been amongst them, it was to be expected. Some were sure of their purpose and the path they would take, others, like him, were divided. He hadn't been one of them when this divide happened. He'd been imprisoned, a source of cruel entertainment for the nefarious Brotherhood in the time leading up and after Coruscant's attack.

For as much as they professed actions speaking louder than words, the Senate's mandate, the Circle's own counter-statement of removing themselves form the Alliance, and today here... The New Jedi loved their politics.

The wayward wandering of being an independent Jedi was something to be missed. But, he couldn't go back to it now. Things were easier being on the inside, than it was on the out.

"How, Master Kaze? What limitations?" N'Jazaka said from his place in the back of those gathered. "Because someone said so?" Simultaneously, he took a path through the clusters to come face to face with the black haired Jedi. Sure, he challenged his words, but there was a distinct lack of animosity. A noticeable change in comparison to that first time he cornered the Knight on Peace. "Even if that were true, the benefits outweigh the cons. Especially when we're at war. How many soldiers -- how many people's lives are saved because of a Jedi?"

While he spoke, he extended his gaze to the rest of them. Those he knew, those he didn't. The Jedi independent of government coils outnumbered those of the Defense Force, and even the SIA. But when it came to the former, the Treicolts were famous. A household name of the New Jedi Order.

"How many times has fire rained from the sky and the ability to see, to sense something happening, changed the future?"

"We have the power to make a difference, and abandoning all posts in the middle of a growing conflict isn't the way to saving more lives, or even winning."


Issue #12 w/ Jem Fossk Jem Fossk Traden Avarice Traden Avarice Keiran Varn Keiran Varn Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec Soren Dar Zaka Zaka

His eyes fell on Zaka and he softly explained in retort, "We have that power, yes, to make a difference. And it doesn't hinge on wearing an officer's plaque. It's because we are Jedi that we do what we do... we've saved lives before we were generals and commanders, Zaka, and we'll save lives after."
Silence was always an option. The longer she listened to the hum of the force, the longer the tension was allowed to blossom… Nobody here was quite certain what to do. One voice broke the silence, their anxiety shrieking against the uncertain veneer of calm that radiated from each person here. Nobody had answers, at least none that they felt confident enough to begin with.

For Aeris it was the simple fact that now more than ever she had started to doubt her place in the Order, or what it was the Order was even supposed to do. To call yourself a protector of good was to cast a wide net, and the Alliance was — in essence — a small pond. There were a few souls who clearly wanted to remain bundled up, but as Jem and Dagon made their opinions known and Zaka — much to Aeris' surprise — stepped up to refute it, the ball seemed to be set in motion for the discussions to begin.

She was about to open her mouth and speak before but quickly noticed Kai's frustrated scribbles.

"I am inclined to agree with Zaka. To some extent. But first, I want to just acknowledge our friend coming in via link. Kai, you have a very good point about gathering like this, and no — we are not vigilantes."
She said and shook her head. "Now, I am not in the mood to use more words than necessary for this."

"To put it simply: what I want is for us to refocus. To shift into a mindset that makes us Jedi first and foremost. You can be a warrior in an army, take up a cause or put one down, but it must always be with the Jedi Order and our Code in mind. The code comes first. If your orders are in direct conflict with its tenets, you will be expected to either forfeit your rank in the Jedi or to hold those that would force you to break it accountable."

"We can have our people in the ranks of the Defense Force and Intelligence Agencies. Except we would be no soldiers, no spies, only Jedi."

Soren Dar




Soren's Post 2


There was tension. Conflict. With so many diverse facettes of philosophy it was not surprising that discussion and heated exchange were inevitable. Soren was looking as the padawan spoke with inspiring passion, speaking true, speaking with conviction. Even though he did not know her, he could respect her and her education.

"Following the path of the Jedi does not exclude joining arms with the Alliance. Joining arms with the Alliance does not mean to give up the ideals of a Jedi."

Soren stayed where he was, just uncrossing his arms and calmly gesturing to support his words. His voice, even though slightly distorted through the dark mask, was friendly, open and warm. There was no authority, no false wisdom or bloated words in his talking, just straight statements which came from the heart and mind of a Jedi Knight.

"We are keepers of peace and while we should not become mere soldiers, we should neither neglect that many, if not all of us, are warriors. Warriors in heart and mind. The Jedi Order, the Silver Jedi, the New Jedi Order, the Praxeum . . . . call it however you like. Small differences in approach, but we all serve the Light side. Some through direct action against the enemy, oppressors, marauders - Sith. Some through gathering knowledge, researching and preserving our traditions and tenets. Some others devote themselves to those who suffer from the wars and instability more indirectly and have no voice to be heard in grand senate halls or at the command staff meetings. We know the means to contact each other and we know that we can rely on each other and trust that all of us will serve in one function or the other. Call and willing brethren will gather to back you up, but do not judge one task less meaningful than the other, it is not our way to measure lives against each other."

He paused a moment and looked around, his clear and bright eye moving at the gathered brethren.

"There is nothing to decide here and now today. If we, every each one of us, follows the path which is laid in front of her or him from his heart, from the guidance of the Force, be it action on the battlefield or elsewhere, as long as we do not move away from our Code and goal to serve the Light, to serve stability, peace and harmony, there is no crisis. As long as one of us is striving to uphold these, the Jedi live. Like they have always done.

The Force guides us, brothers and sisters, we should trust in it, as we have always done."

Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , Jem Fossk Jem Fossk , Traden Avarice Traden Avarice , Keiran Varn Keiran Varn , Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec , Zaka Zaka , Iris Arani Iris Arani , Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
Jem gave a subdued look up her master, his even tone helping to buffer her from another outburst.

We operate from logic, not emotion.

She could see how much he was trying to show her that now. She took in another deep breath, the energy of the nexus sinking deeper into her. She looked to Zaka Zaka , then Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec , two members whom she had been watching for months-- and trying to emulate for longer.

"Why would you would put us back in the senates hands? The Maw is controlling them and nothing has been done about it. You'll get us killed all over again."

There, that wasn't so hard. Inside voice.
So many people, so much to react to, so very little time to butt in.

To Iris she merely shook her head. "Yes, and no. Military strategy is a good skill. But as we have seen, the Alliance is not incorruptible - that is why we need this 'refocus' to happen."

To the knight whose name she had only seen in writing, she placed her hands on her hips and gave yet another headshake. "We can decide on a lot today, Knight Dar. After all, to follow faith without expectation is delusion, wouldn't you agree?"

"And while I understand your apprehension over the senate, Jem, it is still in our best interest not to burn bridges. Look around you, take in the people and breathe in the calm. Today is about ensuring that we are prepared in case something like this happens again. But we can only do that if we keep our heads."

"Stay strong, and remember that fear is the enemy, not the people afflicted by it."


Issue #3 - Precipice

Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Traden Avarice Traden Avarice Keiran Varn Keiran Varn Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec Jem Fossk Jem Fossk Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri Soren Dar
His attention was drawn back to Dagon, and he was quick to utter, "That's not what I'm saying..." Though it did beg the question what was the difference between a military rank, and a Jedi's title. Experience? Wisdom? Was it not the same for those in the regimented lives of the military?

The Librarian spoke and -first, drew his attention to Kai's screen - and then, eloquently toed a path between both Dagon and Zaka's viewpoints. To which, he nodded along with. It was the simplest way of doing things. It was more or less the way things were now, in these apparently confusing times.

"Does being a general or a spy make us better Jedi?"

Another Jedi spoke in a similar vein to Aeris' own words, though far more verbose, and certainly more on the side of philosophy. But, Zaka agreed. Again, he'd nod before returning to the painting Jedi.

"It does not, but it allows those who are Jedi to be in a better position to act."

And then it was back to Jem.

"That's because we've been isolating ourselves from the government, when we should've been ensuring it still holds the ideals that this Order swore to protect." He included himself in that, because he had never had ties to Coruscant, or this Jedi Order. He owed his loyalties to the people. It was why he had been on Ponemah, helping to construct new homes for those the refugees lost on Jedha, before he had called Knight Kaze for help.

"Whether we trust the Senate or not, doesn't matter. Without proof that the average person can see, we can't remove someone from an official position."
"Whether we trust the Senate or not, doesn't matter. Without proof that the average person can see, we can't remove someone from an official position."

"And what do you call the attack of our temple?" Jem challenged, her voice struggling to maintain an even keel. She was young and passionate and marked by the loss of that day.

"Where's the accountability, where's the countermeasures, how do you-- how do you know it won't happen again? I'm not afraid, Master Lashiec. I just don't want to walk like a sheep to slaughter again.

"We're no good to galaxy dead."

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