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Public The Pilgrims #6: Unwholesome Pursuits signup

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows
Hi, folks. Been a while, so let me run through the Pilgrims premise one more time. This is the first proper Pilgrims thread that focuses on darksiders and those who get along with darksiders, so it's a bit of a gamble on my part, but folks seemed interested on Discord last night. Let's see how it goes.

Here's how it works this time around. I identify a weird, obscure Force tradition with skills that are basically or totally unknown to mainstream Forcers. (It's a surprise.) A bunch of us go visit and learn from them, whether they like it or not. All there is to it.

Typically we spend the first 3/4 arriving and getting to know our hosts (willing or unwilling) and/or the setting. Once that's tapered off I do a time jump of a few days and we all talk about/share what we've learned. They're feel-good low-pressure faction-agnostic community threads that add something wonky to your character's Force skillset.

(For reference, #1 took us to the 'blue banthas' of Entooine, where we learned to share memories or make them unforgettable. #2 took us to Sedri, where a divine coral colony taught us to share our Force energy with friends from far away. #3 took us to Ahto City on Manaan, where the Order of Shasa shared their signature techniques with us. #4 involved learning from a dying, ancient Mist-Weaver, a pre-Jedi Force tradition. #5 took us to learn from the Gesaril carvers, a unique crafting tradition. All of the above were light/Jedi focused.)

I plan to kick this one off in the next day or two, but folks are welcome to hop in later, even if they haven't signed up. If you're interested, let me know in this thread or in private messages.

SIGNUPS: Darth Howl Darth Howl , Spencer Varanin Spencer Varanin , Donne Toulemonde Donne Toulemonde , Kal Kal , Ravenous
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Sounds pretty interesting!

This freshly-baked force user of mine, is gray-aligned (and plans to keep that way). Would that work?

He's currently a freelancer/smuggler, with no affiliation to any faction and seldom uses the Force for anything other than navigation or premonitions.
Spek Zhio Spek Zhio sorry for sounding a little Sith in that opening post, Venn's just nervous, and a grump.
Ahah! Loved it! Thanks for engaging.

I don't get offended if someone insults my character. Though, my character might!

Still, he is kind of an idiot. But a lovable idiot! Xp

You have to teach me your wizardry though. How do you place background images on the post?
I figure it's some kind of float or black magic, but I'm no good at that.

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