Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Parent's Trap

In this together.

There were many sleepless nights when Myra longed to hear Makai tell her all of these things. He was scoring bullseye with every word -- until the mention of falling back into the same cycle of being annoyed for eating chococochews and calling him an idiot. There had been a reason for that. Any time she visited, he seemed to show more enthusiasm and a desire to eat the sugary snack than when she was with him. When a girl has to fight for the attention of the boy she loves for a portion of food, that does wonders for her self-confidence. She had already been battling the awkward, lagging growth spurt, all legs and arms than the curves of a teenager.

That childhood yearning turned bitter with jealousy when she'd see him in a sea of better bodies in his youth, just like the night when he'd first kissed her. The interruptions and inability to discuss what that meant to Makai left Myra thinking he was only using her for practice just because she was his best friend. A woman's imagination can be her greatest strength or worst enemy.

There would be a noticeable furrowing of Myra's brows as well as a purse of lips. As if she was doing her best to hold back what came to mind. Not now. The years had made the lesson clear -- if she didn't filter her words, things would only escalate or worsen.

"Dinner is good." she acquiesced, fingers twitching within the warmth of his grasp. A curl would tighten the grip for a moment. As if she did not want to let go.

"I hope you still like lobster." as an afterthought, having to change the menu for him once she became aware of his substitution for his father.

Heading towards the door, Myra did her best to steady her breathing. Cautious, she decided then to see just what this outcome would provide. What would Makai do? She spent years chasing after him. This time around, she would wait. That way, at the very least, she couldn't get all her hopes up so quickly.

After three days, what would he do? That was the question that percolated with worry within Myra's heart.
Too fast, too soon Makai. Slow it down.

Swing and miss on the chocochew humor, clearly a sore spot that wasn't going away anytime soon. It was a good thing he had stopped eating the chewy candy years ago, otherwise the daggers in her eyes would turn into quite real ones. The idiot part? Well, he still was one and knew damned well no way Ellie was going to refute the fact on that front.

"Of course. Lobster, crabs, scallops, mussels....anything lower than a half-Galan on the food chain. You didn't have to go to any trouble for me though, the Judah Dashiell special would have been just fine. Let me guess, nerfsteak?"

Opening the door, a metallic hand was getting to rapt on the door once again. The protocol droid immediately straightened, as if he had been listening to their conversation this entire time.

[ Mister Dashiell, Mistress Arceneau. ] Photoreceptors looked at the pair, head tilting down at their entwined hands before looking between them both. [ Is now an acceptable time for dinner? ]

"It is. Thanks for holding the first time L3, I appreciate it."

[ Of course Mister Dashiell. Right this way. ]

Makai squeezed her hand, clearly amused by the fact they had clearly caught the droid listening in. Anyone else would have thought the droid was ensuring his mistress was under no distress, say a dangerous situation. Makai knew better that the droid was listening to see if the long speech in the bathroom had worked. An idle thought in the back of his mind wondered if the droid was a double agent, reporting his findings back to Myra's parents. He wouldn't be surprised, they were protective of her. He didn't blame them, he planned on being just as protective with his daughters.

Myra Elspeth Arceneau Myra Elspeth Arceneau
Myra may not have had to change the menu, but it was a factor she had to ensure was remedied. Danger had drilled into time and again that a hostess should always cater to the guest's likes and dislikes. In this instance, she had to pull what she could recall what those were with Makai and hope for the best. Doing anything different would have been a mark against her in the follow-up report to Danger.

"Along with his usual," Myra admitted, the tips of her ears red. Seeing L3 there without any shame whatsoever prompted a scowl from Myra. The look directed to the protocol droid indicated that there would be some serious explaining to do later.

As it was, Makai fulfilled his role as an escort towards the dining room table with impeccable manners. A nagging thought of how many times he'd likely done the same for another rose, only for her to squash it. Stop it, she told herself.

The problem with comparing one experience with another was that the unknown could be painted in so many worse ways. He was the heir to Salacia. Much like Myra, he also had to step into the role of socializing with others. He'd mention having to turn to the vice of alcohol. So had she. Was it reasonable to hold that against him?

The path to the dining room wasn't long. They passed a hallway with floor-to-ceiling windows, past the atrium, and then, finally, through a panel of double doors that led into an open area. It was filled with verdant plants and flowers along the walls, with a fantastic view of the setting sun across the expansive line of windows to the right. The table was moderate in size, allowing ample room for both of them to sit while ensuring a suitable distance to discuss any topic of conversation.

"How is your father doing?" she asked, L3 moving into position to gesture towards the seats [ Please right this way.]
"I would guess you talk to my father more than I do."

He stood behind her chair, waiting for her to sit.While Makai didn't have to go as far as being sent away for formal training, there had been lessons from various people in the company on how to act and exactly how to compose himself. While Myra had a sheltered youth, Makai had hit the skies with his father and tagged along for much of the early portion of the business. He had learned much of the formality on the fly at an early age, after all, if a nine year old was at a Gala they had better acted like the composed child one expected in these circles.

Once she was seated properly, Makai settled into his place opposite of her.

"I don't mean that as a slight. Before I came here, I had not spoke to a sentient being since for nearly three weeks. He's got me in some weird portions of the galaxy for long portions at a time. Communication can be rough and I'm trying to keep my head down since I'm not exactly standing on solid ice at the moment."

Little did Makai know that his father was testing him and he was failing miserably. Makai had been doing the same job before he even left for univeristy. Judah had wanted to see if his son would step up to the plate and challenge him or even merely ask for a re-assignment. Having heard no complaints, Judah was patient and was waiting to see how the situation played out and if his son wised up and caught on to what the Salacia owner was doing.

"Does he to you? I can't explain it."
Makai wasn’t wrong. With Myra making her rounds more often shadowing Companions or Danger to any of the galas or events by Arceneau Trade or it’s subsidiaries, she’d met with Judah more often than naught. It only increased when her mother would have scheduled lunches when she could with the Salacia Executive.

Although truth be told, it was nice to be able to chat with him outside of her mother’s presence. He gave her honest feedback in a manner her mother and father didn’t. It just hits different to hear it when it isn’t a family member.

Granted, she had also used it as a way to catch up on what Makai was up to. Even if the end result turned into a depressed state for three days after, a pint of Giju food icecream and binge watching trashy romance holoseries.

They sat, and a slight flutter of joy rose at Makai’s continued attention. When he turned to explain how busy Judah had him in remote locations, her expression turned one into concern and confusion. That didn’t make sense.

“They why not ask for a different assignment. Surveying remote sections of the galaxy for long periods of time isn’t the sort of work you should be doing.” That’s a regional manger’s work. Even Myra noticed that.

“Why do you have to be the one out there?” A valid question.

Around them, a service droid would enter, and instead of legs it would have a rolling ball to allow ease movements. It had four arms, each holding up a steaming tray with the first appetizers of the evening.

L3 followed up behind, holding up an even smaller tray with more whiskey and a clean glass.

[ Would you like another glass, Mister Dashiell?]
Between the two of them, Ellie had always been the smart one, the one who placed the pieces together. It seemed that was no different now. Makai watched her face go through a range of confusion as he spoke, it got worse as he continued his tale of travel. There was a suggestion of asking for a different assignment. He had considered the idea but it had been brief in nature.

"I did it because he asked me to. Why would Dad assign me somewhere I would be stifled in?"

A weak answer, even as he said it out loud it didn't make much in the way of sense. The job was something advanced technicians could do ; survey, take samples, draw up reports for the managers to look at and make decisions. At first Makai had thought his father had sent him out to the do the work because of his chosen fields of study in university. Ellie was making it clear that was far from the case.

"No thank you, L3. I've reached my limit for the day."

He sat back in the chair as he ignored the appetizer in front of him. Mind was clearly starting to churn with the events that had transpired since graduating. Makai was coming to the conclusion he was being punished or tested. Considering his father had been exceedingly proud of his accomplishments at Reena University, it could only be concluded it was a test.

"So, I've failed some sort of elaborate test my father has devised. Talk about a punch to the ego."

Makai shook his head before looking across the table at her.

"I will ask for a different assignment but before I do, would you like me closer to Chandrila? Or do you prefer to see me every few weeks or so? If I'm negotiating for a new work assignment I might as well fit in my other demands."
Seeing Makai connect the navpoints in his mind brought an upward curve to the corner of Myras’s lips. This she was familiar with. Observing the way his brow would furrow when in deep thought, or the way the thick fringe of his dark lashes would frame those ice blue eyes that her momma had been right about - you can sink right into them.

Ever since she was a little girl, Myra’s time had been spent observing Makai. At first it was because she hadn’t talked at all. He’d done all the talking between them, excited and full of energy, full on conversations and explanations on what was what— a pretty shell, a shiny rock, his favorite snack.

As he grew and Myra found her voice after several bouts of ongoing therapy, she noticed multiple facets of him. His deep affection for his father. The large gaping hole his mothers departure left. The way he held her hand in the hospital treatment after treatment, doctors unable to find a cure for the terminal disease that had threatened to end her young life before she had a chance to bloom.

How sentiments of affection blended with a overwhelming sense of fear of losing him and turned to jealousy. Hormones swinging her emotions to the extremes like a pendulum, one moment loving the way she could feel him breathe and in the other utterly frustrated at his seeming indifference.

"So, I've failed some sort of elaborate test my father has devised. Talk about a punch to the ego."

Indifference that was completely absent now. His sole focus was on her.

"I will ask for a different assignment but before I do, would you like me closer to Chandrila? Or do you prefer to see me every few weeks or so? If I'm negotiating for a new work assignment I might as well fit in my other demands."

Being the recipient of his full attention was like being under the warmth of the sun after a thunderstorm. She equally blossomed under his regard and queries in diffidence as much as faltered with the real attempt to try and schedule being closer to her.

It was a lot to take in.

“What would you like?” Myra answered with a question. She knew her answer in her heart; the desire to see him often had been firmly rooted there. But this wasn’t about what she wanted when it came to finding out if Makai was really serious. Her mind played tricks to make it seem as if per chance… this might be fleeting. It would take a long while to get her out of that headspace and be secure in Makai’s affection.

The biggest concern was always what was going on in Makai’s mind. What he wanted. And if it was the same as her.
While not the sharpest, Makai was beginning to pick up on a few things. One of which being his father wasn't the only one testing him right now. It was fair ; he realized her heart was on the line and she needed to trust him. That trust would have to be re-earned once more.

"Every day, but this is not practical for either one of us at the moment."

Work still had to be done,their parents would only be so flexible to accommodate them, if at all. Additionally, Makai had zero idea of her free time. Did she even have any? Was Ellie taking up some type of recreational activity that required classes or practice every week?

"I was thinking twice a week, with any luck on back to back days. Not to mention, if you allow it, escorting you to social events, so some weeks we see each other a little more."

His father typically had been the one to attend various social gatherings as of late, probably because of the test he was miserably failing. Makai was certain he could take over many of the appearances for his father, especially any event closer to the Core.

Makai watched her features carefully, looking for any hints he was on the right track with his thinking.

Hopefully he was. They had a lot of ground to make up in terms of their relationship and he knew already to was going to take a great deal of patience and action on his part to secure her heart.

Myra Elspeth Arceneau Myra Elspeth Arceneau

Myra gave a slow blink, her fingers curling around the silver stem of her fork. Was he being—

The pessimistic thought came to halt as soon as Myra saw the determined, and serious expression in his eyes. Give a man an inch and he would take a mile. Makai fully recognized that he had to strike while the iron was hot; preventing Myra from talking herself out of giving this a real try.

Logic and reason tempered the wish, and he then proposed a schedule more in line to what could be worked with.

“Oh.” Would it be silly to consider the thought of dressing up for Makai? For him to be her escort? The events were so exhausting and full of fake smiles and overly kind guests. All threading the thin line of ensuring they flattered the heiress to Arceneau Kuhn while ensuring no insult. No one dared talk to her other than cordial conversation. She hasn’t even been asked on a date. Truth be told, what made her an excellent match was the exactly reason most didn’t dare to try. No one wanted to tempt the wrath of Danger Arceneau.

“That… would be nice,” she answered, ears pink again, fingers knuckle white along the stem of her cutlery. Don’t get over excited.

Truth be told, she wasn’t even sure of how her — all of a sudden, L3 interjected, drawing both of their attention.

[ If you would permit me access to your calendar, Mister Dashiell, I can ensure compatibility with that of Miss Arceneau.] there he was again. Stepping in.
Makai watched her ears tinge pink as she answered his question, the death grip on the cutlery. As he dove deeper into this endeavor the more he could see some of the old habits emerge, the more he was beginning to pick up on her body language. If he had to put his finger on it, she was oscillating between second guessing herself and still not believing a word coming out his mouth. Makai was going to continue to press his advantage, continue to show he wasn't going anywhere.

L3 interrupted his next thought and he offered a silent thanks. Some part of the universe was trying to help him.

"I could grant that L3, it seems like the easiest option for the both of us. If you could come to my suite after Mistress Arceneau retires for the evening, I believe we have a few things to discuss."

[ Of course Sir. ]

Eyes met hers again, as if daring her to admonish the droid like she wanted to back in the study. In his eyes, L3 was merely being helpful. Makai was also thankful the protocol droid was listening in ; he didn't want Ellie to get cold feet and refuse to set a time for them to see each other once more. Granted, it wouldn't stop him but having L3 at his back made it easier.

"How are your parents? I saw Miss Arceneau not too far back, she seems well."

Makai was close to the Trade Queen, she had practically been a part-time mother to him. Before Ellie had come along in Danger's life he had been quite the fixture, staying over for periods of time while his father was trying to set up a fledgling Salacia Consolidated. As he grew older, their bond had only deepened, turning to the woman for advice and expressing concerns he couldn't easily voice to his father.
Myra had to close the slack in her jaw at the swiftness L3, and Makai settled that account. If she had any thought of protest, it was quickly quelled by the younger Dashiell’s query regarding her mother.

“Oh..” there was a clink of glass as server droids poured ice water into delicate glasses.

It was expected for her to follow the flow of conversation, but Myra had not mastered the craft of steering the conversation in her favor.

“Well.” She nodded after a server droid asked if she wanted a glass of wine. She felt like she needed the extra liquid strength.

She’s working on streamlining administration -- I am taking over some aspects of the business. MaraTibx, for example." Myra explained, referencing the minerals, ore, fuels, alternative green energy, and terraforming section of the company under the umbrella of Arceneau Trade. That this was selected for Myra had been of no consequence-- Danger made the assignment after colluding with Judah on the method of ensuring that Makai and Myra would have to see and deal with each other.

Once again, this is another reason why Danger Arceneau is so successful at what she does. Whether or not this turned out for the better or worse, the end result would be the same. Either their kids would reconcile and figure out their differences, or it would turn to heartbreak. Either of those options worked for Danger. She knew well what love or hate could be used to fuel ambition or carve a path onward. Either way, it would be progress from the rut Myra was in.

"Which is why I am to oversee negotiations with Salacia..." In this case, she had assumed with Judah.
"Which is why I am to oversee negotiations with Salacia..."

Just when he thought was safe to take a bite of food, Ellie went ahead and dropped that revelation. There was a great deal of coughing into a napkin and his face turned bright red. L3 seemed to move into action to perform first aid and Makai waved the droid away.

"I'm okay" squeaky voice and watery eyes said otherwise.

It was clear to him his father never intended for the meeting with Salacia and Arceneau Trade to be with himself and Danger Arceneau. The entire point of tossing the two together had been two fold : would the two overcome any issues and get the work done or would disaster strike and Makai prove to his father he wasn't ready for the next step, that he couldn't even negotiate a machinery contract.

In other words, like so many, Makai had underestimated his father's intelligence and business acumen. It was clear the man had been plotting with Danger Arceneau for some time. He had wondered what went on in their monthly get togethers, apparently it was everything from banal chatter to plotting to force him to act on feelings for Ellie.

"So this is why Dad is suddenly interested in starting gas mining and energy work again?"

Finally able to breathe, he didn't dare take another bite of food.

"In other words, no matter how our reconciliation went, our parents were going to force us to work together."

Makai paused.

"On the positive side, this might make things a little easier... "

Myra Elspeth Arceneau Myra Elspeth Arceneau
Myra wasn’t sure to believe Makai if he was okay from that coughing fit. At least until the color returned to his skin and breathing fine.

"So this is why Dad is suddenly interested in starting gas mining and energy work again?"

Hearing Makai mention it aloud only brought to the fore the holocall conversation Myra had with her mother an hour ago.

"In other words, no matter how our reconciliation went, our parents were going to force us to work together."

With an affirmative nod, Myra brought her glass of wine up to take a sip. It was sweet, jammy, reminded her of blackberries in the summer and black currents in the cusp of fall.

“Well, heard it from momma myself when I called her earlier to figure out what was going on…” that was a confirmation that Myra had not expected Makai to replace Judah in this discussion.

“In explicit terms, she said I am responsible for all contracts between both companies and any future endeavors…” no if’s, buts, or excuses allowed.

Dropping her gaze onto her steak, she licked her lips.

“So however this turned out, we’d be meeting more often.”

Myra had the desire and ambition to do a good job. That’s why she showed up to that atrium attempting to put her best foot forward. Leave it to Makai to throw her off course and struggling to reconcile her place.

“…do you want to?” She began, curious, lifting her head up to study his reaction.

“Take over Salacia?” They never really go into that. Myra was curious. It was one thing if they were going to try dating a try— another if they also had to work together in business. A lot of what Myra’s future depended on ensuring a course that would allow her to take over the Arceneau Kuhn companies.
Water was his best friend now as he still was recovering from his own mild shock at his fathers masterful plotting of his life. Shoulders relaxed as Ellie outlined a call she had made with her mother - apparently more than shocked that he had showed. They both had been but Makai knew calling his father would result in no sympathy at the time.

Sitting across from her, his demeanor was finally starting to relax. Conversation was picking up and some of the tension was starting to abate. Granted, he was still nervous, as if she would change her mind, but dinner felt more as if he was having it with his friend rather than a mere obligation. It felt comforting to be back on track, never mind the track was rickety and shaky at this point.

“…do you want to?” She began, curious, lifting her head up to study his reaction.

“Take over Salacia?” They never really go into that. Myra was curious. It was one thing if they were going to try dating a try— another if they also had to work together in business. A lot of what Myra’s future depended on ensuring a course that would allow her to take over the Arceneau Kuhn companies.

"Yes, of course I do. However..."

Makai paused for a long moment. He debated on telling her. There weren't many people he could express his concerns to, that would understand the obligations of being the heir in such a position. Most would consider it blessed. Makai was painfully aware of his position and the incredible fortune bestowed onto him. Maybe that made the situation more difficult.

"....What if I fail? I come from a long line of men who just did. Dad started the company after the military just after he was married, after I was born.No fear, just he was going to make his way with basically nothing.He had an entire family to take care of and even after my parents....weren't together....he was just so focused. Even now, its like nothing stops him. Heck, even Grandpa Kai and my uncles survived being enslaved and came out the other side picking up the fishing business like nothing even happened."

"But me? I have one inconvenience " Makai knew Ellie would know he was referencing his mother. "....and I crumple like a cheap can. I'm fine now, I've had a lot of time and therapy, but the point stands what happens when other things stand in my way. Will I rise up to the challenge? Give up? Figure it out? There will be a point in taking over the company I won't have time for therapy or advice or second chances."

Makai went real quiet, looking at her again, realizing he was rambling like he used to.

"I'm terrified of failing Ellie."

Myra Elspeth Arceneau Myra Elspeth Arceneau
There was a widening of Myra’s eyes at hearing Makai’s confession. He’d never been this forthright with her before. Sure, they had the significant era of stubborn, melancholic silence, mainly on Myra’s end, but the time she referenced was before that when they were in their teens and kids.

When Myra met Makai, he would talk nonstop. Whatever he thought up, he’d spill forward like a waterfall. There is no filter, just a mighty fine desire to fill the silence. Because silence was terrible, silence was lonely. Silence let one hear the muffled fights and the ache of abandonment. Silence was the monster in the fathoms of the sea that had to be kept at bay.

When he grew older, Makai’s affinity to converse those thoughts aloud directly correlated to just how much Myra would put out. It was like a seesaw— Myra would be keen to talk more to Makai in an effort to impress, imprint, and take as much time and attention as she could, only to become frustrated and angry when the oblivious teen wouldn’t understand why she was upset. He’d shut down then, blank out, prone to not registering what Myra had done told him. That only exasperated the situation.

A close confide like this? So soon after, he’d put himself out there to say he wanted to be by her side and loved her. He’d never been this clear before. This vulnerable.

It was startling.

A testimony to the maturing of the younger Dashiell.

Why did that color her so pink? It was a startling, attractive quality.

Putting her mind on the seriousness of Makai’s confession regarding his doubt about his success and stepping into the shoes of his father, Myra gave a nod of acknowledgment. His feelings were valid. If he had such self-confidence issues regarding his place and running the family boundless, no one else knew just how big those shoes felt than Myra herself.

She was the adopted daughter. Not even blood-related. Yet she was to take on the conglomerate legacy of her adopted parents combined.

How could she fill the Trade Queen's shoes?

“You take it one day at a time,” she finally said, the clinking of glass and silverware sounding as she set down her knife and fork.

A hand brought a white napkin up to press to her lips.

“You won’t ever be your daddy. Or your grandpa. Just you. I often have to tell myself that many times. “ she brought the napkin down, her fingers knuckle white as she crunched the fabric in her grip. “I’m not my momma’s blood. Often strikes me that I’m a fraud in all this. How could I be as great as her if I am not one of her own?”

A pause and the fringe of long brown lashes went up to study Makai. Her expression was equally as vulnerable. As were her self-doubts and fears when it came to this.

“Took me a while, but Saffron helped me see what it all amounted to. “ years with the Companion allowed Myra along with therapy, to see where she needed to be in her mind space when she decided to step into this role fully.

“It’s a choice Makai. To take a step forward and do what needs to be done or not. That’s the end result in the end. Fight or give up.”

A striking similarity to the same decision Makai had made when he locked that door. Perhaps he could finally see that he wasn’t much different from his father at all.

When it came to things Judah truly cared about, he did what had to be done. He kept his head up. Be it for better or worse. For it was better to feel pain, than nothing at all. The opposite of love’s indifference.

It was a stubborn love.
“I’m not my momma’s blood. Often strikes me that I’m a fraud in all this. How could I be as great as her if I am not one of her own?”

"You know you're the sun your Ma orbits around."

He had seen the Trade Queen fret and dote over Ellie from the moment they had set foot on Dac. It hadn't stopped since. He himself had even experienced a bit of motherly love from Danger, the woman tucking him under her wing like a mother hen. Once the redhead decided you were part of that small circle that got to see the real woman, there was no escape, not that one would ever want to.

Yet he knew full well it didn't stop the doubts, the worry. Makai never knew how Ellie had come to be in the care of the Arceneau-Kuhn family. His father had placed a firm hand on his shoulder and laid out in his most serious of tones a parent could have that he not ask a single thing about Ellie's origin nor why she was mute. At the time, as an excited kid, Makai was merely eager to get back to his newfound friend. When he got older, he realized the circumstances were most likely a horrible truth.

There has never been a reason to ask since they met. Didn't matter. Ellie was an Arceneau and that was settled.

"You're not a fraud. Do you think your parents would be doing all this if that was the case? Not at all. You're their daughter." Makai paused. "It's like you said, you can only be Myra Arceneau. I think that's more than enough."

He flashed her a smile.

"No. No giving up no matter how daunting. I think I tried that first, before I could even get started."

Much of his own doubts were reflected in Ellie. While he didn't want her to be in misery, it was a reassuring experience to have her echo much of his own thoughts. Makai considered her to be confident in her decisions, laser focused. Ellie had learned to put up a veneer, whether by training or mere self-preservation. Even when they were younger many of her thoughts were an enigma to him. Cracking the shell, letting him see behind the veil, all spoke to a choice. It was a privilege to see the vulnerable and self-doubting part of her, one he didn't take for granted.

Myra Elspeth Arceneau Myra Elspeth Arceneau
"It's like you said, you can only be Myra Arceneau. I think that's more than enough."

How could such words make her feel as if she were a sunflower blooming under the warmth of the sun?

It was uncanny how Makai’s words and actions could affect her so. It was starting to become clear why her mother said Myra would have to find her bearings and do what needed to be done. If she couldn’t rein in her emotions or learn how to have a proper conversation without her heart going a twitter, she’ll never be able to focus.

“Thank you,” she replied, picking her silverware back up. The serving droids would come up, asking if they’d like anything else. A platter of fresh baked rolls were set next to Makai along with sea salted butter.

“…Then will your cousins be helping you? Or are you going to handle it by yourself?” Myra had two stepsisters, Rose and Lily, Alric’s twin daughters from his first marriage. They were at least 15 years her senior, one was a force user with a business while the other preferred exploring the Unknown Regions.
"Oh,no. I don't think Dad would even let them anywhere near a salvage site, let alone the company. Not sure where they are anyhow."

Makais cousins were older than himself by at least ten years. He hadn't seen the pair since he was an early teen. Last he knew they were a bit of wanderers, floating from place to place. Perhaps his cousins had settled down or made a life for themselves but he had zero clue.

"All on me until our kids are old enough to pick up a piece of salvage or go into the ore mines."

Amusement colored his features at his words, an impish grin on his face. He was only partially teasing. If he could get on the straight and narrow with Ellie that future was far away but a potential possibility.

He buttered a roll, deciding to continue with the current topic.

"What about you? Obviously you're the only Arceneau heiress but what of your stepsisters?I'm sure your father has one of them taking at least part of the reigns at Vanir Technology?"

Myra Elspeth Arceneau Myra Elspeth Arceneau
Now, it was Myra's turn to choke on her water. Of all the embarrassing reactions one could have, this one took the cake. There is nothing regal or refined when water goes spraying from the mouth, the action of breathing becomes a pain, and blood floods one's face into a mottled crimson mess.

Our what?!

L3 was immediately by her side, offering assistance and a napkin, [ Miss Arceneau, are you alright? Do you require another glass of water? ]

A wave of her left hand relayed her denial for the water while her right immediately took the fine napkin and covered her mouth with it. She coughed a few more times, eyes watering, until she finally managed to get her lungs and throat into sync.

"What?!" she finally croaked out before she could reign in the question. Immediately realizing her error, she did her best to make it seem as if that was in reference to the status of her sisters and Vanir.

"I... am not sure. It is up to Lily or Rose if they want to take the helm." did that work? Hopefully it did. It should have.


Makai knew quite well she had heard him. Did he regret anything? Not at all. Was he going to pretend to be an innocent party in all of this? Naturally.

Grin still plastered across his face, he was doing his best not to laugh as she swiftly recovered.

However, being older he knew not to push this any further. No way was he going to draw her ire and be on the bad side of Myra Elspeth Arceneau. Especially since he seemed to be doing half-way decent ; hadn't even been called an idiot yet. The night was still young though.

"Ah well, I'm sure your father has it figured out."

Carefully he decided it was best for himself to steer the conversation elsewhere. He could really care less about her stepsisters, Makai was more interested in what she had been doing.

"You still surf? Or no longer?"

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