Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Parent's Trap

Makai’s disclosure brought Myra back to the room. Lying, pressed to his side as he sat up against the headboard, the brunette studied his profile. It looked different from this angle. His face was slightly scruffy and unshaven—a side of him Myra hadn’t seen before.

Then Makai bared his soul, providing context, letting Myra fully into the demons of his past and how they’d colored his decisions and interactions with her. His regret, his understanding of it now, that he couldn’t change the past, but that through it all, Myra had been his candle in the dark. One whose loving light could never be forgotten — and Myra felt her heart breaking.

Makai…” Myra began, voice unsteady, thick with emotion. “I never knew…” her voice broke, seeing the emotion play out over his face, struggling to keep his bearing yet unable to hide how his voice had become low and weighty in the room. By now, she’d shifted back to a sitting position, body turned towards him, holding her weight in place with one palm on the bed, arm extended. Her hair was a soft, wavy mess that fell over her shoulders, but her eyes, those lovely storm cloud hues, melted into liquid pools of silver with the shimmer of unfallen tears.

There were always half-mutterings and angry, displeased commentary from her mama regarding Makai’s ma, but there never seemed to be a good context regarding it other than that she had left. Hearing from Makai the truth of the matter, from his perspective, was utterly heartbreaking. To be left behind crying by one’s mother, yelled at to stay back or be grounded, then leaving without another word? How could anyone do that?

Realization hit her. Why her mama had been so displeased with Judah’s wife, and now, more so, why Makai would clam up or blank out. Myra had thought that had resulted from Makai choosing to ignore or not care about what she’d been trying to tell him, upset and confused at his words that he’d never kiss her again. Now, it made sense. So much sense why he’d asked her that first time sailing after that fight with an almost desperate expression that he’d take her hits and punches if she was angry, but please do not yell.

Makai took one of Myra’s hands, fingers interlocking, sealing tight. There was reassurance in that connection. A steadying moor in the sea of blankets they sat upon. The dark locks of his hair fell over his temple, once again that beloved face turning to gaze upon her with the soft expression of reverence and deep affection.

The intense desire to hold him overtook her, and Myra adjusted her position, pulling her hand from his grasp only to reach out with both arms for him. Myra pulled his head to her heart and folded her arms over him. As she stroked his hair and held him tight, she now knew why their fights had struck a chord at the heart of his pain. What tormented Makai went further than the abandonment by his mother years ago. What haunted him was fear, however insanely misplaced.

It only made Myra consider her own fears. Swallowing hard, Myra found herself breathing hard, emotion overtaking her.

I’m sorreh. I never knew. I didn’t know. I’m so sorreh,” her voice was a thick, honeyed twang, words falling like a waterfall with no dam to hold it back.

“I-I thought I drove you away. That you left because of me and my stupid yellin’ and that you were tired with my obnoxious, bossy, over-dramatics. That you got fed up with me, and that’s why…”

She paused, unable to continue because just thinking about the past five years hurt. It hurt so bad. It had been terribly lonely, and she’d been so utterly lost without him. Unable to work up the courage to answer the comm messages he sent or to even see him in person. How could she? After everything she did and how she’d acted?

Who would blame him for not wanting to see her as a romantic partner, let alone as a best friend? How could she stand before him knowing that shame without trying her best to be the most perfect version of herself first?
Makai listened to her heartbeat,the gentle thrum of her voice as she apologized. He could hear the emotion behind her words, thick and on the edge of crying. Fingers brushed lightly through his hair, as if trying to ease the hurt.

“Nothing to apologize for. You didn't do anything wrong, you didn't know because I didn't want you to know. It was embarrassing.”

He knew better now. Knew that exposing his fears and concerns to her wouldn't drive her away. That it wouldn't make Ellie see him in some pathetic light. Burdens to shoulder weren't his alone anymore.

“You didn't drive me away. I love obnoxious, bossy,over dramatic Ellie. In fact, I miss getting bossed around by her. Maybe she'll make a return.”

Makai pulled back from her embrace, wanting to see those liquid smoke eyes on him once again. Yet he didn't go far, remaining pressed against her side.

“As for the yelling… while it's not my favorite thing in the world, I can stand it. A lot of work over the years. Face it, people argue and it's going to happen. We are not immune.”

Since he was already vulnerable and baring his deepest thoughts and fears, Makai carefully broached the next topic.

“I am very determined not to turn out like my parents.”

Hand slipped around her shoulders, fingertips gently dancing on her upper arm as he spoke, much like when he had his arm around her on the yacht. He was in clear deep thought mode.

“They had an interesting courtship…uh, I guess Mas old fiancé left and Dad kinda swooped in. Sounded kinda whirlwind. Then they got married and basically no time later, pregnant with me.”

“I don't think they ever discussed marriage or kids or what their future held. Had a concrete plan or a real solid foundation. So when that happens, I think of a relationship in terms of a building. Stress fractures start and just build and build until it's collapsed.”

“I know this is a simplistic view but I feel strongly if they had just slowed down, maybe things would be slightly different. Who knows?”

He turned to face her better.

“For us, I want a long courtship. We're young. At least three to four years before I propose. Two year engagement. I wouldn't want to have children until we're out of the newlywed phase, at least a couple years in.”

Fingers stopped tapping to squeeze her shoulder gently.

“We have to navigate us first. Figure out the Trade Heiress and wannabe mining titan thing we have going on. I sat up last night thinking…”

Makai had watched the graviball game and done quite of bit of research on his comm while she had peacefully slept next to him. He had always considered himself an idiot until realizing he was just a goal oriented person and just had to pivot and obsess over those goals. Embrace it.

“....we should consider moving in together. Maybe somewhere like Borealis or Chandrila. Build a home of our own.”

“It's clear we desperately need the privacy and space to be our authentic selves. We also need time alone together, even looking at our schedule with L3 it's severely limited more than I would like.”

“Think about it. We both can work from home more, send L3 as our proxy if it's not important. I can wear my hoochie daddy shorts around the house, work on my ocean farming idea in my spare time. It would be nice coming home to one another, to wake up to you every morning.”

“I think it would be good for us. A place to build on a rock solid foundation.”
Biting her lower lip, Myra wasn't sure where to begin. She opened her mouth to talk only to close it. Pulling away to sit comfortably on the bed, needing some space to think, Myra began with, "Sorreh, just... give me a moment."

It had been a lot. So much to process. Lots of emotions.

Myra had given an anxious, nervous chuckle at his admission that he loved the obnoxious, bossy, overdramatic Ellie. Truthfully, it was hard to imagine that she hadn't done anything wrong. She had convinced herself so for many years.

Yet, hearing Makai reinforce that she didn't drive him away, that it wasn't her fault at all, and that he wanted her exactly as she was, gave her a wave of overwhelming relief and joy. Myra hadn't realized until then how much she needed to hear that. There he was again, shining a light on her deepest worries and anxieties. Still, instead of making her feel exposed, he only reinforced the security and comfort in his presence, the warmth of his fingers sailing over her shoulders. It permeated the fabric of the button-up, following up with a gentle squeeze of thoughtful solace.

It was clear that Makai had meant every word he'd told her back on Maramere. He envisioned a life where they could build a solid foundation, nurturing their relationship before diving into the whirlwind of marriage and family. To avoid making the same mistakes his parents did in their rush to be together. He wanted better than that. He didn't merely profess his love; he painted a vision-- a deliberate, unhurried path toward their shared future.

While he proposed finding a sanctuary, a haven where they could unwind, share their dreams, and simply be themselves, away from the relentless pace of their careers, Myra wasn't sure if she was ready for that. On the one hand, his proposal for a lengthy courtship resonated deeply with her, promising a relationship fortified against the storms of life. On the other hand, she was still processing Makai wanting to be with her. Perhaps, Myra was still working through the doubts that Makai just might change his mind.

"I...I'm not sure. " She finally spoke, her voice unsteady and tentative. "I.. mean, we barely tried to have a first date, and things just..." Her right hand came up, gesturing as if to say things didn't go how she'd imagined.

"I don't even remember anything from last night. " Myra gave a short self-deprecating laugh, nerves causing her to bring both hands up to tuck the wayward strands of mahogany behind her pert ears.

"And..." her dark head fell, dipping forward to look at her perfectly manicured nails, fiddling with them in uncertainty. Soft, dark strands gently cascaded forward to veil the side of her face.

"Isn't that moving fast as well?" How was that different from marrying out of the blue? Oh as much as she dreamed of such a thing, if Makai wanted to build a firm foundation first, how was moving in together different from getting married?

"I mean... What difference does moving in together make from getting married -- other than the prenup?" Wide eyes the color of slate went up to latch on the azure ones that wouldn't waver from her own. Myra had studied under Danger and Saffron for so long to not be smart enough to pick up on that.

"What are the differences then, Makai?" she truly wanted him to explain why he thought that would be the best move. Besides getting blue milk without buying the bantha. It seemed a way to walk away without the same commitment if it didn’t work out. It wasn’t to say that Myra didn’t relish the desire to wake up beside Makai, to spend as much time with him again as they had back at the farm. To be able to kiss him whenever she wanted, to find comfort in his embrace and breathe his scent so deep it permeated her to the bones.

But if living together, the way he wanted, wasn’t a marriage already… then what would be the difference? Wouldn’t that be moving just as fast as well?
“Oh, uhh…”

Hand dropped from her shoulders, feeling like an idiot for not quite thinking things through on a more practical level. Cheeks flushed red in mild embarrassment that he hadn't quite thought out the entire list of pros and cons before his proposal.

He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. There was nothing to refute besides the fact his parents didn't live together before marriage. Not exactly a strong argument one should be making.

“You're right.”

In his mind, he the leap was just natural. They had spent so much time together on the Farm that he felt they had already lived together, just in separate rooms. They had eaten breakfast together for years, and saw each other first thing.

For him, it felt like a perfectly natural continuation.

Makai could see that now, with different feelings involved, it probably wasn't wise.

“I apologize. I’m just in this state of bliss and it might have bled into some of my ideas.”

The contentment didn't merely stem from their time in the shower. It had been all the little things for him as well ; the way she tucked against him while he stayed up late, her fingers curling into his shirt as he settled down, waking up wrapped in her. It was selfish of him to say he didn't want it to end without taking into account the practical.

He knew for sure the feeling wasn't going away anytime soon. He'd have to learn to think such proposals through in the future, to navigate and have a clear head.

“How about a middle ground? I'd like your help and input with design, because I value your opinion and I want you to feel comfortable there regardless. Also, maybe at least consider keeping a change of clothes and a toothbrush on hand just in case.”

“You don't have to give me an answer today. Just promise you'll think about it.”

Makai stifled a yawn and slid back under the blanket, head coming to rest on the pillow, laying on his side to face her. He'd have to motivate in a few moments but wanted to relish this time together in the same breath.
So I had him there. The musing didn’t come with a sense of pride at all with her point or being right. Hearing him work through that, watching the cute bashfulness rush over his face, allowed Myra to take the time to regulate her own emotions. If anything, Myra may have been a bit disappointed that Makai couldn’t come up with reasoning to counter it. Not because she felt let down but more that jumping the scattergun to move in together would not flow with his desire to take it slow — as much as the prospect was as thrilling as a big slice of muja berry pie.

And looking at the pretty damn tempting picture of Makai’s resting on his side, undershirt molding to his broad chest, his mop of hair curling along his brow, the scent of herbal mint and his unique musk enveloping her— well, it was enough to make her seriously consider if it would be such a bad thing.

Now it was Myra’s turn to become bashful, giving a slight blush at her wandering thoughts. Highly inappropriate, Myra, she told herself, after the emotional admission by Makai, about just how much his ma leaving had on him and each other.

Fingers went curling around the thick blanket to try and curb the need to run her hands through his hair again, focusing on giving him an answer first,” I can do that.”

A pause, then added, “Think about it.” Her hand came up to tuck her hair behind her ear, accidentally bringing to focus that mottled maroon proprietary mark he’d traced his lips over last night upon its creation.

But… isn’t this your home?” Her soft, questioning voice brought attention back to Myra. Myra gave a slow sweep to look around the unfamiliar room. It was decorated in a way that immediately made her think of Makai; simple lines and natural hues made her think of driftwood and volcanic black sand. With knickknacks like a few beautiful sparkling geodes, more holo pictures, and the two-bed stand. Sparse, but she figured it was because the main focus was intended to be the view the frosted glass presently hid.

By now, the soft glow of residual sun rays across the expansive solarium glassteel windows grew, bringing more diffused light into the room. It illuminated the vast space with its soothing rosy and yellow ambiance, highlighting the shadows and dips across the fabric of the bedsheets and that white button-top, where the edges of subtle curves gave a peek-a-boo with every little shift.

Don’t you want to stay here?” She wasn’t sure how long Makai had made this his home, but the thought of moving to a whole new place, building it, selecting it with her… it brought a flush of pleasure as much as it made her wonder again if that was moving too fast. Then again, recalling those busy bodies made the smoke in her eyes turn to hard slate. Okay, maybe it would be a good idea to move.

Returning to face him, Myra caught his gaze again, watching him as he peered up at her with those icy blue eyes, head angling to the side. He swept his fingers through his hair, fluffing it out and, once again, giving it a bedhead look.

“So not fair.” She admitted with a low murmur to herself, an echo of last night.

He had no right to look that good right after waking up.
A younger, less mature version of himself would have been disappointed by her response, by the fact she wouldn't even consider at least keeping a mere change of clothing on hand. Now that they had laid so much bare and explained their positions he was content in knowing Ellie was his and his alone. There was still mild disappointment knowing there would be more time apart, but perhaps he could use distance to his advantage.

Something to consider, work out in his loub paper journal and try again.

“Dad got it for me upon graduation but I went in another direction. So it was just decorated and used sparingly until I moved in.”

Makai watched her shift, the gentle light of morning illuminating her in rose and soft pink. He thought her the most beautiful woman in the galaxy - what did she see in him again? Ellie had grown willowy with gentle curves, looking every bit of a classic heiress. Timeless. Effortless, even upon first waking.

Currently her too-large top was haphazardly buttoned and depending on her movements Makai was getting an eyeful of exposed skin.After her drunk admission, he wondered if it was her subconscious at play. Either way, it was making it hard to concentrate on the topic at hand.

“No, it's a little small for both of us. I'd have to renovate downstairs for one of both of us to have an office…plus, the neighbors are nosy. I'm thinking of a more private island. Similar to how I grew up on Dac.”

Makai made sure to subtly drop hints like both of us. Keeping her aware of his end goal of spending more time together. Nor was he going to push the issue. Slow, persistent, stubborn steps.

Eyes dropped back to her, back to those buttons taunting him. They needed to shelve the serious talk for a bit and he had the perfect solution.

Sitting back up in bed, he got on his knees in front of her, iced blue eyes kicking up an ocean of desire behind them. Confidently he reached out and undid another button, the temptation to draw this out far too great.

“I think you deserve a proper good morning.”

A gentle, teasing kiss was placed near that possessive mark. Makai fully intended on giving her another.

“First we probably need a better position.”

Breath fanned against pale skin as he spoke, his one hand still teasingly grasping the next set of buttons.
Myra had already decided that this bachelor pad had to go before Makai explained that it was too small and not private enough for them both. She just wasn't rude enough to comment disparagingly on a place Judah had selected with Makai in mind.

Plus, when he mentioned he rarely used it anyway, that only shut the lid on that topic. I could ask L3 to look into a few places. Chandrila or Borleias? Myra figured he mentioned Chandrila because her apartment was there, but she needed to become more familiar with Borleias.

It was then that Myra caught Makai's eyes dropping to her cleavage. She missed the first time, her attention spanning the length of his room than where his eyes had meandered over. Awareness filled her, and her smokey gaze fell to see the bold mess of a button-up job her inebriated self had set up. She didn't question it; Myra already knew instinctively why it had been done so. It was no different than yesterday's plunging neckline of the summer dress and her bathing suit. Only in this scenario did drunk Myra have no sense in ensuring that at least the buttons were appropriately fastened, save for a tactical few.

Looking back up, Myra saw Makai crook an eyebrow and gaze into her eyes with a faint smile, unapologetic for looking. A decisive choice was made. She could read it in his expression.

What is he...

Goal set, the Dashiell executed. The bed shifted, and Makai drew closer, kneeling before her.

"Mak-" his name failed her, caught in the darkening of Makai's eyes, their hue turning a deeper, more intense blue akin to the sky moments before the storm. It was the tug of fabric that snapped her out of her daze, the kiss of cool air flowing a bit more freely over her chest. A proper good morning? What did he - Oh!

Myra's mind went blank.

When Makai's lips touched just south of her earlobe, Myra thought she might pass out. She felt his warm breath, and she gave a sharp inhale, breathing in the scent of his shampoo -- herby, minty, utterly male -- his fingers taunting her with the following button, the slight tug sliding the fabric over sensitive skin, adding an additional layer to the tease.

That she did not stop or protest was telling; she had not lied regarding her fantasy revolving buttons and Makai plucking them off.

All the while, his icy gaze was penetrating, not wavering for a moment, heating her skin, and Myra's pulse hammered under his silent scrutiny. Then he flashed that barely there grin at her bemusement that Myra so desperately craved.

"Oh!" came her sudden exhale, this time aloud, at Makai confidently unbuttoning the next. Myra struggled not to gasp at the subtle contact, the white fabric sliding away only to catch, her modesty hanging by a thread.

That oceanic, searing gaze fell with it, provoking the blushing heatwave burning over her chest and towards her face. Only in her dreams had Myra ever imagined Makai looking at her with that smoldering, appreciative survey. No one else. Just Makai. It had always been Makai.

Myra wasn't sure if she was still breathing or if Makai could hear just how loud her heart was thundering on overdrive.

A phrase came to Myra then, from the depths of the mire, husky and bold.

I planned on it. To help. With the buttons. Her face flamed with that errant thought.

"... Position?" Myra managed to stammer out, her eyes wide as she stared up at him. Pulling back just far enough to stare into her stormy eyes, Makai drew Myra against him, and her body willingly obeyed where he said to go.


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