More Tea?
I've been on this site just over a year. Some of you know me from before my arrival, and some of you I have come to know since. Some of you might not know me at all. I've had a lot happen in my life over the past year, and as a result my roleplay and whatnot has suffered.
Still, I'm interested in what you have to say.
If you've been lucky/unfortunate enough to have me as a Codex Judge - or remember when the Codex didn't exist and I was an FJ, feel free to give feedback on that. But I'm primarily here for you all to critique me as a writer and give feedback on my characters. Some of them are more active than others.
I'm mostly looking for feedback on the following...
[member="Ilias Nytrau"]
[member="Jannik Morlandt"]
[member="Meeristali Peradun"]
[member="Lucianus Adair"]
[member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"]
[member="Siyndacha Aerin"]
...but I'll take words on these ones if you know them at all and have anything to say.
[member="Selinica Miriya Cailis"]
[member="Falcon Gyndar"]
[member="Tes Dralyn"]
[member="Ordon Trozky"]
[member="Ferian Adair"]
[member="Marselia Urstalis"]
[member="Auswyn Nothrael"]
So, hit me. Tell me what you think.
Still, I'm interested in what you have to say.
If you've been lucky/unfortunate enough to have me as a Codex Judge - or remember when the Codex didn't exist and I was an FJ, feel free to give feedback on that. But I'm primarily here for you all to critique me as a writer and give feedback on my characters. Some of them are more active than others.
I'm mostly looking for feedback on the following...
[member="Ilias Nytrau"]
[member="Jannik Morlandt"]
[member="Meeristali Peradun"]
[member="Lucianus Adair"]
[member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"]
[member="Siyndacha Aerin"]
...but I'll take words on these ones if you know them at all and have anything to say.
[member="Selinica Miriya Cailis"]
[member="Falcon Gyndar"]
[member="Tes Dralyn"]
[member="Ordon Trozky"]
[member="Ferian Adair"]
[member="Marselia Urstalis"]
[member="Auswyn Nothrael"]
So, hit me. Tell me what you think.