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 The Order of the Sith Lords

The Order of the Sith Lords


  • Tradition Name: The Order of the Sith Lords [Link]
  • Tradition Type: The Rule of Two [Link]
  • Tradition Focus: Intellectual, secrecy, technocracy, revenge, plotting, cunning, business, intelligence, espionage, treason, perfection.
  • Influence: Solitary.
  • Orientation: Dark.
  • Influence Area: N/A.
  • Symbol: Historically users have used the emblem of the Sith Order, or Sith Empire in the form of tattoos, or esoteric signals or signs to others, but present day believers do not use one.
  • Description: Instead of a collection of those who hold beliefs in the Dark side of the Force, followers of the Rule of Two believe in there being only two Sith alive at one time: a Master, who leads the other, embodying all the power and strength in their dichotomy, while the other- the Apprentice- lives as a student, and slave to the Master, whose role in the dichotomy is to serve the Master until the day comes that they become stronger, or powerful than them. In this way the power of the dark side is centralized into two rather than the hundreds, or thousands who dilute it across the many.
  • Membership: The process of membership is nuanced. Historically some have been born into it. Others were recruited, indoctrinated or enslaved into following it's traditions, plan and ideologies of the leader.
  • Motives: Members are motivated to acquire power, and influence through the accumulation of wealth, intelligence and paraphernalia which contributes to their agenda which resolves around concepts such as revenge, politics, redistribution of power, and influence across sectors, star systems and planets all the while perfecting their technique with the Lightsaber; other forms of martial art training, or combat; and study of the dark side of the Force.
  • Rules and Teachings: There can only be one Master, and one Apprentice at a time. The Master must covet and attain strength and power- both in the Force, and other materialistic forms- sharing only with their Apprentice these things to entice their loyalty, subsequent enslavement, and later confrontation between the pair as the latter is purposefully tempted into challenging the former for their place, in a false dichotomy designed to keep both striving to attain self-perfection while in the pursuit of the Grand Plan.
  • Followers, or cultists who came into the service of the Master and Apprentice are allowed so long as they do not break the false dichotomy that exists between the pair. These people are indoctrinated into following the agenda of the followers of the Rule of Two usually through means laying in the realms of tactics such as clandestine, covert or often compartmentalization designed to keep them knowing the existence of the pair and their true identities.
  • Followers are often indoctrinated into secrecy so as to keep the existence of followers away from hostiles, or enemies that may have the means (and often the motive) to destroy them in the event of discovery.
  • The Master must take on an Apprentice, so that in the eventuality of their death, the traditions, ideologies, politics, wealth, intelligence and other forms of paraphernalia can be continued by their successor.
  • The Apprentice must challenge the Master for their positions through the means of a challenge. Challenges may include a direct deathmatch until a victor emerges with the title of Master, or through more subtle means that may result in the Masters destruction. Ultimately is the goal of the Apprentice to supplant their Master and take their place thus completing a cycle of degeneracy, psychopathy and esoteric abuse.
  • Reputation: The Jedi and Sith believe that the Order of the Sith Lords died many centuries before the Four-Hundred Year Darkness. If it were discovered that there was someone who believed in the Rule of Two was alive, and active today then they would be considered dangerous, heretical, and some cases amusing, or delusional.
  • Openness: Followers of the Rule of Two are often indoctrinated into complete secrecy, never fully revealing who they are, or the existence of the Order to others, save in the event of the recruitment and subsequent indoctrination of an Apprentice by the Master.
  • Characteristic Equipment: Lightsabers, weapons, banks, wealth, intelligence, standard technology for traversing the Galaxy, or local/interstellar communication, dark side paraphernalia such as holocrons, manuscripts, codexs, maxims or history relating to the dark side, or other cultures, organisations or political bodies that come to interest.
  • Notable Force Skills: Transfer Essence
  • Notable Force Limitations: Healing, Light side Techniques, Dark side techniques lost or destroyed over the eons.

Darth Ayra
Darth Pandeima (deceased)

For brevity I am not going to write about the full historical canon of the Order of the Sith Lords. The reader can read that on Wookieepedia if they want too.

In 835 ABY a business entrepreneur called Circe Savan was a low ranking Sith at the formation of Star Wars: Chaos' first Sith Empire. The owner of Subach-Innes- a corporation that operated in development, or redistribution of technology ranging mostly in weapons, or ships- Circe was also a follower of the Sith Order that came to prominence in those early years of the site. Seeking to take her Sith Apprentice to serve her in her goals, and schemes in the Galaxy, Savan came into the knowledge of a tragedy on Chandrila that resulted in an orphaned girl.

Discovering that the girl was Force-sensitive Circe arranged for the girl to be taken into her custody. Alicia Drey was subsequently indoctrinated into the Sith and taken into Savan's Apprenticeship. By the 840s both women would undergo a complete transformation in ideology, and identity, with Savan taking on the name Pandeima and Drey becoming Ayra. By the formation of the One Sith both women had constituted a bastardized version of the Rule of Two as the former fell in love with the latter. Joining the One Sith, both Pandeima and Ayra participated in many dominions, invasions and other associated events which contributed to the collapse of the Galactic Republic and later formation of the Galactic Alliance which was formed out of the fallout of the Republic's defeat.

During the 840s both Master and Apprentice acquired great wealth, power and influence. Subach-Innes was reformed into Emeritus Industries and became one of the Galaxies most wealthiest corporations. Pandeima became a prominent member of a faction known as the Hoarde for a time and participated in several dominions in the southern quadrant of the Outer Rim Territories. Meanwhile, Ayra returned home and founded Chandrila Group, an agricultural corporation that exported foodstuffs to the Core. Chandrila DataTech was also founded and capitalized on the Chandrilan fixation of technology. At sometime both women became shadow supporters of an Imperial Remnant that later dissolved and resulted in Imperial Arms Incorporated coming into control of many Imperial assets that Ayra liquidated resulting in her becoming rich.

At some point before the Omega War the mysterious Dark Lord of the Sith that had formed the One Sith was betrayed and subsequently killed by one of his followers. Many Sith launched their bid to take the vacant title and fill in the vacuum of power. Pandeima was one of these figures, but before she can make a bid to take the mantle, Ayra betrayed her and stabbed her Master in the back. With Pandeima's death Ayra took her place as the Sith Master and claimed the honorific of Darth. As a consequence of betraying Pandeima she was later exiled from the One Sith which resulted in Ayra disappearing from public life. Her disappearance, coupled with the wealth she had accumulated with the firesale of Imperial assets, may have been a contributing factor into the liquidation of her assets on Chandrila.

Darth Ayra consolidated her new position by becoming the head of Emeritus Industries. Using her abundant wealth she begun searching and accumulating Sith paraphernalia. At sometime she came into the position of Darth Revan's Sith Holocron and it was through the mixture of listening to Revan's teachings alongside the bastardized version of Darth Bane's Rule of Two (taught to her by her late Master) that Darth Ayra became full fledged follower of the ideology, aiming to follow a more pure version than the one Pandeima had constituted with her in her early life. Tracing the lineage of Sith Lord's who followed the Rule of Two, Ayra would trace her predecessors to Sojourn, with the Hunter's Moon becoming her new home. A cult of Echani Sun Guards would come into her service, assisting her in the search and discovery of other forms of paraphernalia across the Galaxy.

It was through her search that Ayra became aware of a rumour that the late Freedon Nadd had left a Holocron in his tomb on Dxun. Landing on the Demon Moon with her Sun Guards, Ayra excavated the tomb in search of the Holocron only to discover that it had already been looted. In an ironic twist, much like her predecessor in Darth Bane, Ayra was assaulted by the parasitic organisations coloquially known as Orbalisks. Unlike Bane, however, Ayra did not possess the same physical strength, or dark side power, to survive the infection for enough time to discover a cure.

Fleeing Dxun back to Sojourn, Ayra used her intelligence apparatus and discovered that the Sith Lord Darth Carnifex was keeping a Jedi Knight called Ella Nova captive in the prison he had constructed on Coruscant after becoming a leader in the One Sith. She arranged for the Jedi to be broken out of prison and taken to her on Sojourn. Aiming to use the Jedi to find a remedy for her affliction Ayra was denied by Nova. Left with no alternative, on the brink of death, Darth Ayra used the esoteric technique of Transfer Essence on Nova. This resulted in the destruction of Ayra's body and the eradication of Ella Nova, who became the Sith Master's new host.

The subsequent death of Alicia Drey was filtered through Chandrila society, which reached the eyes and ears of the enemies that Darth Ayra had accumulated by the advent of the Omega War. A funeral was held on a cliff near the Silver Sea where various figures came to pay their respects, or confirm her demise. Now thought to be dead Ayra remained on Sojourn for nine years in exile. During this time all the paraphernalia that she had gathered on the moon were taken by the cult of Sun Guards that had served her. Speculatively it was because of them that she was later discovered on Sojourn by the Galactic Alliance.

By the end of the Omega War Darth Ayra was imprisoned in a maximum security ward on Coruscant for twenty years, under a life sentence. After the Second Great Hyperspace War came to an end, the Sith-Imperial forces fractured, with some forming the Dark Empire. When these forces came to target the prison to free a captured Imperial Knight Ayra was also freed during the Chaos and released from captivity. As a consequence of these chaotic, yet interlinked events Darth Ayra would join the New Sith Order half-a-century to the year of the One Sith Purge conducted over fifty years ago.

By 902 ABY, Darth Ayra came into contact with Code Zero, a hacktivist organisation, and the Tingel Arm Coalition, which was made up of criminals seeking to fill the vacuum of power left behind by the collapse of several factions located along the Tingel Arm.

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