Alexandra Feanor
The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
The Order of the Grey

“A force power is not inherently evil, it is at the price of your intentions that breeds evil and corruption. I do not speak of dark side corruption, but of the corruption of your mind a soul, the corruption that alters a person beyond recognition and that creates an utter monster… Both the path of Ashla and the path of Boga… you see. Even those like Darth Bane, creator of the Sith as it was during the fall of the republic and his rule of two was not Evil… but those like The Emperor of Old, of the Great War was truly evil. And the Lightside is not incapable of Evil either, many Jedi can be brought to mind, those who may be chosen as exalted Paragons or mass murderers on a planetary scale.
That is what i bring all you here to learn, what me and the other teachers here hope to achieve… balance and knowledge, not the Light side or the Dark side, but rather both and neither. What i hope from this order is not for us to become strong, but for the students of this order to understand true freedom, without oppression or the need to become stronger in order to live… Do you accept this freedom?”
- The Path of the Order, Year 837 ABY
What Are We?
The Order of the Grey holds no territory, influences no one, and restricts no knowledge. It is not a power house like the Jedi, but not a hidden entity like the Jensaari. It is not one of Warriors, nor one of purely Scholars. It is, for all intents and purposes, Grey.Really this is much harder to explain because we have been shifting so much due to our home though as of this moment we hold no political ties of any kind. Now of course we do hold a grudge against teh Sith for their vongforming of alderaan, after all it was our first home. But past that we hold no with to attack the sith nor any wish to punish sith. Now with that said there is a difference that has occurred as of late.
The grey focus on the neutral force powers with the exception of a few essential powers like that of healing. The reason for this focus on the neutral powers is to further our devotion to our name. This includes a long list of things from Telepathy to pyrokinesis and i am sure those in the faction would actively find a place for anyone that joins.
For those debating joining i do ask, especially if you are coming from a establish organization... aka Sith and Jedi, that you do not try to join just to steal a member away or even more so try and go all coup. While of course i would not know until it happens this is just me asking you OOC don't do it please.
If you have any more questions, ask them below.
Mandates of the Order
No place is without its rules, and for the first time these rules will be posted as the increase in members and the recent move of location has allowed for several necessary rules.
1. You will kill no one on the grounds of the temple, Else you will be tried by the order and delivered to the appropriate holding area. Killing someone on the grounds of the Temple will brand you an enemy of the order and you will be hunted for doing such, while we are not peacekeepers or warriors like the Jedi and the Sith, we will protect those on the grounds and honor them.
2. You will Not use the Order as an Asylum. We are not something that a criminal or murderer can simply run to in order to escape their crimes, you see if you have committed a crime and are putting the lives of the order or any guests of the order in danger. You will be dealt with, sufficiently matching that of your crime and then you will be delivered to the government hunting you.
3. You Will not use the Order to spy upon the Allies of the Order. This is -EXTREMELY- important especially with the recent moving of the order. Any member or guest caught using the order to spy on any ally of the Order or worse the order itself will face a punishment suitable as determined by they faction that was spied on.
Now, i apologize for the rather dark tone of the mandates so far, thought i should get the main no no’s out of the way so that we dont have anyone thinking about trying to put the Order in Danger. Onto the interesting parts.
1. Freedom: As pointed out in the passages above, the order is a place where someone is free to learn whatever it is they wish to. Overall your choice of light or dark is not limited at all, though teaching of either while in the order to other members i ask is cleared by a master (This is to avoid darkside corruption mostly but not necessary). We encourage everyone to take part and enjoy their time, spread their philosophies and understand what shapes your actions and your very being, we are a doorway to your true and unhindered potential.
2. No political ties… ok maybe one: Normally, i would say that we are completely neutral in all political nature, but current talks with several people OOC, including the Suns, may leave the Order with a political tie or two. This is mostly due for defense of the order as things might progress in the future.
3. Acceptance: We accept everyone, hell, you could be that blasted [member="Darth Vornskr"] and we would accept you… but that does not mean i won’t still kick your ass kaine. Anyways, as i was saying we accept every species, person, gender, force affinity, order affiliation, and pretty much any darn thing you can think of. As long as you are here to learn and develop yourself, or even better the order as a whole, then you are welcome.
Location, Location, Location.
We have several locations at this second, those being the Enclave on Naboo and the temple we are making on Crystalsong. The reason we have moved, yet again, is due to the threat of being blow to bits if we didn't leave Mandalorian space. Rather than take the chance of the person who threatened us actually doing it, we have moved to Crystalsong which is neutral space and are looking to set up a permanant home if possible. The Thread is right Here if you want to join it as your first thread, or you don't have to. But its part of a 5 thread event i have set up for the order so joining in might be fun.
So ya, thats our cry for people, and i hope that some of you find the idea to be interesting and take up joining. We have gotten a ton of people recently and to be honest i am in need of more teachers, both light dark and neutral because we get more and more people, but not enough to train them to their full potential. So ya, have any specific questions for anyone in the order, just ask away and im sure someone will see it and answer.
For any questions you want a quick answer for, find me on Skype at David_Tharkosa, as well as our OOC Skype Group. Being part of this Skype group only requires you be in the faction (Actively) and that you understand OOC drama and hazing will not be tolerated.