Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sister of the Spider Witches

Objective: 1
Interacting directly: Aranae Zephiri
Tags: Aranae Zephiri Serrin Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Skeevi Merrill Skeevi Merrill

Niara watched the gathering for awhile from a distance, using magic to further her senses and awareness. She noted sisters, but there were others. Some woman, glowing green ( Lun Lun ) and another selling something ( Skeevi Merrill Skeevi Merrill ) she frowned at them. Unsure their place in all this. If they deserved to be here. If they cared. Regardless, they were permitted. For now. She was not the leader of any of the clans, she'd leave that to them. She had a spider of her own not far away but left upon the edges of the forest.

And then the feline smiled as he eyes found her sister Aranae Zephiri as she set her spider away and moved towards the group. With concentration Niara summoned her magic to a skill she'd grown familiar with, that of teleportation. Transferring her from her location high away watching to within reach of Aranae who she'd quickly try and snatch up from behind and hold into the air, "Boo!" she laughed before trying to squeeze her in a hug and set her back down, "How are you sister?" she asked, taking on a far more joking tone, "Coming over to knock some sense into those ignorant ones are you?"


Aranae Zephiri

Arnae was really uneasy, these other Sisters she felt were giving her dirty looks. When suddenly she felt something and then a “Boo!” It was her favorite voice of all!

Niara Niara !”


She loved when Niara took jer uo in her arms and swung her in a hug. Arnae immediately felt settled that a Spider Sister eas here!

“I am not sure I can knock anything into them sis, you on the other hand!”

Arnae was so jeslous of her Felacian Sister, for one she had sight without aid of the magicks and from what she could see of her, she was beautiful.

“I wish I was like you Big Sis.. then maybe.. I could be liked.”

Being blind did not make her easy to relate to and a Spider Sister, which was equivalent of scum on Dathomir. Much of it was due to long past history, and that they had to feed on the scraps while their rival clan, The Nardithi lived in ivory towers.


Sister of the Spider Witches

Objective: 1
Interacting directly: Aranae Zephiri

"Can't knock it into them yet you mean?" she corrected with a laugh. Whatever departure from the norm they were, it was still a pleasant time when she had family with her. She crouched down by her and frowned at the next sentence, before giving her another squeeze, "Hey, hey. Don't be like that, I like you don't I?"

Nia smiled at her, "Come on Aranae, don't let them get to you." she said her head bobbing a little towards any giving them looks and rolling her eyes, "Oh noooo, heresy! Aaaaagh, spiders!" she mumbled in a mocking tone, thinking for a moment, "Aren't we to the other witches what the witches are to everyone else? It's just another layer."

The felacatian witch stood up squeezing her arms, and then putting her hands on her hips, "Come on, you're my sister. You gonna let 'em put ya down? You're better than that aren't ya?" she challenged trying to push her to try and cheer herself up too.


Location: Dathomir
Objective: Celebrate Solstice
Tags: Serrin Skeevi Merrill Skeevi Merrill Lun Lun Skeevi Merrill Skeevi Merrill Aranae Zephiri



Traitors are burned. It is a customn going back to founding of the Nightsisters.

"Traitors... willing sacrifices... the odd Jedi..." Asaaj chimed in with a flirtatious smirk on her face indicating that it was a joke... probably?

She looked at Serrin and smiled "How did the rancor hunt go my love? I am sorry I could not be there, but I hope what I have done here is a fitting tribute to the night gods." she was everything about ritual and tradition and had gone to great lengths to ensure that her contribution to tonight's ceremonies would be remembered.

"Do you have a ritual blade perhaps there Skeevi Merrill Skeevi Merrill ? Nothing extravagant, perhaps eight inches long and with a slight curve? I wish to bestow a gift on a young lady who has asked to join the sisterhood tonight." there was a wicked grin on her face, Asaaj had plenty of blades of her own, but should this girl survive the initiation process, she would like to give her a weapon to enchant for herself one day.

A light tugging began in Asaaj's mind as several of the other Sisters of Twilight in attendance prepared for their dance as midnight approached. " Lun Lun , Serrin, my sisters, would you like to come and dance with my family?" she gestured with her fingers towards a large bonfire about a hundred metres into the forest. The air shimmered and an image of the fire appeared in the air as if looking through a magnifier. Several disrobed women, with dathomiri tattoos covering their bodies from head to toe, danced and cavorted around the fire. One of them looked up at Asaaj though the scrying window and beckoned her with a finger to come and join us. She looked again at Skeevi Merrill Skeevi Merrill "The sacrifices have finished, so this shall just be a dance to remember for a while." she tried to put his fears to bed, as Serrin seemed to wish for, but Asaaj rarely came across as anything but sinister.


Zay brought herself to the gathering quietly, wearing a loose fitting robe of green over her black leather hunting clothes. It was cool enough that she wasn't overly warm in the semi-formal garb. She didn't wish to appear overly formal by wearing her full nightsister regalia, preferring to go humbly among the sisterhood. Zaylin felt that doing so made her appear more approachable to the sisters, and she wanted to be so.

She came quietly to the bonfire, trailed at a distance by two Nightbrothers who provided escort and service should the Night Mother require it of them. Otherwise, they remained silent and unobtrusive.

Silently, she greeted each of the sisters on approach with a gentle and loving touch on their minds, leaving behind an afterglow of love and admiration. Zaylin unconditionally cared for all the Night Sisters, each was unique and special to her, each was her favourite, illogical as that might be, Zay didn't care.

Right now she just wanted to exist here with her Sisters, and share the celebration with them, enjoying every second of the happy, warm and positive experience. The galaxy offered so few of them, and Zay felt lucky to have found acceptance and purpose here on Dathomir, the ancient homeworld, so soon after her escape from Peridea.

Serrin Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Skeevi Merrill Skeevi Merrill Lun Lun Aranae Zephiri Niara Niara Maw Thrax

"What about a knife and an ocarina? I'm afraid I don't really have fancy items to trade for it but I should have some credits." she offered looking them over. She was cautious of the rest, in particular the idea of tattoos. She figured she might have plenty of that...sort of.

"Hey hey, good stuff, sall good stuff, it's Tashai magic from Tash-Taral, little sand in there, still good, yeh? Credits w'do fine, jess fine, thanka yer business." Skeevi handed over the knife and ocarina once paid, and moved on.

Traitors are burned. It is a customn going back to founding of the Nightsisters.

"Traitors... willing sacrifices... the odd Jedi..." Asaaj chimed in with a flirtatious smirk on her face indicating that it was a joke... probably?

Well that enlightened things. Skeevi found themself wondering what qualified as a traitor around here. Witches seemed like people with big opinions.

"Do you have a ritual blade perhaps there Skeevi Merrill Skeevi Merrill ? Nothing extravagant, perhaps eight inches long and with a slight curve? I wish to bestow a gift on a young lady who has asked to join the sisterhood tonight."

"I gotcha jess right right here." Skeevi fished in their coat and produced a hooked knife, a fighting karambit. "Thissa wunna tha Little Sisters. Thass Drengir wood onna handle. Ya cut someone, ya think a little better, see through wibblys, see through illusions the more ya cut. Best knife I got, curved likeya wanna."

She looked again at Skeevi Merrill Skeevi Merrill "The sacrifices have finished, so this shall just be a dance to remember for a while."

Skeevi looked askance. Skeevi did not dance.


Serrin turned to Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani who had greeted her so warmly, she gave a smile.

The Rancor Hunt was thrilling! In fact, I now have my own mount.”

She pointed to the albino Rancor not far off.

Asaaj had brought her Family and they danced around the bonfire, their shadows casting around it as giants. When her friend asked if she wished to join, Serrin nodded and removed her red outer dress, two sisters helping take it off and placing the gown into their care. Serrin was clade in under clothes, she walked to the fire barefoot, having kicked off her golden heels and joined the Sisters in their hypnotic dance. She heard the song, it buzzed in her mind as her eyes rolled up into her head and she took the hand of one of the Dancers, she was now part of this adoration, this ritual of the Night, above the moons of Dathomir had began to change; one was fully filled with the peridot Ichor, the second filled as well, and a third was a crescent which looked like thumbnail of the Night gods. Serrin gave herself to the chanting, sweeping her head, her tiara swaying. There was no shame, even though Mother Zaylin Zaylin had some Night Brothers in attendence, for this was a solstice and celebration! Here on Dathomir witches of all sorts and traditions could be as the Magicks intended, free!

Serrin felt the warmth of the fire on her body, it made her feel cradled as if in a blanket, and the chant of Asaaj’s Family filled her heart and mind, she felt one with them as their hands were. Then for a moment she came back to and saw Lun Lun and smiled, nodding her head if she wished to join them. It was a invitation, her crystal skin friend could refuse, but Serrin had accepted Asaaj’s Gracious Gift to join the Circle of Worship, offering up green smoke to the gods.
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Objective: 1
Nearby: Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Skeevi Merrill Skeevi Merrill Serrin
Total tags: Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Serrin Skeevi Merrill Skeevi Merrill
Lun grimaced at the comment, but no, traitors of the sisters should be burned shouldn't they. Not her sisters. She smiled at Serrin, "Yes you do!" she agreed with a chuckle, "Though, it's nice that things are a bit more tame here, people don't react to it so much. Well, not in a bad way at least." she admitted watching as Serrina djusted her crown, "Getting some new ornamentation of your own aren't you? Looks good on you."

The former devaronian turned her head to Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani on her own comments as well, and tilted her head at the ask of a ritual knife. Sounded interesting at least, though she did wander...

Her sense shifted a moment both brows raised as she noticed some of the sisters taking off their clothes, "Uh." she blinked, not that the action meant anything other than feeling her own abrasive eyes against her lids but was able to pull herself back and smile to Skeevi Merrill Skeevi Merrill as she agreed, gladly handing over the credits for the knife and the ocarina.

She noticed Zaylin Zaylin , she didn't know her either but she seemed important. And nodded her head to her, unsure what else to really do.

Then Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani asked if they wanted to dance gesturing to the place where the undressed women were and Lun's eyebrows shot right back up. She stared a moment at all that was going on still rather surprised at the whole situation. She was not prepared for this yet, at the same time, she felt closer to home here than she could have anywhere else. If ever there was a time to let herself be a bit more...unusual. It was going to be here, surely. They offered, so surely they would not judge her knowing that she was not familiar.

"Uh...ok." she said, somewhat hesitantly undressing to the least she'd willingly go at the time and moving among them though uncertainly, when she did join, she'd move herself especially close to the fire by comparison to the others. Naturally seeking out the heat it provided. It was already normal for a devaronian to have an incredible resiliance to fire, but as an Avansas, there was a natural tendency to desire more warmth. And she was still a bit uncomfortable herself in this, it was only natural for her to seek what she was familiar with.

Skeevi Merrill Skeevi Merrill Serrin

Appearance: light purple/red skin/short fur. Horns. Green eyes and markings. Wings.
Additional notes:
Imbued with nightsister force crystals/tainted nightsister crystals. These may cause unease or abnormal feelings (given present company, unlikely here)
For those that can sense it, Lun has two presences. They may sense that one seems to lack a mind/will of its own.
Katitik Hive Personal Shield generator
1Holdout Blaster

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The ground began to shake, as something approached, before it was a scurry of Dathomirian wildlife, and the strong aura of Shadow. Emerging over the hill was a giant Bane Spider, and on top of it mounted was a woman clade in black robes with white lining like cobwebs, the Great Archanid came closer and closer, until it stopped and lowered its head with eight silvery eyes.

Bogdana dismounted, stepping from abdomen to the thorax to the head like stairs and set foot on the earth with her black heels, she sauntered towards this scene of festivities, grabbing a glass of green sparkling drink she dipped her black lips into, and it turned the liquid vermillion red.

Well if this isn’t a swell party..”

She looked with her black mascara covered eyes at the dancing and packing up of a Offworlder. She noticed two of her clan present, Niara Niara and Aranae Zephiri which made her wink.

She then saw the Night Mother herself Zaylin Zaylin who she gave a mockish bow.

Greetings Mother, it seemed remiss for The Matron of Spider Clan to not kiss the ring.”

Her tongue was full of venom. She looked about and noticed Narina Dithi was not present.

Well that is no surprise, my Sister could not be bothered to leave her ivory tower. I swear Night Mother.. she is a recluse and I am the one who rides veritable recluses!

The Dark Matron took another sip of Blood Ichor, and saw a tray Hors d'oeuvres she took up a Blue Shrimp and bit the tail.

Hmm.. not as tasty as.. well anyway, I have come to show the good faith of Spider Clan. I see two of my Sisters already arrived, and no doubt have accounted themselves with the dignity of our Clan.”

Her words were as twisted as her headress which looked like spider legs her hair was held up in. She knew well The Spider Clan had a bad reputation, and while she was quite proud of their reputation for ruthlessness, she knew isolation was death. That it is better to bend with the wind.. until you harnessed it.

She then saw the Night Mother herself Zaylin Zaylin who she gave a mockish bow.

Greetings Mother, it seemed remiss for The Matron of Spider Clan to not kiss the ring.”

Her tongue was full of venom. She looked about and noticed Narina Dithi was not present.

Well that is no surprise, my Sister could not be bothered to leave her ivory tower. I swear Night Mother.. she is a recluse and I am the one who rides veritable recluses!

The Dark Matron took another sip of Blood Ichor, and saw a tray Hors d'oeuvres she took up a Blue Shrimp and bit the tail.

Hmm.. not as tasty as.. well anyway, I have come to show the good faith of Spider Clan. I see two of my Sisters already arrived, and no doubt have accounted themselves with the dignity of our Clan.”

Her words were as twisted as her headress which looked like spider legs her hair was held up in. She knew well The Spider Clan had a bad reputation, and while she was quite proud of their reputation for ruthlessness, she knew isolation was death. That it is better to bend with the wind.. until you harnessed it.

Zaylin returned each bow with a glance, a smile, and a nod of her head. Her skin was its natural green while her lustrous hair was dark. She didn't know all the ins and outs of the Clans and their ancient and often petty rivalries and feuds, but what she did know is each one was taken deadly seriously. Her own philosophy hoped one day to change the way such things were done among the Night Sisters.

"It's our way to include everyone in such a celebration, Spider Matron." Even the Spider Clan, she didn't say, and it was uncharitable to even think it. Though often prickly and venomous as per their namesake, no one could fault their devotion or loyalty. Zaylin, as a fellow sister, respected them as kin. As Night Mother, she welcomed all children of Dathomir. Even Spider Clan. Even Nightbrothers.

Zay smiled as she caught sight of the dancers Serrin and Lun Lun and who were taking advantage of the warmth of the nearby fire to dance. She felt their joy, and did not begrudge them a night of relaxation and celebration. As a wise elder, and who would have thought that, Zaylin looked to the future and the travails and troubles that experience had taught her were always only just beyond the horizon. Cynicism too, she thought, but did not show. Sometimes being Nightmother meant playing a role, rather than expressing one's personal views.

Folding her hands, she studied the Matron. Strong women bred true on Dathomir, and no slouch ever rose to lead a warband, let alone a Clan. Bogdana was clearly a formidable specimen. Zaylin could learn to admire such a one, rough edges and all.

Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Skeevi Merrill Skeevi Merrill

Location: Dathomir
Objective: Celebrate Solstice
Tags: Serrin Skeevi Merrill Skeevi Merrill Lun Lun Aranae Zephiri Zaylin Zaylin Bogdana



Asaaj was pleased that people would dance with her sect, it was a shame that Skeevi Merrill Skeevi Merrill felt too uncomfortable to join in the rituals, it was not her intention, but it was not for everyone. As she discarded her own moth attire she felt the tug in her mind as a greeting from Zaylin Zaylin . She did not know the woman but sensed that she too was a night sister and she turned her head over her shoulder to issue her a friendly smile. The other woman looked to be standing on ceremony, unwilling to truly let herself go, more was the pity. <<Sister, there is more than enough dance for you to join too.>> she sent telepathically to the green skinned woman, her tone playful and inviting, always trying to make connections to new allies and potential friends.

Asaaj arrived at the fire and began to dance, cavorting with the sisters and the spirits of the night that their revelry awakened. She found herself to Serrin, dancing and gesturing to Lun Lun "She is not baptised but I truly feel it is what she wants" she kissed the other witch on the cheek and vanished in a swirl of red hair to join one of the other twilight sisters who currently danced with balls of flame attached to chains, swirling them around her as she chanted deeply. Asaaj put her hand on her sister's face feeling her sensations. Midnight was fast approaching and she arrived at Lun, she held a curved blade in her hand and placed it on the devaronian's sternum in a manner that was both entirely unthreatening, but also signified that Asaaj could pierce her heart if she chose.

"To bleed on the solstice, to shed your blood into the hungry flame will mark the first step of your elevation to sisterhood. Do you accept the gift of the night my sister?" there was love in her eyes, the love that a mother might share with a child, and spiritually, that was accurate between them. She looked at Serrin nearby, their experience on Venom had made the three of them close, and Asaaj wished to shed the outsider complex that the devaronian seemed to feel.



Bogdana laughed at Mother Zaylin Zaylin ‘s wordsz

Inclusive now eh? Well that is quite a turn. There was a time when I would have had to cut down sisters to get a seat at table.. I miss those days.”

The Spider Matron could sense the feelings of this Night Mother, her training in the dark side allowed her to search thoughts, though only at a surface level and if detected she would be expelled from the prob. She caught the unspoken thought,

Venomous indeed..” She winked at Zaylin. The Dark Matron then turned her attention to the dancers around the fire. They were jubilant, giving themselves to their ritualize movement. Bogdana would never consort in such fashion, to show any vulnerability was to invite an assasin’s blade. While her Sister Narina Dithi was not present, that did not mean amomg the staff of Sisters there wasn’t some of those Daft Dithy types looking to score a high profile kill. The burden of ruling is you could not show your naked back, even lovers posed a threat. Like a Black Widow, she had devoured many Zabrak men who had said they loved her, and there was of course the First, a man of incredible talent in magick, who she had given her heart only to have it pierced by his blade. That was the fate of attachments, they always ended messily, take her Sister, so noble, so ‘pure’ and yet she damned her own blood to the shadows of Spiders, all to gain a throne. Bogdana had to crawl as the Creeping things, in the dirt, while her Blood lived in finery within a white tower. And yet such bad blood had strengthened Bogdana, molded her, and made her delve deep into the dark magick. The Sisters claimed to use it, but they knew not the true power of the Darkness, kept from them by the Dark Lords who held more than a single planet. Some deemed her a hereric to cross the dark magick with the dark side of the Force, to mingle the teachers of Night with those of The Sith. For her it was the only way to achieve Supremacy, to ensure The Spider Clan had a place at the table and to one day own the table itself!

The Matron stood in her dark regalia, and looked to the moons that changed This time of year. Many saw omens and signs, she saw opportunity, for on the Eve of the Solstice it was said a wish would be granted to the worthy, “at great cost.”


Serrin had given over to the dance when she heard Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani speak of Lun Lun wanting to be baptized, then she felt the kiss of friendship on her cheek as Asaaj danced over to the Vran sister. The Nicesister was enjoying herself, letting the Night take her when she caught sight of Stranger who had arrived. This individual was shrouded in darkness in the literal and spiritual sense. This Dark One was speaking to Mother Zaylin Zaylin which should have been a relief. But Serrin could not shake something, in the eyes of This Dark Woman was a familiar glare, one she had seen on The Bith Homeworld when she fought Eve with Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch .

The Night Bearer broke from circle and motioned for the sisters charged with her red dress, they held it up over her, Serrin holding her tiara as it was pulled over her and fitted. She aporoached Zaylin with a bow and looked at this Dark Lady,

Mother Zaylin, I am so glad you are here at last.” She then turned to the New Arrival with her golden eyes and asked, “And who is this?” Her eyes squinted with signs of distrust, now this close Serrin could feel the presence as she had felt it on Clak'dor VII. Her big eyes shifted to Zaylin, trying to convey her alarm. They were all sisters of the magicks and some darkness was always present, however, the Force had a dark side that was distinct and it was a Sith Lord named Darth Tyranus who had wiped out The Sisterhood long ago. Anyone using the power of the Jedi’s chief enemy could be capable of the same betrayal.

Objective: 1
Nearby: Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Serrin
Total tags: Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Serrin Zaylin Zaylin Bogdana

The dance was...interesting, she wasn't sure how to feel about it. But she still liked it here. Peaceful was not quite the right word. It was nothing like her home world either. Yet, still, she felt drawn to think of it as a home. There was a shake of the ground and then some extra woman appeared aboard a giant spider, she'd seen another around here. Yet, nothing broke out yet. She seemed to be talking to Zaylin Zaylin and it seemed like at the moment that meant peace. Lun tried to return to her dancing, getting more into their rythms now.

And then came Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani and a knife, she wasn't attacking but Lun still stopped looking to the cold blade on her skin and up at Asaaj again. Hearing her out, Lun felt an immediate desire to agree. Though she hardly knew what it all would entail. Yet still, she smiled, reaching up and briefly squeezing Asaaj's hand before letting it go again, "Yes, sister. What do I do?" she asked, her heart wanted this. Family, home, familiarity with this place. It was so foreign from what she once knew yet so perfect for her now.

And she wanted to see it. The pain was clearly visible on her face, along with the occasional breath of struggle, but Asaaj so close especially could see the green crystals shift around within her eyes until it passed far enough away that she could finally see again. Her eyes burned with pain from the effort, until she managed to actually look at Asaaj, casting a glance over to Serrin as well, and the world around them in its color to her natural eyes. Everything looked different to her through the force than through these, and she'd gotten used to it. Yet, she wanted to know what they all looked like in this moment. It would cost her, it already cost her pain to do that. And it'd cost her more when those crystals would eventually shove their ways back into her vision.

Appearance: light purple/red skin/short fur. Horns. Green eyes and markings. Wings.
Additional notes:
Imbued with nightsister force crystals/tainted nightsister crystals. These may cause unease or abnormal feelings (given present company, unlikely here)
For those that can sense it, Lun has two presences. They may sense that one seems to lack a mind/will of its own.
Katitik Hive Personal Shield generator
1Holdout Blaster


Maw Thrax

Objective 2: An Undead In Cocoon Tree!

TAG: Nerare Nerare

The Rancor approached with a menace as its jaws opened to make a meal out of Maw who hung tangled in the vines. He took his blaster and fired several bolts off, when he noticed something stirring below, a figure. Had someone from the festivities followed? Whoever they were, Maw tried to get loose his lightsaber when the Terentaktek grabbed his leg with its claw and pulled him from the tree, nearly dislocating his arm that had the vine wrapped around. He let loose some more bolts from his blaster at the creature’s eye that made it recoil, and make him fall to the swampy water below with a great thud.

The vine caught him and with flick he snapped the burning blade to life to cut it when je was kicked into a trunk by mighty foot of the Beast, knocking the wind out of him. The attack knocked the lightsaber hilt into the air, landing near The Yellow Skinned Zabrak.

Objective II: And A Undead In Cacoon Tree!
Nearby: Maw Thrax

Nerare watched as Maw struggled with the beast. Sending his lightsaber flying, he snarled with some disgust at the failure. Grabbing the weapon and feeling a surge of pride at finally holding he intended to keep, and anger that this other Zabrak held it before him. He charged the Rancor leaping through the air and onto it's lower back using his strength to shove the blade as deep as he was able through it's durable hide as it was moving and trying to cut towards it's spine.

Given the size of the beast, it was very possible he could be thrown off. Or get struck at, but if it did strike, he'd leap back again and reconsider the situation. he couldn't rely on his strength against something like this, these beasts were far too dangerous and massive for that. He had to be careful, but he could do that.

Serrin Skeevi Merrill Skeevi Merrill Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani
Enchanted spear
Common armor
A red lightsaber

Zaylin felt and returned Asaaj's greeting, but eschewed relaxation and dancing the Night Solstice for now. From her, Bogdana would sense only resolve, unconditional love, and a little sadness. While she was probing Zaylin, Zaylin herself probed and found her erstwhile sister's true name, and got a sense of her purpose.

The Dark Path was indeed tempting, and the Sith did truly wield great power. Perhaps the Spider Matron would be among the so very few to master the Darkness instead of having it master them, perhaps not.

Resolve, though, the Night Mother had too. Though she clad her Sisters in her warm embrace, beyond it was a cold duty. Should it be required of her, she would give all of herself to protect and defend the Order.

Grimly, she kept her emotions from flooding her natural body chemistry, and she succeeded in maintaining her green, though her eyes flickered glossy black for just a moment in her glance toward Bogdana. The message was clear. She and hers would be embraced in sisterhood, until the moment they aimed for dominance and rule over the rest. That moment they would clash with Zaylin, and she did not welcome it, Zaylin was, however, ready for the moment if it came.

With an effort of will, the Falleen brought herself under full control once more, and relaxed somewhat. Coming back to the feelings of warmth and celebration. Thoughts of being one sister among many, rather than a mother wolf defending her cubs from danger. It was an easy trap to fall into, violence, rage, and anger. Zay knew it too. Constant vigilance was required. She commanded, she was not commanded by the Force or the ancients or anyone. She could not afford to allow any petty emotions to dictate her actions. She must be resolute and thoughtful, mindful, and careful above all.

Generosity and respect went a long way, in Zay's experience. She chanted a phrase in ancient Dathomiri, and dipped at her Ichor pouch. She blew a cloud of green vapour into the air, and then subtly arranged her magick.

Moments later, the cloud expanded and the sky above the gathering crackled with green lightning from horizon to horizon. As the cloud dissipated, a colossal green spider towered over the fire, glowing and hissing, a tribute to the Spider Clan. "Glory to the Spider Clan!" It roared in perfect ancient dathomiri, before exploding into excessive green fireworks above them all.

Zaylin's green eyes caught the light as she glanced again at the Spider Matron, this time in friendly respect. They did not have to be enemies. Serrin's approach allowed her to make their introductions.

"Sister, this is the Matron of the Spider Clan, Bogdana.

Matron, this is Night Sister Serrin, a paragon of our order."

Bogdana Serrin Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Skeevi Merrill Skeevi Merrill Lun Lun Aranae Zephiri Niara Niara


The Dark Matron took notice of the One who approached now dressed in red. Bogdana found the traditional dress of Nightsisters rather bold and foolish, to draw such attention to oneself with such vibrant color was to take away the advantage of the shadows. Her Clan thrived because they adopted the dark, wove their webs in shadows, ensnaring prey. Even the Dark Lords had the sense to wear the wardrobe of the night, ao that when all light went out, one could become a wraith and strike from the darkness.

The Spider Matron detected the reservations of this Serrin, she could tell that ahe sensed her dark aura, and she also felt Zaylin Zaylin prob her thoughts,

Impressive, I read your mind, you read mine. I must confess I have long waited for a challenge, I suppose you know my intentions.. then again this one even seems aware from a glance. Chuckles. Good thing I never intended to hide what I am.’ She sent these words telepathically to Zaylin.

Greetings Serrin, I see you have done the dance. Forgive that I do not join in, I am finicky about bearing all even for such a festive time as this.

She eyed the Feast Table that was being prepared. She was famished, getting to Dathhinge had not given the Dark Matron time to have a hearty meal.

Are we awaiting others? Or may we recline at table? I confess that roasted Pig looks mouth watering.

Her sister @Nardina would scoff as Pig Rodent meat, but Bogdana had survived on it in the caves of Dathomir. She had acquired a taste for it and the fact that the hosts had included it among other dishes indicates Zaylin’s words were true, that Spider Clan was welcome and being honored.

When Zaylin suddenly conjured a cloud in sky of green spider and it exploded into fireworks, and she said, “Glory to the Spider Clan!,” Bogdana was stunned. No one ever had honored her clan, they had always been a pariah, loathed and forgotten in their caves. Now here their name was heralded with honor, and it made The Dark Matron’s mascara run from tears. While her heart was stone, and she trustes no one, this gesture moved her. For the first time in a long time Bogdana was beyond words. She looked at Zaylin, who even delving into her mind she could not find plots and a viel of deciet that hid alterior motives. This frighten her. People always jad other aims: to pacify, to placate or plunder. The absence of hidden motives made The Spider Clan Matron dizzy, she withdrew probing Zaylin’s mind, thougj left the telepathic link open.

This is unexpected. Why are you doing this?! We are hated and dejected, our place is clawing at the bottom of Nightpole.. I do not know how to process this adoration.. it feels quite bizarre.’ She directed these thoughts to Zaylin’s mind while she tried to put on a brave face and act as if nothing had disturbed her.

Aranae Zephiri

Arnae watched as some sisters disrobed and danced around a fire, her Spell Sight could only make out shapes in the green ichor light. They seemed to be having a lot of fun and she wanted to join them when she felt the ground shake, and turned to make out The Mount of her Matron! She had come as promised and was addressing the Night Mother. Then a cloud formed in the sky of a giant archnid and exploded into many sparks that dazzled her sight, she heard “Glory to the Spider Clan!” Turning to Niara Niara she said,
“That’s us! That’s us!”

Overcome with excitement she decided to join the festivities, now that The Matron was here she felt at ease to let herself go. Ahe wenf to bonefire and took the hand of a sister as she dancing in a circle with the Sisters, throwing her shoulder length hair as if it were a net being caste in the air, the music taking her into trance state. It was a relief to not be stuck underground, to be here above earth with others celebrating. As the youngest in this crowd, she had to admit she was glad that adults liked to have fun. She was use to serious purpose of the Clan. Now for first time in public she was able to unwind.

Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani
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