Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[The Kathol Outback]: Dominion of Jelucan Hex

Location: Ballroom
Allies: [member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Kimiko"] | [member="Bryce Bantam"]
Enemies: [member="Ajira Cardei"] and FO agents.
Objective: Try to find other friends and keep tabs on the Sith lady/person.

The crowd surged and webbed around him, giving him a chance to fade into the crowd, hopefully BB could handle whoever the hell was under that mask, but if not, he could always run in and do that 'crazy, ass-whupping vigilante' thing that worked so well for him. Pausing, he would feel around for a familiar presence, finally feeling Joza nearby,

Pushing through, he manged to find his pink... inflated momma friend. Placing his hand on her shoulder, he would run a quick scan, noticing her pain in her ankles... and were those contractions? "Damn girl, are you in need a literal 'pick me up'?" Grinning, he would look around, seeing a few First Order agents rushing towards their general direction. "Excuse me,"

Stepping forward, he swung his deactivated saber in a powerful right hook, the hilt of his saber putting even more weight into his strike. Sending the man sprawling, he would pull the man's force baton, cracking another aside the skull before sending the weapon spinning to collide with another man's chest, a crack being audible.

Turning back to face her, he would grin, flamings eyes dancing with excitement. "Sorry, couldn't miss some fun, and besides, they'd attack Bryce."
Moving beside her, eyes and mind would scan for another woman, concern flooding his system.
Location: Ceres
Objective: Aid in said business
Allies: [member="Tai Fa"], [member="Byzus Lanko"]
Post #16

Alm’s nose wrinkled, suddenly assailed by the feeling that she’d done something wrong despite the gentle correction. Still young, her pride was easily wounded but she was not so brash as to defend herself at every turn. Lord Fa has entrusted her to aid Vnut on this mission, and she was loathe to let him down. There was little to learn from failure, only glory to gain from victory.

A hot-blooded temperament will do that.


Finding her center, remaining calm…it sounded like a bunch of Jedi propaganda to her, but Alm was in no position to argue. Combat could be harrowing, and she had no choice but to trust the Balinaka. Perhaps she tolerated him well because he reminded her of the Beorni, another bear-like species native to her home planet of Midvinter.

Inhaling gently, the woman’s ample chest rose and fell as she focused solely on calming her mind. In fact, she’d concentrated on centering herself so vehemently that it didn’t really work. Whatever Lord Fa had been trying to get at with her wasn’t exactly working. How could she remain calm when the adrenaline of anticipation was pumping through her veins?

A blast sounded and the building shuddered slightly. Alm frowned, noting how much closer it sounded than before. The enemy was closing in.

She simply grunted to show that she understood, watching the security droid move past them with an observational blink before striding after him. Was he one of those numbers droids? He seemed far too big for that. His size was likely meant to intimidate. Speaking of, the Valkyri was not used to being the smallest sentient in the room. Ouch, her pride. Again.

Kat'Lariah Syphex

Don't. Even. Think about it.
Location: Ceres
Objective: Make sure everyone gets out alive...
Nearby: [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"], [member="Joza Perl"], [member="Bryce Bantam"], [member="Kimiko"], others at the ball

Kat swore as she kicked off her heels and stepped barefoot onto the cool floor. There was a reason why she never wore the infernal things. They were uncomfortable as all get out! And she could exactly fight in them...'Although I guess I could always stab someone with them.' she thought as she lifted the hem of her dress to draw a knife strapped to the inside of her calf. The weapon wasn't made of metal at all, hence how she'd been able to sneak it in. It was made of ceramic. Not exactly the sharpest or sturdiest weapon, but enough that it was a useful tool.

Bryce getting attacked, the creepy Sith-y dude summoning a lightsaber, the Zeltron and the Fox-lady disappearing, everything was going south very very quickly. Now felt like a good time to start getting out of there...
Location: Shiva IV (Surface)
Allies: Cody Bantam | Aerin Kath | John Shepherd | Dax Fyre | Tilzi | Leo Vandermolen | Middenface McNulty |
Enemies: Calian Confederacy
Objective: #2 (Front Lines)

A hand firmly grasped that of his savior, pulling himself up and out of his crashed ship. Looking back at it, he mourned for the slightest of seconds before snapping back into mind. He held his DLT-20A longblaster rifle which was slung across his back, ready for boots-on-the-ground action.

"Thanks... Both of you..." he said as he also looked up at the green giant. He was impressed, somewhat terrified, but also glad to have the metal-chomping beast on his side.

"Myles... It's Myles." he added, seeming slightly out of breath due to the exhilaration from his near-death experience. With that, he left as quickly as he came, sprinting past until he slid down right into the trench created by his 'crash-landed' ship. Crouching down, he propped up his rifle on top of the dirt, opening fire on the enemy as he picked them off one by own. He usually preferred the semi-auto settings on his blaster rather than the full-auto, seeing as it packed more of a punch, was more accurate, and much more ammo-conservative.
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Location: Shiva IV
Objective: Wrap this up
Nearby: [member="John Shepherd"], [member="Aerin Kath"], [member="Cody Bantam"], [member="Tilzi"], [member="Leo Vandermolen"], [member="Myles Vylumnar"], [member="Middenface McNulty"]

Dax winced as the metallic screeching noise reached his ears. At least the giant green droid wasn't eating him. "Name's Dax." the Rogue Knight said to the pair, "And no problem." he said, slapping the pilot on the back.

"McNulty, think you can chow down on the rest of these walkers for us if we keeps the troopers off your back?" the Knight asked. This giant thing was a game changer. An unexpected, confusing, amazing game changer. He had no clue where the kark it came from but Dax sure was thankful it did.
looking at [member="Dax Fyre"] McNulty considered this. " Sure. me not sure what faction you are but me enjoy a fight. you do have a means of getting me off planet i.. me suppose? " he asked after all his size was as much a burden as it was an advantage. for an abominar he was still pretty small bur when your opponents could be as large as 50 kilometers being 10 meters was nothing at all .
Midden hated his races gluttonous ways stripping whole planets bare to gain mass.
still the huge droid turned to the approaching Walkers as his internal components repaired themselves.
" i think i have room for seconds. " he joked as his tracks rolled him to the approaching opponents,
Location: Shiva
Objective: Kill bad guys, I guess

She was very late to the battle. That annoyed the Firemistress. So much that she decided to let loose with her aggression on a bunch of Calian Confederacy troopers. Well, she would have fought them anyway, but regardless.

She was incandescent, an inferno that walked and talked. Streams of burning flames leapt from her hands and crossed the distance. What did fire love? Oxygen. What did it consume? Everything. At least in an idea world. Confederate troopers were engulfed and quite literally cooked. The smell was a most unpleasant one. The plucky rebels still needed to kill a bunch of walkers! Just another day in the Outback.
Location: Shiva IV (Surface)
Allies: [member="Cody Bantam"] | [member="Aerin Kath"] | [member="John Shepherd"] | [member="Dax Fyre"] | [member="Tilzi"] | [member="Leo Vandermolen"] | [member="Middenface McNulty"] | [member="Elpsis Elaris"]
Enemies: Calian Confederacy
Objective: Finish Them Off

The waves of flame caught the young man off-guard, triggering an excited squeal from him quietly. He looked over to [member="Dax Fyre"].

"I'll hold it down from right here! You go do what you need to do, I'll cover you!" he yelled out, assuming Dax would know what to do. He signaled him to charge forward and take out the last of the Confederate forces while he would help pick them off. Myles continued to snipe the enemy down one by one, stopping to reload only once. If need be, he'd switch to automatic fire.
Location: Shiva
Objective: Kill bad guys

Intense blasterfire came her way, splashing against her armour. Ducking for cover beneath some rubble, Elpsis grit her teeth. Blasters firedd everywhere, explosions roared loudly. Luckily pyromancy was a versatile skill set.

So the blind seer drew upon her power of heat and unleashed it. Not directly against the hostiles, but their weapons. One by one, several blasters began to boil when she flooded the tibanna gas with blazing heat. Boom. There was a jolt in her head when she felt a flash of precognition. Not questioning the Force, she quickly activated her armour's jet pack and shot up. This was good because a moment later a walker fired its powerful cannon, blowing away her cover in a flaming inferno. Debris slammed into her as she ascended into the air.
Location: Surface (AT-ST)
Allies: | [member="Dax Fyre"] | [member="Myles Vylumnar"] | [member="Elpsis Elaris"] | [member="Middenface McNulty"] |
Objective: #2 (Pew-Pew)
Post: #11

So much happened all at once. Ships began dropping out of the sky, a massive droid began chowing down on walkers and just to top it all off, fire started erupting all over the battlefield... and Leo was caught right in the middle of it all, in a Confederacy walker. "Uhh guys." Leo blurted into the comms, "Try not to kill me, yeah?" The Calin troops were caught so unawares by all this chaos that they had stopped targeting Leo. Pressing the advantage, he opened fire at the remaining troops, while doing his best to dodge the literal fire around him aswell. Amidst the chaos, Leo happened across the droid, tearing his way through the enemy as if they were paper. "Hey there buddy." Leo yelled out the front of his walker, "You mind not eating me?"
Location: Ceres Planetary Department of Infrastructure and Development Building, Copenfa Branch
Objective: Attempt to do respectable business.
Allies: [member="Almudena Dresden"] | [member="Byzus Lanko"]

"I..." Vnut seemed confused as the droid mentioned his desire to accompany them, followed by actually moving past them and back into the direction of the entrance ways and their ambush point. He looked at Dresden for a moment, before shrugging. The droid did seem to be a formidable presence. If only in physicality and not in the way his voice seemed to bring out sadness from his cold ursine heart.

"Very well."

The Balinaka followed suit. They moved past several rooms, some of which his ears could pick up the sobbing of diplomats and administrators hiding beneath their tables and desks.

How... undignified.

"Gentlemen, ladies." His voice boomed and only caused more crying. But this time he had little time to do else, while he was walking through the rooms towards the entrance for a fight of a lifetime. "Please move back to the far-side of the building in an orderly fashion, do not attempt to flee towards the entrances and for the love of all that's mighty... please do it fast, thank you."

Before any of them could throw questions at him, the bear was already gone and finally ended up with the acolyte and the droid. Outside he could now clearly hear the sound of boots stamping against concrete. No rhythm to it, though, which told him this wasn't a professional army with orderly conduct and tactics. Mercenaries? Militia summoned up by the Stalik Combine?

Could be either or both.

"Droid, Dresden- better if we pick them off from two directions at once. Maximize the chaos resulting from our actions."

The droid moved into a particular room and Vnut picked the one opposite of it. It would be up to Dresden to decide which room she joined, but their chances of success would be greater if they ambushed them from two distinct directions.
Location: Ceres Planetary Department of Infrastructure and Development Building, Copenfa Branch
Allied: [member="Tai Fa"] | [member="Almudena Dresden"]
Hostile: No Hostiles Detected

Equipment: Icon-Class Personal Energy Shield

The Superintendent clanked all the way to the entrance, never stopping even as Vnut gave orders to the cowering bureaucrats. Superintendent was too busy running combat diagnostics to dispute those orders. The Stalk Combine would be here any second now and it was still a possibility that they would use alternative entrances. Unlikely, but possible. Especially once they found that none of their soldiers had managed to get past the lobby. Superintendent had little to no idea what the combat capabilities of his new best friends were, but on his own he still pegged it at a less than 20% chance of Stalk Combine rabble getting past him. Alone.

The droid clenched his fists and relaxed them. Clenched his fists and relaxed them.

He would have preferred a gun, but it did not look like Vnut was packing heat. The Superintendent resolved to requisition one from the attackers once he had routed or otherwise dismantled them. The towering security droid came to a halt in the middle of the lobby, some fifteen feet away from the entrance. To the left, there was the men's bathroom. The women's was on the right. There were assorted seating arrangements, mostly benches and ottomans, scattered around the lobby. Potted, artificial plants as well. Behind them was the reception desk, flanked by two adjacent hallways leading further into the building.

Not the most optimal arrangement for combat, but it would do. Unarmed combat protocols began booting up within the Superintendent, courtesy of the extensive Pythagoras-Class Programming Suite. Many of the foundation programming had been fabricated through memory-scanning, performed on various experts who had either been coerced or bribed into participating in the Syndicate's initiative.

It made for some pretty bad-ass programming, if the Superintendent said so himself. And he did say so himself.

"I will remain here." Superintendent announced. He tapped a button on his chest, and an energy shield flickered around him before becoming transparent. "You should wait in one of the refreshers and listen for my signal."
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Location: Shiva IV
Objective: Victory!
Nearby: [member="John Shepherd"] [member="Aerin Kath"], [member="Bryce Bantam"], [member="Tilzi"], [member="Cody Bantam"], [member="Myles Vylumnar"], [member="Middenface McNulty"], [member="Leo Vandermolen"]

Dax watched as the giant green droid rumbled off to consume some more walker before looking at the pilot next to him. "Know of any cruiser's willing to pick up a giant, walker eating, droid?" As the man finished his sentence a beautiful incandescent blaze lit up across the battlefield. The Maiden of Fire had arrived.

Dax had met the woman, if only briefly, during the battle on Omega against Darth Moreth. He'd seen the power that the woman could wield, and he felt sorry for the poor men on the field who had to face her wrath. It wasn't exactly the most enjoyable way to die.

Dax nodded to the pilot as they went back to the battle, leaping high into the air, his sabers ignited as he fell upon the first of his pray. Back and forth, from trooper to trooper, the Knight went, and around him the battle began to falter. Those who watched could now see that each of the Outback's men moved with a practiced grace and smoothness that showed that they'd survived a hundred battles like this, and that they'd survive a hundred more. The Underground was used to impossible odds.
Location: Shiva IV (Surface)
Allies: [member="Cody Bantam"] | [member="Aerin Kath"] | [member="John Shepherd"] | [member="Dax Fyre"] | [member="Tilzi"] | [member="Leo Vandermolen"] | [member="Middenface McNulty"] | [member="Elpsis Elaris"]
Enemies: Calian Confederacy
Objective: Finish Them Off

Myles watched in awe as the Knight lept from trooper to trooper, stringing killing blows while flames blew across the battlefield. Victory was sure to come. His freighter couldn't carry the giant droid, that was for sure. It'd weigh down the ship and-

He was getting distracted.

He aimed through his electronic sight, picking off the Knight's leftovers. Eventually, the battlefield began to clear up. All that remained was a dozen and a half troops and two walkers. Feeling a surge of adrenaline, Myles climbed up and charged through the battlefield with his rifle, switching it to automatic fire as he blasted forward. Reaching a foxhole, he leaped over and planted his foot against the face of a Confederate trooper, stomping him to the ground. He used the last of his clip to unload in the unfortunate man's skull.

Rather than reloading, Myles switched to his secondary: a K-16 Bryar pistol. He kept his vibroknife in his off-hand just in case. Myles pressed on the attack to finish off the last of them.
" Get on Me back and me will convey us to the extraction point. you two cover Me flank and leave the forward assault to me."
Midden announced scooping up the two and gently tossing them on to his back.
" Me dint have any weapons affixed to me me afraid." ahe yelled chugging off ar a fairly fast speed.

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