Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Leo Vandermolen


Leo Vandermolen


Veteran of the Outer Rim Coalition (No longer around)
In self-imposed exile


Human (Coruscanti)







Piercing Blue

Abyssal Black


Chaotic Good




Leo's time with the ORC and his years on Harok have taught him restraint and preparation in even the most stressful situation. He knows when to make his move and when not to overreach.

Leo moves in an almost unnatural way, his movements are fluid as water, his footsteps silent as a shadow.

Leo can move at an extremely fast pace, and with a surprising amount of finesse and grace (Hey, that rhymed). He is capable of dodging the regular punch or jab thrown his way, and counter his attackers from close quarters.


His roguish looks, coupled with a rich voice has allowed him to charm his way into and out of a lot of situations.


Thin Frame: Leo’s thin frame means that he never could go one on one with the toughest of the thugs, and so he had to rely more on agility and precision than brute force, not always the most effective tactic.

Unresolved History: Leo never knew his parents and as such keeps looking in an effort to uncover his past and who they were. Even the smallest sliver of information on them will sidetrack him for days, even weeks as he extensively uses the info and whatever means necessary to provide a lead to their whereabouts.


Leo stands fairly tall and lean. With not much meat on his bones, he relied a lot more on speed and agility over raw strength on the streets of Coruscant. His job usually takes him to the dirtiest of places, and his complexion shows, his face usually being covered in dirt and grime and his hair is unkempt and long. Despite all this, he is still quite attractive, with a firm jawline and piercing blue eyes, he has melted many a ladies heart. His only real distinguishing feature is the small, curved scar running upwards from the corner of his lip. In all honesty, he couldn't really remember where he's got it from, most likely some incident while an orphan.

Leo is usually cocky and charismatic in his expression and demeanour, knowing the appropriate times to showcase certain emotions so as to connect with those around him. His charm and wit lighten the moods of those around him, being able to read the room and play into peoples emotions to gain there trust or any information required.

Leo is usually found clad in a long, dusty trench-coat and padded armour, the darker colours aiding him in blending into dark alleyways or concealing him as just a shadow within the night while perched upon a rooftop. He also has a custom made mask, designed to conceal his features and strike fear into his opponents. The mask also amplifies auditory noises and has a lens that allows him to magnify in on a designated location.

When not on a covert or incognito mission, for times when a more
flashy display is required, Leo will most likely appear donned in his custom made armour, passionately crafted by Kami Meran herself. The suit not only looks good, but offers the utmost protection to its wearer.


- Kathol's Dishonour


- Bandit Speeder








Just ask me for anything thread in particular.
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Early Childhood:

The earliest memory I have of my parents is my mother kissing my forehead and softly whispering goodbye in my ear before departing on a transport ship with dad and never returning. I had been given specific instructions to move in with my uncle, aunt and younger cousin on Coruscant. I lived lavishly, they were well-off political figures and so we had enough money to provide a comfortable life and education for me. Of course, that just wasn’t the life for me. I yearned for something more, I wanted to leave and experience all the galaxy had for me, wanted to become somebody that people remembered, remembered as a hero. At the age of fourteen they were murdered while returning from a political conference, the media claimed it was a political assassination, the assassin hired by a party who disagreed with his family’s political position and wanted them gone. The publicity was over quickly and I was promptly forgotten. My cousin inherited their fortune and set off on her own adventures. Alone and penniless, I decided to take my chances on the streets, it’s not like anyone was willing to help me anyway, locked away in their ivory towers, not concerned with the needs of others unless it benefited them. That’s just how the galaxy works.

I quickly learned to adapt to the streets of Coruscant, pick pocketing people in the markets and squares, swindling foreigners out of their money in cantina’s, kark, I even broke into a noble’s house once just to test out my skills, and relieve them of some of their valuables of course. As I hit the ripe age of sixteen, I decided that it was time to leave the planet, a contact I’d met on Coruscant gave me a small smuggling job that would take me all the way out to the Kathol sector. I decided that this was my chance to explore the galaxy like I’d always dreamed of, I just wasn’t doing it the way I’d originally planned.

Later Life:

As I grew in age, I too became colder, desensitised to the violence and bloodshed the more I experienced it. But I still held my morals. Life was tough as an outlaw, I would take the occasional smuggling job, escort and the like, but I would never take a job that would harm an innocent or someone who didn’t have it coming. Ah yes, how… ironic, honour among thieves, what a strange galaxy we live in isn’t it? At one point during my many adventures, I came across a sliver of information, a name, not much to go on I know, but it was something. Bendgar Rarcoth, a Trandoshan assassin and slaver who had a connection with the murder of my aunt and uncle.

I began researching this monster, tracking his whereabouts and gathering any information I could find on him. He wasn’t going to get away with this so easily. After about a month on his tail, I’d narrowed his location down to Concord Dawn, collecting a bounty on an escaped slave who’d tried to run from her Hutt master. Obviously, I knew that it was dangerous to set foot into Mando territory with all the conquest and whatnot so I had to watch who I talked to. I found the guy in a bar, drinking away his payment, what a waste of life. After he’d passed-out, I carried him to the nearby alley and cut him a little, making sure he was awake for what was to come next. Now I don’t normally torture people, but that bastard killed the only family I ever knew, and I made sure he knew that as I pried scale after scale off his soft, pink flesh. The alcohol had partially dulled his senses but he eventually revealed the party who hired him. It was time for some good ol’ fashion revenge. I’ve been doing my research on the people in the political party for some time now, planning each exact step to the letter, they’ve taken everything from me, so now I’m gonna show em’ how it feels.

The Outback/Coalition:

I joined up with a merry band of renegades known as ‘The Kathol Outback.’ They work to restore some level of sanity to the Kathol sectors and its surrounding parts, an area I’ve become quite fond of these last few years. I met with their leader Bryce Bantam and a commander John Sheppard, they seemed dedicated and passionate to the cause and while I initially joined up as a merc, looking for some spare credits to get me by, they thrust me head-first into the forefront of their struggle, welcoming me as one of their own. My relationship with the Outback looks like the one positive thing that’s happened in my life, I’ve found a cause that I can finally get behind.

With the Outback undergoing some refurbishments, becoming the 'Outer Rim Coalition,' I though it necessary to have a little 'me-time'. It was a regular day on one of the ORC stations when I received a Holo-message containing the deed to my old family Estate, 'Vandermolen Estate'. Yes, I know, how very generic. I decided to visit with some friends, both old and new to reclaim the family legacy, as it were. [member="Dax Fyre"], [member="Kimiko"], and [member="Rebel Sunka"] accompanied me as we explored my old family home, basking in the wonders of what it used to look like... what it could look like again one day. The estate is in my possession now, and I'm determined to restore it to what it once was.

A New Phenomenon:

So, as it turns out, I've been sensitive to the force my whole life, just never really put two and two together. My powers kicked in when they were needed the most, during a good ol' torture session from some bad guys, but luckily by harnessing my new found powers, and with a little help from my buddies, we gave the old fools the boot and got me outta dodge in what was the most bad-ass rescue mission to date.... probably. Now, after countless days training and enhancing my skill, helped along by a little holocron that I relieved from a Sith Lord, my powers had reached such a level to were I've been recognised as a 'master' level judge, a gracious and flashy title that essentially means I'm one of the big boys now. How bout' that? After starting out as an old, run of the mill merc, no family to be seen, ruffian, to one of the most esteemed members of this corner of the galaxy. My, how times have changed...

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