Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Arena of Justice.

A bright sunny day, not a cloud in the sky.


Spectators chanted the words over and over from the stands.

Finally, the Archduke stepped forth, the echo of his staff stamping the ground silencing the crowd.

An Announcer stepped forward to address the crowd, he gestured to the two duelists in the arena sands, then his voice boomed across the arena.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Today we have two duelists who have entered the Iron Tournament! The rules are simple! Two enter! One leaves!"

The crowd roared in anticipation. Darth Kentarch glanced at the Archduke and then the Announcer, exhaling in frustration.

Again the crowd fell silent, waiting for the starting words. They were here to see to the blood spilled on the sands.

After a few more tense moments of silence, the Announcer shouted.

Vora Kaar Vora Kaar & Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr

Beltran walked out onto the arena, his stride casual and his manner unworried. This wasn't the first tournament that he'd been a part of, and probably wouldn't be the last. The Ranger-cum-Jedi Apprentice didn't give so much as a glance upward to the thousands of roaring spectators. He wasn't here for them, so they didn't concern him. He was here for Vora Kaar Vora Kaar . It was a name that he hadn't heard until this match, and he intended that it not be heard by anyone ever again following it.

Once he arrived in the centre of the massive arena, Beltran would slowly unclip his lightsaber from his waist. He didn't activate it, he simple held it in his right hand and watched, impassively from behind his Temple Guardian's mask and sizing up his opponent. Beltran wasn't one for trash talk and rarely one for goading.

He would remain quiet while overhead, he heard the voice of the announcer explaining the rules-in that there really weren't any. That suited the Lorrdian fine. There were no rules in battle. Not really. Just kill the enemy before they killed you. It was a natural, primal state.

No sooner did the announcer give the order to fight did Beltran call upon the Force to give him speed. He would sprint forward toward his enemy, closing the distance between them in what would seem like an eye blink. And just as he seemed about to barrel right into Vora Kaar the Lorrdian would instead twirl around him, moving like a dancer in a kind of pirouette until he stood behind his enemy.

Only then he would activate his lightsaber and in a swift motion attempt to swing for a decapitating blow while whispering the words: "Let us dance, you and I."

Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch
Factory Judge
EQUIPMENT: Saber, Helmet

A fight against another foe. It was clear the fight would be one of without any "Rules." Of course it would mean likely the death of an individual, but that would hardly be a fight should it only be until one conceded. Vora is the Sphere of Strength with the Keepers. Strength in one's self is how one became a Sith. One able to control their own aspects to become stronger in whatever they excelled, allowed for the Sith to survive their rather violent beginnings. Clearly, this man was a Jedi of some kind. Kaar could not be sure if it was the Galactic Alliance, or the Silver Jedi. Both were well known groups that harbored these ritualistic people. The opposite side of the coin that Vora was.

A lightsaber drawn and hidden behind a Jedi Temple Guardian Mask. Typically practitioners of not just the blade, but to have the force work in tandem with the saber. The weaknesses of the Saber based combat was covered up and reduced via the force. However, it means one would not excel in either. Vora wanted this man to prove the stigmata wrong.

A charge up and explosion of the force. Speed. It didn't take much to see the blur headed for the Sith Lord. Saber in hand, yet not active. A spin performed to move around the Lord. However, Saber combat was not all about closing the distance between a foe and another. It was also about keeping it. The proper distance at which one kept so that reactions to a foe would be easier to anticipate, and react to. A twisting to have Vora's body to face the Jedi while also taking steps back away from the individual was met with the saber creating the smell of Ozone through the air.

"Speak with intent as you do with your blade."

A whisper of words directed at the Sith, went mostly unheard. Something to do with dancing. However, this was a moment for Vora to take advantage of the first move being done by the Jedi. A loud boom echoed from the usage of the force. Forcing downward into the sand. Sending an explosion of grains in a cloud between the two. Then without warning, the sand grains began to fly at the Sith. Influenced as though the grains were ballistics. Being shot in a patter much akin to a massive scatter shotgun's spread.

"Anything less will be weakness."

The flash of a crimson saber erupted from within the sand cloud and swung out at the Jedi. Two crosses from left to right, then right to left. Only to shut off and hide from within the cloud once more.

Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch

As the cloud of sand swirled around the opponents, Beltran quickly became certain of one thing: His adversary was both more skilled with the lightsaber than he, and was very powerful in the Force. Neither revelation surprised the Lorrdian overmuch, he was very much a beginner in both areas. But that didn't mean he wasn't dangerous.

After all, as the old military adage went: Veterans are predictable, but the galaxy is full of dangerous amateurs. That the Sith had stepped out of the path of Beltran's strikes had been expected. That he used some method to obscure himself was also expected. As grains of sand pelted against his armor, Beltran waited for it.

The riposte.

A cross, a powerful swing attempting to bisect him from left shoulder to right flank flowing easily into another cross, this time coming in reverse. Beltran side-stepped the first strike, deactivating his blade once more as he moved. He did this knowing that doing so would put him right in the path of the second strike, which was fine. It was to be expected.

Raising his right arm, he would take the strike on the beskar plate that protected his forearm, his bicep tensing under the power of the strike while sparks flew as the crimson blade met the Mandalorian steel. Using the Force to augment his already considerable physical strength, Beltran would then bat the saber away. He would step forward, moving quickly in step with the Sith as he attempted to disengage back into the cloud-working to stay inside the Sith's guard all the while.

The Lorrdian would then lash out with his left leg, going for a nasty kick to the Sith's right thigh. Without pausing to reflect on whether he had hit his target, then he would follow up with a leap forward and swing his right fist down as the Sith's helmeted face. The goal with this strike wasn't to kill, but perhaps injure or disorient his enemy, allowing for a chance at a fatal strike later on.
Factory Judge
EQUIPMENT: Saber, Helmet

A response of closing the distance was expected of the Jedi. It was he who started this fight. It was he who attempted to make first contact. From it, would be his downfall. Attempting to gain ground, means one has to give up their own. While the kick did find purchase, causing Vora to go down on one knee. Coming within the reach of the crossguard saber. Drawing in this close, Kaar knew that it was going to be close quarters, and would lend to not using the saber. Trakata, or the practice and usage of tactical application of the saber turning on, or off in combat. The crimson blade's hum shrieked off with a fist thrown at the helmet.

Problem with hitting someone in the head, or a limb, is that they can be moved much more easily than the center mass. Vora was opting for a phyric stance on the current situation. The gauntlet-clad fist slammed into the face plate, but allowed the Lord to turn on the saber once more. Having it directly between the two of them, with the emitter facing directly, nearly point blank into the man's chest.

While yes, the strike to the dome sent an almost black out level of pain to the head. However, the force can work wonders when used correctly. Reinforcing the neck and head via Force Weapon, and Telekinesis, Preventing Vora's neck from snapping back, or getting whiplash from the strike. The usage was not only to prevent serious injury to Vora, but also assume the personification of a Wall. One that couldn't be beaten down by a punch.

Silently taking the slam to the face. Silently letting the Jedi get one upper hand with Vora in the kneeling stance, Allow the slamming to overextend onto Vora. All so the use of Trakata will have a better chance with being in such close proximity. Nearly-point-blank. It was a case of the Jedi being over confident in one or two strokes, giving up stable ground that one might have for a potential killing blow.

Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr

Thus far in the fight, Beltran had traded distance with his adversary for dominant aggression. He'd check in close, trying not to let the more experienced force user have more than a split second to breath between attacks. There were pros to this kind of assault, particularly when there was such a disparity between the skill levels of the opponents. However, there were also cons-as Beltran was about to realize.

Being so close to the Sith, Beltran was not able to read his enemy's body language with the same level of acumen that he normally did. While he was landing his hits on the enemy, it didn't really clue into him that his enemy hadn't activated his saber in an attempt to ward the Lorrdian off.

So when the Sith pressed the emitter side of his lightsaber into Beltran's chest, the Lorrdian had only the span of an eyeblink to realize just hot badly he'd fethed up before the blade activated.

What happened next would prove that Beltran had put some forethought into the building of his armor, if not the opening moves of this fight. When the blade struck his chest plate, it would not penetrate it-since it was made of beskar. Instead, the blade would struggle against his body weight, physics moving the blade along the plate until it found a seam in his armor. When it did find said seam, just where his arm met his torso it would puncture through the fabric of the undersuit.

At least for a second.

Luckily for Beltran, he had thought to make the undersuit of his armor out of a cortosis-laden weave. As Vora Kaar Vora Kaar 's blade made contact with it, it would short out and deactivate, but not before it left a lightsaber sized hole in the junction where his shoulder met his upper arm. The pain that Beltran felt was fiery hot with intensity, and more than enough to cause the Lorrdian to stumble backward away from the Sith. His right arm, it's tendons and ligaments now severed, hung uselessly at his side. The hilt of his lightsaber now lay in the sand of the Colosseum, at the Sith's feet.

Looking up at the Sith, hate burned in his gaze from behind his mask. With his left hand, he would reach behind him and slowly draw his beskar sword from the scabbard he wore slung over his back. As he began to move toward his enemy, this time more cautious in his steps, one thing was certain. While Beltran was injured, he was in no way beaten.

Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch

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