Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It was not long before Voph came to the next chamber. Within sat a throne, same as the first room. But upon this throne sat an individual not unlike Voph himself. She stood quietly, head cocked to the side as she listened intently for his approach. "It's been a long time, Darth Voph." Voph did not stir for a long moment, instead standing and staring quietly. "I know you're there. Even for all your skill, you never were able to hide from me. Not for long." Voph smirked. This, Ilstera was not incorrect about. "You always were the more perceptive of the two of us, Ilstera."

Ilstera smiled quietly. "I know. A flaw I would have thought you to have grown out of by now." Voph's stoic expression gave way to a slight frown. "I see you also haven't learned your lesson about charging in to things you know nothing about. Have you forgotten everything I taught you? Are you that ungrateful a student?" Voph's brow arched. Of course he hadn't. In fact, her most poignant lesson still haunted his dreams. Still made him wary of Force Healing techniques. "What choice did I have? The invaders were on our doorstep." Ilstera frowned at him. "Zakuul was a circumstance none of us foresaw. That hardly--" "Except I foresaw it." Ilstera visibly paused. "You..." "You seem to think that I take the action that I do because I am reckless. Because I have no foresight into the future. The Force has shown me realities so twisted and warped even the Dread Masters would flee in terror." Ilstera remained silent as the man spoke, a hint of worry creeping in to her face.

"I knew about the invasion well in advance. Why do you think I drove so hard to prepare our forces? Why do you think I left for the Republic when the Empire would not heed me? Everything I have done has been according to plan. Be it mine, or the higher powers that treat us like puppets." Ilstera did not speak for a long moment. Finally, she sat back down upon her throne and said, "Perhaps I misjudged you. You guard your ability well." Voph did not answer her. He did not have to. They both knew the reason. "Learn well this final lesson, Lord Voph. You have become a Paragon of our order. The last member of the Octarchy. In all things, there is balance. But do not mistake the Force for being the source of that balance. Without your hand to guide it, the wrongs of life will never be righted."

Chaos NaNo; 433


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