Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Forgotten


"That wouldn't be a bad idea. They already know the Epicanthix don't have their own fleet, so if the Alliance ships were to be pulled towards the growing conflict against the Mandalorians, it'd be a prime opportunity to attack." How aware the assailants were of the politics around the Epicanthix Kahlil wasn't too sure of, but the strongest fighters knew the importance of knowing their enemy. Even if the attack was just a scouting mission, they'd likely have all manner of info now. He did wink teasingly as she tried to poke him, but didn't make a comment on it otherwise.

"Yeah. Once we get these ships running properly, we could box them in on their assault."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Valley of Forgotten Lords
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Ship: Link
Blasters | Lightsaber | Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

She bit her lip and felt a rush of heat passing through her chest, and then up to her face. She didn't care that it was so easy for him to make her blush - all it took was his wink - she was just happy to be with him after an exhausting mission.

It also helped that he liked her idea. The Epicanthix were really his people and looked up to men like him and Adonis. But the more time she spent with them, the more accepted she felt. They put their trust in her, and now her plans were going to be used too? She was excited to lead them into more battles because of it.

"They won't know what hit them. You could command one half of the fleet and I can handle the other or even play bait for you." She began to smirk a little now, "As amazing as you are, I'm still the more alluring bait~" she winked at him this time and fluttered her lashes to look a little extra beautiful.



"I'd rather not use any bait outside the city, really." He watched her for a moment, then chuckled as he leaned down to kiss her forehead. "But you do make quite the alluring bait, yes. Still, no lives being used would be the ideal. We can always rebuild, but if we do it right they won't be able to harm the city anyway."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Valley of Forgotten Lords
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Ship: Link
Blasters | Lightsaber | Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Awwe, you don't want to put a target on me, hm?" She grinned, knowing there was more to it than just that, but she was in the mood to poke at him just a little bit. So as he leaned in to kiss her forehead, she closed her eyes and smiled brightly for a moment. But then a teasing grin returned.

"You know, there was a time when you'd blush and get all squirmy if I even held your hand in public. Now you're kissing me in front of your men." Was she playing a dangerous game by teasing him right now? For sure she was, but she had to take her shots sometimes.

There was no way he'd see this one coming. She would go back to serious talk after this.



"There was. But I think after missing all that time I'm done trying to hide how I feel."

Kahlil shrugged casually before smirking down at her. She was the one currently being carried, after all. If she wanted to tease him more, it wouldn't work like this.

"So you're going to have to deal with it now."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Valley of Forgotten Lords
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Ship: Link
Blasters | Lightsaber | Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"I love dealing with it," Valery looked up into his smirk and met him with a more loving smile. Sure, she had hoped that her little tease would work, but she had expected him to get through it without blushing. He wasn't so easily messed with, but that only made the challenge a lot of fun.

There would be a moment when she'd get those ears to burn up like they did on Obroa-Skai again, and she'd be all over him to mess with him some more.

"I never want you to feel like you need to hide how you feel, especially not from me. Or that it feels uncomfortable to show those emotions." She shifted around to bring her arms up and around his neck, so she could pull herself up a little. "Just know that it never bothered me when you were more reserved. But... it does feel great to see you feel good about being more open." Not just because she was getting kisses and hugs in public out of it.

How he felt was most important.

"Now, where do we take this fleet? We should probably take them to some proper shipyards while we prepare our home?"



"That's.. A good question."

He knew a couple shipyards, but they were either closed down, or the type that no one should ever go to. Not even Sith. He frowned, glancing over the display as the other ships closed around to start bringing his droids on to get the flagship repaired enough for a hyperspace jump. He leaned over to kiss her forehead half mindedly, mulling over the different choices. If there were any choices.

"I don't know any good shipyards."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Valley of Forgotten Lords
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Ship: Link
Blasters | Lightsaber | Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"We can always take them to Kuat or Fondor," Valery mused before she blinked at the idle kiss planted against her forehead. She looked up again and smirked, before she gently started drumming her fingers against his chest. "We could also pay the Hapans a visit for it. They were very grateful for our soldiers and Jedi helping take down their underworld, so I'm sure they'd be willing to make repairs."

Maybe it'd be a good sign of faith in the Hapans as a new member of the Alliance as well.

"...also, can I stand again? I'm not that tired, you know." She chuckled and said it mostly to tease and remind him that she was still up in his arms. She loved the attention, really.



"Wherever you think is best, honestly. I've been so focused on making sure our home is prepared and rebuilt that I'm rather short on just who we can ask." Alicio was the first that came to mind, but he didn't even know if Alderaan had shipyards. Maybe the Epicanthix should invest in making their own? He hummed at that thought before chuckling. The grin returned as he glanced down towards her.

"Do you really want to stand again?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Valley of Forgotten Lords
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Ship: Link
Blasters | Lightsaber | Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Let's take these ships to Hapes, then. Fondor and Kuat are possible but busy keeping up with the new fleet reformations." Hapes would be less expected as well, and she liked the idea of building a stronger relationship with some new allies. The Epicanthix would be strong on their own, but there were threats out there that needed even the strongest warriors to band together. Having mutual respect with the Hapans would help a lot.

"Do you really want to stand again?"

Valery smiled innocently, "No, I'm just poking at you because it's funny. I'm way too comfortable like this." She brightened her smile and leaned the side of her head against his chest.

"To Hapes we go~"



"That's what I thought."

Kahlil chuckled before nodding once to one of the other Epicanthix. The droids had already gotten the hyperdrive online now that there wasn't any threats on board, and with the shields up shortly after they could hop through Hyperspace in one piece.

"To Hapes we go."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

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