Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Fall Of Darkness

Romeo made his way back up to the bridge, the fact they were all still breathing meant the battle was won. He grinned.
-Time to count out the paychecks.-
"Someone bring me our payload!"
He called through the intercom.
"I swear if they have dead bodies laying around my bridge..." he muttered to himself.
[member="Tiberius Rex"] [member="Wes Brin"] [member="stardust"] [member="Adan Jax"] [member="Silus The Psycho"] [member="Michael Steelfang"] [member="Eliza Downheart"]
Tiberius woke up as [member="Wes Brin"] started to stir and heard him say "Sup" to him. The older Mandalorian looked at the boy "you really didn't just say "sup" to me did you?" he said sounding serious.

Kaia Brin

Professional Cry Baby
Kaia Laughs and nods her head "Yeah...." she looks over to the droid that soullessly stares at her and waves a hand in front of it even though it sits there unresponsive "Weird..." .
Finally reaching the bridge, the prisoners were not there. Romeo was a bit flustered, but kept his cool. "Where are those prisoners?" He spoke into his chair's com. He pulled out a pad that was connected to the ships interface.
"Beauty send me feed to the Med Bay."
With that a live feed of the med room was displayed for his eyes only. Wes was up, and now speaking with Rex..
He pressed a button on the pad that would link up to the coms in that room.
"Do it Rex...give em a hug." He chuckled after releasing the button. The other crew members were watching him with brows lifted.
"What!? Get back to work! Get me those prisoners up here!!!" He barked.
[member="Kaia Brin"] [member="Tiberius Rex"] [member="stardust"] [member="Adan Jax"]
"If it wasn't for the fact that you are in the process of recovering I would make you run or do pushups...or something" he sighs and shakes his head. Tiberius looks at the camera and shakes his head "she owes me something first [member="Romeo Sin"] " he said looking at the camera.
Adan Walked to the bridge, Looking at Romeo "i don't have any for I don't really care but I did help silus catch the Captain, honestly if it wasn't for me Silus would have killed him. Letting you know." [member="Romeo Sin"]
"Being me the captain my friend. I'll deal with Silus later. Star captain is on deck, means the bridge has been returned to me. Go help Adan." He said turning back to the pad. He pressed the button. " know what I asked. Dont make me lock the doors."
[member="Adan Jax"] [member="Kaia Brin"] [member="stardust"] [member="Tiberius Rex"]

Kaia Brin

Professional Cry Baby
Kaia Sighs and looks down at the ground tears comming in her eyes she looks up at Rex and says with a voice full of sorrow "I-I-I im sorry..." she looks at her feet on the bed and stays silent.
Tiberius kept a frown on his face as the girl apologized "Yea...yea you should be, by all rights I should kick you off the squad. In fact I probably should to keep good order and discipline in the squad...." The older mandalorian paused for a moment it thought "but I am not going to kick you're welcome" he said very begrudgingly to [member="Kaia Brin"].

Kaia Brin

Professional Cry Baby
As [member="Tiberius Rex"] reprimanded the girl, Kaia slowly curled up into a ball and sulks she didn't mean to hurt Rex she was just upset that she got left behind.
Adan laughed a quiet laugh with Stardust. Adan walked up to the cell that the captain was in. "Hello sunshine" Adan cracking a joke at the pissed off Captain, "time to meet our Captain, buddy boy." Adan walked in grabbing the Captain he was struggling. "Quit your pouting its not gonna help anything, look on the bright side there is a reason our Captain told us not to kill you. So there still might be some kind of hope for you." [member="stardust"]
[member="Romeo Sin"] "My brig is filled to the brim with prisoners ready for drop off just tell me where " Michael was less than impressed with how the so called Carnage squad fought this day for the most part they showed all the weakness he would have expected from a bunch of mercs mot real mandalorians he mused to himself what would have happened if his clan was on that ship how much quicker this action would have been completed.
Tiberius sighed in frustration "and I am sorry for leaving you behind" this was their first mission and as a squad they had a shaky start but his squad would get better. "I have a lot to learn about being a squad leader... I will be honest with you, but I will get better and take better care of y'all" He humbly admitted to [member="Kaia Brin"] "please be patient with me, this is a learning experience for me as well".

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