Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Fall Of Darkness

Romeo was standing by now, focused on the Corvette that was now returning fire. The Beskar hull of this ship would easily shrug off the shots, but it didn't make it invincible.
"Are we clear?" He asked, and a man called out yes. "Then focus all our weapons on that ship!! Bring it down!!! Do whatever you can to keep up alive! I don't care!" He said in a flustered tone that was sharp. More of the Beauty''s weapons began to fire at the shop as they broke loose from the trade ship.
[member="Michael Steelfang"] [member="Tiberius Rex"] [member="Adan Jax"] [member="Eliza Downheart"]

Kaia Brin

Professional Cry Baby
Wes Limps as fast as he can to get out of the soon to explode ship whimpering, fearing death coming closer he screams into the comms "Dont karking leave me here!" he watches in disbelief as the other ship he came in breaks off he falls to his knees shocked they departed with out him, he bangs at the door Wailing hoping for some way for them to come back, he quickly looks around for some way out crying violently as he looks. He gets the sudden idea! "the escape pods" he quickly stumbles off his ass out into the hall way looking for the signs to the pods out of this soon to be decimated heap scrap, after finally finding the sign to his destination he quickly limps down the hall way and down whatever obstacle that was in his way to get to it "I dont wanna die!!" Screamed the young mando as he manages to find one small pod waiting for him he hastily throws the door open and leaps inside head first he gets back up and closes the hatch and presses the buttons to launch him off the ship when he suddenly realizes he forgot to strap himself down "Oh poodoo.." was all the boy said before shooting off into the dark void of space bouncing around the pod from the blast.

(sorry i panicked ;~; )
stardust had jumped into the ship and ran to the pilot seat setting down"ahhh ok beauty hows the engines"she said with a smike watching the ship fly out then she noticed the escape pod amd got uo"vueaty tell [member="Romeo Sin"] im following the pod "sge said and ran to the hangar bay where her xwibg was and got inside lifting off and fkying to the pod"escape pod you are to cut all power except life support systens
[member="Wes Brin"]

Kaia Brin

Professional Cry Baby
Getting off the pod floor Wes goes and presses some buttons to turn off power " Th-the powers off" sniffled the young boy he sits down on one of the chairs and brings his knees up to his chest and sobs curling into a ball softly wailing.
Tiberius ran out thinking that [member="Wes Brin"] was behind him the whole time so he was as confused as any when the kid didn't run off the ship right behind him. The bounty hunter couldn't see [member="Michael Steelfang"] but he heard him and clicked on his comms "yea yea I hear you, but right now we have a job to do" he said slightly annoyed at the man. In his eyes he didn't do anything wrong so he was unsure as to why the man was upset with him. Tiberius saw [member="stardust"] take off to rescue the young Mando and waited in the hangar area until she returned.

Kaia Brin

Professional Cry Baby
Wes sits in a seat thinking about life pissed that [member="Tiberius Rex"] had forgotten the young boy after he had given him a big speech as he boils in anger Wes punches a chair ripping through the stuffing feeling betrayed by the whole crew besides star in anger he screams out loud " Do I mean anything to any of you guys! You fuckers just left me to die!!" as Wes has his moment he forgets to turn off his comm leaving everyone with there comm on to hear the Childs rant.
Of course Tiberius hears [member="Wes Brin"] 's rant and simply responds "we are gonna have a LONG talk once you get back on the ship". At that Tiberius clicked off his comms, he didn't wanna hear the boys retort and didn't care what the rest of the crew was gonna say. The one thing Tiberius knew for certain is the kid was gonna get it when he got back safely, no one publicly embarrassed him like that and him yelling that on the comms was certainly embarrassing for the bounty hunter.

Kaia Brin

Professional Cry Baby
Wes hears [member="Tiberius Rex"] bark at the boy through the comms he grumbles something before turning off his own comms he pictures in his mind Wes socking the older Mando in the face and going to his bunk for a victory nap still waiting on [member="stardust"] to land so he can do his devious scheme.
Romeo chimed in, "Someone get that boy in here!" He yelled in the coms. The Beauty was now beginning to circle around the republic ship, aiming at it's engines.
"Fire our Ion Cannons at the engines!" And they did. One after, another the cannons blasted the engines, but the other ship was already firing down on his own ship again.
"Shields are down sir!" A man called out from behind him.
"How the hell do we get in that ship before she brings us down!?" He callled back out.
"[member="Michael Steelfang"], got any ideas?"
[member="Tiberius Rex"] @stardust @Wes Brin
crap guys i see fighters incoming im in no conditiom to fight"she said as she moved ger ship fater bust steady enough"damnit wes you shouldve just freaking followed someome "sge saud to him as she saw herself approaching thw veauty "[member="Romeo Sin"] have beauty open the doors plz"she saud gettomg closet
[member="Wes Brin"]

Kaia Brin

Professional Cry Baby
Wes frowns as he hears @star dust yell at him from the Xwing he presses the button on the pod to speak "Hey shut up you guys left me there! " Wes whimpers and takes his hand off the button and sits back on the chair and cries "why is everyone such jerks!"

Kaia Brin

Professional Cry Baby
Wes decides to ignore the comm not caring what they said he stares out into deep space thinking about snow and other things to calm himself down As he waits for the twi'lek to drop him down into the hangar.
she labed insode amd got out of her xwing and went aroumd to the pod and knocked on it"hey kid time to get out"sje said and waited for [member="Romeo "]sim to come with more tgen likely [member="Tiberius Rex"] behimd him
[member="Wes Brin"]

Kaia Brin

Professional Cry Baby
Wes opens the pod to see [member="Tiberius Rex"] standing there, minutes of calming himself down boils away into anger "You give me some speech to cheer me up then ditch me!?" the infuriated munchkin Hobbles up to the older mando and socks him right in his face as hard as the young kid could. Growling he storms off in anger and shock marching to his bed to sleep even though there is a raging space battle going around him. "Screw you!" He barked as he limps through the door into the hallway his loud sobs bounce around the walls of the ship.
Romeo cracks up as he watches the video feed from the hallways. Wes had just hit Rex in the face, as to whether or not Rex would chase the boy down, and spank him was to be seen, but Romeo was laughing hard in the middle of a space battle. What was worse, his hand had it the intercom button so all heard it.
He finally regained composure, and sat up straighter.
"Hell with it! BLOW IT UP!" He commanded his ship. Already the engines to the enemy ship were down, and now it was a floating tank.
His ship opened fire with all their cannons, blasting the hull inwards, and causing space to suck out men, and women from the Republic ship.
[member="Tiberius Rex"] [member="Wes Brin"] @stardust
The kid punched moment the kid hugs him crying and the next he socks him in the jaw, granted the only thing wounded was his pride from the punch but the fact of the matter is the kid still punched him. The bounty hunter heard [member="Romeo Sin"] laughing on the comms and imagined everyone else was either laughing or trying not to laugh in fear of invoking his wrath upon them as well. "Haar'chak! Come here you orikih sharal shabiir!! You have no idea what aaray is till I am done with you!" Tiberius shouted as he took off after the boy. Tiberius tended to slip between standard and Mandalorian when angry or frustrated, although what it was right now he was even unsure sure of. Catching up with the hobbling [member="Wes Brin"] Tiberius simply grabbed the boy by the shoulder spinning him around and slamming him hard against the hallway walls.

"I don't care who YOU are or your back story, you DO NOT HIT ANOTHER MEMBER OF YOUR OWN SQUAD!! That is a rule I told you from the very beginning and I don't care who you are or what's going on in your life you WILL keep a calm military bearing about you!" Tiberius slammed him against the wall again to make his point as he yelled at him. "If you don't like me fine! I could give two poodoos but you will respect me and if you have a problem with me we will talk about it like men!" He slammed him against the wall one more time. "Do I make myself absolutely crystal clear?...and unless the next words out of your mouth aren't "crystal sir" then I will teach you a lesson in manners...and believe me you do not want that".
Romeo dashed out the bridge, "[member="stardust"] take the bridge while I check on this!" He yelled at the com. He dashed through the corridors till he was at the crew cabins. He could hear loud banging, and yelling as he turned the corner. Sure enough Wes was taking a beating from Tiberius. Romeo watched to make sure nothing drastic happened.
"Damn..." he muttered to himself.
It was rough seeing this, but Romeo had given the mando reign over his own members.
[member="Tiberius Rex"] [member="Wes Brin"]

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