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Private The End Of A Bloodline: Patricide | Part 2

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge



Days of preparation had gone into surveillance working out how long the mark was away from his ship. Komi and the other five kids stood across from the entrance. To their surprise the other day they found that the ex-jedi walked the receptionist at their hotel to work and even stayed there in the lobby for an hour. The woman was a slow walker working in their favour.

“Kay guys, as we went over. Keep watch Seb, Tama’ri you wait near the hotel together. When he comes out, you?”

“I swend de pwing on de pad.” Seb said energetically with his big smile.

Komi knew Tama’ri was quite responsible. After hearing the stories she told, Komi felt safe having her watching him. Seb was a hadfull, but no doubt the games on the datapad would keep him occupied while they watched the door. “That’s right Seb. You are such a smart boy.” She liked to compliment him, if anything it was for the adorable smile each time. “Ruko and Chip mid way. Dezard you watch from here.”

They three in sync nodded. Her hands clapped together pushing the nerves down. “Kay. Let's do this.” The young girl turned and went across the street using the walkway. The worker in the booth had gotten used to seeing Komi in and out the past few days and waved her through without batting an eye. Her pace was a little faster than usual and inside there was an enormous amount of energy inside.

The situation was a rush even though nothing was happening yet. Perhaps it was because it was risky, or perhaps it was sticking it to a person who used to be part of the jedi. “Same hanger every day. Almost there. This is the easy part Komi, got this… you got this, definitely got this.” She said nervously, quietly as her hand held onto the small EMP. “No getting away mr ex jedi. He he.”

Getting to the hanger the sounds of heavy metal unlatching rang out, soon the door opened before the girl could reach for the button. Her head turned in surprise seeing no one was there quickly she rushed over to the boxes and hid behind them as the large door continued to open. To the girls utter confusion no one was there. Still she waited a second or too keeping watch before bolting inside and slamming the button for the doors to shut. Her arm remained against the wall as Komi leant over.

Her breath was fast as a different kind of rush ran through her. It was impossible to not feel the hard pounding on her chest from nerves. A ping took her attention as she looked at the message.

Dedata: “No need to worry. Told you didn’t I, I’d be watching.”

It was a moment of relief seeing the message that solidified the resolve inside. Turning she rushed over to the Durians Dart and up its ramp. Komi halted at the door taking a second to take a deep breath and calm. There was no telling what was actually inside but it was the risk of the mission. One step at a time the girl walked further inside, her movements steady to not disturb a thing. She climbed the ladder to the second floor and went to the very back.

Crouching down her fingers tucked into the slits of the floor lifting a piece up and dropping down. The first ping came from Seb. There was still time but it was certainly earlier than expected. Slotting the emp that resembled a datastick or a scomp link into a port and climbed out of the pit.

Carefully she placed the flooring back making sure it was flush then rushed out all the way feeling proud. By the time the Girl had gotten to the entrance of the space port the second ping had gone off. Komi crossed the road back to Dezard. “It’s done woooo. Lets… sit, yeah… sitting sounds good.”

Finally as a joke Dezard pinged the chain seeing the target pass behind Komi across the street. "Let eh maybe get back to the hotel first."

The girl nodded as it made more sense to get away from the space port. “Yeah, yeah. C’mon.”

Off they went to pack their things before flying to the humble place of tangletown ready for the evening when Teresa would arrive.



Playing as Rikil

Mirilla looked ahead as Rikil held onto her arm as the other kept pace with the walking stick. It was easily the quietest morning all month. She knew he’d not be here much longer, it was always the same routine. Her eyes looked up from the floor and turned to look at the rugged man with defined streaks of grey running through the deep brown of his hair. “So, you are leaving soon right?”
Every time she looked at his face, it was conflicting whether to hate or love the man. Perhaps she just loved him and hated herself enough to resent. “Are you going to tell me why this time or are just going to disappear again?” Her tone carried the loneliness and years of defeat. “Wouldn’t be the first time.

“I know Mirilla and I’m sorry for that” the man answered, a small sigh escaping his lips “I promise I’ll explain when I return, just give me some time okay?” he continued with a nonchalant tone as he walked towards the entrance. Back in his younger days he may have been more considerate, all that was left was a cold shadow of his former self.

As Mirilla turned to look back towards the doors where Rikil stood she sighed and it was a long one. “Look, Rikil, you can just go early today. You needn’t stay around, never stopped you in the past right. I’ll get myself home later too.” Her head turned quickly going behind the lobby counter and into a back room.

Rikil opened his mouth to say something, although nothing seemed to come out when she began to walk away. Throughout the years his trust had worn thin with Mirilla, and he doubted at this point he’d be able to fix it considering how much his body had betrayed him. There were many things he wanted to fix, that was only one of them.

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


Elsewhere in the Galaxy…​

The beeping blaring around the room arose Teresa from her sleep, her eyes blurred and a yawn with it. Teresa's head turned to the data pad and leaned across to turn off the sound. In half sleep realisation The Epicanthix read the message and smiled. "Komi, Komi, Komi, My sweet girl this is why I reward you." Her legs slid over the edge and wings quickly folded close to her back. Heavy steps rumbled through the metal floor as each one brought her closer to the cockpit.

The seat creaked whe Teresa sat into the modified chair. Her hands moved across the centre console selecting the world for hyperspace jump. How people did the maths for it in their heads, baffled the Epicanthix Valkyrie. Pushing forward on the hyperspace outside the window began to turn bright with streaks of white passing by. It would only be a few hours before Teresa arrived to finally put an end to the one who probes the fringed of her mind. Assaulting it with static.

The interruptions were maddening and the chase worse.


With all their bags sorted the kids had checked out and headed straight for the shuttle. Next was Tangletown where they would wait, well all except Komi who would make her way close to the camp in waiting. After all she was the beacon for her Mistress, so that her grace can finally complete her mission.

The kids took their seats after Dezard assisted the smaller ones to place their bags in the overhead. However there the leader of the merry band of kids sat behind the controlled flicking switches and speaking out the process as she went along the steps. It was still a lot to remember but in time it would become second hand.

The door closed to the shade and its engines powered up, in moments it lifted from the ground and flight surfaces unfurled. Lifting even further out of the hanger the small craft shot off over towards their next destination.

As they flew over the golden planes of Lothal, Komi placed a lot of thought into things. It was amusing how someone else did the same. “Dezard, if things go well, I intend to use my pay for you a lot. Mistress is getting me to learn many skills. If you all want to serve her too, then you will all need skills too right. Your lives will improve and…” The girl smiled, placing a hand against her chest for a moment. “Well having purpose feels great. Being a retainer is hard work but I love it.”

As the girl spoke, Dezard made his way up to the side of her. He half held onto the back of the chair and braced against the wall. “Sounds good to me. If not for you we’d be far worse. Your mistress still scares me though, it’s her eyes. Though not once she raised a hand against me. Not like─” The ship jerked a little making the lad stumble breaking his words. Though he’d forgotten what he was about to say as the girl he stood next to turned her head.

“She’s not that scary when you get to know her.” Komi smiled more intently, a glint almost in her eyes. “I mean she is shy I think. Very to herself save for a few. Honestly you all have more social skills than Mistress. That's why she needs retainers. I think you’d be a good fit, also taking a lesson from Mistress, I am going after what I want and you are cute.”

The boy’s face went beet red fast. “I u-huh w-w. Y-y aaaah. You are the cute one Komiiiiiii.” His hand covered his mouth and without hesitation the boy retreated in panic at his own words now. Seb however looked with such misschief.

In no time they reached tangletown. It was not as grandiose as Lothal City but it looked as if its humble roots were firmly planted in this area. They landed just on its outskirts and the girl wasted little time. “Kay everyone, remember to stay with the shuttle. Once you get the alert, the shuttle will return to the Shadow. Would be bad if you get left behind.”

The air here felt different, fresher, and cooler. It would take some time to walk to a good observation spot of this Ex-jedi’s camp. Close to when everything will kick off. Still least for the walk she can enjoy thinking about the face Dezard made.



Playing as Rikil
Not long after making his way out of the hotel, Rikil hobbled himself back to the spaceport where he had landed the night before. The old Jedi could have stayed in the hotel all day if he wanted, but like he said to the receptionist some things needed to be done. Looking to one of the engineers who had just finished polishing off some minor repairs to his shuttle, he casually motioned for him to come over "Is she finished?" Rikil demanded in a rough tone, to which the worker nod "All done bu-" although before he could finish Rikil had already begun walking to the open ramp "Good, now please move away from my ship..." the man said lastly, his fist hitting against the button to begin the closure of his ship.

Looking on from the outside, the engineer slowly shook his head and backed away while watching the shuttle leave. Something had changed in the old man since his arrival, he may have not felt it but those around him certainly did.


Hours passed by as he walked himself through the rocky terrain of Lothal, an unforgiving land that could be deadly to those who weren't properly prepared. Rikil had done this journey many times to give him space to think, however, things were different. An event he had been waiting to happen for so long was finally going to take place, one that would hopefully conclude a lifetime of heartbreak that he had suffered with since the day he regretted most.

Nearing the waypoint of his journey, droplets of rain began to tap against his hood a precursor of an oncoming storm. It was almost a chilling sign that the gloom it brought was drawing closer, as well as an indication to stop his journey and wait for the worst of it to approach. Up ahead, there was an overhanging rock that gave him shelter from the elements and for now anything that may have been watching from afar.

Rikil walked over to the rough rockface and slowly lowered himself down to the floor. Briefly, the old Jedi searched around in his pockets until he found some smokes he had saved for occasions like this and didn't hesitate to light it. A dim light and a small trail of smoke came from the rocky overpass as he stared into the now heavy rain. For now, Rikil was at peace, but as the storm grew restless so did the broken soul inside of him.

He knew what was coming his way yet was still unprepared for what was to come. Nothing was going to stop this storm from happening, it was just a matter of if he could get through it with the remaining piece of himself he had left.

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———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


Komi continued to wander through the golden plains of Lothal as she noticed the clouds slowly rolling in. They were dark and thick, already she could feel the wind pick up but the camp was not far now. Stopping for a moment she knelt down and swung her heavy large bag from her shoulder to the floor. Bundled up inside near the top was a long dark coat with a fur lining and a hood. She quickly threw the coat on and took out a flask before sealing the bag back up and pulling it back onto her back.

Once more she walked forward bracing against the winds picking up across the rocky hills for what seemed like a long and arduous journey. Rain slowly began to come down, a light mist at first and picked up the further the clouds reached overhead. Though in time she would reach her destination on a hill that overlooked the camp from a close enough distance she could see through it with her macrobinoculars.

Nestling between rocks to shield against the wind, Komi set up a makeshift canopy low down and tilted to draw the rain away from where she’d be sat. Watching the site, there was some wonder to see the woman actually fight. She did not get to see the fight against the jedi who chased them when they first met. That time she was scared and tucked away safely. Each time she only ever hears the stories, this time was different, it was exciting.


Approximately 14 hours later
Time mercilessly passed and the shadow quickly shot through space till finally entering the orbit of Lothal. Surely the Jedi would feel it as she could; it was not the first she had been so close. Even Teresa could tell he was slowing down, getting closer each time. No matter what this was the last time, she had faith in her retainers prep work. Her hands tightened around the controls of the ship and pushed forward to descend down to the world. Eventually the ship became shrouded in the clouds that loomed over the land. Winds pounded into the side of the ship making it a struggle to keep things steady.

Reaching momentarily for the comms panel the light began to shine from the middle of the console. “Komi, I will arrive shortly. Any signs of him making a run put your thing into action.” All of a sudden her body felt tense, it was all the tension of waiting around. She had been chasing this person for some time and she would find out what they were after.

The girl tucked under the canopy and hid the glow of her com with a blanket. “I got it Mistress, there have been no movements yet but he started to move around more all of a sudden. If he tries to run I'll prevent it straight away. You can count on me.”

“Pray you do not fail me Komi. I have wasted much effort on this endeavour and I wish it to come to an end today.” There was such determination to Teresa’s voice. In moments the Black and Red ship broke through the dark clouds. Rain pelted against the cockpit windows as the ship got even lower and glided across the plains. In time the Shadow landed and the return signal for the shuttle went out. With several flicks each engine powered down and the front ramp lowered before the giant epicanthix stood. Her armor was tight and blades ready.

Nothing stood in her path any longer and like fate she was indeed a cruel mistress.

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Playing as Rikil

It was not long till the rain had stopped its major assault and turned into a light shower. Rikil was slightly relieved by the turn of events as he let go of what was left of his cigarette and stomped it onto the floor. He didn't want to be sitting there forever, after all the Jedi did have urgent places to be in preparation for what was ahead. The camp wasn't too far away now, and before long he'd be able to see the premade camp set up in the distance within a clearing.

Walking with a slight bit of urgency in his step he sighed and stopped once he had reached his tent. The small camp had unfortunately felt the effects of the weather, leaving various objects and debris scattered around annoyingly. Thankfully, the tent had remained intact and was still standing as it should have been. Any other person would have left the mess as it was and continued with their plans, but Rikil prided himself on being tidy. You could say it was one of the few things that carried over from being a Jedi to a regular civilian.

Hours passed and the night was finally upon him. The only thing that separated him from the pitch black was a blazing fire that had been created through the gathering of stones and dry wood, providing a warm embrace that shielded him from the cold that came with night. Rikil wasn't hungry or tired, the only thing he wanted to do was think of his past mistakes while the force granted him momentary peace.

The "Storm" he felt earlier was only growing closer and more restless. However, you would have thought if you were a Jedi you'd stand your ground and face it head on right? No, for Rikil that wasn't an option. For years, he had been coming to this spot to hide away from the truth whenever it was close to showing its head again. No one knew about this place other than he did, yet something in him was believing that the once peaceful little camp had been uncovered.

For now, time was the only thing that was going to answer that question.
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———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


Her feat carried the woman to the bottom of the ramp and along the muddied grass. "I'm coming for you." She said with a grin on her lips. Enormous black wings with red flight feathers unfurled from around Teresa as she crouched a little. In one large jump her wings began to beat silently as they lifted the woman higher. The strong winds ran through her feathers violently trying to push back. The world itself was sending its warnings, buying time. Yet the woman did not yield as her wings thrashed hard, flicking the gathering drops of rain from the ends.

Golden orange eyes were set in the direction of this feeling of static, the one she could keep feeling through the force. It drove her mad, that feeling felt disgusting. Her hands slipped around the blades on her hip gripping them tightly. It was not till after a second she had grasped the wrong blade with her right hand from the one she had intended. It was one she had the longest and one with the most weight. Yet subconsciously it called her hand. With a yank snapping the pin, Teresa decided to oblige the weapon. In her left hand however she wielded one of the Svikin Hjörtu she herself made.

Komi kept her eye on the camp the whole time as she slowly packed her things away. She had spotted that the jedi returned, even began to clean his camp up. She wondered if he was aware of the real storm, the one that made her giddy inside. Everything but the sheet that covered her was packed back inside, ready to move. Her rucksack was slung over her shoulders and her datapad was tight in hand.

Her eyes scanned around waiting. “C’mon, where are you?” She said under her breath as the sky lit up with a distant flash illuminating a silhouette, Komi smiled and tossed the sheet from over her letting the wind take it into the rapid currents. Her legs moved fast, every step unsure if she would fall, charging down the incline moving from rock cluster to the next when the jedi had his back to her. Komi did not understand how they worked. Whether he knew she was there or not like Teresa did.

Teresa had traversed ground quickly and could see the ship, one she had seen flee bespin just over a month ago. This time, this time would not be the same. Her eyes could just track her retainer moving fast as her little legs could take, but his attention would not be on her. The woman's wings began to pull back changing how the air flowed around the large frame. Her body began tilting forwards rapidly gaining speed, slight flicks kept teresa from entering a flat spin. Even if her wings did not flutter in the winds, every jedi and sith knew by instinct the snap hiss of Lightsabers coming to life, both blades were red, though one gave off an ominous feeling as if it was moulded in the screams of a dying world.

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Playing as Rikil

Rikil's eyes glared into the fierce fire in front of him, unmoving and silent from how intense he was thinking. Suddenly, a sudden flash appeared in the distance, followed by a drop of rain. The droplet slowly went down the old Jedi's face before a downpour erupted from above, drenching him as well as the fire that was beginning to lose its fury. It reminded him of how people got older and lost their strength as time dragged on, something which was gradually happening to him in many ways.

It wasn't the physical aspect by any means. Instead, his mental state was rotting as if it was slowly dying inside of his head.

While the brightness of the fire began to simmer down into small embers, another thing began to get much stronger than the storm itself. The rain and lighting were the opening act, now it was time for the main event to start. Getting to his feet and staring into the distance, he sighed briefly and frowned at the puddled floor below. Slowly but surely, the man began to slowly back away until he turned around to run as fast as his old legs could take him. Without thinking, he began to flee from his camp without looking back.

No matter what, he needed to get to his ship before she did. If she got there before him it was going to eliminate his only way of escape and doom him into a fate he didn't wish to have. As he grew closer, that same horrible feeling was getting stronger. He didn't know exactly where it was, but as he saw the ship in the distance the question was soon answered. Skidding to a halt, Rikil opened his eyes wide to see the very thing that had been troubling him.

It was her...

Rikil snapped a hand to his lightsaber and ignited it after hearing the distinct sound of a red lightsaber crackling in the wind. In the sky, he narrowed his eyes onto her flapping wings and saw her approaching. The man quickly shook his head in frustration and quickly made a brake for his ship, a move that looked full of desperation and regret. She was already too close, and before long she was going to be right on top of him!
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———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


A seething fury began to build as Teresa watched the man sprint for his ship, even from here she could see the colour of his blade. He was scared, the fear was intense and had been growing, she could feel it and like prey, it once more tried to survive, to escape. This distance was simply too vast for her power to extend that level of range. With every ounce of strength her wings were being pushed over the limit all for speed and following the favourable currents. Her eyes snapped to the location of her retainer dependent on the girl's success. Teresa hated that, hated that this was an issue she was unable to solve alone. The unknown variables that there was no real control of was stress causing. The Blackened Valkyrie was not keen on patience or long hunts.

Komi herself began to now run full tilt after the ship and the datapad held in hand. Though by the time she got close, the jedi had already powered the engines. The back blast sent the girl reeling into the dirt dropping the datapad. Her expression became panicked as the teenager sat up and desperately searched. The sound of the engines got louder as torrents of rain were shot blasting the girls' way.

It was hard to see and the panic was clouding her judgement. “Where? Where? Kark, where’d it land?” She said crawling in the mud trying to search for the device. Behind a tuff of grass her hand smacked against the corner and in a rush her arm wiped across the screen clearing it of mud and dirt. The rain made the device a little uncooperative as her finger bashed the screen.

Though that time gave the Jedi enough time to start lifting off. Finally getting into the software Komi followed the steps in her head and set something in motion. A pulse surged through from the hyperdrive room and rapidly made its way through all electrical systems. Effects of the EMP were visible as blue sparks arced across the hull of the ship; as the nose pointed towards the sky and climbed for a few more metres from the small burst of thrust, all its inertia dissipated. The girl looked in awe, comparing what she was watching to when her Master Stalled purposefully in the air.These thoughts quickly turned into a sudden realisation, now was the time to move, fast.

As Teresa watched the commotion, her thoughts turned to the termination of the retainer for such silly mistakes. Even She could see and feel the desperation as the girl scoured the floor. The situation itself began to feel like a repeat of Bespin. Watching it lift that fury turned to rage no doubt felt in the force. Even after seeing it fall down to the ground Teresa did not allow herself to let go of the emotion. It would feed her well for the massacre that is to begin.

With a definite crash that left a deep trench in its path, the giant landed close by the cockpit with a heavy wet thud; mud and water splashed around her as another loud flash followed by a rumble happened. “I KNOW YOU’RE ALIVE! YOU HAVE NOWHERE LEFT TO RUN EITHER!” She stated ensuring the other party does not attempt to play dead or hide. “YOU KEEP POKING, AND PRODDING, SCRAPING LIKE STATIC AGAINST MY SENSES. NO MORE, YOU WILL TELL ME WHAT IT IS YOU GAIN BY ENSNARING MY WROTH, YELLOW BLADE?!” Both wings folded up against her back, as those golden orange eyes pierced through the cracked cockpit window. Even from here she knew to be cautious, the one inside that ship gave off a strong feeling. Enough so that her instincts flared up sending hairs to stand on end.

Though the opponent was strong, she could sense the muddied aura. Her hands tightened around the hilts expecting a tough fight. One she had to draw out for answers, to see if there was anything larger behind the probing, there was also the unlikely option. "I'LL GIVE YOU ONE, A SINGLE CHANCE! SURRENDER, YELLOW BLADE!! YOUR DEATH WILL BE PAINLESS AND YOU CAN JOIN THE MANY OTHERS WHO'VE DIED BY MY HANDS!" There was no holding back the menacing laughter that came after those words; after all those words were really nothing but deceit, cowards suffered the worst at her hands. Death favored those who challenged for that was where excitement waited. A modicum of respect was given to those who placed everything on the line, those who gave a battle that was worthy of a clean painless end. A warrior's death.



Playing as Rikil

Slamming a fist into the ramp button, the entrance quickly lowered to allow him to jump onto the ship and scramble to the cockpit. The Jedi threw himself into the pilot seat and hurried to turn the ship's engines on, a process that normally took time to complete. Rikil could sense her inching closer with each passing moment but by the time his engines were prepared, he would have been out of there by the time he saw her face to face once more.

Rikil was starting to regret even trying such a plan in the first place. Now, he was going to pay the price for playing into his emotions.

The ship was slowly rising off the ground and almost ready to blast off. However, just when the former Jedi was about to execute his escape something went critically wrong. A loud zap followed erupted through the ship's electronics and before Rikil knew what hit him the ship began to fall fast from the sky. Rikil's eyes widened in surprise as the ship nose dived into the top of a tree, forcing his body to get slammed back first into the ship's windscreen. Grunting loudly, the man fell back down to the hard floor of the ship with a sharp pain filling most of his spine. Yet, the ride had yet to finish.

A loud creak of metal followed by the sound of branches snapping indicated an aftershock, One that soon came to pass when the broken ship began to fall off the tree. Rikil held on with all his might to the bottom of the chair, but when the back collided with the ground the force was enough to send him flying to the bottom with a loud thud. For now, the fall to grace was over.

Groaning loudly, the crash had taken the wind out of his sails. His clothes were ripped and his body was cut and bruised from the rough ride. It wasn't anything he hadn't experienced but it was injuries he had to be careful of in his old age. With determination, Rikil used his arms to try and drag himself over to the dented back door. Although, when he looked back to the cockpit the very thing he was trying to escape was standing just outside of the cockpit

"Teresa..." the old man gasped as the winged woman shouted in disgust. She was shrouded in pure anger and malice that could only be described as unbreakable, that in itself made a shiver go down his spine "Your hatred has consumed you Teresa! I will not let that be my undoing!" The man bravely said back in a pained tone just when he used his strength to kick open the back door of his ship. Snapping off its hinges, the metallic door fell into the mud followed by the splash of boots hitting against the ground.

Limping into the open, Rikil stared into her golden orange eyes and slowly shook his head. The hair... her facial features... it all reminded him of his wife who he loved dearly. To think that it had all come to this with their child, it truly was a nightmare coming true "You must stop this now my child, there is still hope for you yet!" he shouted over to her through the rain, it's droplets making the floor below him ready after sliding down his hurt body.

"Please... Just stop this madness!"

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


She was admittedly taken aback hearing the sound of her own name. So they had that much information? Her brow began to furrow more as she turned her attention to the collapsing door and the man who soon came out making his way into her view. Teresa was certain it was a face she did not know. Yet the way he looked at her was one of familiarity, perhaps guilt? She struggled to guess which but not once did that aura of intent to kill dissipate. His words only furthered confusion as he pleaded.

"Madness?" The woman began to walk closer with heavy steps that crashed with thuds and squelches. "Madness? No what you have been causing yellow blade is madness. You make me lose sleep, leaving me no choice but to hunt you. Do you regret getting my attention Mr yellow blade." Teresa stopped just before her own reach could make contact, and her eyes peered down with smoldering rage. The black surrounding the orange made it seem they glowed with a burning fire, a gaze evident to ones loving embrace to the divine of the dark side.

"You speak my name like you know it well, outside the Kainite next to no one knows it. So you must have known of me prior. Perhaps you are someone to weak to go with revenge? Who was it, your wife, perhaps a child. Who was it I killed for you to try find me? No, I am missing a piece, because I was very particular in my old works, no one would be left to seek revenge. Your undoing humm." She giggled with amusement at the puzzle with her two blades humming so patiently. "Other jedi usually attack me, so why is it a stranger who I do not know called out to me like I am lost?"

"I see why the old owners lightsaber called to my hand too. He used to call me his child, how it made my skin crawl. Do you wish to own me too lure me in with your lightside slavery banthashit? I do not need your hope, I am already free from everything. Besides Carnifex gives me all I want."
Already she just wanted to leap and pounce, her imagination ran wild with attack patterns. Teresa's hand clenched tighter and the small pinch brought her back. "So who are you? How do you know my name?" Given the rarity that the ex-jedi had not pounced, She could only take it as surrender, not that it would spare the man by the end. It did not take off the fact that the man's aura made her hairs stand on end She knew this feeble man was perhaps more powerful than the visage gave.

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Playing as Rikil

It seemed like Teresa was taken aback by the mention of her name, mainly down to the fact that not many people other than her master muttered nowadays. Confusion was a start, he just needed to work away her mentality and turn that doubt into belief. Staying silent for a few moments, the former Jedi finally shook his head "No... whatever doubt I have has now passed upon seeing you in the flesh" he muttered with a bit more confidence in his voice "Doubt is only for the confused. If anything, you will soon be the one doubting making this decision"

Tightening his grip on the lightsaber, Rikil kept an eye on how close she was getting. Words were going to be his best weapon and in order to utilize it he needed to keep the girl at a reasonable distance. The best thing to do was keep talking, especially when it came to her asking questions as to who he was "You did know me a very long time ago, a time when your mind wasn't brainwashed by Sith ideology and lies that have turned your own heart against you" Rikil stated while staring straight into her eyes "As time went on, you took away a person I loved so dearly. Now they are only a shadow following a lost cause"

"The person you call a stranger is someone you still recognise deep within your soul. You just having opened your heart to it yet"

Somewhere in that hollow heart, Teresa could sense who she was facing. She was young when she left him, but no matter how long a child had been gone they'd be able to identify who their own flesh and blood were "Carnifex is a false prophet who seeks nothing other than destruction upon the galaxy. You're just another one of his puppets with the strings out of your view" the man said to her with a grunt, his words trying to see the error of her ways.

"Me, your father would never discard you even past your use. That's why I've spent most of my life searching for you and never giving up hope, because right now you're the only thing I'm living for right now..."

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———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


Despite how much this man claimed she knew him, it was simply untrue, same went for her being brainwashed. Teresa had seem men plead for their lives before some stooping to strange levels, this one was beyond a special case. The more his incessant rambling continued, the worse position he placed himself in. Rikil really thought he knew her and could not be further from the truth. "Shut up." The sounds of rain and hum of dual blades washed the words. "Shut, up." He still kept talking, feth jedi where good at that. It was his last lines that tipped her anger over the edge.

Before more could be said, her blade shot forth at point blank from her hand, it flew like a dart but only grazing the man's cheek. "SHUT, UUUUUP!" She bellowed out as the saber came back floating besides her hand. "YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME! Standing there calling yourself my father saying I am brainwashed! Feth just saying I am the reason for you living. Do you understand how disgustingly insulting that is?" Teresa, noticed Komi in the corner of her sight crawling and clinging to the ship. Much as she wanted to lash out right now, the Valkyrie could not let her head retainer be in peril beyond the girls ability. It at least presented the opportunity for answers.

Teresa began to suppress her intent to kill and made her body look heavy like those in grief. It was nothing more than the start of her game of deceit. The blade in her left hand, the one with a red glow with a black core was slowly threaded into the sheath like its paired counterpart. "Oh and never discard me huh? If what you say is true, then explain why from my first moments my life, I was bound in heavy chains by the man who once wielded this saber?" It was obvious to which blade she ment being the one that had graced his cheek. Her hand reached out plucking it from the air. Slowly she rolled her thumb over the switch turning that one off too, though that was a partial sleight of hand with a hidden gesture and exertion of the force.

"EXPLAIN TO ME WHY IT WAS FROM THE MOMENTS OF MY FIRST STEPS, TILL THE DAY I KILLED THAT BASTARD IN COLD BLOOD WAS SPENT IN SERVITUDE!?" The woman's expression was easy to read flipping between frustration and mental pain those memories caused. It was partly an act after all, Teresa wanted to see the the look he'd make. Really she did not intend him to answer them, they were all rhetorical with purpose. It's said Jedi tried to be empathic or show sympathy. It was like a kind of manipulation in her view, it was so easy to twist too.

There was a softening look in her gaze, with a clever trick her eyes began to change. The black sclera turned white, iriss fading to their natural ruby red instead of the beautiful golden orange Teresa adored. Perhaps it would be the first time he saw these eyes, they held with a familiar shade after all, the very same shade the Blackened Valkyrie shared with her Mother.

The woman took a clear moment to think, putting pieces into their rightful place. His hollow words the way he spoke them, Teresa could not deny that some part were true, while other bits was the rambling of a desperate man clinging to shreds of a dream. Perhaps part of her even knew it, after all she could feel the withered echo of old blood. The metal around her wrists after all used to keep her hands together, years it spent enriched in blood, tainted in the Valkyries dark essence.

She tilted her head back letting out a sigh unsure if it looked like relief annoyance. Still the sound of the rain and the way if felt pounding on procyclin white skin sure gave her the moment of breath from the full out flight. "Kriff, who'd've thought MY father was a kriffing jedi? Guess mother was to blame then? I mean unless failed jedi rather hand their kids to slave for sith, over slaving for their once beloved order. I wonder, do you perhaps know where she is, Father?"



After hearing the sound of the ship crash Komi stayed where she was for a moment and got low down. The girl knew it was not yet time to run, there was still something she had to do. It was a promise to Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree to get that device back. "Just who was that woman?" The red headed girl asked herself. Seeing the ex-jedi stumble out her eyes snapped on him. Slowly the girl creeped closer scuttling across the floor getting closer and closer to the ship.

Komi inspected the ship Looking for a way in. The frame that had crumpled and twisted in places but still mostly intact. First she would reach the rear ramp hoping for it to have cracked open on the impact. Least from there she was not in line of sight. Of course no luck on her hope which meant... the thought at going through the way the ex-jedi came out was enough cause for hesitation.

"I got this, Mistress believes in me, gotta believe in me too. Be strong and fearless like Her." Komi's self little pep talk steeled her enough to push forwards. Crawling along the floor, the girl clung to the side of the ship though on her hands and knees the girl scurried quickly hoping the enemy's attention would not turn her way. At that time, the girl saw Teresa's blade shoot out like her in training, heck she swore for a moment they made eye contact.

Her hands and knees, even the entirety of her front was caked in mud. The worst part knowing she had to climb just a little to reach the entrance. Just as she was about to reach for a hand point the girl felt herself being lifted up and dropped inside. It must have been her Mistress, the girl smiled at the thoughtfulness. No doubt Teresa would give her a telling off or question what she was doing, but that was okay. With no hesitation Komi began to push further in to retrieve the device.
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Playing as Rikil

The more he talked the more he could feel her emotions bubbling up. Eventually, her anger got the better of her and forced the estranged daughter to send the lightsaber right at his face. Turning his face to the side, his mouth released a small grunt followed by a hand reflectively going up to his cheek. Rikil knew he had to be careful around her, if anything he was lucky the saber didn't do more than leave a nasty burn. Choosing not to fight back, the Jedi stood there and let her vent her frustrations. He needed to know what was built up in that head...

"It was not supposed to be that way Teresa, I never imagined you to be in chains and not free to live out your childhood!" he said back in response, his body language still calm and collected "It was impossible to know they'd do that to you. If I had known, we would have protected you till the end" the Jedi frowned slightly but seemed unnerved from her aggression from his own daughter. Rikil had to keep strong and not be emotional, that was the worst thing he could do.

Rikil glared at her as she started to piece things together. From the look on her face, she was beginning to know that what he said was true. It was a small breakthrough, but there was still more work to be done. However, when she dared ask where her mother was in that sinister tone he couldn't help but narrow his eyes "Safe, that's all you need to know" he said with no expression "You do know your mother regrets what she did all that time ago. She still loves you with all her heart, it's just a shame that maniac Carnifex is preventing you from feeling it!"

If anyone was to blame it was the mad titan Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex who had been plaguing the galaxy for as long as he could remember. Not only had he ruined his life, but his daughter who now followed him like a blind sheep.

"Come home my daughter, there is still time to fix all this!"

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———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


"I have a home Father," She replied quickly, "And there is nothing to fix about me, I like who I am, Kaine likes who I am, those around me... well it's mixed bag I guess." She thought about Malsheem for a moment and the variety of people there. Some faces stood out in her mind like the few friends, those people in the training room that liked to try win against her even her retainer. Teresa had already built a life, so there was only one thing the jedi could offer her.

"You're just hurt seeing what mothers path for me was. I don't think for a second that bítch has any love for me, guilt perhaps, regret maybe. Then the only aspect you could have ever loved was the idea of me, that I existed. Seeing who I am, I bet that hurts you soooooo much." Her hand reached out taking the floating blade and thumbing the switch and latching the hilt to her belt. "You don't get it do you, so I will clue you in the bit I know. It was done directly in person, I never traded hands, the log reported he attended himself... and sold for a pretty credit, hundred and fifty thousand to be precise."

"All I knew till now was whichever of you had,
Mother as it turns out must have known who she was selling me to."

Teresa began to grin widely, "Where was my protection back then exactly?" She fell silent for a moment letting in the sounds of metal settling; the rain falling heavily; even their own breaths just to fill the void. The Blackened Valkyrie took one more step closer. "She was where? oh yes selling me. So where was you Father," She said those words intending to cause pain, "Galavanting around the galaxy with your band of jedi?" It was clear she implied he too played a role in this. Once more she stepped closer now with in reach for either of them to hit the other with a blade, even now she held back her intent so well.

"Your words are meager delusional what if's and pipe dreams, they hold no weight. Not only that you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to Him. Kaine does not hold me back, nor does he leash me. Never has he lied to me and has always been fair." Looking down at her father, her wings slowly rising and stretching upwards. The semblance of light that broke past the clouds was blotted out from her wings casting nothing but dark shadow on her father.

Both her hands looked rested at her sides but she gripped so tightly her sabers with the force. "There are several choices ahead of us many outcomes that could happen. Having fought your kind, knowing vaguely what kicks your principles I have a predicted outcome. Tell me where mother is father or I will torture that information out of you. If you die before I get that information many more will die. I will strip city from city till I find every last Pelles. Countless people will die, I am fairly indiscriminate, my friends can be too, though you know that already. There is the possibility you have in you to try kill the very thing you searched so desperately for."

"What say you... Father, what will it be?"

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Playing as Rikil

"I will not kill you daughter, nor will I tell you the location of the woman I still love!" The Jedi barked back, the grip on his saber getting tighter as she got closer "If needs be I will fight and defeat you where you stand. I can't let you leave here and harm others" he said with a look towards the saber she had ignited. There was no chance he was going to kill her, but if he managed to capture her and take the lost daughter to the Jedi they may be able to help him bring her back from the darkside.

"Your mother was no monster. While I was gone protecting the galaxy from the person you have become she tried her best to give you a good upbringing. I don't know how you fell into the hands of slavers, nor will we ever will. That isn't in your mother's nature to cast you aside like trash" Rikil said with a bit more anger in his tone. If anything, she must have been forced to do so by someone or something. It didn't help he barely knew how it happened in the place.

"So instead. I give you a choice. Drop your delusions and come back with me to start over or give me no other choice but to force you. I'm not going to let you return to that tyrant so you can serve him blindly. You think you have the freedom to do whatever you want, yet in reality, you are only being brainwashed to perform atrocities for your gain."

Taking a deep breath, the former Jedi began to walk straight at his daughter with determination "I know what my choice is for your offer, what will it be for mine?"

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———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


Teresa began to chuckle menacingly. "My, how fething predictable," She said mockingly. Her hands twisted a little partly pulling Svikin Hjörtu from their lightsaber auxiliaries, enough so that the red glow black cored blade's hum sang like a choir's duet. "I can feel your anger, hear it roll from your words. You cannot accept mother sold her few month old child to a sith can you. How badly you must want to hear the truth from her lips too right? Why you must stand in the way of that?"

As her wings began to drop, every ounce of killing intent rushed back like a tidal wave. The pressure of her sins laid bare. As her father walked forward, she twisted her hands out flinging the blades outwards slashing at the fool. "Poor father, ha haa haa, I really wanna see you brake, I wonder what face you would make when you hear it from that bítchs mouth. Clearly, that is the only way you will truly understand."

The blades continued to harass with consistently timed attacks while Teresa stood there controlling them. "It sounds much better than to be sent away into chains, to be brainwashed into slave mentality again by another parent no less." She pulled one blade back the hilt slapping into the palm of her hand.

The Valkyrie could feel feathers starting to stand a little, it was instinct a warning. How it made Teresa smile with a wide grin, the excitement, the Passion, anger, hate. Teresa sank into the Juyo stance, though it was bizarre, it was her own after many adaptations of sparing the butcher king. Her left shoulder stuck out left unprotected easily revealed to her opponent daring them to attack. The saber was held at a 45° angle facing the ground, below the waist. Both legs were slightly bent, the left foot facing forward while the right foot was at an angle.

She wondered in this moment, did her father favor his yellow blade or that connection to the force for his fighting. Just before the eventual counter came, her blade still under the influence of the force came back to her side. "Do you really think you hold the power to separate me from my beloved, To take my freedoms? Do you think I will let you, strip away the life I clawed at for myself? You are the delusional one father, unable to see and admit reality. How blind you are foolish little failed jedi."

Outfit: Training Clothes, Dark Valkyrie Armor*, Blood infused Liquid Laminanium Bracelets
Weapons: Svikin Hjörtu, Ancient Lightsaber, Old Owners Lightsaber, Trandoshan Jedi's Lightsaber

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Playing as Rikil

Edging increasingly closer to his daughter, the pace of his walk did not falter even when she spat insults at him. If anything, it only fueled him to do the right thing and separate this shadow using her as a puppet "My anger will never get the best of me my sweet daughter, nor is my belief in the force a brainwash. I have my free will to do as I wish, while you think you do. That man in your head Carnifex, he truly has got you around his finger hasn't he?" Rikil almost taunted, his eyes narrowing as soon as he saw a chance to strike.

Suddenly rushing ahead with the help of the force, he sprung forward with power and first tried to stab his saber into her shoulder to disarm her. The goal was to injure, not kill. Even if it risked his life there was no way he was going to kill her "You are blind! The life you have clawed yourself is one of brutality and chaos. Do you not see what you have become?! You have no heart for life, only the things that benefit you. " he grunted as he swung a combination of swift strikes at her upper body to try and wear her down.

"I did not raise you to be a heartless, selfish monster. Deep down, the daughter I used to know is still there!"
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———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


"Not just his finger." She said insinuating something from a week ago. It seemed she finally where she got her taunting nature from. Her eyes reverted back to their normal Golden orange wrapped in a void of black. In that moment that Rikil made a counter attack finally striking out, but she was prepared and led him into targeting where she wanted. As that yellow beam drew close the Blackened Valkyries hands deftly moved. A black fan scraped the ground leaving its scorching mark behind as it met her fathers blade. Their pull was strong when connecting like magnets attracting.

Yet pulling them away from each other was skillful. Rikil's words were only half right but the latter struck like insults. She did not waste energy on words in the moment keeping her focus on meeting each strike like a warrior. Her smile widened from the excitement of battle the look in those intimidating eyes becoming disciplined. Each breath was controlled as Teresa seethed under it.

Finally her back foot shifted with a squelching feeling. The blade she telekinetically held, whipped behind and spun in a wide diagonal slash at the thigh. Simultaneously the Blackened Valkyrie traded power for an assured strike that cut across his waist. "It's because you did not raise me at all," She snapped, "but damn right I am selfish!" Teresa's smile began to turn more wicked, even the black veins around her eyes slowly grew longer and darker.

Kicking at the floor and beating with her wings pushed backwards to create distance. "But heartless don't make me laugh. There are a great many things I love. My Master, two others who spark different things. I would do much to protect them as much as my own life, even my little retainer. I just have no heart for you." The Valkyrie finally pulled her second blade into her hand while tucking her wings firme against her back.

The black hair that was swepts back some stuck to the sides of her face. Though the rain made Teresa's pale skin glossy reflecting the glow of her black cored blades. "I'm not sorry to say but I will have fun hearing you beg your daughter for mercy later." She said while rolling her shoulders. "How much fething fun we could have with you, jedi. Should I torture you till you fall father? I wonder what delightful faces"—she began her charge forwards her blades burning with ferocity and leaped sharply at his left side —"You'd MAKE!" Swiftly one blade lashed out aiming for the very shoulder he tried to attack at the start.

Outfit: Training Clothes, Dark Valkyrie Armor*, Blood infused Liquid Laminanium Bracelets
Weapons: Svikin Hjörtu, Ancient Lightsaber, Old Owners Lightsaber, Trandoshan Jedi's Lightsaber



Playing as Rikil

Rikil's lightsaber connected against his daughter's blade, locking together in a stalemate which showed a prelude to a more fierce attack. His eyes snapped to the free lightsaber that began flying right at him and within an instant, the former Jedi had suddenly turned off his own blade to jump backward to avoid the slash quickly. Teresa was crafty and creative with her attacks, which made duels like this awkward. Rikil needed to be the same and pull things out of his locker that he hadn't performed in years.

After all, experience was on his side.

"The family you love "so much" will cast you aside when you're at your weakest. Believe me my daughter, I have seen Sith more powerful than you ever will be disposed of when they have nothing left to give. You will be the same if you continue on this path..." he said with a grunt while composing himself and looking straight into her eyes with no fear. Tapping into her feelings for her new family could play a key factor in tiring her out, if she got angry and used her hatred to power her strikes then he could use that to his advantage.

"I will die before I even think about begging to my sick daughter!"

At that moment, Teresa appeared to his right with a sharp leap and aimed for his shoulder. Almost catching him off guard by her speed, he was only able to partially deflect the blow with his lightsaber. Yelling out loudly from the slash, his body snapped to the right and stumbled back in reflection. However, as he reeled from the attack he unexpectedly used his left hand to grip a sharp piece of the wreckage with the force and fling it at her right wing with a lighting fast full rotation of his body.


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