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"While on a Jedi mission to Romin, 17-year-old Anakin Skywalker detected within himself for the first time a new power, felt a sense of exultation in a new facet of the Force he'd not experienced before. The Force allowed him to see into the most secret part of the Citizens' Resistance leader's heart: beyond what Joylin wished or didn't care that others saw. Skywalker suddenly discovered that, beyond objects, he could manipulate beings also, use their fears and secrets. This was a side of the Force he had not known before..."


"In the end, the empathy test is not just a test of a Padawan's Force abilities, but of their heart. It requires them to tap into the deepest wellsprings of their compassion and empathy, and to use those gifts to make a positive impact on the galaxy."
-- Jedi Master, Ossus Jedi Praxeum

"The empath test is a reminder that the Force is not just about power or control, but about the ability to feel and connect with all living beings. It is a humbling experience that reminds us of the importance of compassion and empathy in our lives."
-- Jedi Padawan, Ossus Jedi Praxeum

  • Media Name: The Empath Test
  • Format: Pages (Book)
  • Distribution: Rare (also backed up to a memory crystal in her possession which only a select people know exist)
  • Length: Medium
  • Description: A page of notes detailing Jade's process in discovering and creating an exercise suitable in training and testing a Jedi's empathic abilities, and how to go about administering said test.

  • Author: Jedi Master Romi Jade
  • Publisher: Self
  • Reception: These are thoughts, observations, experiences, and lessons that Romi has learned over time. She decided to muse and document in her private time with the intention of developing an actual exercise to test a Jedi's empathic abilities. It's a piece of a larger book she is writing. It's not widely known or available anywhere else for there to be tons of reception. Beyond the pages she authored and spare memory crystal she keeps, this is flying under the radar.

To be included in a larger book Romi is authoring, this reads from left to right on two pages. Handwritten notes and marks that outline her experiences and her reflections on them, along with pointers, and tips for the studier. The information contained in the crystal could only be accessed when placed in a holocron which, in turn, could only be opened with the Force. Once opened, the three-dimensional appearance and cognitive networks of Master Jade, that could sense the ability and level of a Jedi, would appear to begin explaining empathy and how to test it.

These pages detail each of the empath test and the process to administer it:

"Empathy is the foundation of all human connection. Without it, we can't hope to understand or relate to one another. For a Jedi, empathy is not just a skill."
- Romi Jade

Force empathy is a power that involves picking up impressions of an individual's feelings and general emotional state. Those Force-sensitives especially sensitive can pick up motivations, deeply guarded secrets, hidden feelings, and can even potentially manipulate them. While all Force-sensitives developed and had varying levels of heightened senses, even extending into empathy, it was those exhibiting a supreme propensity as an empath that required some sort of identification and training as the ability could be extremely difficult to control at higher levels if left untrained. However, this test can also be used as general exercise for training students at the most basic levels of the power.

Empathy is a crucial skill for a Jedi to possess, as it allows them to connect with others on a deep emotional level and understand their needs and motivations. This skill is especially important for Jedi who seek to maintain peace and justice throughout the galaxy, as they often find themselves interacting with individuals from a wide range of backgrounds and cultures.

The empathy test is a method used by to determine whether a student has the power of empathy, and by giving Jedi an empathy test, the Jedi Order can ensure that its members are properly equipped with the necessary skills to effectively communicate and interact with others. This test can also help identify areas where a Jedi may need further training or development, allowing the Master to tailor its instruction to the unique needs of each individual.

Additionally, empathy is a critical component of the Jedi Code, which emphasizes the importance of compassion, understanding, and selflessness. By testing Jedi on their empathic abilities, the Order can ensure that its members are upholding the principles of the Code and embodying the ideals of the Jedi Order.

The test involves a series of scenarios that are designed to measure the student's ability to sense the emotions of others and respond appropriately. The scenarios will be presented in a controlled environment, such as a Jedi temple via simulacrum, and the student will be monitored closely by an experienced Jedi Master.

"See the other person experiencing an emotion, 'simulate' or represent that same emotion within yourself so you can know firsthand what it feels like. Start there."
- Romi Jade

Though, the purpose of the test isn't to produce a right or wrong answer, but to evaluate a students ability show a heightened level of emotional intellect and comphrehension via Force, and respond appropriately to each scenario.

Step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Set up a controlled environment - The empathy test should take place in a quiet and peaceful environment, such as a Jedi temple. This will ensure that the student is not distracted by external factors and can focus on the task at hand.​
Step 2: Present the scenarios - The scenarios presented in the empathy test should be designed to measure the student's ability to sense the emotions of others. For example, the student could be presented with a scenario in which they must interact with a distressed individual and offer them support.​
Step 3: Monitor the student's response - The Jedi Masters should closely monitor the student's response to the scenarios presented. They should look for signs that the student is able to sense the emotions of others and respond appropriately.​
Step 4: Provide feedback - Once the test is complete, the Jedi Masters should provide the student with feedback on their performance. They should highlight areas in which the student performed well and areas in which they could improve.​
Step 5: Evaluate the results - Based on the results of the empathy test, the Jedi Masters should determine whether the student has the power of empathy. If the student demonstrates a high level of empathy, they may be considered for further Jedi training. If not, they may need to focus on developing this skill further before being considered for training.​

There is a sample rubric that a Jedi Master could use to evaluate a student's empathic abilities based on their performance in the scenarios presented:

  • Sensing Emotions: The ability to sense the emotions of others.
  • Excellent: The student consistently demonstrates a high level of sensitivity to the emotions of others, accurately picking up on subtle cues and responding appropriately.
  • Satisfactory: The student generally shows an ability to sense the emotions of others, but may miss some cues or misinterpret certain emotions.
  • Needs Improvement: The student has difficulty sensing the emotions of others, often missing cues or misinterpreting emotions.
  • Responding Appropriately: The ability to respond to the emotions of others in an appropriate and compassionate way.
  • Excellent: The student consistently responds to the emotions of others in a thoughtful, compassionate, and appropriate way, showing an understanding of what the other person is feeling and what they need.
  • Satisfactory: The student generally responds to the emotions of others in an appropriate and compassionate way, but may occasionally miss the mark or respond in a less effective way.
  • Needs Improvement: The student struggles to respond to the emotions of others in an appropriate and compassionate way, often saying or doing things that are unhelpful or insensitive.
  • Active Listening: The ability to actively listen to others and demonstrate empathy through listening.
  • Excellent: The student consistently demonstrates active listening skills, showing that they are fully engaged with the person they are speaking with and genuinely interested in their concerns and feelings.
  • Satisfactory: The student generally demonstrates active listening skills, but may occasionally become distracted or appear less engaged with the other person.
  • Needs Improvement: The student has difficulty demonstrating active listening skills, often interrupting or failing to fully engage with the person they are speaking with.
  • Compassion and Understanding: The ability to demonstrate compassion and understanding towards others.
  • Excellent: The student consistently demonstrates a high level of compassion and understanding towards others, showing a genuine concern for their well-being and an ability to put themselves in the other person's shoes.
  • Satisfactory: The student generally demonstrates compassion and understanding towards others, but may occasionally struggle to fully connect with their emotions or experiences.
  • Needs Improvement: The student has difficulty demonstrating compassion and understanding towards others, often appearing self-centered or lacking in empathy.

Based on the student's performance in these areas, the Jedi Master can determine whether the student has the necessary empathic abilities to continue with the necessary training or whether they need to focus on developing these skills further before being considered for further training.

Sample Test Scenarios:

The Unhappy Pet - The student is asked to interact with a pet that seems unhappy or distressed. The student must use their empathic abilities to sense what the pet is feeling and respond in a way that provides comfort or relief.​
The Anxious Patient - The student is presented with a scenario in which they must interact with a patient who is anxious or fearful about a medical procedure. The student must use their empathic abilities to sense the patient's emotions and offer words of reassurance and support.​
The Lost Child - The student is asked to meditate on the emotions of a lost child who has wandered away from their parents. They are instructed to focus on the child's fear, confusion, and sadness, and to describe what they are is sensing. Students must use their empathic abilities to help locate the child and reunite them with their family.​
The Diplomatic Summit - The student is asked to sense the emotions of a group of diplomats from different planets who are meeting to discuss a trade agreement. They are instructed to focus on the subtle nuances of their communication, including their body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice. Students must use their empathic abilities to help navigate the complex negotiations and to ensure that all parties are heard and understood.​
The Stranded Pilot - The student is asked to meditate on the emotions of a pilot who has crash-landed on a remote planet. They are instructed to focus on the pilot's feelings of fear, desperation, and hopelessness, and to describe what he is sensing. Students must use their empathic abilities to help locate the pilot and to provide comfort and support until rescue arrives.​
The Healer's Dilemma - The student is asked to sense the emotions of a healer who is struggling with a difficult medical case. They are instructed to focus on the healer's feelings of frustration, sadness, and uncertainty, and to describe what he is picking up. Students must use their empathic abilities to help the healer find the strength and clarity needed to make a difficult decision.​
The Civil Unrest - The student is asked to meditate on the emotions of a group of beings who are protesting against an unjust law. They are instructed to focus on the feelings of anger, frustration, and hopelessness, and to describe what he is sensing. Students must use their empathic abilities to help diffuse the situation and to find a peaceful resolution for all involved.​
Scenario in which a student discovers their power of Force Empathy:

Jedi Padawan Kira, is on a mission with her Jedi Master to a remote planet on the edge of the galaxy. Their mission is to investigate reports of unusual activity near an ancient temple located deep in the jungle. As they journey through the dense forest, Kira begins to sense something strange.
At first, she thinks it's just her imagination, but the feeling grows stronger as they get closer to the temple. She starts to feel a deep sense of sadness and despair emanating from the temple, and she can't shake the feeling that something terrible has happened there.
When they finally reach the temple, they discover that it has been desecrated and defiled by a group of bandits. The bandits have destroyed many of the ancient relics and have left behind a trail of destruction and death. As Kira and her Master investigate the scene, Kira's sense of sadness and despair grows stronger. She begins to realize that she is picking up on the emotions of the people who were killed in the attack, and she feels overwhelmed by the intensity of their pain and suffering.
Her Master notices that something is wrong and asks Kira what she is feeling. At first, Kira is hesitant to share her experience, but her Master encourages her to open up and explore her feelings.
As Kira explains what she is sensing, her Master recognizes that Kira has the power of Force empathy - the ability to sense and feel the emotions of others. He explains to Kira that this is a rare and powerful gift, and that it will be important for her to learn how to control and develop this ability.
Scenario in which a Jedi Master gives their Padawan the Empath Test:

Jedi Master Saria, has been observing her Padawan, a young Jedi named Jax, for several weeks. She has noticed that Jax seems to have a strong sense of empathy and a deep connection to others, and she believes that he may possess the rare gift of Force empathy.
To confirm her suspicions, Master Saria decides to administer the empathy test to Jax. She takes Jax to a quiet meditation chamber, where she explains the purpose of the test and the importance of empathy in the life of a Jedi.
She then proceeds to give Jax a series of scenarios, designed to test his ability to sense and connect with the emotions of others. In the first scenario, Jax is asked to meditate on the feelings of a fellow Padawan who is struggling with a difficult training exercise. Jax is instructed to focus on the emotions of the Padawan, and to describe what he is sensing.
In the second scenario, Jax is asked to sense the emotions of a group of beings from a different planet, who have come to the Jedi Temple seeking assistance. Jax is instructed to focus on their body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice, and to describe what he is picking up.
In the final scenario, Jax is asked to meditate on the emotions of a Sith Lord who is causing turmoil in the galaxy. Jax is instructed to focus on the feelings of the Sith Lord, and to describe what he is sensing.
Throughout the scenarios, Master Saria carefully observes Jax's reactions and takes note of his responses. She evaluates Jax's ability to sense the emotions of others, as well as his capacity to remain centered and balanced despite the intense emotions he is picking up.
At the end of the test, Master Saria shares her observations with Jax, explaining that she believes he possesses a strong gift of empathy. She encourages Jax to continue to develop his abilities and to use his gift to serve the greater good. Jax is grateful for the opportunity to take the empathy test and is excited to explore his empathic abilities further under the guidance of his Master.


Romi Jade has always been somewhat of an anomaly when it comes to the Jedi Path. Between 830-840s ABY, In her youth, padawanship to Knighthood, Romi chose the unorthodox in every approach to her training, and highly emphasized overall preparedness for any situation. These traits stuck with her well into her Mastership when she began to take on apprentices of her own. With the structure listed above in mind, she was a hardy and tough Master who ran an intense program that often proved extremely difficult for her students to withstand in the beginning stages.

She went on to open her own Enclave on Jakku that adopted similar practices and used a harsh environment to instruct students in the ways of the Jedi. These practices were still in place when she moved to be Headmaster of the Ossus Jedi Praxeum. Her methodology has always been to provide students with what she believed they needed to start and maintain a Jedi career with longevity in a Galaxy engulfed in constant war.

It wasn't until recently that she decided to document and record her personal history, experiences, and new discoveries. Becoming Headmaster of an Enclave and then a Praxeum, and a bunch of near-death experiences made her want to author some sort of tome and record data for her Holocron one day. The tome once complete will be used to teach the next generations.

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