Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Demon Within (Siobhan)

The militant side of religion oddly enough to Cora was a new concept. Still, definitely something she could get behind. It definitely meshed well with her opinions on such matters. For some things there needed a line to be drawn, like Sith and such.

And Cora had wondered that very same, if Eileithya had spoken the prayer in basic for her. Since she was unlikely to understand the Eldorai language at this early point. Cora smiled softly as the redhead joined her at the table. "Fall asleep during prayer? That seems like something there'd be a lovely punishment for." She said with a bit of a cheeky grin. "But you are right, I'm about as happy as I've been in so long. I can't really complain there." A soft chuckle escaped her lips, "You do know that I love to sing. I play guitar and such myself. But I highly doubt you'd like the type of music that I play." After all it hardly seemed like the kind of thing a sweet Priestess like her would be into.

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Cora Passek"]

In all likeilihood Eileithya would be weirded out and quite disgusted by the ever-rising number of Yedai who suddenly fell in love with Sith, abruptly defected for no reason or, even worse, claimed that they 'wanted to understand all sides' and wanted to be 'friends with everyone'. In such cases even a peaceful healer would be at the end of her patience and feel like smiting.

When it came to Cora, the Priestess had some rather clear goals: Help her heal, get into her pants and possibly convert her to the true faith. "Anyone who falls asleep during prayer gets punished most severely. We tend to put them in chains and ignore them until they beg forgiveness," Eileithya said, though the deadpan delivery made it difficult to tell whether she was being truthful or not. Cora saying that she was happy made the Eldorai smile though. Her hand stroked over Cora's...totally not accidental.

"Oh, what music do you play? It's not that dreadful thing humans call...what was it again, rap?" she queried. As tolerant and easy-going as she was, in a number of ways she was still a conservative elf. Once she had somehow been roped into attending what humans called a 'rave'. It had taken a long time for her sensitive ears to recover from that ordeal.
Even Cora had her disdain for the Jedi that foolishly fell in love with Sith. In her eyes, they just flat out had to be batshitcrazy for that to even remotely happen. It was beyond her how one could fall in love with such a monster.

Cora's eyes widened after hearing what the punishment was. To the blonde there could be nothing worse! And though the woman wasn't too sure if she was kidding or not, she still felt the need to comment. "That's terrible!" She said with a shake of her head. "So mean ...." She whispered with a shake of her head as she settled into munching on her breakfast. "Note to self: Never fall asleep during prayers here. Never." Cora couldn't stand such a punishment, at least not for long!

Her eyes did shift down, looking to Eileithya's hand when she stroked over her hand. Not that she minded in the least. "Rap? Goodness, no. You can't spell crap without rap." She said cheekily. Then quickly moved on, "A bit of rock really. I suppose some my call it punk." A shrug followed, "Been playing guitar since I was a little kid, something I love. Relaxing really, well at least it is to me."

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Cora Passek"]

"I agree," Eileithya said brightly. "That makes it perfect to ensure everyone gives the Goddess' words the attention they deserve. Everyone in my church does so." Again, it was a bit unclear whether she was joking or not. She frowned ever so slighty. Well, 'punk' was better than that barbaric atrocity that humans called 'rap'. Besides, the Church had to reach out to fringe groups and alternate life styles as well. If it closed itself to them, it would be unable to lead them to salvation.

"I see. Well...that is not really my type of music, but I glad you enjoy it and would not mind you playing for me some time. I believe Siobhan would love it as a prelude for sex," she said. As sweet as she was, Eileithya tended to be rather direct and not at all shy about such matters.
Cora shook her head, still not quite believing it. "You people, can be quite cruel with your punishments. Though I suppose it must be terribly effective." At least she knew for certain it would be on her. Just once would all she'd need to learn her lesson!

She nodded, "Yeah, I didn't figure it would be your style. It's not everyone's cup of tea, I know." A smile did cross her lips, "I'd like that, to play it for you." Then the blonde chuckled, "I am quite certain you are right, with Siobhan there. Never really thought about doing such for her. Or anyone really." Cora rather liked the redhead's rather direct manner with such things. It was refreshing after meeting so many people who were rather prudish and embarrassed by even the mention of activities done in the bedroom. To her, they were perfectly normal and natural things, not something that needed to be hidden from the world.

"So, what is it like here? I mean ... I know you help the sick. And people like me, but what else do you guys do?" She asked curiously, seeming to be genuinely interested.

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Cora Passek"]

"Have my fun with the pretty ones," Eileithya said, winking at the cute blonde while she kept stroking her hand. No, she was not at all being subtle about her desire to bed Cora. It was no surprise that she and Siobhan got on so well. "Most of the work is less dangerous than exorcising daemons. There's prayer, educating young ones, providing counselling - especially for soldiers and those traumatised by war and such, help with contact to our lost cousins on Tygara. The more martial ones among us help keep morale amongst the troops." This was a polite way of saying that Ashiran and Ardarvian Priestesses acted as Political Commissars in the army and Angelii.
At those words, Cora couldn't help but grin. "Oh, now that I can work with. Would be my great pleasure, and theirs." The wink, she was quick to return. With such a beautiful redhead, she wasn't about to say no to that, not when the Eldorai seemed just as interested in her as she was becoming in her. "Bout the only thing I can really think of in that list that I would mind, is the young ones part of things. Never really been around kids much. But then again, the kind of life I've led isn't really a place in it for little ones of any kind." She said softly with a slight shrug, "But I like what you guys do nonetheless."

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Cora Passek"]

"Please, I'm sure you'd teach the kiddos useful skills...such as everything about explosives. So if they ever encountered any they'd know how to disarm them," Eileithya joked, giving the blonde angel an enchanting smile. "If you converted and joined you'd be our only human priestess in the whole church. Probably quite a celebrity." Tone made it unclear whether Eileithya was being serious or joking.

She stopped stroking and gave Cora's hand a good squeeze, then sipped her tea. "You're certainly pretty enough to qualify." Cora might not be able to do something about her flat ears, but she could make the right choice for her Sciia. No, Eileithya was not flirting at all. Well, actually she probably was. Leaning forward she gave Cora a kiss on the cheek. "If there's anything you wish to ask about the faith, feel free, dear."
Cora shook her head and chuckled, "Completely useful skills for life. And soooo lethal. Quite technical too, one wrong move and you no longer have a hand." Clearly Cora wasn't joking on it, but still she smiled brightly. "Not sure if that's the kind of things little ones need to know!" The woman's smile quite lovely, and the blonde certainly had noticed. Then Cora stopped and cocked her head to the side as her brow knitted together. "I'd be the only human? Really?" Cora seemed quite surprised to hear this. "I'd have thought others would have been interested in it before me ..... How odd?" She wasn't sure what to make of that at all. Though it had seemed she had missed the celebrity part of things, and maybe that was for the best. Attention of that sort had never been Cora's aim. Though it was bound to make life interesting.

Cora blushed slightly, "Aww, aren't you just so sweet.... and lovely." The woman paused for a moment, wondering if she was capable of flirting still. It had been a while. Beyond Siobhan she hadn't even tried really to lift a finger to do so. Though, she did lean a little closer towards the Eldorai, to at least express a certain amount of interest. The sweet kiss against her cheek, brought a sparkle to Cora's eyes that hadn't been there in a long while. "Well... I did wonder what the basic beliefs are ... and what deity you worship."

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Cora Passek"]

Cora would not be able to escape attention forever. Especially if she became a human who recognised the wisdom of Ashira. "Of course, dear. There are several deities we worship. Ashira is chief among them. The Goddess of Light, Fire and Air and the mother of the Eldorai. She made us, guided us to Kaeshana and ascended to the higher planes after the War in Heaven against the daemons. She commands us to do good, care for our people and stand against evil. Ashiranism is not a pacifist faith of the sort Yedai seem to inclined to indulge in. Evil must be opposed and smote," she spoke with clear fervour in her eyes.

"It is her commandment that women be placed be placed men, for we are blessed by her. Sciaa, or what Yedai call the Force, is her gift to us. Valora is the Goddess of War and Honour. To her soldiers pray on the eve of battle to give them strength and courage to do their duty. Tyth is the Goddess of the Oceans and Water, holding dominion of the creatures therein. Ardarvia is the Goddess of Law and Justice, meting out punishment against the wicked and guiding those who have erred back to the right path. I'm sure you understand how important discipline is," there was a gleam in her eye and she gave Cora a wink.

"Liorre is the Goddess of trade and artisans, Ferrano the God of Agriculture - yes, we have some male ones! - Kyran of nature and all animals and, lastly, Illyria rules over the underworld. Those who are not ascended to the heavens to join Ashira's side are cast into the dark abyss she reigns over, to be cleansed of their sins."
Cora listened carefully, taking in every word. Though one question popped into her mind. "So she created you, and brought you here to Kaeshana, I see." Just making certain she'd understood. It got interesting with them not being pacifists. "Now, I really like that. Evil isn't something that should just be left to do it's own thing, to be a 'temptation' or whatever. It's better to take care of the problem and end it." She said firmly.

A smile came to her lips at mention of women being over men. That she really could enjoy. A smirk crossed her lips as discipline came up, in a light that she actually truly enjoyed. "Oh, yes ... truly understand it. In all it's glory, and beauty... and pleasure." She couldn't help but wink in return. A part of her ready to just grab the woman's hand and head back to her room where they could enjoy pleasures of the flesh.

Though, there was still a question or two in her mind. "So two questions. One, do you really have orgies? And two, how do your people view the other races?" Very important questions, though it might have been clear where her priorities were.

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Cora Passek"]

Eileithya gave Cora an enigmatic smile. "Let's just say that Ashira knew the pleasures of the flesh when she dwelt amongst us...and she does not expect her handmaidens to practice celibacy. There is nothing more beautiful than the female form," she winked at the blonde. Cora would have to work a bit more to get a straight answer.

There was a pause before she continued. "I'll be frank, I believe the treatment of other races is something the Church has erred on. For centuries we believed we're the only intelligent race in the galaxy and that it's our goddess-given destiny to conquer the rest. We obviously got a rude awakening when slavers came to pillage our world...and they turned out to be better-armed. Many still think other races are beneath us, but their numbers are fading since many outsiders have proved good friends to us. The Goddess is infallible, but the Church is made up of mortals, who obviously aren't. I don't think we should limit the Goddess' love to Eldorai. That would be selfish and short-sighted."
Well, that was an answer Cora certainly liked. However, it wasn't exactly what she wanted. "Not exactly what I asked, but it's an answer I suppose, and I can appreciate the no celibacy thing. I mean after all I'm a woman with wants, needs and desires." Reaching over, she gently cupped the cheek of the Priestess, "Are you sure you can't tell me more? Or perhaps show me more?" She asked with a wink. Cora was getting bolder, and at least trying to make her desires more clear.

Though she subject then grew a little more serious, and Cora withdrew. She gave an understanding nod, "I suppose that does explain a few things about some Eldorai. Though, I rather like your view of it. That makes sense to me at least. It would be foolish to limit her love just to Eldorai. Not when there are so many races out there, that might be open to her."

For her part Cora was at least getting more and more interested in the religion. "I suppose it wouldn't be a bad thing if I came to your church a time or two, to see what it's like. And get a better feel for it. Though, you still haven't answered the question about orgies." The blond, so was not letting that go. That she really wanted to know!

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Cora Passek"]

Eileithya had to suppress a laugh at Cora's reaction. She leaned into the caress when the blonde human cupped her cheek. "Well, I cannot tell you every last detail about us! That said, I might be, how shall I put it, persuaded...," at that she kicked off one of her shoes and her foot suddenly travelled up Cora's leg, rubbing against it. "If your arguments are persuasive enough. Assuming you're up to the task and ready to work for it. The Goddess, blessed be her name, does reward thrift and good works."
"Persuaded, eh?" Feeling the redhead's foot against her leg, brought a lovely grin to her lips. "Oh, I'm sure they'll be quite persuasive. And you'll enjoy every moment of it, that I promise." Cora wasn't much in the mood for waiting any longer. "Why don't we head back to my room, and we can discuss it there, a little more ... how shall we say, intimately?" The blonde said with a wink as she rose to her feet and reached out to take Eileithya's hand.

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Cora Passek"]

Lust was probably one of Eileithya's sins. Well, she would probably not call it a sin! After all, the Goddess knew the pleasures of the flesh. She could not restrain herself anymore - nor did she see any reason to. "That sounds like a lovely idea," Eileithya spoke enthusiastically and, wasting no time, quickly got to her feet.

One of her sisters gave her a knowing look, as if she totally knew what this was about, and suppressed a giggle. Eileithya shot the irreverent girl a look but then quickly led Cora out of the dining room, in an as dignified manner as was possible. Very soon they were back in Cora's room and the door closed behind them. "So...Siobhan tells me you like to serve. She told me a bit about your games. Just so you know, things are...a bit less rough with me. I hope you do not mind," she spoke, perhaps feeling a bit insecure. Then she ran a hand through Cora's hair and pulled her into a deep kiss.
Cora couldn't have been happier to have Eileithya agree to her proposal! She was right on the woman's heels as they headed out of the dinning hall and back to her room. Coming back inside she was all grins, as happy as could be.

"Oh, she's completely right on that. It's absolutely my pleasure to serve others." She said with a most smug expression. Though Cora was a little surprised to find that Sio had spoken of their games to the Priestess. "She did? Not that I'm complaining ... just ..." Oh hush now Cora, more important things going on, dear! At least this time the inner voice was her own, and in this case made perfect sense.

"No, I do not mind. Not at all." She managed right before the redhead drew her into a deep kiss. One that Cora passionately returned.

Fear not dear kiddies! About this time a black curtain of obscuring dropped down while our lovely ladies did all sorts of non-pg13 things.

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Cora Passek"]

And so there was fun and hotness. Much fun was had, much enjoyment of the female body. Alas, we cannot say more because kiddos might be reading this. Instead of doing something bloody useful with their lives. Their parents must be quite useless.

An indeterminate amount of time passed, and then our ladies had finished their lovemaking. Have no fear, kiddies, everything that needed to be covered was obscured by the bed covers. In any case Eileithya snuggled up to Cora, planting kisses on their neck. "Well, that was fun. Did you enjoy yourself, my beautiful human? For the record, we do sometimes have private festivals where we...celebrate the Goddess' love and induldge our passions. I believe humans would call that orgies. Of course, the clergy would not," she said, chuckling a bit.
Cora purred softly as Eileithya snuggled against her. And shifting the blonde laid her head against the Eldorai's chest, basking in her warmth. "Oh, mistress .... it was divine." Though the human found the redhead's next words most intriguing. "Is that so? Yes, yes I'd call than orgies. Goodness, who wouldn't go for a religion like that? Where sex is at your fingertips, celebrated even rather than be something that is considered shameful. Not that I ever held any shame. I couldn't give a damn what most people thought." She gave a shrug, and settled against her fair redheaded mistress.

"Really thinking about that whole going to church thing. It doesn't seem all that bad to me. Interesting even, different. At least women are respected here, not shamed. That I can truly appreciate. I think I might be able to grow to like it here, maybe even love it. Who knows? We'll just have to wait and see." No, Cora didn't want to rush into anything. Not at all, but her interest had been piqued. Now, she certainly was curious and truly interested. It wasn't going to be an instant transformation, no doubt. The process however, had begun and who knew where Cora was going to end up in the next few months.

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Cora Passek"]

Eileithya smiled at her charge and planted a kiss on her blonde hair. As for her chest, it did not have gravity-defying pillows, but it was very comfortable. "That makes me very happy, dear. I just want to help you. Well, that and ideally guide you into the bosom of the Goddess," she joked.

However, the sweet little moment was soon broken up when there was a knock on the door. Well, more like pounding. Eileithya tensed immediately, but before she could say anything the door had suddenly swung open and Elpsis burst into the room! She looked out of breath, leather pants and tank top were clinging to her slightly sweaty body. Her long red hair was a wild, tousled mess...and when she saw the scene before her mouth was right open. "You...I thought you were in danger! I got a vision about you being hurt...and you're lying and having fun?! I was soo fething worried!" There, there, Elpsis, your high school crush is ok. It was only now that her eyes fell on Eileithya. "Err, who's that? comes you have the Force now?"

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