Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Demon Within (Siobhan)

Mirien was feeling a bit content in that particular moment, able to let go of her thoughts of the future and what would happen to them. It was nice to leave such thoughts behind for a little while. This was just what she needed after the day she had. Reaching up, Mirien gently ran a hand through Siobhan's hair, resting so closely against her.

Her attention then turned to the vid, watching as the bold letters scrolled across the screen. "I don't either. Unlike modern Jedi, that can't seem to lift a finger to save themselves. Nooo, I can't kill anyone, it will turn me into an instant Sith. The Jedi of old had balls. These days, not so much." Mirien then grinned, "She is. Perhaps we could talk her into a threesome. It'd be fun, and so worth it." With the manling back, she took her glass of wine in hand and took a large gulp from her glass. She hardly seemed to care to take it easy in that regard today.

"Mmmm..." The former Inquisitor purred in pleasure as the manling massaged her and Sio's feet. Clearly she needed the stress relief.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Mirien Valdier"]

It was a moment of calm they both clearly needed. A soft, pleasured moan escaped Siobhan's throat when Mirien caressed her firemane. Unsurprisingly, the Countess loved being touched. Or being shown affection in general. "Agreed. The old Jedi would piss me off for other reasons, but at least they fought and didn't muck around. None of this 'no, we can't kill, let's redeem every Sith in sight' crap," she said scathingly, then smiled when Mirien spoke of the cute actress. "We totally should seduce her. I hear she's kinky."

She sighed pleasurably when the manling slave massaged her feet, wiggling her toes slightly. The feeling of pleasure and contentment only increased when he kissed her toes. Much like Mirien Siobhan was not taking it easy and thus attacking her wine with gusto. "I had a Jedi as a customer once," the manling spoke since apparently he wanted to join the snark against them. "She got sulky after the act because somehow her passions would magically turn her dark. Moped a lot about being in love with a Sith," he said these words in between kisses and licks.
Sleep for Cora didn't come easily. Not at all. Even resting against Eileithya, only helped her so much. The blonde, tossed and turned for sometime before she finally fell asleep. Admittedly her sleep wasn't that peaceful once the dreams started to come. One by one, every deed she'd done, every last thing she'd regretted played out before her eyes as she slept. This only caused Cora to grow more and more agitated in her sleep as she tossed to and fro in the bed. Undoubtedly this was not pleasant for the Priestess either.

Given all that they had discussed, Cora could hardly help the dreams. So much blame laid on her shoulders and so much of it she felt terribly guilty over. Still, only changing her life could actually make up for any of it. And none of it was going to be easy. Still she had to start somewhere, and already she was trying. Even if she still did feel incredibly lost, at least she had figured out that change was desperately needed. That her old life was no longer acceptable in any shape or form.

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Cora Passek"]

It was no surprise that Cora's sleep was not easy. As a matter of fact, Eileithya's was not wholly undisturbed either. One of the main reasons being the fact that she had some empathic ability. She tensed shook when at least some of the dreams that were haunting Cora spilled over into her mind. Images of woe, suffering and regret played out before her eyes as they bled over. A painful throbbing manifested in the back of her head, heralding the start of a headache.

Taking a deep breath she shored up her mental walls, managing to block out what was spilling over to a degree, much like erecting a dam would stop a flood. Feeling and seeing before her eyes how agitated Cora had become, se wrapped her arms around her. Admittedly all this tossing and turning was not that pleasant because at one point the human kicked her, but she managed! Trying to gather her power she drew upon her Sciia to calm Cora a bit. She could not fully banish the dreams from her mind - and was dubious on whether she even should, for in a way they were educational - but she could make Cora less agitated and calm her down slightly.

The human's past was her own to face. The Priestess could only show her the road and help her along it.
Mirien shifted over, leaning more of her weight against Siobhan, just wanting to feel her closer to her tonight. "I agree as well. They did have giant sticks up their asses back then. I mean good grief, I don't even think I would like Coryth or Phylis if they were Jedi from that era. Then again, I don't think they would much like us either. But you are right, at least they didn't muck around."

Mirien purred softly as the manling massaged her feet. For a moment she even closed her eyes, so relaxed and content in that moment. At the manlings story, Mirien just shook her head. "Some Jedi I swear are dumb as bricks. Sith are not great lovers or anything because of their darkness. You want great sex, you find a fine mistress or master. Not a sith. No ... they're just evil. And well yeah there's only one solution for that and it comes with their heads being removed from their body. No mercy."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Mirien Valdier"]

"Aye. Besides, the veiny skin and yellow eyes are quite unattractive," the manling chimed in. "You're a lot hotter. Last I heard she randomly went Sith...out of love or some rot. I doubt they're living happily ever after." Even sex slaves did not approve of Treason Season!

For her part Siobhan snuggled up further against Mirien, clearly wanting the closeness as well. As a matter of fact she craved it. "So true. Only solution to deal with the scum is to kill them. And kill them again if they cheat death and come back," at that she planted a kiss on Mirien's cheek. A soft purr escaped her when the manling continued loving her very sensitive feet. He was...skilled with his fingers and tongue, though on the whole she still preferred women. On screen there was an over the top action scene that culminated in a Lucrehulk being blown up by the heroine and her rag-tag band of misfits. The producers of the holovid were not pacifist inclined, and so the Sith knight who claimed to have had a change of heart obviously turned out to be a traitor who ratted the group out - and as a consequence lost his head.
Empathy was unfortunately a queen like this. Somethings you just didn't want to share. Cora's dreams continued to haunt her. Unfortunately she kicked the Eldorai somewhere in the middle of that, and kept struggling, at least for a while longer.

It was when Eileithya began to use the force, Cora's thrashing began to ease off and her breathing started to slow back to a more normal rate. It took a while longer before the blonde finally grew still against the redhead. The dreams still marched on, more events from her life speeding through her mind as she slept. At least now she might make it till morning without waking. Something she desperately needed after the kind of day she had.

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
"There is that too." One had to give the manling credit, where credit was due. A smile cracked her lips, "Why, thank you, pet." Then Mirien shook her head, "My bet is she is dead, and she deserves it for falling for that crap."

She smiled brighter at the kiss, "I'm glad we agree on these things. Some people choose to see it in shades of grey, but to me it's very black and white. Simple. It's not this big complex deal that Jedi these days make it. They can be so pathetic and whiny, I swear." She grumbled.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Mirien Valdier"]

''There is no decisiveness, only whinyness,'" Siobhan said sarcastically, parodying the Jedi Code. "If they stopped being a bunch of whimps and acted like real knights, they'd get things done. Instead of hiding behind a code they don't understand anyway." Clearly the Jedi were a topic that could put her in a ranting mood.

"I'm sure two beautiful mistresses like you have things to talk about! Jedi are sort of dull," their manling slave chimed in again.

Siobhan raised an eyebrow at that. "Are you saying you're bored? It is beyond your station to criticise your Mistresses."

"And I hope you will thoroughly punish me for it so that I remember my place again," the manling said with a completely straight face. Then he did some rather...pleasurable things with his tongue to first hers and then Mirien's toes.

"Miri, I think our slave is getting uppity," Siobhan said with a gleam in her eyes and a predatory grin on her face.
Mirien chuckled slightly, "That's not entirely inaccurate with the way they behave." She shook her head, "Though they've always used the code to hide behind. Even in the old days. Now if only the Republic got smarter and started charging Jedi with the crimes they commit, like assault, drunk and disorderly conduct and the like ... Then the Galaxy would be a better place." She sighed, "Just because they are Jedi, doesn't mean they are above the legal system. Though they firmly seem to believe that."

Mirien lifted a brow as their pet spoke. "Mmmmmm....." She moaned as he did this most pleasurable thing with his tongue to her toes. "He is getting uppity. I believe this merits firm correction. Don't you think, darling?"

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Mirien Valdier"]

"Agreed, but that would just require the Republic able to actually enforce their laws. While they're at it, they might as well kick out the Senate and that idiot PM," Siobhan added. Her opinion of Ms. Lasedri was terribly low after their one and only holochat. There was a gleam in her eye when she regarded their slave. "We totally need to punish him."

She violently grabbed him by his hair and pulled him into a heated, forceful kiss that was guaranteed to leave a bruise while her nails scraped over his back, digging in deeply, before abruptly releasing him. "Mirien, darling, do get the riding crop please..." Presumably the scene faded to black now.
[member="Cora Passek"]

Empathy was a double-edged sword. It could give you a great advantage when it came to reading people - or influencing them, if you were the sort - but just as easily bite you in the butt. Regardless it seemed that a little empathic Sciiac soothing had helped Cora calm down a bit. The dreams were still coming, but they tomented her less.

With a sigh Eileithya shored up her mental walls again and tried to likewise find some sleep. With a bit of luck they would make it through the night without further incident. After all, the human woman certainly needed her sleep!
It took a while longer but Cora at last settled down in her sleep and ceased to thrash about. Which had to be a relief for the Eldorai Priestess in the bed with her. At last she seemed to be sleeping peacefully, not that she could ever truly escape her dreams but this was something she needed. Cora needed to see what she had done, and desperately needed it all put in perspective for her. It had been a long journey to even get the blonde this far, where she could openly admit that she may have taken the wrong path in life. Admittedly, some of it she had little option in after her family was killed. Running to Tatooine had been the only option back then. The only place that the Sith didn't seem to follow her to.

Morning would come soon enough, and Cora stirred in her sleep. Slowly she was beginning to wake as her eyes fluttered. With a heavy yawn, Cora stretched against the beautiful redhead and finally opened her eyes. This morning, she did actually feel a little better. Though, uncertainty ruled her mind as she sat up in the bed. "Morning, dear." She said quietly. Her thoughts quickly drifted to the dreams she had, and a heavy sigh escaped her lips. It wasn't what she wanted to think about this early in the morning, but it seemed like she wasn't going to be able to get away from that. "Thank you, for last night. I really appreciate it."

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Cora Passek"]

"I would normally ask whether you had a good night...but I suppose I got well acquainted with the answer," Eileithya said, though not unkindly. She tactfully left out the fact that Cora had kicked her once or twice, though she would probably have a bruise because of that. An Ardarvian Priestess would have probably disciplined the Fallen Angel, but Eileithya was not into that sort of thing! So instead she leaned forward and gave Cora a deep kiss. Her hand stroked across the woman's blonde hair. "You up for some breakfast? We don't offer gourmet meals here, but we manage!"
Cora sighed heavily, a deep frown creasing into her features. "Yeah, no .... Not a good night." She said somberly. "Dreams weren't all that fun either." The woman said with a bit of a shrug as she leaned back against the wall.

The kiss took Cora by surprise, and it took her a moment to actually managed to respond. She then managed to return the kiss, extending the intimacy for a minute longer before she withdrew. That alone, enough to put a smile on her face. Happier thoughts certainly helped, and things like that, doubly so.

"Of course. Starving actually." Cora admitted as she slowly shifted her feet off the bed, onto the floor and started to get up. "Anything you have, I'm sure will be delightful. I'm truly not picky." Spoken with a smile, as she offered her hand to the Priestess to help the redhead from the bed.

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Cora Passek"]

Eileithya did not at all wants to get into Cora's pants. Well, actually she did! She was a woman of the faith...but also with womanly needs. Fortunately, the Ashiran priesthood was not expected to practice celibacy. For Ashira had known the pleasures of the flesh whilst she dwelt amongst her people. That said, the stories about how martyrs would be rewarded with nubile young maidens were probably allegorical, no matter what certain holovids might imply.

Anyhow, she gratefully accepted Cora's hand and got up. "Then breakfast it is. Come on, dear. I hope you don't mind the daily prayer," she said with a short smile. Then she led the human out of her room and down a corridor. It took them a bit but eventually they reached what passed for a communal dining hall. Cora stuck out due to being the only human in a small group of elves, which made her an exotic curiosity that earned a few looks, though not hostile ones. Breakfast worked on the serve yourself principle, meaning that you picked up and filled your own trays of food.
For Cora, to know such things certainly would entice her into such a religion. After all the religion she had been raised in tended to be quite a bit prudish in the end, believing in only one partner, ever for life and all eternity. That certainly wasn't something the blonde was interested in these days. In truth, she just wanted to get back to a more normal life where she could live without the painful burdens. Burdens that had been resting on the woman's shoulders for far too long.

Coming into the dining hall, Cora couldn't help but notice exactly how much she stuck out among the other women. It somewhat reminds this writer about her time in Japan, with lovely red hair. One couldn't escape such curious looks! "I don't mind at all." She said softly as they came to the food. Grabbing a tray, she was quick to find a variety of fruits and other foods that would fill her up. "After all, I'm not opposed to religion." Those words, she spoke a fair bit quieter, almost whispering since she wasn't too sure how others in the room might take such a statement.

To her, the more quiet morning already was a welcome relief compared to the last twenty-four hours. Quiet was what she needed most. Just mostly, she needed time to get things sorted back out and figure out where she could and would go from here.

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Cora Passek"]

"Oh, that's good. Occasionally we do have to act like handmaidens of the faith, you see. It's not all literacy modules. Don't let the holovids fool you," Eileithya said airily, though the look she gave the blonde angel was still playful. The aforementioned blonde might be the new living holocron now, since she had the knowledge of an ancient Sith Lord stuffed inside her head.

Regardless Eileithya likewise grabbed a tray and filled it with a variety of fruits and other foods. One thing Cora would not have to complain about was lack of food. See, Eldorai metabolism was rather fast, which meant that on average they had to eat a good deal more than humans to maintain their strength. No wonder no planet had more twenty-four hour takeaways than Kaeshana!

Then she guided Cora to a table, but did not sit down yet. Rather she called the assembled sisters to attention. "I bid you a good day, sisters, and ask you to welcome Cora Passek in our midst. The Goddess freed her from a malevolent daemon and she shall be in our care while she heals. Please extend every courtesy to her," she spoke. Though her voice was gentle, it was strong enough to be carried across the room.

"Before we begin, I ask you to say grace with me. To the Great Goddess Ashira, Creator and Mother, Healer and Protector. To her we owe our life, to her blessed light we look in the darkness. Hers was the hand that forged us and to her we shall return when called to heaven. In war, we take up her sword and sacred fire. Her blessings be upon you and Her Majesty, our Sovereign Lady the Star Queen."
Cora couldn't help but grin. Eileithya she actually was really starting to like, despite that whole her being a healer thing. Though, the blond was starting to think, even that she couldn't hold against her too much. "Oh but literacy modules are so much fun. Clearly, you need more of those." She quipped cheerfully. "It certainly could do a lot to attract new members." She said with a wink at the redhead, before she took her seat.

Well as the Priestess called the others to attention, the blonde couldn't help but sink down into the chair a little further, not too sure if she wanted all the attention on her, even if it was just for a moment or two. See, Cora could be shy about a couple things. This was one of them.

As it came to the morning prayer, Cora bowed her head and listened carefully. You could tell a great deal about a group of people, by their faith and the words they spoke in prayer. It wasn't what she was used to for sure. It wasn't all about doing the right thing, but to do the needed thing even if that might lead to a dark place like war. That was something Cora could respect. Maybe this religion might not be all that bad .... At least this was enough to pique her interest further. I suppose it won't hurt to read a little of that book she gave me ... Who knows, I may just like it!

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Cora Passek"]

There are certain common themes one probably finds in most - though by no means all - religions. Ashiranism was a very militant faith. Eileithya was probably a lot less violent than many of the priestesses of the past and certainly not enamoured with 'genocide in the name of the faith' or 'holy wars', but nor she was a pacifist. Ashiranism had very clear answers for how to deal with Sith, blackguards and the like.

Namely chopping their head off or setting them aflame. There was a reason Ashiran and Ardarvian Priestesses sometimes also acted as Political Commissars. In any case, the morning prayer was solemnly repeated and a few more words were said. One might wonder whether Eileithya had spoken in Basic for Cora's benefit. Then Eileithya sat down and gave Cora a kindly smile as the meal began. "I see you did not fall asleep and actually look content, so I count that as a success. I suppose my next project shall be to drag you into the church choir," she joked.

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