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Approved Lore The Centering Exercise

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"In the crucible of our training, we forge more than just skills and strength. We temper our minds to endure, adapt, and rise above. Detachment, the cornerstone of sound judgment, is the keystone of this arch. Through fasting and feasting, swimming and soaring, we learn to unshackle ourselves from the whims of our own emotions. It is in this state of serene clarity that a true Jedi finds their power – not by severing the bond with sentiment, but by mastering it. As the crucible of old refines raw elements into unbreakable steel, so too does this exercise shape our novices into unyielding pillars of the Force."
― Jedi Master Romi Jade​

  • Media Name: The Centering Exercise
  • Format: Pages (Book)
  • Distribution: Rare (also backed up to a memory crystal in her possession which only a select group of people know exist)
  • Length: Medium
  • Description: A page of notes detailing Jade's discovery of an old Jedi centering exercise used at the Jedi Academy on Ossus during Luke Skywalker's time, and how she's expanded on and re-integrated it back into the Jedi training philosophy.

  • Author: Jedi Master Romi Jade
  • Publisher: Self
  • Reception: These are thoughts, observations, experiences, and lessons that Romi has learned over time. She decided to muse and document in her private time with the intention of it helping those who wanted to learn and train more on their own, or even for the most experienced Jedi Masters to have something to teach their students and add to their lessons plan. It's a piece of a larger book she is writing. It's not widely known or available anywhere else for there to be tons of reception. Beyond the pages she authored and spare memory crystal she keeps, this is flying under the radar, with those who have trained with her personally having knowledge of it.


To be included in a larger book Romi is authoring, this reads from left to right on two pages. Handwritten notes and marks that outline her experiences and her reflections on them, along with pointers, and tips for the studier. The information contained in the crystal could only be accessed when placed in a holocron which, in turn, could only be opened with the Force. Once opened, the three-dimensional appearance and cognitive networks of Master Jade, that could sense the ability and level of a Jedi, would appear to begin explaining the Centering Exercise and related techniques.


The Centering Exercise is a Jedi training exercise designed to help trainees detach themselves from their emotions, allowing them to maintain sound judgment and focus on their tasks regardless of their emotional state. By cultivating inner calmness and serenity, Jedi can tap into the Force more effectively and make better decisions. This exercise involves a series of guided meditative steps that gradually guide the trainees toward emotional detachment and mental clarity.

Step-by-step guide:

  • Find a quiet and peaceful location where you won't be disturbed.
  • Assume a comfortable meditation posture, either sitting or lying down.
  • Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and relax your body.
Awareness of Emotions:
  • Begin by acknowledging and observing your current emotional state without judgment. Allow yourself to feel and experience the emotions fully.
  • Notice the sensations associated with each emotion. Is it a tightness in the chest, a fluttering in the stomach, or tension in any part of the body? Observe these physical manifestations without trying to change them.
  • Visualize yourself standing in a serene natural setting, such as a peaceful meadow or a tranquil forest. Imagine the sounds, smells, and sights around you, creating a vivid mental image.
  • As you continue visualizing, focus on a nearby river or stream. Observe the water flowing steadily and calmly, regardless of any external disturbances. This represents the serenity and detachment you seek.
Connecting with the Force:
  • Envision yourself extending your consciousness and merging with the flowing water, becoming one with its serene nature. Feel the calmness and detachment it embodies.
  • Gradually shift your attention from your emotional state to the tranquility of the flowing water, distancing yourself from your emotions.
Emotional Release:
  • Now, imagine each of your emotions as separate droplets of water, floating on the surface of the stream. Allow these droplets to gently dissolve and blend into the flowing water.
  • As each droplet dissolves, feel a sense of release and detachment from the associated emotion. Allow any tension or heaviness associated with the emotions to be washed away by the flowing water.
Cultivating Serenity:
  • Direct your focus to the feeling of calmness and serenity that emerges as you detach from your emotions. Embrace this state and let it permeate your entire being.
  • Gradually expand this sense of serenity beyond the visualization, bringing it into your physical body and your present moment awareness.
Integration and Grounding:
  • Slowly bring your attention back to your physical body and the present environment. Take a few deep breaths and become aware of your surroundings.
  • Reflect on the experience and carry the sense of serenity and emotional detachment with you as you navigate your daily tasks and interactions.

This Jedi Centering Exercise can be practiced regularly to strengthen your ability to detach from emotions, maintain sound judgment, and stay focused on your tasks. Remember, the object isn't to suppress or deny emotions but rather observing them from a place of serenity and choosing how to respond to them consciously.

On top of the historical five-day fast while the rest of the academy feasts around them, and the three-day swim in a warm bubble pool, here are some additional ways for trainees to practice the Centering Exercise, combining physical challenges with the mental and emotional aspects of detachment:

High-altitude Meditation:​
Description: Trainees venture to a high-altitude location, such as a mountain peak or a tall tower within the Jedi temple. The reduced oxygen levels and breathtaking views enhance the sense of detachment and serenity.
  • Climb to the designated high-altitude location, embracing the physical challenge.
  • Find a comfortable spot to sit or stand and begin the centering exercise.
  • As you meditate, the thin air and expansive vistas can naturally evoke a sense of detachment from the world below.
  • Visualize yourself as a part of the vast landscape, connecting with the grandeur of nature and feeling the insignificance of everyday concerns.

Blindfolded Labyrinth Walk:​
Description: Trainees navigate a labyrinth blindfolded, relying on their senses and the Force to guide them. This exercise encourages them to detach from the fear of the unknown and remain focused in a disorienting environment.
  • Set up a labyrinth path in a safe and open area, with ropes or markers guiding the way.
  • Trainees are blindfolded before entering the labyrinth.
  • As they walk through the labyrinth, they must listen to their breath, feel the ground beneath them, and use the Force to sense the path.
  • Encourage them to acknowledge any feelings of uncertainty or anxiety that arise and then let them go, focusing on the present moment and the guidance of the Force.

Silent Solitude Trek:​
Description: Trainees embark on a multi-day trek into a remote and tranquil wilderness area. During this journey, they practice detachment by immersing themselves in nature's stillness and resisting the urge to communicate verbally.
  • Trainees are assigned a specific route to trek through, and they must carry minimal supplies.
  • Silence is strictly maintained throughout the journey.
  • Encourage trainees to embrace the solitude and connect with the environment through observation, meditation, and focus on their surroundings.
  • By detaching from spoken words, they learn to communicate with the Force and find serenity within themselves even amidst the quiet of the wilderness.
Emotion-Driven Challenges:​
Description: In a controlled and supervised environment, trainees are exposed to emotionally charged scenarios that test their ability to detach from their feelings. These scenarios could be simulations of distress, confrontation, or moral dilemmas.
  • Trainees are presented with various emotionally charged scenarios designed to evoke strong reactions.
  • They are guided to recognize their emotional responses without judgment and then let go of them, channeling their focus on finding solutions or making decisions based on a clear and unclouded mind.
  • Jedi instructors provide guidance and support throughout the process, helping trainees explore how emotional detachment contributes to making wise choices.

These additional exercises within Jedi Master Romi Jade's training program deepen the trainees' understanding and mastery of detachment. These practices are designed not only to challenge the trainees physically but also to strengthen their mental and emotional resilience. By pushing their limits and experiencing detachment in various contexts, they can better prepare themselves to maintain focus and judgment even in challenging situations.


Romi Jade has always been somewhat of an anomaly when it comes to the Jedi Path. Between 830-840s ABY, In her youth, padawanship to Knighthood, Romi chose the unorthodox in every approach to her training, and highly emphasized overall preparedness for any situation. These traits stuck with her well into her Mastership when she began to take on apprentices of her own. With the structure listed above in mind, she was a hardy and tough Master who ran an intense program that often proved extremely difficult for her students to withstand in the beginning stages.

She went on to open her own Enclave on Jakku that adopted similar practices and used a harsh environment to instruct students in the ways of the Jedi. These practices were still in place when she moved to be Headmaster of the Ossus Jedi Praxeum. Her methodology has always been to provide students with what she believed they needed to start and maintain a Jedi career with longevity in a Galaxy engulfed in constant war.

It wasn't until recently that she decided to document and record her personal history, experiences, and new discoveries. Becoming Headmaster of an Enclave and then a Praxeum, and a bunch of near-death experiences made her want to author some sort of tome and record data for her Holocron one day. The tome once complete will be used to teach the next generations.

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