Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Bogan's Wraith

Rozalyne Kurganova


Residential District 3, Torn Station, Mytaranor sector

Burkan’s rent was two months overdue, and Macon wasn’t going to wait anymore. It was time to finally boot the Corellian the studio. Space was always a premium on Torn station, and he had a huge backlog of potential renters ready to replace the spacer trash.

“Open up,” Macon boomed as he banged on the locked door. “I know you’re in there. Everyone saw you partying it up at Sketch (nightclub on station)! If you got the credits for booze and hussies, then you got credits for me!”

The Twi’lek banged on the door and shouted for a couple minutes more, but there was still no answer.

It was odd. Usually, the weasel was quick to open the door and try to placate him with half payments and empty promises.

Impatient, Macon finally used his master card to unlock the door. His nose wrinkled as he was hit with a wall of stink. It was awful, the stench rotting fish mixed with a dozen other putrid odors.

He almost turned back then, but the smell only piqued his curiosity. What in the hell had happened to Burkan?

Gingerly, he stepped inside the dark studio, cupping his face with a gloved hand. Once inside, motion sensors triggered the activation of the room's automated lighting, revealing the trifling scene walls and surfaces streaked with dark stains of dried blood. It looked like a crime scene.

Macon stiffened, whipping out the blaster on his hip as he scanned the room. In the far corner of the room, fresh trails of blood led out of the open bathroom.

Instinct told him to leave then, but he had come too far and curiosity too great. He slowly made his way to the bathroom, careful to avoid the blood and trash strewn on the floor.

Now at the entrance of the bathroom, he leaned inside to peek.

Burkan was there, hunched over a toilet in a kneeling position, right in a puddle of own blood. The Corellian himself looked like an absolute mess, blood and pus leaking from lacerations all over his back. Aside from the slow drip of fluids from wounds, his body was still.

Burkan was dead.

Macon cringed in horror at the grotesque form of the of the corpse, backing away on reflex. Not minding his step, he slipped a slick patch of blood and tripped on his back. As he fell, he let off a shot from his blaster on accident as he lost his grip and pulled on the trigger as he fought to regain control, boring a small flaming hole through one of the walls.

Spooked by the body and his own shot, Macon frantically clawed his way back off the floor and practically flew out of the studio for help, now covered in the blood of the Corellian.
The Twi’lek thought he had just come across a murder, but the truth was much more gruesome, as he would soon discover for himself.

48 Hours Later:

An emergency briefing had been hastily called in one of the conference rooms in the Silver Rest’s medical complex, bringing together Jedi, Rangers, and civilian personnel from the Silver Service Corps

Rozalyne stood at the head of the table, the pale Caridian looking ghostly from the glow of the holoprojector before her.

When everyone had finally assembled, she launched straight into the meat of the briefing with no introductions.

“About two hours ago, an SSC team on Torn Station reported a viral outbreak, seemingly originating from one of the residential districts on the station. They’ve been unable to identify the virus, and they’ve had no luck pinging our databases. Meanwhile at least 5% of inhabitants are now showing some symptoms of infection in various stages. 43 people have now been confirmed dead within the last hour. While the exact nature of
[SIZE=11pt]virus[/SIZE] is still only in beginning stages of being determined, what has been readily observed is that it reacts violently to both bacta and kolto, greatly accelerating the activity of the virus. Elevated levels of aggression have also been observed in the infected, leading to several instances of violence.”

On the holoprojector, some images and video clips of infected individuals were displayed, all in various stages of deterioration, from a few coughs and sniffles to death.

“The local authorities are stumped, and beyond calling for a lockdown of the station, they don’t know out to proceed. That’s where you all come in. Quick reaction forces are being deployed to Torn Station station to help local security forces keep the peace and establish proper quarantine protocols.
Meanwhile, the Silver Circle and SSC medical teams are being sent to provide emergency care study the virus in order to develop a cure.”

“Any questions?”
Medical Conference Room:

The room felt tense and the doctor adjusted in his seat as he fixed his white lab coat. Eyes peering about the room taking in everyone’s reaction to what was going on, nothing like this had been seen before. Hyonu sighed heavily as his finger pressed against the data pad flicking through the images that were sent back to the Rest. Outbreaks were devastating on a station, everyone was enclosed so tightly and out in the middle of space. Usually when things hit hard such as this did, the station was usually lost. Remaining calm, he looked up as the woman at the head of the table began to speak. Her words were straight to the point and he began to lose himself in his thoughts.

The symptoms and the number of victims in this short span made him cringe slightly. It was replicating too fast which meant that if they didn’t respond with some sort of treatment or a way to slow down the virus – the station was gone. A hand rested over his lips as he thought quietly, the others around him murmured with ridiculous accusations of this being some sort of an attack. This was too unstable to be a bioweapon, there was no control – most bio weapons that were like this were controlled and slowly worked its way through the victim pool. This was something no man could control.

Mentally moving through his notes, Hyonu sighed once more and wondered one a few thing. There were possibilities, but the rate that it was killing was odd – but the woman did mention bacta and kolto speeding up the process. Coughing loud, he settled the room and looked towards Rozalyne and gave her a stoic stare. “I have a few questions.” His eyes moved from the woman back to the projector, reaching into his front pocket he pulled out a pair of thin rimmed round spectacles and squinted. “Any visual symptoms beyond the aggression and the coughing?” Shifting back into his seat he knew he needed to head to ground zero to collect samples, but he would have to trust the SSC and the Silver Circle. “Ms. Kurganova, How long till we get some sort of sample?”

[member="Rozalyne Kurganova"]
Valae sat quietly, hands folded tightly on the table as she listened to the briefing given by [member="Rozalyne Kurganova"]. The information delivered by the Director of the Silver Service Corps was grim, and her no-nonsense demeanor seemed to convey the urgency needed to get this situation under control. The images that flashed on the holo-projection made Valae blink hard; it was difficult for her to watch. Ever the tender soul, the Grandmaster attempted to keep her expression stony but knew that her eyes would likely betray her level of concern.

Torn station was something of a hub in their sector, it was worrisome that such a virus was now unleashed. Of course, they needed to ensure that the area was secured – and quickly. This would be a job well handled by the Antarian Rangers. But her thoughts were interrupted by an unfamiliar tone. Glancing to the side, she found [member="Ye Hyonu"], and gave a swift nod. It did seem that they lacked the one thing they truly needed to solve this problem – information. Valae had a feeling that their newest addition would be putting his skills to good use today.

Just as Valae opened her mouth to respond, she felt a gentle hand fall upon her shoulder.

Turning slightly, she spotted a fellow member of the Silver Circle, Lila Arrel.

“Grandmaster, you cannot risk going to Torn yourself. I will go if you will permit me.” She spoke in whispered words close to Valae’s ear. There was a moment of conflict within the Grandmaster at that moment; she didn’t wish to put others in harm’s way. But she gave a slow nod, and then looked back and forth between Rozalyne and Hyonu.

Hyonu, we will likely need your expertise on Torn station, would you be willing to lead the medical teams there?” She asked, hoping that she wasn’t putting him on the spot. However, she was thankful to have someone of his skill on their side. “My healers are willing to travel with you and will aid the effort in any way they can.”

My posting may be slow/sporadic -- feel free to keep going, I'll catch up!
Aboard Torn Station:

Helly hadn't so much as met a single other soul on the Torn Station beside her very own security. She had hardly been outside of her quarters since she arrived, but the fact remained that she still had been outside, regardless of how long. If she hadn't already gotten whatever virus this was, however, she would likely be the last. Fame had that kind of an impact. Regardless of how selfish it felt to think that way, it was no less reassuring to her own wellbeing. Her only reason for being there in the first place was to wait as her personal cruiser was being refueled, but of course she made the mistake of overstaying her welcome.

Adroth, a large Whiphid man who served as the head of Helly's personal security, was the only one allowed inside her room, although Helly herself remained behind plastic curtains that surrounded her bed for her own safety. The rest of her security detail remained in the main room of her quarters, as diligent as ever. She rarely had the opportunity to see her security team at work, despite how prone to trouble she so often was.

"I was supposed to be meeting someone in Nar Shaddaa soon," she told Adroth as she laid on her back, barely able to get even the tiniest bit of sleep. "Think she'll understand if I tell her I was quarantined on a space station?"

The Whiphid, in his full protective body armor holding his rifle, the variant of which Helly would never bother to learn, leaned his head forward ever so slightly and replied with a deep, booming voice, "Is it Mona?"

Helly rolled her eyes as she made a guttural sound in response. "No, it's not Mona. I value my life, remember? That's why I'm behind these curtains. No, this is a... different girl. I haven't gone around mentioning her to people, that's like shooting yourself in the foot in my position."

There was an odd silence between the two, which Helly found nothing short of unnerving, especially after mentioning Mona. She wanted nothing more than to be done with that chapter and move on.

"Glad I told Freylen and Raska to hang back on Zeltros," she pivoted. "Freylen would be freaking out right about now if he was on this station."

"You're not worried?" Adroth asked, the fur lining his massive face swaying with every word. "You should be."

Turning away from Adroth, Helly mumbled, "Gee, thanks for the pep talk..."

[member="Rozalyne Kurganova"] | [member="Ye Hyonu"] | [member="Valae Kitra"]
Torn station again. It always came back to that place didn't it? It had been Asaraa's first deployment with the Silver Jedi, where she'd first met her Marines it had also been the place she had killed that investigator who was snooping around the death of the customs agent...wait what? The young woman screwed up her eyes, one hand pressing against her forehead while the other reached out for the nearest wall, the smooth metal cool against her bare palm. She could hear the hubbub of the ranger base around her fading away for a moment as she felt her breath drop away from her for a moment, the merest catch of time. No, she'd never least not a customs agent. There had been the pirates but she'd done her best to neutralise the before so young woman balled up her fist against the wall, reaching back and slamming it into the metal with a solid thud as she straightened, eyes snapping open to reveal a pair of angry aqua eyes as she drove her fist into the wall again, she shoulders shaking as she sucked in a deep breath straightening and tugging at her shirt as she let the calming breaths flow in and out. That wasn't her, wasn't her memories...whoever had used this body before, this was something they'd done.

A hand touched her shoulder, a private giving her a concerned look as the other rangers passing traded glances over the scene. Nodding at the good samaritan Asaraa straightened with one final deep breath and started down the corridor towards the hangars. If they were deploying to Torn Station to help out then the least she could do was to tag along. Maybe they'd be able to help someone out there along the line, that was what they did right? that brief moment of anger faded from her eyes as she strode into the hangar, eschewing the force to grab two bags of medical supplies, staggering under their weight as she carried them towards the nearest shuttle.
Draven glanced about the hangar as he walked out towards the small little interceptor which had been prepared for him. The short Jedi certainly only seemed shorter among all these tall marines which were swarming about, and the others who had been assigned to the mission. Draven was dressed in full battle regalia, his plated armor fitted in nicely, repaired and shining bright with its white tint, and the light weight gear seemed strangely heavy on him. The newly knighted man's jaw was clenched and his face set in a hard expression as he nodded to a few men, seeming to reassure them as his grizzled figure moved across the place, ducking between ships, and finally coming to the tiny ship which had been prepared for him.

He had seemed to age rapidly over the past two or three years, many new scars now adorning his face, and a general aura of steady endurance about him, replacing the angsty, troubled one which once seemed to linger about him wherever the Jedi went. The knight moved on to the ship, slipping up and into the cock pit, and sliding down slowly into it, the droid behind him clicked and whirred, but the knight ignored it, saying nothing, and simply sitting there for a moment. The leather smell filled his nose, and it brought a small smile to his face, while the dulled noise continued to buzz outside. He waited there for only a moment, before he finally caught sight of a woman, struggling under the weight of two massive medical bags. The jedi hopped from his ship, and landed on the metal ground with a small "Clink!" Draven then made his way towards her, saying in his cocky, arrogant way, "Hey, need some help with that, woman?" The playful smile which used to always linger on his lips, finally making a reappearance after months. His burning blue eyes did not recognize the woman, but Draven never hesitated to help a pretty woman.

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
There had been a brief on the topic as Nora wandered down the halls in a hurry. For the last few days she had been working on a joint effort to further the Sacred Lotus’ connection with the rest of the galaxy again. In some part assurances that despite now being located on a planet flying Confederacy banners, the Order of the Sacred Lotus were still as independent as they were before. In the Silver’s case this was luckily enough a collaboration in the way of research and development.

The Order wasn’t back to size again, and it was doubtful they ever truly would be, but they had still managed to regain some of their old scientists back. That was, other than Nora who never left in the first place. Part out of necessity since she had nowhere else to go, and another part because she still had a firm belief in the tenets of the Sacred Lotus. If home was still home, why leave? She didn’t hold it against those who did, life had a way of pulling people in different directions like that.

The door to the meeting room opened and in stepped a girl. That was really the best way to describe her. Small, somewhat meek looking, and definitely just barely out of her teens. Her white hair, pale skin and blank yet intense eyes gave away her Arkanian heritage while the washed out white robes with sky blue details on her back told of her allegiance.

A quick glance managed reach the Grandmaster of the Silver Jedi with a warm smile that proceeded to spread out to the others. She might not have been a force sensitive, but the girl was a figure of calm regardless. No judgment, no tension, but certainly an air of professionalism that one might not expect from a girl her age.

“Greetings.” She said and bowed her head in respect at those in the room. “I apologize for being late, proper protocol dragged out due to an incident in the lab but it has since been resolved.”

She took a seat and folded her hands in her lap. From her understanding this wasn’t a virus like any of the others she had read about. Kolto and bacta sped it up which begged the question what would cause that. A chemical incompatibility perhaps? Her interest had certainly been piqued, and that alone could prove to be a danger.

Morbid curiosity seemed to sweep across her mind at the sight of the symptoms. There was a mystery to solve and Nora was more than up to the task to do so.

[member="Draven Dursden"] // [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] // [member="Helly Reyne"]​
[member="Valae Kitra"] // [member="Ye Hyonu"] // [member="Rozalyne Kurganova"]​
“Dr…” Asaraa just managed to catch herself before she spoke as she twisted around to stare at the scarred Jedi. The young woman could honestly say that his was a face she hadn’t expected to see in a while, but then that was the thing about a crisis, it threw together all sorts of people you’d never have expected. The thought brought a wry smile to her lips as she twisted to face the man, extending one hand as she wrapped tendrils of the force around one of the duffelbags she was carrying, floating it over to him. “We’re packing supplies to take over to Torn station, mostly food and medical things, clothes you know the basics. No-one here’s sure what we’re going to be running into, but as long as people have clothes and food then they’re not too badly off at least.” Not that it would help if they were being tossed out of their homes, but it was the gesture at least. They were trying to do something.

Slinging the remaining back across her back the young woman stretch before quirking an eye at Draven. “You know, I dunno if the armour’s a good idea or not. Keeping the germs out is smart, but you know, stomping in there in full battle gear might get people a little scared right?” Without really thinking about it the young woman gestured behind her, another bag drifting up in her wake as she started back towards the shuttles. “On the other hand, if it were me I’d want anyone who could to pop in and rescue me. Besides, you look pretty comfortable in that getup, a lot like most of the rangers around here now I think about it.” Her voice trailed off as she looked around, noticing the preponderance of armour for the first time. “Scary that huh? I guess we’ve been fighting for so long it just seems natural.”

[member="Nora Lithos"] | [member="Helly Reyne"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Ye Hyonu"] | [member="Rozalyne Kurganova"] | [member="Draven Dursden"]
Draven caught the duffel bag as it was floated over towards him, and raised a eyebrow as the woman remarked upon his armor, ​"I'm sure they would understand once I explain to them the situation. And with a face like mine, how could they not love me?" ​He then snorted out laughter as he continued to stroll with the woman towards the shuttles. ​"Battle armor has become...well what seems most natural to me. Anything else actually makes me feel naked." ​He then shook his head chuckling, ​"And I remember I was so in shock when I first saw a lightsaber. Now its just like seeing another star in the sky." ​As he walked, the Jedi studied the woman, not quite sure who she was, or how he knew her, but something was familiar in just the way she moved, and talked. Draven's burning eyes bore into her, seeming to cut away at the façade she was fronting, and really digging deep. He was just silent as he walked, the two's force energies in a somewhat cyclical dance, probing at one and other as they moved along towards the shuttles. Eventually they arrived there, and the young man dropped the bag. He smiled and said, ​"Well if you ever need a knight in shining armor," ​Tapping his chest plate, "I'm just a call away. I'll see you out there." ​Draven began to walk away from her, his boots clicking as he did so, but yet his force energy continued to try and grasp, what exactly, and who exactly, she was. His mind's gears turning and clicking as she faded in the distance behind him. The jedi would certainly have something to think about on his way to the sight.

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Nora Lithos"]
Cassius listened silently as Kurganova gave the briefing, with unfortunately no clear identification of the virus. He sat on the opposite end of the table, chin resting on his fist, looking at a readout on his datapad. At the mention of how many had already died, he gave a worried look to T-4D4, a tall K-X series droid that had been repurposed from a security droid into one with a medical mission. T-4 returned the glance, looking as worried as a droid could.

A few questions were asked, mostly about the virus itself and its symptoms, as well as when a sample would be collected. Cassius had been keeping a list of the symptoms in his datapad, hoping to eventually run them through the Silver Jedi Order’s extensive historical database to hopefully find correlation between this and past diseases. It was a long shot, but any information they could glean would help.

Cassius piped up, “Have they identified a patient zero? If so, do we know their movements from the past few days? It’s possible there are carriers for this virus outside of Torn Station that we don’t know about yet.”

Best case scenario was that the virus had been contained to the station, but it had to have come from somewhere. Cassius supposed that was what he could help with – investigating the origins of the virus, and verifying whether or not this outbreak was intentional or malicious. If accidental, they could still try and stop it from spreading.

At least, that’s what he hoped.

[SIZE=11pt][member="Rozalyne Kurganova"] | [member="Ye Hyonu"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Nora Lithos"][/SIZE]
Zavii followed the flux of Marines carrying crates and bags of supplies toward dropships. The young Jedi herself was telekinetically towing a crate of food behind herself and cradling the half-transperisteel helmet of her armor under one arm. As she emerged into the main hangar area, her Violet eyes fell upon the bright hair that now sprouted from her friend [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]'s head like some exotic lichen on a tree. The newly Human Padawan seemed to be talking to a heavily-scarred-for-his-age marine as they too loaded supplies into a ship's belly.

Reaching her senses out, Zavii realized that the young man was actually Forceful, and yet he seemed more conflicted in his heart than most Silver Jedi whom the young Zabrak had met. He did seem somewhat familiar though. As she approached the pair, she listened to their conversation but the young man stepped away before she could cut in.

He talked about feeling naked without the armor that so many of the party was wearing. Even Zavii was clad in a full suit that she'd commissioned from the Anteran Rangers. It was basically indistinguishable from that of any other ranger her size, but with the emblem of the Silver Jedi Order emblazoned on either side in bright purple, just like her eyes and hair. Most importantly; it fit the young woman perfectly and had a surprising range of motion without sacrificing protection in all but a few key areas.

She couldn't wait to get out of it.

As she came up to the ship where Asaraa was standing, she waived her hand to maneuver the crate around her body and set it inside the cargo bay before turning to Asaraa to grumble. "Don't believe the hype, Asa, I feel like I'm wearing a cage. I definitely wouldn't wear this whole thing if it weren't totally necissary; I'd rather just fight naked. Stupid highly-infectious virus."

She cast a familiar grin as she sidled up to the other young woman. "Who was that, anyway? He seems familiar somehow..."

Rozalyne Kurganova

"Yes, there have been," she said, reading through her datapad. "Additional symptoms observed include fevers, headaches, muscle pain and weakness, fatigue, vomiting, diarrhea, and strange ring-like wounds that lead to hemorrhaging by large bursts from said wounds. The wound patterns, in particular, seem to be the easiest visual marker to identify those infected."

She almost winced as she rattled off the list of increasing grisly symptoms to Doctor Hyonu. It was times like these she was glad she had gone to work in the energy sector rather than the medical field.

"There have been some samples collected in the field, and they're now being examined aboard the Ebisu, currently docked with Torn Station. As the virus remains unidentified, all analysis will need to be conducted on the scene or on the Ebisu."

While answering Hyonu's questions, an Arkanian entered the room, apologizing for her tardiness. Vaguely, Rozalyne recognized the woman as a member of the Sacred Lotus. As of late, both the SSC and Sacred Lotus had been working closely together on a series of medical and humanitarian projects.

"It's no trouble. Doctor Hyonu can catch you up. He's been assigned by Grandmaster Kitra to lead the medical component of the mission."

She gave an approving nod to Kitra, then turned her gaze to Droma as he took a turn asking questions trying to pinpoint the origin of the virus.

"Unfortunately, we have yet to track down patient zero. Record keeping on Torn Station has been pretty spotty from what we can tell."

That was putting it lightly. Up until last year, space station's populace had lived in a near state of anarchy, ruled by gangsters and pirate lords. A new city style council had been erected in their place once the pirates had been ran off, but all the institutions they governed were a mess. It was probably because of this fact that there was an outbreak in the first place.

"That's one of the reasons why you're all being sent in today, to figure out what the local government has been missing."

"If there are no further questions, then you're all dismissed. Doctor Hyonu, I recommend checking in with Commander Pemat before entering Torn Station proper. He's the chief medical officer of the Ebisu, and should be able to provide greater insight to your team."

That was all she had for now. Unless there were any further developments, she would manage the crisis with Kitra remotely while the mixed team of Jedi and physicians got to work on ground zero.

[member="Zavii"] [member="Cassius Droma"] [member="Draven Dursden"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Nora Lithos"] [member="Helly Reyne"] [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Ye Hyonu"]
Location: Torn Station, Docking area.
Assets: Torn security forces,
"Remember, these are our people. Keep your weapons on stun, but make yourselves intimidating. We'll push the crowd back away from the staging area without even firing a round off if we do this right." Valkren's voice cut through the silence, turning to the other four Katarn-armored operators in the same bay as him.

"Are you trying to say we aren't intimidating, sir?" Lowder's familiar and some what annoying voice came forward, cracking wise like he usually did to get under his teammates skin.

"Pretty sure he's only referring to you, Lowder." Corporal Baker joined in, firing back at the specialist to keep him somewhat in line.

"Cut the chatter, ladies. Look alive."

The door that contained five of the Radama Raider's operators slid open, flooding the tiny checkpoint with light from the inside of the station. Colonel Valkren Calderon led the way outside of the security station that protected the docking area. The local security forces had encountered a small number of civilians and workers that were grouped together in hopes to get off of the station and away from the outbreak.

It was unclear to both the rangers and security forces just how many of them were infected, so a quarantine had been ordered by the brass. As soon as this was ordered, the Raiders were deployed as a quick reaction force to keep the situation from boiling over until the rest of the silver forces had arrived. While disembarking from their transport to report to Commander Pemat, the situation in front of the security station had escalated. So while the rest of his unit prepped for their coming orders, Valkren and four others suited up to assure that the docking bay and hangars wouldn't be compromised for the coming medical teams.

The five armor-clad figures were much more imposing compared to the security teams that stood in front of the station, riot gear at the ready. Lucky enough, this mob had no intentions of getting his with a stun weapon, or getting into conflict at all at this moment. The most that was being thrown their way were harsh words and pieces of trash. However, this scenario when left unattended could turn out much worse than initially expected.

The five rangers walked forward behind the line of security officers, weapons lowered but at the ready. Lowder stopped suddenly as a cup filled with some random liquid bounced off his faceplate and visor, eliciting a sigh from the specialist.

"Feth, I can already tell that this is going to be a fun day." Lowder made his response to the 'attack' on his vision while wiping away the liquid.

"Push them back, separate the crowd into two sections. Without their strength of numbers they should disperse. Move out." Valkren issued these orders quickly to the small squad. The four rangers jogged forward, stopping before slipping in-between each of the security officers. They brandished their heavy repeaters and carbines, showing the minor gathering the force that was now present.

Valkren himself carried a 'Firebolt' heavy repeater, also set on stun. However, he took a position behind the line of security officers and his four rangers, watching from behind the visor as the scene panned out. He could hear the yelling between his teammates and the civilians coming through their communications.

"You don't want any of this, buddy! Get the kark' back!" Lowder's voice was the most apparent, forceful in nature with others that are more an annoyance to him than he could be to anyone else.

"Clear out! There's nothing here for you now!"

"Return to your homes!"

Calderon continued to watch as they slowly pushed forward with the security forces, the crowd already losing numbers as people jogged away from the small protest. By the time they had split them into two separate groups, the distance that was being put between the rangers and civilians was great enough to give the hostilities a reason to die down. There was no way they could get their ground back, or make it into the docking bay and into a ship at that matter. The docks were safe, for the moment.

"Are you sure your raiders are necessary for this?" An older voice came forward, vocoded, but apparent in it's gruff and hoarse sound.

Valkren turned to meet the voice, looking to one of the security officers that also watched the scene unfold. "You say something, sir?"

"I know what you Raiders do. This is no war, there are no firefights here for you. We need peacekeepers, not warriors!"

It was apparent to Valkren that this man didn't think the Silver's movements of deploying a quick reaction force to keep things in order was a good idea, even after the job they had just done before him. Calderon could see his worry, in situations were riots and frenzied mobs were frequent, carrying a bigger stick often drew more attention, and was proven to easily anger some. Yet, Valkren knew that in everyones mind, no-one could erase the thought of being shot completely from their minds. Even Valkren held the fear of catching a slug after experiencing several gunshot wounds over his time in the Republic and Antarian Rangers.

The colonel glanced to the now dispersed crowd, before looking back to the officer. "Looks like real warriors are exactly what you need, sir."

After this statement, Valkren and the others began to make their way away from the line of security forces and back through the security station.

"Boss, Commander Pemat just contacted us. The rest of the silver forces are arriving soon, we should be there to meet them." Lieutenant Konrad Harris chimed into their communications system, warning them of the situation as they returned back to the unit.

"I read you, lieutenant. We're on the way."

[member="Rozalyne Kurganova"] | [member="Zavii"] | [member="Cassius Droma"] | [member="Draven Dursden"] | [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] | [member="Nora Lithos"] | [member="Helly Reyne"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Ye Hyonu"]
Draven's ship set down on the station, and he cracked his neck. The Jedi sat among the little bobbles, as well as odds and ends which he had kept with him, none of them having and real meaning, except to give him a chuckle whenever he looked at them. He took a deep breath, and enjoyed the smell of the leather, and food which he had been eating on his way there, Draven was very rarely found without some form of food in hand, but now wiping his hands on his plated breeches, the Jedi felt his stomach knotting, as he slowly reached up and pressed the button at his neck guard. The battle mask slammed up over his face, and the first couple breaths of clear, cool oxygen rushed into his lungs. A massive, deep breath forced its self into his lungs, and as usual, he had to struggle to let it out. Slowly the jedi rolled his shoulders and opened the top of his little interceptor. The droid behind him clicked and whirred with its report, which Draven promptly ignored, and his armored boots clicked as he landed on the cold metal floor.​
The trooper drop ship had landed beside their leader's interceptor, the massive Juggernauts clunking as they filed out of the huge ship. There were five in all, and the captain grunted out to Draven over comms, "Draven's Dudes, ready for duty." To which Draven responded with a simple nod, the group of five falling into a arrow formation around the knight, the captain at the head, and the others falling behind him, Draven in the center. The captain of The Dudes, named George Henrik tapped into the previously deployed unit's comms, "Draven's dudes, ready for duty. Where do you boys need us?" The Dudes were effective, and clinical in their approach. Unlike many of the troopers which the Silvers employed, they had one loyalty, and that was to Draven. He had ensured this upon selecting them, and the group had come to love their leader as if he was their own brother. Many having already laid down their lives for him. It was something which weighed heavily on Draven's conscious, but it was also a mutual understanding. The Dudes understood that that was why they were there, and Draven respected them enough to allow them to do their duty to the end. Even if that meant death. The huge armored suits began to move forwards towards the security checkpoint, their massive armor clinking and grinding as they moved forwards. Draven drew one of his sabers, and his shield as he moved up with the group, listening to their chatter while he walked, it was all but silent once they got into combat, but The Dudes chatted idly now, and their laughter could be heard over the comms.​
He swung the saber back and forth while walking brusquely, preparing for what was to come, and awaiting the other troops response to his commander's report. The cool oxygen pumping in and out of Draven's lungs was soothing, and the burst in, and exhale rhythm allowed for a certain trance, to calm his mind and allow the Jedi to reach out with the force, feeling for potential enemies. Meanwhile The Dudes chattered away, discussion previous battles and nasty scars which they had acquired in them. The death of the previous commander was brought up as well, George saying, "I heard his final five. It was nasty the way he went." This abruptly ended the light conversation, and static silence ensued on the comms. The final five. It referred to when a Dude used his revolver's five bullets. If a Dude had to resort to the five massive bullets in his revolver, then his death was at hand, hence the name, final five. George's father, Gregory had been the previous commander, and the topic had been avoided until now. Draven's was unphased, death was nothing new to him, no matter how close a friend Gregory had been, he knew the risks of being a trooper.​
Draven walked with the confidence of a veteran warrior, his shield swinging at his side, the shorter blade of his single saber flourishing beside him while he prepared, and the battle mask creating a imposing persona. The group's boots fell at the same time, the large mech suits creating a stomping, and beating rhythm with each step, signalling their approach, and Draven in their center felt protected. He couldn't even see over the top of the massive suits, and their huge metal bodies created a wall of protection between him and the outside world. Their rifles were brandished, and ready to fire at the first disturbance, and Draven felt the cool calm of pre battle wash over him. The calm before the storm.​
[member="Valkren Calderon"] [member="Rozalyne Kurganova"] [member="Zavii"] [member="Cassius Droma"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]​
Location: Torn Station, rented living Quarters
Assets: A suit of ancient beskar’gam devoid of technology, two lightsabers, the Force. A transport docked in the hanger.

The impact caved in durasteal. The product of Lord Darkhold’s will. From a casual on looker it would have appeared he just punch the darn wall. From a Force Users perspective the impact was also influenced by use of the Force. As he pulled his fist away from the wall his fierce eyes examined the damage. He had left a good sized dent the shape of a fist. Fresh scratches were also on his gauntlets.

His armor and many dents and gashes, flakes of black lacer paint were missing. Evidence of years of combat most in this galaxy had forgotten. Even the red cape he wore was tattered and stained from war.

He was a relic of the past now trapped on this quarantined station, a trapped animal about ready to claw his way out. He was not at war with the Silver Jedi. In fact his daughter [member="Faith Organa"] and his son [member="Garith Organa"] was friends with them. This was not what he hoped during his traveling to visit his other daughter [member="Arabella Darkhold"].

The people on this station were not his enemy. It was a festering sickness this predator growing voracity eyed. It was only a matter of time before he stomped his way through the corridors like a rabid tyrant rancor. Hopefully he would not make a mess of things breaking the promise he made with his daughter Faith and to [member="Valae Kitra"].
[SIZE=10pt]Leaning back in his chair, Hyonu glanced towards the Grandmaster Jedi, Valae. The woman was nothing he assumed a Grandmaster to look like. She was youthful and still had her vibrancy. Most Grandmasters in photos and such looked so old and decrepid, it was possible that was in her future. For now, he’d admire her from afar and compliment her when he had the chance. The man was obsessed with science and medicine, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t appreciate a woman’s featuers. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Valae requsted that he go planetside, which twisted his stomach a little. He was wanting to stay in the labs back on the Rest. Get information fed to him and he could work with samples. It seemed the safety of the Grandmaster was more important than his and he sighed softly and pushed the glasses up the bridge of his nose. Going back into the field brought him mentally back to his early twenties, at least this time around he’ll be smart about it. “Understood, Grandmaster. I’ll take care of the kids out there and we’ll make it through this.” A pale woman entered the room and his glance shifted towards her. They had met before this and he trusted the girl with his research – a feat not many had been able to pull off with the Seoulian Doctor. “Nora, you’re going to be showing up a bit later on the field with me. I need to make sure this place is set up for any samples I send back.” Removing his glasses, Hyonu pinched the bridge of his nose. “After its set – you’re coming to the station.” There was no room for the woman to deny his request. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Finally after he had issued the orders to Nora, the woman at the head of the table spoke once more. She mentioned the rings on their bodies which was something no one had seen in ages. The stone face of the doctor soon started to lose color. He had a feeling he knew what this was, but how? There needed to be more evidence and he didn’t want to blurt out the name of some old archaic disease without knowing for sure. Nodding his head he stood from the table. “I’ll be heading to the hanger and leaving as soon as possible with the research teams.” Bowing to Rozalyne and Valae, Hyonu gathered his things and headed towards the door. Stopping, he turned to face the table once more. “If this is what I think it is – we’re in for a few sleepless nights. Make sure any and all teams headed to the station are in heavy hazmat with the best air filters we can find.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Remembering something from his notes in medical school, he pushed the glasses once more on his face. “Tell all teams currently on the station to make sure they stay away from any place littered with green pollen like crystals.” With that he left the room and headed straight to the hanger. A message was sent to his assistant to grab his overnight bag from his office and to get her butt down to the hanger – she was going too. [/SIZE]

@Darkhold @Draven Dursden [member="Valkren Calderon"] [member="Rozalyne Kurganova"] @Zavii @Asaraa Vaashe [member="Nora Lithos"] [member="Helly Reyne"] [member="Valae Kitra"]
Location: Torn Station, exiting living quarters into hallway.
Objective: Kill the virus and hopefully not make too many people cranky
Assets: A suit of ancient beskar’gam devoid of technology, two lightsabers, the Force. A transport docked in the hanger.
In the vicinity of: [member="Helly Reyne"] , [member="Valkren Calderon"] , anyone else that I missed on Torn Station

The silence of the hallway was interrupted. The twisting, ripping sound of a durasteal door roared down the corridor, then followed by the solid impact sound of metal hitting the wall…across from the door.

The wall it just so happened to hit was the wall that separated [member="Helly Reyne"] ‘s room and the corridor. The parts of the door did not go through the durasteal wall. It did however leave one nasty dent.

[SIZE=11pt]Stepping out of the now shatter door way, a very cranky Elder Kashi looked up then down the corridor. [/SIZE]
Aboard Torn Station:

Helly practically jumped at the loud noise, sitting up from her bed as Adroth urged her to stay where she was.

"Remain calm," he told her, raising his rifle and barking orders to security team in the main room, which had sustained heavy damage.

"It doesn't sound like there's a reason to be calm," she protested. "What the hell is going on out there?"

"Stay. Calm," the Whiphid said one last time before opening the door and leaving her alone in her small bedroom.

The day just kept getting better and better. A terror manifested itself in her mind, showing her images of only the worst case scenarios. She had a security team, but that was an exceptionally large impact...

[member="Darkhold"] | [member="Ye Hyonu"] | [member="Valkren Calderon"] | [member="Rozalyne Kurganova"] | [member="Valae Kitra"]
“Thank you, Doctor, Valae said with a swift nod, pleased that the young man had the knowledge and initiative to see this mission through. As Hyonu gathered his belongings, she listened closely to his words. The Silver Circle had treated their share of illnesses, but this seemed like a whole different story. There was worry in the Grandmaster’s eyes, but she was confident in the abilities of her people.

“We will be in touch with the parties on the ground,” She nodded, giving her assurance. After all, she knew that Colonel Calderon and his men were there. “Keep us informed.”

As Hyonu exited the room, she gave a nod to Rozalyne and then turned to her comm device. She patched into the channel used by Colonel Calderon, and would speak a simple message:

“Colonel, if you see any areas littered with green pollen-like crystals, steer clear. We need to make sure everyone aboard the station is aware. We have medical and research teams heading out to the station now.”

Turning to Lila, her trusted Silver Circle healer, she hung her head slightly.

“Take a medical ship and some of our medical and healing staff. Make preparations to treat wounded… once we know more about what we’re dealing with.”

Attempting an encouraging smile, Valae gave her healer companion a gentle pat on the shoulder. Lila was very capable; she would handle this situation with care, this she knew. She only hoped that all Silver Jedi forces on Torn would make it back safely.

[member="Ye Hyonu"], [member="Rozalyne Kurganova"], [member="Valkren Calderon"], [member="Helly Reyne"], [member="Darkhold"]


Well-Known Member
Location: Torn Station, exciting living quarters into the hallway.

[member="Darkhold"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Helly Reyne"] | [member="Ye Hyonu"] | [member="Draven Dursden"] | [member="Valkren Calderon"] | [member="Rozalyne Kurganova"]​

And so it was after having just finished up a trip to an undisclosed planet out to the outer rim outside what one could consider neutral or friendly territories. On his own without any or of the council approval or knowledge following up on a lead he had in regards to tracking down the elusive individual he'd met back during his brief stay in one the temple within the Alderaanina held planets.

Hope if anything else for any chance or leads he could provide him with regards to furthering his own personal quest as he delves in deeper into his own past. Which was something the Master or Healers he'd so far gone into contact with and aided him to caution him against? State it was not something he should go rush into and had been advised against in earnest. But then again being not one known for his patience or the very least adherence to rules or such. He found himself here and following up the sliver or lead he had thus far...

Which much his disappointment was if anything seems just another dead it seems. So opting to cut his losses he eventually found himself here with his ship in need of refueling and him personally for someplace to rest up before engaging in making the next to the last leg of his trip back.

Having had a few creds on him he then rented one the few available quartes under an assumed name. And was about ready to take his leave of the place when out the blue. When all of the sudden.....announcement came thru that the place was being shut down as parts if not all the entirety of the space station was under quarantine. Which for the most part didn't quite sit well with him but what else could he do?As he didn't quite have enough creds to extend his rental nor did he wanted to fess up and have used his real identity. Knowing if anything else Jedi and or healers of the order would most likely be called over. Which in turn would or could compromise the secrecy of his trip recently ...... though unbeknownst to his fate, as it seems, was not done with him just yet. As he then found himself take the time he had at the moment to wander off to walk the hallway to plan out his next move.

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