Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Balmorra the Merrier (SSC vs OS)

Belgerath had been patrolling the outside of the Balmorra prison. Normally, as a Sith Assassin, that was not along his normal job type. But this was a special case. After giving a fellow sith some nasty wounds in the OS Tournament he wanted to get away from Coruscant for a while, and maybe learn something new on Balmorra. He was prepared for action, with all of his equipment on him as he walked down his route alone, aroung half a mile/one eighth of a kilo meter away from the facility. It was the furthest long-range reconissance that would be made under normal circumstances. About halfway through his route, Belgerath's comm unity in his ear crackled to life.

"Enemy Silver Sanctum units have been confirmed, be on the look out." Belgerath felt his body tense up slightly, that feeling you got before a battle. The rush of being alive. He responded instantly with a cool, calm voice. "Roger that this is Assassin Phantom One, requesting permission to go on a scouting run to locate main enemy task forces, secondary objective being to find any enemy scouts, over?"

After a moment of silence, Belgerath got his reply. "Phantom you are cleared to go. Good hunting out there." Belgerath couldn't help but have a large grin behind the black mask covering his mouth. It had been his first mission like this before, against Jedi. "Aff, Phantom one out and assuming radio silence until enemy forces are found." Was all he said, before turning off his comm units transmission device. Because he turned it off, he did not know of a certain Siths treachery.

Belgerath took a deep breath before turning his back to the base and looking around, his blindfold over his 'eyes' as he looked through the force to the area around him. He mentally pulled up a map of the area around the base, looking for a likely landing spot. He was not as of yet capable of concealing his presence in the force, but his own presence in the force was not a strong one, and he planned to let the Dark Nexu conceal his own naturally and blot it out. Though if that didn't work, well, things would get real fun real quick. He would have to rely on his natural force sight to spot the enemy, before they spotted him.

For the moment he went to the sectors infront of the base, inspecting possible landing points and checking the sky for any SSC forces while keeping his body physically hid. He was good at hiding and making himself hard to spot and hear.

(OOC: Out, open, and looking for challengers. PM me if ye are intrested in fighting ol' Bellie here.)

SSC Mentions: Zylah Dvale | Máni | Junko Ike | Solan Charr | Audren Sykes | Zef Halo | Kurayami Bloodborn | Jericho | Cole Katarn
OS Mentions: Lord Ajihad | Darth Prazutis | Gorteko Graye | Belgerath | Jack Mirrikh | Krayzen Dratos | Haytham Kaze | Darth Ax'no | Rapax
Immersed in the Current in Base
Duel: [member="Darth Ax'no"]

Junko looked up when she heard sounds, people rushing and moving faster and faster when the klaxons came. That was not me... She thought to herself now needing to go through a high alert area and be extra careful dealing with all of it as she squinted and felt for anything. Somewhere she could go with the identification badge. The technicians were trained sure but they weren't meant for the first line of defense they were meant to be making sure everything was properly working while she went past a trooper and when he stopped and loosened quickly with her fingers letting his own distraction of the coming fight work to her advantage of grabbing the thermal detonator pack.

That was step one as she wrapped that immersion around it to conceal the pack moving slowly and carefully towards the speeders and walkers that were being brought out. Working with some of them when they were unattended using a small blade to slice the fuel lines and go on the floor. Down the line until she was getting near the walkers while starting to set the thermals with a delayed timer so she could clear the way and left it near the leg to start sabotaging it. Hopefully enough confusion would come when she finished and looked at some of the terminals putting the card up while fiddling with it when the tech was gone getting one of the troopers equipment.

That should do something... She said it to herself under her breath while working over the larger things and waiting at the door turning on the timers when it opened up so she could go through and right after some of the troopers. Her immersion not broken but she was staying careful with everything going on while looking at a small map to find the armory and where they might have private VIP quarters to keep people secured. A jedi in the brig while attacks were coming would be to obvious if something happened and likely not as secure with soldiers.. Where private rooms if she went by her family home on atrisia was protected by those elite mercenaries who trained all the grunts.

Same idea here for the generals and stuff when she continued to move hearing the order to arrest two it sounded like sith... if they were turnign on each other this could turn out well for them and she moved to go find the armory.. then oh some plans to go and visit other places. She wanted to make sure there was some distraction while going and staying clear of the full lifts or crowds. They might not see her easily but soldiers on alert for things were much harder without the distraction of explosions that would be coming soonish hopefully. Something big in the hanger while the mental countdown in her head was ticking into those last twenty seconds of fire, fuel and small thermal bombs.

SSC Mentions: [member="Máni"] [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Zylah Dvale"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Zef Halo"] [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] [member="Jericho"] [member="Cole Katarn"] [member="Aria Vale"] [member="Grey Lunara"]

OS Mentions: [member="Krayzen Dratos"] [member="Rapax"] [member="Darth Ax'no"]
Aria did a quick assessment of the situation. [member="Joza Perl"] would be fine alone and clearly wanted a good duel, but enslavement must've been an emotional ordeal and had it been Aria, she'd certainly be wanting somebody to fight alongside her. It wouldn't be enough to run - if they did, then [member="Darth Ax'no"], [member="Rapax"] and [member="Krayzen Dratos"] would notice that two Jedi - forever their mutual enemies - were escaping, and whatever quarrel was distracting them would be forgotten just long enough to try and take them down. Even if she survived that, there was a good chance she would do so at the cost of enslavement to the Sith and that was something she wasn't in a hurry to go through.

She calculated that the best option was battle, and held up her lightsaber. Hopefully a few more Jedi would show up soon enough but if she managed to strike while everyone was still caught up with the whole arrest, she'd have a slight advantage. Gesturing for Joza to follow suit, she stepped right inside the cluster and caught [member="Krayzen Dratos"]' lightsaber wrist before attempting to execute a manoeuver that would end up with him on his back.
Grey had come around the corner as [member="Aria Vale"] motioned over [member="Joza Perl"]. Things had to be done. Grey sent a telepathic message to Aria to tell her to go. Grey paused as the redish-black aura became a bluish-white aura. She was finished with Dark Rage, and activated her special ability only known by one other, Luminescent Rebirth. Luminescent Rebirth was able to erase the taint of darkness within, and enhance Light and neutral powers. Drawing two lightsabers. Her agedan saberstaff, and her relic Sunrider's Destiny single longblade, she would ignite the weapons and look at the group.

"I have a job to do. One Sith has hunted me for years, and I'm tired of running. Let them come." Grey continued and looked at the Sith before her. "[member="Darth Ax'no"].. I've done my homework on you. If you're truly unhappy, join my side. I am not asking you to join the Sanctum. I'm asking you to be my companion, part of a small group where you don't have to deal with some... weirdo telling you what to do. I'll use no tricks. I'm giving you the choice."
Direct Allies: None
Direct Enemies: [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Junko Ike"]​​

“Coming up on target, eta, 5 minutes.” A 769th transport was hauling itself with just a small squad to touch down near the current engagement. Seeing the 769th relegated to guard duty already had Kylath’s blood boiling but they had nobody but themselves to blame, this was one more battle to regain their lost honor and some credibility with the Sith Command echelons.

Waiting with controlled breathes, he’d made these drops, you could say a few times before. Dropped in to the thick of it, they were already taking small arms fire, and the small squad of 769th storm troopers spread out to provide a safe perimeter for his advance, one or two fell as they made entry into the complex but they moved with speed, not getting bogged down and fanned out. Simply put he was tasked with capturing a few stray Jedi for interrogation regarding not only where their ships were, but how they’d breached entry into Sith space.

Black durasteel trooper recon gear on, targeting visor primed and stealth suit engaged, offering nimble protection but decent concealment, Kylath was strapped with three grenades, a modular SMG sized FFE rifle with flashbang stun ammo and AP ammo clips, a SW-12 Jacknife sonic pistol, his usual saber and a secondary stun batton.

Come on in, just a step closer...

From a favourable position a level above and to the east of the current alternation, it was about this time he’d taken aim at a group of passing Jedi entering from a courtyard a short distance away from [member="Aria Vale"]. If she was aware or alerted to the sound, she might see his stealth suit shimmering, as he braced on one knee and lined up his scope over an unfortunate Jedi. The young Zeltrix exhaled for stability and pulled the trigger, sending several flashbang rounds shrieking toward a poor unfortunates chest, which were about to explode in a flash of blinding light not far from [member="Aria Vale"], if she could even spot the shooter or send warning in time. He needed his targets alive but with them daring to breach into rightful OS space, their trespass deserved much less mercy.

Little did Kylath know of course, or believe his mother at this stage, that he had any family left at all, or that he might be killing some before the day was done.
The Force announced another presence in their midst - a Darksider, no less. Aria cursed under her breath as her ocean-coloured eyes scanned her surroundings, looking for the seemingly invisible enemy. She saw it after a few moments - the slight shimmer of a stealth suit. [member="Grey Lunara"] had [member="Darth Ax'no"] distracted and [member="Joza Perl"] would manage for a few minutes, so Aria darted over to where she'd seen the stealth suit. She let the Fore reveal him to her eyes just as she saw [member="Kylath Connar Amadis"] readying to pull the trigger on some pistol which looked unfamilar but powerful enough to kill her if it met its target and Aria had no intention of dying that day.

She brought her arm around the wrist holding the pistol and twisted, pulling his arm back so that he elbowed himself in the chest and eased his grip on the gun. In that moment she put pressure on his wrist and pulled the pistol out of his grasp, sliding it across the floor towards Joza - she needed the extra weapon more than she did at the moment. Once she had exxecuted that move she turned so that she was facing the same direction as him, kneeled down and pulled on the arm she had taken hold of, leaning over as she did so - if it worked it would flip him over her back and leave him on the floor.
The air went cold as he felt something even darker than move towards him, he stood up in his mediation, it was time to face the enemy. Romeo moved back to the road he had been following out, and started following in. His black coat, where he had got it from, he wasnt sure, swirled around his body. When he finally in the city, he saw the droids in the distance. Large beasts of war, destruction, and metal. That's all these were in the boy's eyes. He moved over to the sidewalk, and reached out, looking for the dark presence, not knowing his own presence, a very similar presence for Alkor, was being broadcasting.

What would he do against the against the darkness that was coming closer and closer? Romeo knew this was a dangerous idea, but it was his duty. His com went off with someone speaking, he ignored the person it was not his fight just yet. Instead he was going to face this evil, something different than Stih.

[member="Alkor Centaris"]
The Jen'jidai halted when he sensed it.

"Romeo?" he asked skeptically, "what in seven hells is he doing here?" When he left the other Dark Jedi in Rishi space, Alkor made no indication of where he was headed. If any of them had followed, he would almost assuredly have known about it. This was blatantly familiar, and Alkor was displeased with it. He turned and walked forward, into the dust and darkness that separated them. The Battledroids marched in line behind him, ignorant of his presence. It was wartime.

The SD-10s made their way just outside of the city limits and held there in a defensive line. As they did, the whir of servomotors from behind their ranks heralded several X-1 Viper Walkers as they made their way from the factory into the fray. The line had not managed anything spur of them moment- these were ordered and held in waiting for the day that the blockade would burst. Balmorran had already prepared for the contingency that they would have to fight their way out. It was finally time to act on that impulse.

Alkor looked startled for a moment as the ground shook, and then four panels throughout the city slowly creaked. The hydraulics lifted and from within, four AT-ST strike variants began their horrifying ascent. It was an entire battalion of killing machines, and they were all ready to do their grim duty. "Nice work, Phaygus," the Corellian chuckled. "You were serious."

Immediately, he turned his attention back to the presence that initially gripped his attention. As he turned the corner, Alkor saw it. The Vahla stood not far away, maybe a few meters. He was looking for Alkor just as much as Alkor was looking for him. It was most unexpected. This boy felt like Romeo, but there were some stark differences. The way he felt- it was not at all dark. He had every intention of fighting, but not against the Sith. Whatever feeling this was, Alkor frowned.

"Stand down," he warned. "My enemies are the Sith, and even though you wear the mask of a friend, if you get in my way I will not show you any quarter."

His hands fell low to his sides and disappeared beneath his robes. Alkor's expression was a mask of apathy, as it almost always was. This time, though, he prepared himself for the inevitable.

[member="Little Romeo Sin"]
[member="Alkor Centaris"]

When the man was suddenly in front of him, Romeo was taken aback. His presence was overwhelming, like being suffocated, but he stood his ground. The massive droids made the ground shake beneath his feet with each step they took. Romeo heard his voice, words of a mask and allies made him tilt his head some. What was this man talking about?

Romeo pointed his saber, turned off, at the man.

"You're words mean nothing fallen one. Surrender."

Obviously the dark one was trying to confuse Romeo, none of it made sense to him. It was almost like he was saying Romeo looked a lot like someone else.

"Will you comply?"
There were sounds muffled in the base from where she had been as Junko was moving throughout it, stopping when she got to the armory as a soldier in there was handing out equipment and getting everything stocked up as they needed it. Her hand gripped the saber for a moment while watching him and she closed the door to his surprise with her hand for a moment dropping the immersion before slicing into his back with a yelp. Quickly the petite atrisian got to work going over the different things while she emptied one of the weapon lockers and started stuffing the soldier into it jamming it closed before securing it with welds from her saber on the metal.

She got a small look and was going over to the equipment grabbing a comlink and muting it while switching through the channels to listen for things. Some information she had picked up before immersing herself back into the current and taking a drink of the spirit waters she had brought. The mist rising out with small whisps of green as she inhaled it all letting the healing energies renew her body. A small look through the stuff in the armory as she started working on the power packs and thermals setting the delay timers or getting the power packs for something special.

The immersion on again as she was going down the hall the small traces and things she was working on came to be. The doors getting power packs propped against them just a little so when they opened the packs would fall down and be in the way of them closing. Why was that so important? A ruptured power pack could do a whole lot when it exploded like a small grenade and you usually had people near it at the time. The explosion also had a chance to burn hot enough, quick enough at a moment to weld the door shut so it wouldn't open.

She went about setting some of the thermals with delayed timers while she was saving some and making her way down towards the power generator after a quick look at the map. Lack of lights and a few moments for the back up power to kick in could make all the difference and she was certain there would be at best maybe a hairbreadth of seconds power towards it after looking at the internal map of the garrison. Sometimes premade was good and bad when she got down there seeing some of the soldiers and engineers.

She remained in the shadows and back while listening to them talk about what was happening and set a couple of the charges on a remote while moving slowly and carefully taking the time to find good places to secure them. Waatching more the trooper movements then anything as she was hearing some reports that others might already be in the base based on what had happened in the depot and starting to in the hallways. It gave her a small amount of attention finishing up and going through the one exit as she set a power pack at the door after closing it just in case.

Now lets see if we can help with something if any are in here... She thought moving as there were sound coming, people dueling maybe, or just fighting on a holovid that might have been left on when the alarm came. It could be anything but she wasn't taking a chance while moving with some thoughts to finding hopefully the ones the sith on the speaker was saying to get were decimating on their way out the forces to soften them up. It was a best wishes thing before she might run into any within the base who might be able to tell something wasn't right.

Then she saw it and could smell it, in the air pheromones she could follow while she was going after it. If she could find joza in the base they might be able to sneak away instead of fighting... might be more tiring for her but the techniques could work better for some of the things. She'd at least be able to with some careful planning get them outside where they could run for some ships from either the sith or for her own which she could cloak and hide from people with the current. Then there were other things when she arrived and stayed against the wall watching a blue haired being dueling.

SSC Mentions: [member="Aria Vale"] [member="Grey Lunara"] [member="Joza Perl"]

Inbetweeners Mentions: [member="Rapax"] [member="Darth Ax'no"]

OS Mentions: [member="Krayzen Dratos"] [member="Kylath Connar Amadis"]
Anzati sensory organs were highly developed, being able to sense the life essence of someone, and from Krayzen's own knowledge, could also distinguish if they were force sensitive or not. That, amplified with force sense allowed him to be able to sense [member="Junko Ike"] , [member="Aria Vale"], and [member=Grey] Lurana, the last one(Grey Lurana) seeming to have a force signature that was somewhat dark. Krayzen thought of a number of reasons for this, two of them being that she had been hired by the SSC to help them break into the brace, and the latter being that she had somehow been able to maskerade her force signature with a darker one. Krayzen believed in the latter possibility, mostly b/c he didn't think one of the largest, and most powerful Jedi factions in the galaxy would deal with a Dark Jedi. You never though. Wanting to rescue someone that you loved and/or cared about dearly could drive you to the edge, and make you break beliefs that you adhered to.

As the Jedi came closer to his location, Krayzen could sense that [member="Junko Ike"] was busy destroying equipment. The Sith Knight knew that the garrison forces here, knew some techniques on countering force users, especially considering the fact that they would most likely face a Jedi at one point or another, and as Darth Mephirium had once shown, they could even face a Sith at one point in their military career. As five soldiers passed through the speeders, they could see that the speeders' fuel lines were being cut, and thermal detonators were being placed. Krayzen's alert had put the soldiers that guarded the base in high alert, a natural instinct of survival, and protecting their comrades taking over some of them.

Before she went to any other areas, like the hangars, and power generators, she would have to defend herself against this attack.

The five soldiers were divided in a number of ways, most of them being in multiple directions, and two of them being close to @Junko Inke(as before she had entered that area of the garrison, they had already entered it via multiple directions, therefore them not appearing in that manner). As she had been cutting fuel lines, and had set the thermal detonators on speeders that had were linear(horizontally, making it even more easier for the OS soldiers to detect them due to the fact that since they are linear, they can see what is happening in a straight line, as well as the fact that the cut fuel lines would be showing oil, and from my understanding, you don't have cloaked grenades), the soldiers opened fired, their positions allowing them the ability of making sure they did not hit/hurt/maim/injure each other, or do anything bad that would affect them.

The famous Browncoat Force Breaker Grenades, and GS Grenades were popular anti-force user weapons among the One Sith army. This was the same for the GS3 Rifles, the soldiers carrying them. The soldiers had also undertaken extensive mental training(since if you are going to war, especially in SW, you will witness horrific things), meaning that it would be highly difficult for them for someone, especially someone that had not made sure to be aware of what the soldiers were doing to sense them, or what they were thinking. Other than the fact that they also had Teras Kasi barriers(which would block their mental thoughts from leaking out), this was a natural action, driven by their desire to survive, and protect their comrades.

As [member="Junko Ike"] continued to pass through the speeder line, planting explosives, and cutting fuel lines, the soldiers fired the GS3 Rifles, which also had DKS Slugs, all going at the up, and coming Jedi's direction. If successful(as the sluggs are travelling at 1200/ms/ they would burn her, possibly giving a large burn. Even if she was wearing armor, repeated attacks of slugs that emitted a fire which had a temperature of 3000 degrees celsius would probably affect her, at least from the OS soldiers' opinion. Furthermore, Browncoat Force Breaker Grenades, and GS Grenades had also been thrown. White phosphorous, and Ixetal Cilona, two anti-force user gases would be emitted, with the sole aim of killing/stunning/affecting her force sensitivity. One had to consider the fact that the grenades would not go in succession, but they would still go at a -somewhat wide concentration-. Same goes the DKS Slugs.

There was always the high chance of the slugs missing, considering they couldn't see Junko. Since there were no speeders anywhere that would allow her to confuse them; additionally, since she was moving in a linear path, it would be easier to project her path. The soldiers were already at high alert before she arrived, so there was nothing to differentiate their actions before, and when she had been cutting the fuel lines/planting explosives(and before the soldiers noticed what was going on), and now, except for the instance where they fired weapons at her. The Browncoat, and GS Grenades also had their respective gases spread around a wide concentration, the sonic/concussion blast also going at a wide area as well.

There was always a chance of her perhaps surviving this. Who knew? Only time would tell.


The Sith Powerhouse sensed the Jedi [member="Aria Vale"] coming, his senses working to his benefit. When she entered, and went to get at Krayzen's lightsaber wrist, the Sith momentarily obliged, before grabbing her, and pushing her straight to the wall, his aim being wanting to knock her out. Her lighsabers were not activated, and Krayzen had made sure in particular to go after her hands, and her legs, the Anzati powerhouse's attributes which were 3x more powerful than a normal human helping him, on top of the fact that his muscle suit also gave him more power, etc, as the armor he wore had taken a lot of elements from Krayzen's own armor. Even Krayzen knew some martial arts, and he planned on using them to his benefit, the Sith still keeping an eye on [member="Joza Perl"] / [member=Rapax] / [member="Darth Ax'no"], and activating force sight, the Anzat now being able to see through most objects, as well as being able to defend himself before the latter three that were mentioned could attack)


Balmoran Arms had a long history of being rebellious. The company had funded, at least from Krayzen's knowledge, the pro-Republic occupation movement. The people's planet itself didn't like the Sith, albeit a large minority of them were for pro-Sith rule, not having been paid by the One Sith.

Krayzen had ordered for soldiers to go and strike at Balmorra Arms. Knowing the company still had high tech products, the Anzat had ordered for various droids to join his military unit. Small scout probes had also been sent, having video, and audio recorders to be able to monitor the situation.

The units had a bunch of standard One Sith military products, accompanied by T4 turret droids, Mark IV Assault Droids, as well droids.

The frag mines were modified to be able to be controlled via a slave rig system in the droids, and they could move via a repulsor lift. Soon however, a surprise would occur, sending them into a battle.
Somewhere nearby in a rundown factory.
@Enemies - Weak Force Signatures
@Targets - Strong Force Signatures
Mission: Sith Hugs

The smell of old burned out vats, and ruined weaponry, with spent ammo casings and half made weapon shells scattered about, disturbed by the movement. Dirt and stone was cut into underfoot, clawing marks out of the approach, thick boots which gave rise to a solid vong born armor stepping in time with it, Krayt’s armor shards sticking out in all directions ready to impale anyone stupid enough to get close enough, a living husk of finality and servitude to the Sith code and Krayt’s final memories.

The presence wasn’t here to kill Jedi, he barely recognized some of what stood before him as worth his time or focus. Raien was as ever here for one specific reason, at the expense of anything else. So singleminded the crushing weight of thought was thrust into the nearest Knights head until the Jedi's mind felt the pressure, lurching under the weight of onslaught, crushing the thoughts, dreams and drives of the one before him like paste as the Jedi began to sink to the floor. Slowly, for Raien was no Master, just incredibly focused in so many executions of this technique, and so many lives taken.

As the man’s neck snapped internally he slumped to the nothing Raien saw before him. These weak force signature were almost blind to him, he needed one of sufficient strength to match the girls, not just strength, he needed lineage, bloodline, he needed a focal point of the force, a nexus almost at their birth. The comparison was important so he had a control group while he experimented on the youngling, he'd sent one of his Sith Kylath out ahead on a fake mission to capture Jedi, to ensure one of them found one of sufficient strength for his purpose.

Surtr did not know if he’d find it here, but here was a gathering of magnitude enough to draw his attention, an attention you didn’t want.

Only here if you are at a loose end, I’d prefer non SSC but if you don’t mind losing body parts, here’s your shot at him!
The Sith pushing her backwards was strong. Aria was pretty strong herself, but she had learned to fight smart, to rely on skill rather than brute strength. She leapt upwards, kicking into [member="Krayzen Dratos"]'s chest as she activated her lightsaber. Her heavy combat boots made the blow more powerful, and as she landed gracefully she stood up, holding out her lightsaber before sending the blade into his stomach. Martial arts were her strongest area in duelling, but back on Voss she had taught herself to blend hand-to-hand and lightsaber combat together and a Sith Lord was definitely best faced with a lightsaber, given the choice.

[member="Krayzen Dratos"] - [member="Junko Ike"] - [member="Darth Ax'no"] - @Rapak - [member="Joza Perl"]
Alkor stared into the eyes of the boy. This was not Romeo Sin. He lacked the convictions and inner strength of the Dark Jedi Alkor knew. He was not a blooded warrior. He lacked the presence of a killer, and the innate darkness that came with it. He could taste confusion in the words of the imposter. If this was some trick of the Sith, it was a bad one. Focused disgust dripped from the words of his mouth, and even his hollow threat of violence was folly. "You are not Romeo Sin," he spoke sternly, "even if you share his face. You sully his name, and that is not acceptable."

Blood colored death screamed from beneath his sleeve as Alkor brought the blade to life.

Darkness swelled as the Dark Jedi Master took a step forward. In silence, he brought the blade to bear on the wayward warrior. His intent was clear- this youth had tarnished the reputation of an ally. In the old way, it was a matter of respect. Since Romeo could not flay the flesh from the offender himself, it fell to one who could see the transgression to act accordingly. There was no need for words now.

With the second step, Alkor let slip the carefully guarded bindings on his presence. The floodgates broke open, and chaos roared in triumph. Hatred, pure and untarnished by the blackness of Sith dogma sloughed off him in droves. Rage teemed up and spilled over into the Force itself, which seemed to recoil from him. The dark side of the Force was considered by many to be unnatural. Its true nature was not so virulent as that.

The Sith followed a doctrine that took the true nature of the dark side and compounded it with their own intentions. Greed, vanity, lust, wrath- all human notions. On their own, they were simply expressions. When they seized command of a heart, they tainted it and drove it deeper and deeper into oblivion. The Sith were a manifestation of that sullied path. One who accepted that humanity was flawed and rejected its wiles was not Sith.

It was what differentiated them. Sith craved power. Dark Jedi exercised control.

What power cycled rhythmically around him now did not drive Alkor forward. He commanded it. It flowed inward and outward, through and around, and it screamed to be used. Alkor's eyes burned a deep violet color as the temptation warred against his judgment. If Romeo felt helplessness before, Alkor now felt like the Reaper himself. "Use your weapon," he commanded cruelly, "or be butchered."

[member="Little Romeo Sin"]

The troupe was ready, the stage was set.

100 SD-10 Battledroids and 20 X-1 Vipers stood ready to defend Balmorran against any attacks. The four AT-ST strike variant walkers creaked forward with their batteries at the ready to do their worst. Phaygus stood watching over them from the apex of the company tower wearing a toothy smile and holding a cigarra in hand. Alkor seemed busy with some matter of his own, so the Technarch decided it would fall to him to lead the armaments into combat. "Give the order to fire on sight," he commanded. "And force those infidels back, as far as you can. Blast them to hell for all I care. I want them dead."

The front desk clerk blinked. "I didn't sign up to be conscripted," she complained.

"You work for a weapons company, my dear," Phaygus laughed. "When on Balmorra, do as the Balmorrans do, yes?"

She sighed heavily.

"Oh!" he called out as he realized something. "Ready the ships for evacuation. We need to get those men off world, or we won't be able to reenter the market. Can't have that, now can we?" She nodded and hurried toward the console and gave the order to prime the ships for launch. Phaygus glanced back to the monitor. "Set up a jamming frequency just outside the battle zone," he called out. "I want anything that isn't fighting to be blind. No transmissions in or out."

"Yes, sir!"

[member="Krayzen Dratos"]
Targeting: [member="Aria Vale"] and adjacent NPC or PC Jedi [member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Grey Lunara"]
Allies: [member="Krayzen Dratos"]
Location: Courtyard Outside the main fight, closing.

[member="Aria Vale"] Was thankfully distracted by another Sith, and although Kylath had his weapon pulled away from him at the last minute, he went with the clever twist, or at least as much as was possible, cushioning the fall rather than resisting it and just ending up with a bumped knee through the armor. Though Aria managed to get the sub machine gun out of his grasp, he followed up with a grenade, force pushed behind her along the floor toward the other room but aimed behind his previous target. With her facing, [member="Krayzen Dratos"] he was hoping the small explosive would end up fragmenting her back somewhat or forcing her off balance from the explosion against the wall of the adjacent room.

Keeping the pressure up now his target was distracted, and probably in trouble as a result, he would move in for the kill. Unless someone might intervene to save the day [member="Grey Lunara"]?

Kylath had no fancy force techniques, only saber combat and martial skills, sometimes it showed in how he thought, route 101 when it came to force moves. That done, as soon as the grenade went off, wherever it ended up, he rolled himself back around, drew his Jack Knife Sonic Pistol and hopped down. Moving towards the now hopeful grenade hole in the adjacent wall. Bracing the weapon on his aiming hand, Kylath took cover behind a crate and lit up the nearest Jedi (anyone) either directly by line of site, or through a window, with a burst of concussive rupturing sonic fire, the sort you didn’t want hitting your lightsaber, or you for that matter as it didn't react well to people explosively speaking.
Phrik was one of the most durable metals in the galaxy. Tests had even determined it could survive a blow from the Death Star. Obviously, such phrik was highly refined, and Krayzen did not have such material, but it did show that the phrik in his armor was very sturdy, and durable.

That combined with the STF gel, a gel that was good at helping someone not get injured by kinetic attacks, and alchemized durasteel made the attack not even hurt, and Krayzen wondered if it had been truly worth it. As she leaped in the air, the Sith activated his lightsaber, pivoting to the right in order to strike at her, the Anzati going with a diagonal slash from the left to the right(the lightsaber in his right hnad), his other lightsaber activated in order to protect the Anzat(all of it being done as Krayzen had also activated the magnets in his hands via blinking).

As this occurred, the Anzati's already considerable reflexes being augmented slightly via force sight, Krayzen turning it off, but still being able to react due to his 360 degree vision, and that he was still at a somewhat considerable distance from [member="Darth Ax'no"] /Rapax / [member="Joza Perl"].

While a battle occurred in the garrison, One Sith forces faced a new enemy, Balmorran Arms

The veterans in the military unit were immediately surprised, reading themselves to strike. Ion grenades were launched, some soldiers having the Viper 2 grenade launcher to launch them in quick succession, multiple grenades going for the droids, the ion blasts they made being quite strong, and being distant enough that they wouldn't affect OS soldiers/droids. The speed would also be highly quick, so even if they were droids, the chancse, at least from the veterans' experience of them striking catching, and throwing them back while a battle occurred would be highly unlikely.

The soldiers then immediately began to attack, using a -somewhat - refined hybridized pincer, and attack formation. Backed up by the droids, they attacked the droids' left, and right flanks, with a rear punching through them. Repeater blasters also helping the troops. The droids would immediately begin to pick out their targets, their defense systems ready.

Two T4 turret droids fired powerful ionic grenades at the some X1 Drivers, while the other droids peaked out their individual targets.

"Defend this place, make sure you don't die!" the soldiers stated.

[member="Alkor Centaris"] /[member="Aria Vale"]
Quick reflexes cause Aria to bring her lightsaber up in a second to meet his and pushing it backwards before [member="Krayzen Dratos"] could strike her again. She saw a grenade being sent her way and jumped, switching her lightsaber off momentarily to avoid stabbing herself as she knocked into the Sith again. The grenade went off, missing her head by milimetres. As she got back on her feet, she turned to see if her attack had worked as she switched her lightsaber back on. Aria took those few moments to try and Force push [member="Kylath Connar Amadis"] into the wall with her free hand. Her adrenaline and energy levels were still high, and she highly doubted that she would die during the mission, but enemies kept flocking to the interrogation cell like moths to a flame and soon there would be too many for her to handle. She was a Jedi, not a god.
Bang! A the grenade went off barely away from Aria who had made a quick action to avoid it. With how Aria was fighting she could handle herself, and that was good enough for Grey to abandon her and do her own thing and help somewhere she was needed. Her reflexes were on fire, moving faster than the supercharged pistons on a nitrous enhanced muscle car and she was already within range to counter, charging a Force wave that would be used to redirect the shots. When it was done charging, it was released sharply, pushing the rounds back at [member="Kylath Connar Amadis"] and ripping passed the crate like rot wood in a violent gale. "Spineless Sith...." The Agedan saberstaff was crackling with its electricity enhancements. Moving passed the male she would place one more ability up, Force Absorb, it would absorb all energy, Sonic, acid, and heat for a short amount of time."I don't have time today with a womp rat like you."

She made her way out of the area, and surveyed the surrounding areas from atop a high ledge on a building. She spotted something.. someone. [member="Belgerath"] was the one she spotted, however she didn't know who exactly, nor did he seem to notice her. It was a good time to strike. Quickly moving to him silently, she would wait behind a building and close her eyes. He was still alone. She stepped out. "You're pretty confident if you're out away from your cohorts. Care to dance, Assassin? Think I wouldn't recognize the uniform? I'm the former Student of [member="Darth Ferus"]."
Targeting: [member="Junko Ike"] [member="Aria"] (eventually)
Evading: [member="Krayzen Dratos"]
Allies: [member="Rapax"] [member="Joza Perl"] (if she'll ever forgive me :))
Location: Interrogation room and moving into corridor
OOC: If possible, I'd like to confine the duel to a 2vs2 with Rapax, Junko and Aria

Darth Ax’no was enraged, and although she would feel the pandemonium around her, the press of lightsiders heading into the garrison, and hear the alarms sounding as men and machines mobilized for war, her spite still tasted bitter and cold. With her amber eyes aflame she gave one last look at Joza, knowing their paths were destined to cross again, her own acerbic longing for the Jedi Knight superseding any type of guilt or regret over what she’d done, how she’d bought the Zeltron from an opportunistic Zygerrian slaver and kept her under lock and key at the Grand Temple of Ax’no unbeknownst to most of the galaxy. Nope not creepy.

But the Sith Officer was distracted now, not only by herself, Rapax and the liberated Joza, but from a Jedi who came kicking into the room. Despite his duel wielding, the Anzati was occupied, so Darth Ax’no, holding no loyalty to the One Sith, nor any type of pride when it came to saving her own hide, darted out of the interrogation room, into the hallway, where a strong Force signature met her head on, that of Junko Ike. Jedi or Sith, it didn’t matter. With the sounds of explosions around her, and other Sith now joining the closed-quarters fight, the Caprine prophetess was going to fight her way out of this garrison or die trying, knowing her future was very grim indeed.
[member="Alkor Centaris"]

Again, the presence was all consuming, enough to make Romeo back up a few paces. Within himself, he felt the darkness rising in himself while images of a man similar in features stumbled on Dromund Kaas. Romeo shook his head, the man's voice making it harder to concentrate. How was he not Romeo Sin?

"What do you spat out? I am Romeo Sin!" The boy looked at him confused. "I am Romeo Sin..." More images flashed of something similar, a woman with blonde hair pumping into a man with a black mask. What was this? Romeo's face showed great confusion and his hands seemed to be shaking as well. "I...I know who I am. Don't try to trick me with your Sith games!"

His blue blade activated, and was thrust behind him as Romeo began to again trying to remove his emotions. This was how the Sith made Jedi fall, mocking them. Still, the dark presence seemed too much for Romeo, and he rushed at Alkor, taking his weapon up as he was in arms reach.

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