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Private Teaching Resilience (Elpsis)

Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

"Power, Nyssa, that is what did it for Vitiate in the end. He could accept no check, no threat, no opposition to his existence. And eventually he brought the wrath of the whole galaxy upon himself. Though records of that time are...confused. Some records speak of a heroic Jedi thwarting the Emperor at every turn and eventually destroying him with the help of the Jedi Grandmaster Satele, Revan and the Exile. Others...speak of a bounty hunter who managed to defeat the Emperor with a magical blaster provided by Satele and Darth Marr. Records are confused...."

"I will check out that work, if it's available. I might get some more details from you later." She paused, looking at the Pureblood's smile, considering if the request was genuine. However, deciding it was she reached into her robe and produced a data chip.
"Always carry a copy with me in case I need to, hmm, look up something. See what you think."
Was this the start of a beautiful friendship?


There was considerable hubbub and discussion. That Xilae was speaking for her was not considered strange. Instead it was only natural that the herald of a demi-goddess would speak for her.
Those who were kneeling did get up however. There were some questions raised a bit further from the front.
"Heir, why do you not aid your sisters from poverty?"
"Offspring, why does not the Karishzar raise us up to overthrow the ladies?"
These people were hushed though by others. However other questions started to fly.
"Please, Heir, there is a greedy tax collector..."
" son is ill but we have no money for the..."
"Offspring I was lamed in your mother's glorious service but..."
The voices overrode each other, speaking too quickly for Xilae to translate.

Suddenly one voice spoke, loud and sharp as a whip. "Enough!" A stern looking, official woman wearing the garb of a priestess stood there. "Is this how we greet the Offspring of the Destroyer? With petty questions and quibbles? Away with you! You will have your time to submit petitions, but now is not the time. For now we will be hospitable, for she is a Daughter like us."
There was some shuffling and the people stepped back, looking on as the priestess approached. She spoke in accented but clear Basic, though with a few quirks.
"My Kerrigan Lady, I am Karrigan'Lalax, Priestess and Centurion of the Daughters. I bid you enter so we might make welcome your self." She bowed fractionally, gesturing for the group to pass inside.
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

"Of course the Jedi records would say that. I bet whoever wrote that history never visited Dromund Kaas' archives. And Revan the human saviour is just as ridiculous. He was just another Dark Jedi who stole a title he had no claim to, and changed his allegiances on the fly. And he tried to commit genocide against my people. That's why he took over the Foundry. Even his own deluded followers admit he wanted to kill anyone with Pureblood genes, and the Republic helped him. Truly, a noble knight," Nyssa scoffed.

"Zakalia the Crimson Knight slew the false emperor, and she did it without that fool. Then she left the weak-willed, decadent Zakuulans to their fate and seized the throne of the Sith." She looked a bit surprised when Phylis fished out the data-chip, then took it in hand and pocketed it. "Well, I'll have a look and tell you what I think."


Elpsis, meanwhile, looked quite overwhelmed. She couldn't understand most of what was said, but she understood the gist of it. They were asking for her help. She looked torn, equal parts annoyed and yet feeling that annoying drive to do something. "I...uh," she glanced at Xilae, "what are they saying?"
"Too many requests for me to translate. No doubt some are bogus. We should move on."
"And some aren't."

But then the priestess' sharp voice cut through the chaos and silenced the crowd. When she addressed Elpsis, her Basic was quirky, but understandable. "Thanks for the welcome," Elpsis said. "Please show me inside." Then she glanced towards the crowd. "I'm here to help. I can't solve every problem...but I'll do my best. That's a promise." Xilae quickly translated her words for the crowd.

Diona had remained silent while the display took place. But her visage was stony. It might as well have been carved out of granite. "Remember, that you are mortal," she muttered to herself. What she saw reminded her too much of the Dominion. When a Jedi visited a village, the villagers would assemble, cheer and venerate them. Those who showed insufficient zeal were marked as suspicious. To touch a Jedi was to touch Ashla itself. And we were quick to denounce their fellows for lack of piety because that's what we'd been taught, she thought sadly, feeling a stab of guilt. They trusted us and we used and manipulated them.

She felt Javana stir inside her mind. "Such idolatry...I see the Xio have not learned. It drove them to evil once, will it do so again?"
"I don't know. I hope not. No man or woman is a deity,"
Diona responded. "We cannot embody Ashla in a person, no matter how virtuous."
"Why do they idolise her? Have they replaced Myrou with a hu-man?"
" not know the history well. I know this Myrou was slain in battle. We have met other Xio, and they did not treat her like this."
"The Demon is dead? How?"
Javana's shock was palpable through their bond.
" not know the details. But she arose and was slain."

Zhaleh looked quite puzzled, frowning in confusion. "Why are they behaving like this? Her Zari is strong...but she is not Kashara, and she has never been here."
"Kerrigan killed Myrou and set us free," Xilae explained. "She's her daughter," he shrugged.
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Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

Phylis frowned slightly. "I've heard of that version. There seems to be eight distinct variations, some more credible than others. I think almost everyone accepts that a backwater smuggler did not briefly become 'Eternal Emperor' before leading Republic forces to victory. Hmmph, at this point history is basically a multiple choice answer."
She did not mention the fact that the Sith eventually lost the war and their empire collapsed. It was quite literally old news.

"Thank you. Today has certainly worked out differently than I anticipated. Elpsis' depiction of you was, hmm, different." Or rather, it was pretty much the same, but with some notable tweaks. She'd not expected to be having an intellectual discussion about the Second Sith Empire with Nyssa, that was for sure!

"Still, I guess I'd best get going. Hazani is going to be, hmm, fishing for lost treasures. Hmmph, I don't doubt that she might try and claim a few extra treasures on the side."
She didn't know the Qadiri so didn't expect greed, but did expect a little bit of payback.


Lalax invited them into a small room where a table was covered in papers and records. A holoterminal sat to one side, barely used.
"The honour of your greeting is mine," she said. "Pleased to sit, Lady Kerrigan. If your plan of arrival was known a more proper greeting maybe might happen. Still, your welcome I bid. What might myself do of aid to you?" she said in Basic.

A Daughter entered with some mugs of a thick aromatic drink the Xio liked which translated into Basic via the unappetizing name 'Sweet tar'. Most people found it tasted better than the name suggested!
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

"Hazani needs to get over her mummy issues, but she's a fine girl. Doesn't want to suck on the humans' teats. Maybe one day she can throw off the yoke. That would be nice," Nyssa remarked, demonstrating true loyalty to her employers.


Elpsis sat down at the table. The rest of the party followed in her wake. "I'm, well, Firemane asked me to talk to you girls. Figured you're worried about Mother being out of commission and all that," she started a bit awkwardly. She took a sip of the drink. To her surprise, it tasted nice. The sweet taste helped came her nerves a bit.

"Personally, I wanna learn a bit about you people. Based on what I saw outside, you're doing a lot of relief work. Are there always so many? Any way I can help? I didn't understand a lot of what they said - my Xio's crap. But I heard they were...petitioning me."
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Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

Phylis frowned at that but made no comment.
"Hmm, there might well come a time when they do seek that. It will be interesting whether Firemane holds to their views of self-determination and voluntary collaboration...or if they try to force them to stay. Firemane is ultimately a company, and they have something like a captive market here and a constant source of labour. But, hmm, what happens if the Qadiri or Eldorai want to cut ties? It might be...problematic."
The Jedi shrugged. "But not really my area of expertise. Hmmph, I'm just the resident expert because most Jedi areas these days are not great, and an outside perspective is helpful."
She was also paid quite well for her work...but actually stuck to the principles of charity and being mendicant. So whilst she didn't skimp on new equipment she was not buying herself new flashy speeders and her clothing was hardly fashionable...though she did make her own Alkahest robes.


Lalax paused a long moment, thinking carefully, eyes locked on Elpsis.
"I bid you not take this ill, but you are not what I expected of the daughter of the Karishzar. The faithful are of many brains on the matter. Some see Da-arth Soter as angel of evil Myrou returned to battle. Some see the Karishzar's wound as merely a test and she will return once the faithful are prepared. Many see the Karishzar as a splendid mortal imbued with power divine. I see your mother as great and noble warrior who helps children and frees slaves."

"Some waver, the more fanatic. The skill-brained are not so. Still, your appearance is not unwelcome. Many hardships and concerns endure. The Queen assists but has many concerns. Some Daughters are not here due to faith but because of...uhh..." she paused. "Personal love?" She said something to Xilae.
"Selfishness," he translated.
"Yes. Thus I bid you wary of petitions. Ascertain the truth nature before providing relief. Ensure they are true Sisters. Ensure they are in good standing and speak truth."
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

"I'd say Kerrigan should just get it over with and crown herself queen like we all know she wants to...but personally I think the board's gotten rid of her and is just keeping up the pretense. The 'regency' could be less dull though. Bunch of empty suits. Ah, well, maybe they'll stab each other in the back soon," Nyssa said cynically, and shrugged, not really caring one way or another.


Elpsis listened to what the priestess had to say, nodded. "I grew up in a...shithole of a world. A place of crime, dirt and oppression. I know all about people trying to cheat to get ahead. I don't wanna encourage that. Still, doesn't mean some aren't legit. All that money mother's got lying 'round might as well go some place it can help people in need."

She took another sip. "Honestly, you're not what I expected of a Daughter either. That's a good thing. Didn't know you lot were that, um diverse." It was...interesting that there was such a diversity of opinion among the Daughters. She'd thought them weird cultists, like Xalda. Loyal and nice enough, but weird. This was something different.
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Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan
"You could be right," Phylis said non-noncommittally. "Right, I'd better get to the palace. Do you, hmm, need directions?"
Either way she would set off for the palace, soon arriving to be a sort of go between for the restoration of antiquities. Nothing could possibly go wrong.


"I am of resolution that aid come to the needful. In this we shall aid you. Since this task is of need slow, might we provide a charge of worthy for thine considerence?"
Xilae leaned in closer to Elpsis. "Ma'am, if they know there's open season for petitions everyone will have a wishlist. It'd take a dozen people a month to pick through the worthy and unworthy."
Lalax considered. "I know of they who come here. Mayhap I might list those I know of in need; maimed, lame, destitute, for first considerence?"
After that the floodgates could open, but at least they'd get a chance to consider the most needy first. The rest could be analyzed in due time.

Javana in her mind palace inside Diona's head meanwhile showed the Jedi scenes of some of the places she had been. It hadn't all been sun, surf and good times, but she showed her some of the best memories.
"This is where I took my first prize of war," she explained as a rather confused scene of fighting other Qadiri with boarding pike and pistol showed.
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

Nyssa smirked. "I'll come along! Sounds fun." Why? Because she felt like it. Not like she had much else to do. Besides, as had been clearly shown, she was a model diplomat. Maybe the cute Chiss ambassador would be there, too.


Elpsis considered what she'd heard, nodded. Inevitably, some people would be disappointed. Even among the truly needy. Still, it was something. "Makes sense. Let's do that. Thanks."
"I can translate," Xilae chimed in.
Zhaleh cleared her throat. "If I may, ma'am, I could advise on borderline cases. Provide, um, another pair of eyes. I'm not from Amikaron. My people only Xio when attacked, and I have no grudge against the poor and the former slaves."

Diona's stoic facade seemed to crack a bit as she beheld the flash of memories. "You were very brave," she responded as she beheld Javana leading a dashing boarding action, battling Qadiri with a pike and a flintlock pistol. "The sea is beautiful. Clear, blue...," she looked a bit starstruck. "Where was this?"

Javana would catch a glimpse of one of Diona's more pleasant memories. She would behold a green and blue orb in the void, along with a myriad fof celestial bodies. "That is what Tygara looks like from the stars. I am not ashamed too admit I was awed when I saw it. Some of your people explore the void you braved the seas." She would also, very briefly, see a younger Diona lock lips with a Zabrak girl before being scolded by an older Jedi. Diona quickly pushed that image aside.
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Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

Phylis did not protest, but walked with the Pureblood towards the palace.
Swiftly they were ushered through to a large staircase leading down. Two guards stood at the top of the stairs but again stepped aside. At the bottom a door opened into a cavernous vault. Once this had been a mixture of prison, wine cellar, torture chamber and pantry, but had since been cleaned up and lit up. Reinforced walls, sensors and cameras showed this was a place they did not want broken into.

It was easy to see why. Large crates were being unpacked one by one. Objects of Qadiri origin were being examined carefully.
The Queen was sitting on a chair, massaging her temples.
"Ah, Mistress Alince, good. It seems things have started earlier than planned. I was hoping you might be able to bring clarity to the situation."
A table was laid out with items of all types, from weapons to jewellery to art. Spire was there, as was Hazani, they seemed to be arguing animatedly with a Xio lady of academic bearing.
"...whilst I am happy to provide any valid items, I think it is clear that this is not one such item." The item, a golden broach set with a ruby and fairly glowing with the Force, seemed to be the object of argument. "I contend that this is a Xioquo made item inspired by Amikarese fashions but not from there originally."
Phylis sighed, this was likely going to be a long day. "If I may, hmm, put in here?" she said. Eyes turned to her.
"You are the human expert are you?" the Xio said disapprovingly in Basic.
Phylis felt her feathers metaphorically ruffled by the tone. She wanted to say something snarky, but remained diplomatic. "Hmm, yes. Jedi Master Phylis Alince. And you are?"
"Antiquarian Xabal'Viras. I trust you are qualified to present an opinion on this?"
"Hmmph, I am. Your Queen appointed me to oversee this."
"Yes, well, I suppose she did," Viras said darkly. "Very well, once you examine it I am sure you will find it to be of clear 7th age design."
Phylis flashed a look between her and Hazani. "We'll see what I find.... The item, Sergeant, if you please. And what is your view on this?"


"In the Straits of Kavani, it's a treacherous sea passage with tides and storms...and pirates...but it cuts off two weeks from a journey from Zeheb to Krolis. Not the only time I had to fight my way through. The sea is beautiful...but it is also perilous."
The sight of the world from space initially confused Javana. She did not reply for a moment. " not understand." She remembered her old charts though. If you looked at them and compared a region that Diona was showing her.... "This is like viewing a globe from so high. I see where on the map I would be, but so dark. I am not sure I like it," she admitted frankly.

The brief flicker though made her chuckle. "So you do like some fun then! That girl has horns like a devil, but looks a bit like one of my friends in Naldak Cove." A memory of a younger Javana kissing a pretty Qadiri girl in a tavern would beam to Diona. Out of respect...and preservation...she did not show any further than that!

Meanwhile Lalax nodded. "This pleases me. I will interrogate them and find a list of the most needful for your considerance, Lady Karrigan." She perhaps did not mean interrogate, but the feeling was there. "More drink?" she asked of the sweet tar.
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

"Inspired is one way of putting it," Hazani said sourly. "See the markings? They are Azali symbols. No Xio could've copied them with such precision. Take the item, feel the way it warms in your grasp. It was forged in the fires of the Citadel by the forgemistresses of the Sistren. It would've been gifted to the Church of the Blazing Sun, were it for the Xio's theft."


"I am sorry. I didn't mean to unnerve you. My first time in the void was frightening for me," Diona admitted. Alas, she had to deal with awkward images of her own. Her own lapse and Javana's response resulted in her blushing furiously. She coughed.
"Are you alright, Diona?" Zhaleh asked.
"I'm...fine. Don't concern yourself with me," Diona said awkwardly, fumbling her words a bit. "That was...many years ago. I was punished for my transgression. It is...unbecoming of a Jedi to have such...desires," she said lamely.

Elspsis raised an eyebrow. "Interrogate? I assume you mean...ask them about what they need and find out whether they're cheating? I don't want anyone pressured."
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Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

Phylis sighed. "Ladies, if I may?" She held up her hand and gently pulled it with the Force to her hand. Taking it she sat down and carefully examined it with a magnifying glass. At one point she pulled out her datapad and compared something she saw in there with the item.
Finally she stood. "I concur with the Sergeant. This is clearly of Qadiri make, and if I am not wrong, there is a tiny artist mark underneath the left wing. It is the symbol of the Sistren of the Flame. There's no logical way this could have been made by Xio artisans or 'indentured' craftspeople either. Therefore I say this goes with Hazani." She handed it to the Qadiri woman.
Viras looked like she had tasted something incredibly bitter, but nodded. "Very well. But this item is clearly of Xio design, despite what your Sergeant says."
"She is not my Sergeant, but I will examine it."

This item was a small curved dagger of blackened steel with an ornate handle. The Jedi took the weapon and carefully examined it, again consulting her datapad. Finally she looked up.
"Hmm, does anyone have a microscope? Thank you." She continued to examine until one was fetched from upstairs.
Finally, Phylis offered the dagger to Viras. "Though influenced by Qadiri designs, I determine that this weapon was made in the Underealm by the chemical composition and methods used. It also is of a well known Xio template."
"What's up next, Sergeant?"

And so it would continue. Phylis had a long job ahead of her!


Lalax frowned, looked to Xilae and they had a brief discussion in Xio. Finally she looked back. "Ah yes, my phrasage was incorrect. Xio does not make such distinctions between polite and impolite asking," she explained.
"It can be quite awkward for new learners," Xilae put in.
"Yes. I will question them for their needs and compile a list."

Javana mentally frowned. "So you order is celibate? We have some such groups, religious ones mainly. It is not very common though. Love is preached as the gift of the gods and goddesses so many clerics have families. But some of the more ascetic groups do not. I hope you were not punished too unfairly for this."
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

Hazani bristled when the ornate dagger was judged to be of Xio design, but nodded reluctantly. "I do not agree, but accept the judgement. The Qadiri origins of the next item are unmistakeable." It was an ornate chalice. "It resembles chalices that were stolen from our temple many years ago. While the metalwork does show some Xio influence, this is clearly a Qadiri dragon. A Xio dragon has no wings."


"Attachment is forbidden to Jedi. So is possession. It leads to jealousy. Fear of loss is the path to the dark side. A Jedi must train herself to let go of everything she fears to lose. Many Jedi have fallen to evil because they placed their desires over their duty to Ashla," Diona responded.

"My superior was an evil man who violated every line of the Code," she shuddered internally. "I've encountered Jedi in the galaxy who don't forbid attachment, but seems to me they have no code at all." Disdain coursed through her. The galaxy Jedi were not oppressive tyrants like the Windian Jedi, but they seemed to have traded tyranny for anarchy. "If your orders do not proscribe attachment, how do they avoid falling into evil?"

Elpsis nodded. "Ok, great. I'll chat with them when you're done. Anything I can do while that's going on? Need some extra hands in the soup kitchen?" Clearly Elpsis was bad at sitting still. She got antsy unless she was doing something.
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Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan
Viras also bristled at this claim. There seemed to be more bristling than a painbrush factory considering the sensitive nature of these discussions.
"On the contrary. Whilst it was not a common emblem, the winged variant has been used many times in our art. I can appreciate though you may not be fully versed in our culture," she added snidely.
Phylis rubbed her temples. "Enough with the sniping. Hmm, do you have verification of this, Viras?"
"I need to provide verification of my own culture?" the Xio fired back.
"Hmmph, get me an academic resource or an authenticated image which shows a Xio winged dragon. I will examine this item in the meantime."
Viras stormed off to do so whilst Phylis set to work. The Jedi let out a sigh. "You are very fortunate that the Queen is giving you access to these items, Sergeant. Most galactic polities exist on the 'finders keepers' law of art."

"In the meantime, Sergeant do you have any records of the chalices stolen from your people. Approximate era, imagery, etc? This is probably the most expensive one here so I've got to get this right and I've got to get this provable. I'll take first or second hand accounts, or if you know someone at the Sistren who saw them who'd be willing to talk I'll take that too."


Javana seemed puzzled by the question. "By discipline, order and belief?" she replied as though it were obvious. "There have been those who fell from the path I know. In the Order of the Emerald Ghazis one of their leaders forsook their vows and became a terrible bandit queen. But it was not attachment which caused this, but greed, pride and wroth. But many of these priestesses, knights and warriors stay the path married or not. Many once had slaves, but perhaps not now. Why did your Jedi feel attachment was so bad, because it put loyalties other than the order to the knight?"

Lalax pondered, then nodded. "Eternally we need aid with this. The daughters and the common people would see you well. Tell them if they bid a plea that we will question them of their needs soon."
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

Hazani felt some smug satisfaction about the Dark One being told off. She searched a bit in her jacket, and produced a compad. "I have some information right here. Along with a sketch. Mehraveh Jai Qajara is very knowledgeable about these items."

"I must protest the continued involvement of the Lady Jedi. Her judgements are biased and the accusations brought forth by the Qadiri are outrageous," Viras declared hotly.
"The procedure was authorised by Her Majesty the Queen, Antiquarian," Pyre replied evenly.
"Her Majesty has been...misled. Is Firemane not our protector? The Xioquo nation never broke faith, unlike the Sistren. Why, it was Sahali Jai Bysara who tried to murder Lady Kerrigan."
"I'm intimately familiar with recent history, Antiquarian. The Xioquo's contribution to the conflict has acknowledged by the board. Nor have the Sistren's actions," she glanced at Phylis and Hazani. "Proceed with the inspection. Sergeant, I trust you understand the opportunity you've been offered thanks to Master Alince's patience. Firemane is not here to promote vindictiveness."
"Yes, ma'am," Hazani said, trying to swallow her irritation at the rebuke.

"Just put them in the ring and have them fight it out," Nyssa chimed in. "The Antiquarian can name a champion if she's not up for a fight."
"Lieutenant, this suggestion is not productive," Pyre retorted primly. "Kindly stay out of the discussion, or you'll be ordered to leave."


"Emotional entanglements are...dangerous. They can impair judgement, led to outbursts of strong emotions. Those are doorways to darkness. The darkness is everywhere, ever tempting Force Users to go astray. A Jedi can only have one love - Ashla,"
Diona said piously. Then she huffed. "I don't know anymore. I believe in Ashla, but my superiors committed every heinous sin they railed against. And ever since venturing into the stars, I've encountered people who do good, but don't follow the code."

Elpsis finished her drink and got up. "Alrighty. Xilae, you stay and help the Priestess."
"Yes, ma'am." It went without saying that he was supposed to keep an eye on her, too.
"Zhaleh, come," Elpsis glanced at the Zaldrani, then after a moment of hesitation added, "Diona, you too." Elpsis spoke poor Xio, and Zhaleh spoke a bit. Hopefully it would suffice between the two of them. The Jedi could lift things and look intimidating.

The soup kitchen was hard too miss, not the least because it was noisy. Sounds of laughter, silverware clanking and chattering filled the air. One could hear children squealing and giggling, food being chopped, sauteed, boiled and eaten. Boisterous conversation was being made at the table. It was not too different from a soup kitchen on Nar Shaddaa.

Elpsis pushed that thought away as she stepped in. She approached a matronly Xio woman who was pouring soup from a cauldron. "Me Elpsis," she pointed at herself, speaking in bad Xio. "Help here. Where go?" Feeling frustrated, she glanced at Zhaleh. "Can you translate?" she asked in Basic.
"My Xio is limited, but I shall do my best. I can also, um, help you see things."
Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan
Phylis took it and carefully considered it. "Hmmph, I would like to see this in person, but if true this does help. However, I don't think it will be needed, I've found something else."

At Viras' words she glanced up. "I have no stake in this argument, Viras. I have worked with your people more than even the Qadiri. I am interested in truth, knowledge and peace. If you have proof to show I am wrong bring it forth, I welcome it! I work on the truth from what information I have. Now pray cease so I, hmm, can continue."

She did not even acknowledge the pureblood's comments. Of course she would say that. Nyssa was a wild ride, no doubt about it.
Carefully she examined the chalice, then nodded. "I thought as much."
She ignited her lighsabre, the blinding green light in the chamber a startling change. She brought the blade to touch the gold.
"What are you...?!" Pyre asked, alarmed.
"Wait!" Phylis said sternly.
"But the relic!" Viras said.
"Wait!" Phylis said, this time the Force in her tone. "Watch, the blade does not hurt it, it illuminates the truth."
And indeed as she deactivated her lightsabre she showed that the item had blazed with inner light. "Who better to use fire to illuminate secrets than the Sistren. Watch." Words appeared and the dragon was outlined in burning red light.

"Praise the eternal fire, for it drives away the darkness. Praise the eternal fire, for it give warmth and light to the needy. Praise the eternal fire for it is divine. Praise Azali, sister of the Great Goddess," Phylis read in an honestly pretty good Zandri accent. With a smile she handed it to Hazani. "I think this is proof, would you not say?"


Javana was unsure how to reply. It seemed to be very strange to her to consider and even more so to agree with.
"I...see. Strong emotions can cause problems, of course. Greed, envy, hate, this can cause ruin. But Love can also save you. Love, charity, compassion. These can be strong emotions, but they can do great things. Anyone has the potential to evil. The Xio who...killed me...chose to do evil. But not all chose that. Some Qadiri were wicked, many are not. A good life does not rely on rigid rules, but doing what you believe is right to help others. People can become trapped by vows...shackled to them."

As soon as Elpsis entered there was a spreading wave of silence. Some of the people made a religious sign. Everyone just looked at Elpsis.
The Xio had bowed her head slightly as Elpsis approached, but as Zhaleh spoke to her she nodded slowly.
"She is worried she will offend you by giving you work to do," Zhaleh commented.
After more discussion though she offered the ladle to Elpsis and prepared clay bowls. Many people had come forward to look at Elpsis, but none seemed to want the soup until one young girl stepped up.
"Your mother killed the monster!" she said with a grin. "Can I have some more?" she asked innocently. She'd clearly had a serve already.
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

Hazani smiled - brightly. "It is. I thank you, Lady Jedi." She ran a hand over the scarlet dragon and the words that had been inscribed on it.
"This is victor's justice, nothing more. We lost the war, so our honour and dignity are for sale," Viras huffed. "Will equivalent exchanges be arranged for sacred artefacts the Qadiri stole from us?"
"You mean the tainted relics of the Demon?" Hazani countered. "We give them to the flames."
"This very manse was looted by Qadiri soldiers."

"Ladies, let us expedite this matter, shall we? I shall discuss the matter of Xioquo cultural relics with Her Majesty at a later date," Pyre interjected, clearly wanting to regain control. She gave Hazani a significant look. "Any artefacts associated with Mystra should be handed over to the Order of Fire for safekeeping or destruction."


Diona was quiet for what seemed like an eternity, though in truth it was just a minute or so. The Qadiri's words weighed heavily on her. "So many vows they make you swear. Protect the people of Tephrike. Defend the innocent. Uphold the law of the Dominion and the Grandmaster. Don't let your emotions control you," she spoke, more to herself than to Javana, though the spirit would hear her. "It is time I made my own. You have given me much to think about. You're a wise woman."

There was silence when the young girl blurted out these innocent words. How would the daughter of a demigoddess - or of a far away despot who reigned in the sky at any rate - react? A shuffling off feet was heard as Elpsis stepped forward, squatted down to be on the same level as the girl and gave her a hug. She took care to only wrap her flesh and blood arm around the child, being mindful not to inadverently hurt her. "Can eat. But others then," she said bad in bad Xio then switched to Basic. "One more serve, that's all. Everyone must be able to eat their share, sweetie."

"You're warm," the girl said, feeling the heat radiate from Elpsis' body. She looked up into the human's white eyes and at the vicious scars that seemed aglow like embers. "Do these hurt?"
Zhaleh whispered a few words for the human's benefit. "A bit. What's your name, sweetie?"

Elpsis patted her on the shoulder and got up. "Let's get some food in your belly, sweetie. Um...," she looked down at the cauldrons and glanced to Zhaleh.
"This one, ma'am," the Qadiri said helpfully, guiding her to the right cauldron and handing her a bowl.
Ixzuma looked at the bronze skinned woman with some nervousness. "She's Qadiri."
Zhaleh opened her mouth to say something, but Elpsis didn't need a translation. The undercurrent of nervousness resonated through the Force. "Friend," Elpsis fell back into Xio. "Help Xio. Help me."
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Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan
Phylis sighed. She was starting to get a headache from all this bickering.
"Hmmph, the Ambassador is correct. It is only fair this runs both ways, and if further judgements are needed I am happy to participate. However, I am hoping that it can be carried out like mature adults and not, hmm, bickering children. There is one more item I believe for today?"
"Yes, this circlet which is clearly enhanced in some way. Some of the designs are Qadiri, but it also shares much with Xio designs." Pyre handed over a small wooden case. The wood was so old as to be blackened and nearly petrified. The clasps were old and though coated in corrosion were still intact.
Phylis took it and opened it, looking down at the small silvery crown. She reached out a hand to grasp it, but a feeling, a warning in the Force held back her hand. A cold malevolence emanated from the Force bound within it. Carefully she reached out with the Force to lift it, but found her efforts resisted. The circlet refused to move.

Frowning, Phylis looked at Pyre. "This is very strange. Where did you find it?"
The Chiss seemed completely unaware of its properties. "Oh, in one of the vaults. It had been down there a long time."
"A, hmm, understatement." She looked at Viras, who looked annoyed but unaware also of the item's effects. Then she looked to Hazani who must have sensed the power. Then to Nyssa who doubly so must have sensed it. "Quite apart from ownership, this item is clearly powerful...and dangerous."
A ghostly voice audible only to to the Force users in the room whispered in their minds. "Take me up. Wear me. Unleash my majesty."


"Well, may as well dispense wisdom whilst I can," Javana commented dryly. There was a definite sense of unease at the end there, but soon gone. "Just remember that you're your own master now. Whatever these people made you do and what lies they told are gone now. Just make sure your new leaders do not similarly trap you...."

As Elpsis started to fill the bowls more people came up hopeful for a second helping, sometimes pushing past those who had not been served yet. In these cases Zhaleh would be able to identify them and send them to the back of the queue. Soon enough one pot was empty and she removed it and placed a new one on the counter. It was heavy and hot but she was happy to help.
"Here we go, ma'am, new one ready to go," she added helpfully.

Little Ixzuma meanwhile was off on the side staring up enraptured at Elpsis. The little girl might never have seen a human before...and certainly not one like Elpsis!
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

Outwardly, the small silvery crown was nothing extraordinary. But the sheer power radiating from it was another question. Hazani felt the power buried inside the circlet touch her mind. A voice only audible to those whose Zari was strong. "Take me up. Wear me. Unleash my majesty."

That was what everyone in this exclusive circle heard. But some of the whispers were tailored just for her. "Your mother was meant to wear me. Take me up, avenge her and throw off the foreign yoke." Visions of power and glory filled her mind. Beads of sweat dripped down her face and strain was written across her features.

They were swiftly swept away by another vision. They showed a broken Tygara - its rivers polluted, the proud cities of the Qadiri reduced to dystopian hives where the Qadiri laboured for cruel human masters who watched them from cities of metal in the sky. Whenever the downtrodden rose up, scarlet beams of light lanced from the sky to incinerate them. No one spoke Zandri anymore, only an incomprehensible pidgin. Their temples had been desecrated. In the place of statues of Kashara, there were only those of Kerrigan. "There's still time for you to save them, if you only wear me."

It also reached out to Nyssa. "Why do you slavishly follow the human? She'll never appreciate you the way you deserve. Take me up. Claim your birthright, scion of Adas. Restore the true Sith to glory."

"Look, vision, I know my people, and every time they tried to eclipse the Light they messed it up, usually because of the human cosplayers. Two Sith is an argument, three is a schism, four is a civil war. So take your mirages of glory and stuff it. I've been tempted by better doodads than you," Nyssa growled, and glanced at the Qadiri. "Hazani?" she snapped. Strain was written across the fire mage's face. "Soon...not yet."


"When Firemane gave me...another chance I told them I would not obey orders that violated my conscience. Not anymore. I respect Elpsis, but she is not master," Diona responded firmly. But something nagged at her. "You're...unsettled," she added as she joined Elpsis to help her with the bowls.

The bowls filled up, and more and more people came for another helping. But some were being left behind. "Hey, please let me through...," a frail looking woman who was walking on crutches tried to make herself heard.
"Go away," another woman growled, another pushing past her.

The poor woman stumbled as she lost her footing. Two bronze hands caught her. Zhaleh looked as close to mad as the calm snow Qadiri usually got. "You had your fill. She is thin and hungry, you should help her," she snarled and blocked the woman's path.
"Let me through, Qadiri."
"I thought the evil of your people was limited to your leaders. Go now." And with that Zhaleh scooped up the woman the other Xio had tried to push away. The Zaldrani was by no means a physical powerhouse, but the Xio was thin as a rail. "To harm you shall not come to with me," she said in accented Xio, carrying her to the ladle, ignoring the protests from the crowd.

She gently put her down when she reached Elpsis. "Some have been trying to cheat, ma'am," she reported. Glancing at her charge, she added in Xio, "Eat."
The woman looked at them with an expression of surprise and gratitude. "Thank you..."
"Take your time," Elpsis said in Xio. Her nostrils flared. The harsh embers etched into her face glowed fiercely. "Zhaleh, translate for me. Everyone gets a meal. Second helpings are for people who need it. Kids, elderly, sick, wounded, pregnant women first. You hurt those weaker than you, you'll have to deal with me. And then you'll never eat here again," she pointed at the woman Zhaleh had just chewed out. She talked so fast the Qadiri had trouble keeping up with her translation. "You, go. Diona, make sure she does."
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Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan
"You are so much better than this, Jedi. The darkness rises, Light must rise to meet it. Unite the scattered Orders and burn away the shadows!" She saw herself gathering a vast Jedi host from all the disparate orders and throwing down the Sith, crushing Imperials, driving back pirates.
Phylis' eyes closed, then opened, she let out a wearily amused 'hmmph'.
"No, vision. I've been tempted before. I have talents, I have skills, but leading vast armies and overthrowing the Sith is not one of them."
With difficulty she shook her head and rose and closed the box with a snap.

Pyre and Viras were looking on in bewilderment. "Clearly the artefact thinks only we are worthy of being made ephemeral promises. It needs to be put somewhere safe where it cannot influence people. I know a place where it can be placed inside a voidstone vault."
"That is an heirloom of my people, you can't just steal it away?" Viras declared
Phylis rounded on her. She very much had an expression on her face which indicated that she was not in the mood. "An heirloom which has fortunately sat in a vault for over 20,000 years if I'm any judge. If I know my history correctly this was forged by a traitor Qadiri for Mystra, but the final battle occurred before it could be delivered. It sat awaiting her return here and if she had got it you and everyone else who was in the Underealm might be dead. Compensation will be paid, but this is too dangerous to leave for anyone."

She went over to Hazani and patted the Qadiri on the shoulder. "You did well. Not easy to resist this sort of thing the first time. Just remember, the greater the promise, the greater the lie usually. Hmm, I think we'll leave it here for today. If there are more items we can review tomorrow. For now, I'll get this back to my ship where I have a mini vault for such things before transferring it to its final resting place."


Javana was silent a moment. "This fragment of my existence will end soon...and I know I face my final end. I will keep to our deal, but I still fear it. Fear is normal, but it does not make it better."
The spirit feel silent after that, perhaps thinking or meditating on what might be to come.

The woman glared at Elpsis, completely unaware that it would have no effect on the human. As Diona came to escort her out she flounced away.
"False prophet! Listen to this impostor at your peril!" she yelled as she was escorted out.
It seemed her rantings had no effect as the queue was a lot more orderly after that. Zhaleh diligently fetched the next pot when the time came and soon everyone had been fed.
The little girl Ixzuma was hanging around, not begging for food, but looking up at Elpsis with a grin. "You're nice, Miss Heir, and you too Qadiri," she said with a giggle and scampered off. It wasn't clear if she had a home or not.
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

"That is acceptable to me," Hazani said, a bit distractedly. The words of the crown still weighed on her. What it had shown her had not been a lie...but the methods had. A dark artefact forged by a traitor's hand to appease a demon could not be her people's salvation. One day, she swore to herself. One day we will free ourselves from the sky people. "I thank you for your assistance."

"Well, that went well," Nyssa declared jovially, slapping Hazani on the shoulder. "My way would've been more fun, but I suppose this got the job done. Everyone got something, no one's perfectly happy. Perfectly balanced, don't you agree, ambassador?"


"Wait," Elpsis called after the girl as she perceived her scampering away. With an evident limp, she followed Ixzuma. "Home? You have place of home?" she asked in poor, ungrammatical Xio. Pointing at her chest with a skeletal, mechanical finger, she added, "me Elpsis."

Javana's words gave Diona pause. "'There is no death, there is the light'. That's what I was taught. Our essence become one with Ashla. No one's ever truly gone. A Qadiri companion told me she believes she will become one with...Kashara? I can't believe the Light will cast you into darkness. I would pray to Ashla for you."
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