Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Tamiko Sabo

Sufjan Steven enthusiast


|| Tamiko Sabo ||​
|| n/a ||​
|| TBD ||​
|| Nar Shaddaa ||​
|| Leviathan ||​
|| Apprentice to Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn ||​
|| Human ||​
|| Fifteen ||​
|| 5 feet, 7 inches ||​
|| Lean build ||​
|| Stark brown to sand ||​
|| Fogged from visual impairment but originally olive-colored ||​
|| Yes ||​

  • 3a02fa0a8835ab84d26579dc44bb4bae.jpg

    A blind refugee to the core-planet Coruscant, Tamiko's a product of her environment; capable and ambitious under otherwise hostile conditions. She embodies the pickpocket motif loyally with a taste for adrenaline and large capacity for independence.

    In her mid-teens, she has a staunch athletic build from years of jumping rooftops and quick escapes. Her skin, dark tan, is interrupted by a discolored scar tearing a clean cut across half her face, the obvious origin of her blindness. Her hair is typically pulled back to expose a rough sand undercut.

    A force-sensitive with masked potential and a convoluted history, she might be a tough deal to teach but who doesn't like a challenge?




    Her childhood was wrought with instability typical of her homeworld, an ecumenopolis tucked in the folds of the Outer Rim known for its transactional status for all stretches of illegal smuggling.

    Her mother, the head of security to a cartel spanning the Outer Rim, was a high-ranking official in the depths of the smuggling world. A general to a force of genocidal criminals with the intended purpose of sneaking drugs into the lives of Inner Rim and Core planet elites and weapons into the hands of people far more dangerous.

    Tamiko was far-removed from her mothers' operations, exiled to the outskirts of a major port. A spot of convenience for her mother, but not much of a nursery. Her mother made sporadic appearances in her life on the off chance she had business in the area. But the freedom this gave her and her brother was generous. Especially considering the early manifestation of her force sensitivity, a closely guarded secret between the two who were surrounded by stories of force sensitives usefulness to the underworld.

    Growing up in streets latent with crime alongside her older brother Sasha, they always managed to scrape by. She thrived under the instability, finding it her strength to roam the streets picking fights and pockets. Sasha, virtually Tamiko's only family, was leagues more disciplined, a result of being thrust into a position of overwhelming responsibility over her well being. He was a pillar of stability near foreign in Tamiko's life, putting everything he had towards raising her. Sasha was her source of accountability, the one anchor on her cynicism. She grew up an impulsive but resourceful kid who tried to carry herself with more maturity than she had.

    They lived relatively independent from their parents, but the skepticism and danger of their family's line of work perpetually loomed over them. Despite this they grew up in the pull of the city, Sasha bent on building a name for them.

    A power struggle between two rival syndicates erupted when Tamiko was 8, making it's self known with incidents of cartel-specific violence that slowly encroached on their fragile oblivion. This culminated in the bombing of a market district which blinded Tamiko and plunged the streets into deeper turmoil. Without hesitation Sasha took his sister and fled the planet in a blur of reassurances, confusion, and pressure trying to permanently shake the tendrils of the criminal empire they found themselves wrapped up in.

    Smuggling their way through transport ships, Sasha made an effort to relocate to safer reaches of the galaxy, forging new identities and planet-hopping to blur the line between them and their past. Sasha's efforts were effectively snuffed when, on a risky trip to Coruscant looking to follow up on a contact who promised new identification and safe passage to an off-book planetary system, he was turned over to a group of bounty hunters. They gave no indication who they worked for, but nonetheless Sasha made room for Tamiko to escape. From that moment on Tamiko was stranded. Leaving the off-worlder to navigate the vast Coruscant underworld alone.

    Sobered by complete self-reliance, Tamiko's naivety was hampered by a newfound pensive disposition. She survived her first months as a pickpocket adapting to the streets brazenly. She moved from petty theft to amateur bounty-hunting, eventually finding work in a mechanic garage well within the seedy parts of Coruscant with skills adopted from her brother.

    Her force sensitivity stays accessible but relatively masked after years of practice. It remains a point of internal contention for her, a lost cause she figures isn't worth addressing. She has a hidden desire to learn but virtually no guidance and knows better than to seek it out in the shadows of the underworld.

    Still, that doesn't rule out every possibility.

  • Strengths and Weaknesses

    ▲ CHARISMA - Well-spoken and articulate, she's adept at totally assuming an identity. Heavily relying on her ability to talk herself out of the trouble she attracts. A trait that finds itself considerably useful in her circle.

    ▲ RESOURCEFUL - She has a certain respect for self-reliance. Comfortable around machines and a whiz at ship maintenance, she's a skilled mechanic for her age.

    ▲ ENDURANCE - She can tolerate physical and mental strain to a strong degree. Her drive is difficult to break, with a mind far from weak-willed.

    ▼ EMOTIONALLY DRIVEN - While she might try to feign a shroud of emotional invulnerability, to her frustration, separating her emotions and rationale proves to be very difficult. Which lends itself to her Impulsivity.

    ▼ INEXPERIENCED - It's a big world, and she's barely seen it. Like any kid she's naïve. Her worldview built on assumptions that could use some expansion.

    ▼ ROUGH CONNECTION TO THE FORCE - Tamiko's connection with the force is fragile, her power coming more from raw untapped strength then refined talent. She has potential if her skills are honed properly, but given her strained relationship, it will take more insightfulness than she has.

  • Mother | Caris Raeth
    Father | Kasah Ques
    Brother | Sasha Raeth
    Master | Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn

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