Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Annihilation Superweapons

Thov Brokith Thov Brokith
Gundams are banned due to the no-gundams/crossover rule(s). Not because they may be considered superweapons.
From the general Roleplay rules:

From the Factory rules:
Will there be consideration for biological superweapons (unique alchemized creatures for instance) in the future, or is that something that is out of the scope of what Chaos Staff wants right now?

I think a big problem with viruses and stuff similar is the narrative potential for an Annihilation thread. I think the problem with the sandbox creativity take, the "let us sub what we want" take, is that efficiency of destruction is taking precedence over story potential.

And a tie for the biggest problem right now we're watching is, there's like a 1000:1 ratio of superweapons:annihilation threads being planned. Without an Annihilation, there is absolutely no point to the creation of a superweapon other than bragging rights that will last for all of a day or two before you become yet another archived memory on Chaos.

Biological superweapons, imo, are fine on paper. But the majority of them would likely end up getting denied, simply because the try-hards are pushing for creative snowflakedom over classical takes because they're using Superweapons as an excuse to find motivation to write.

It's imperative to understand that while it is within my realm to oversee the Factory, I do so with a very far reach because John Locke John Locke and his team have been doing such a fantastic job. We don't have a clear path forward on what is or isn't acceptable as submissions for Superweapons - you've got me, who said he wanted Superweapons in the community now - and you've got the Factory Admin and his team, trying to figure out on the fly how they'd like to make it work. I very much understand the hype, but my focus isn't on the innovation and creativity of a hundred, even a thousand Factory submissions.

Chaos and I could very much exist without them.

Staff's focus is on Annihilations, and the innovation and creativity of superweapons is something that will always play a distant second fiddle to those events that bring us together to roleplay.
Biological superweapons, imo, are fine on paper. But the majority of them would likely end up getting denied, simply because the try-hards are pushing for creative snowflakedom over classical takes because they're using Superweapons as an excuse to find motivation to write.

I think there's a clear precedent for biological superweapons, Vong had some pretty insane stuff and bioweapons are a thing.

And putting it down to snowflakedom when some of us have been using beasts and monsters in place of technologically for literal years sounds more like gate keeping over a preference for classical takes rather than anything that benefits anyone.

Maybe I'm misreading it.
Tefka Tefka
I think you're underestimating the kinds of stuff that people have not submitted (specifically viruses or bacteria) because of fear of denial over being labeled a superweapon. There were several times I organized an invasion or skirmish while I was TSE faction owner and we had to say no to ideas on using a bioweapon as a story hook because of this, annihilation threads may very well be something rarely used in comparison to the subs made for them, but they would provide the avenue for the kinds of story ideas people have had to let go due to the risk of an effective bioweapon being labeled a superweapon, or other similar subjects.
If I’m underestimating anything, it’s the amount of superweapons Chaos wants versus how many Annihilations it wants.

And what Chaos will understand is, I only want as many superweapons as there are Annihilations.
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Tefka Tefka

Quick question:

"A Major Faction may “annihilate” a planet or location represented on the SWRP Chaos Galactic Map. This involves one Major Faction's members fighting to destroy a planet or map location. New Major Factions may not launch Annihilation threads for the first 30 days after their application is approved, nor may a planet or hex that Major Faction controls be the target of an Annihilation during this time. Label your faction's name, the hex or planet..."

Would it be consistent with this wording for an Annihilation to eliminate one hex of a map-marked hyperlane? Sever the Daragon Trail or something?
Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr
In theory you could plant a black hole in the path to snip the trail, but I think that's beyond the scope of these rules.

It'd have to be supermassive, but Valiens pretty much plants the nail on the Dragon Tail here. For every black hole or disruption planted on a hyperlane charted route, a simple wave of the hand to "chart around it" would be maintained. You, Jerec, should be very familiar with handwavium of all people who'd ask.

Rules can't be used to alter that which we don't want altered, try as we might. Hyperlanes are embedded in the map, and won't be altered.
Also I spent 6253673 years writing a hyperspace navigation wizard and twisting bizarre precedents into equally bizarre Factory subs so he's got me dead to rights.

And also I believe the only writer on the forum who has a unique hyperlane added to the map, contrary to the statement I've posted that we're not adding hyperlanes to the map.

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