Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Succession of Ka'ra [Mandalorians]

"Not today, not today!" But yes today he was late. Too much fun and too many Circe Green led to him waking up late today, the day of selecting a new Mand'alor. He slammed on his armor as he ran to the Mandal Motors Hall. As he got to the door, he shoved it open with his shoulder just as he was struggling to get his chest plate on. He slammed into the heavy doors and burst through. Stumbling right into the center of the crowd as he succeeded in clasping his chest plate on, "YES", BLAM, "OWE, FACE", Nolan planted right onto his chest and rolled onto his face.

He slowly got up and looked around. With a look mixed of pain, embarrassment, and confusion he realized he was standing in the center of the gathering, right in front of [member="Edric Ay'bara"], "I'm here, sorry. Got a little excited about being here today. Couldn't help but make a well known Detta entrance. Who can blame me, especially on a day like today. I wouldn't miss this for all the Circe Green in my brewery," he said with a chuckle, "Now who got picked, cause I was a little late. Maybe if the ballots are still open, I'd like to...BURP...

[member="Basaba Willamina"][member="Sarkin Vance"][member="Silas Mantis"][member="Vilaz Munin"][member="Anija Ordo"][member="Marrik Aloxum"]@Titan@Anastasia Rade[member="Neskar A'toll"][member="Kad Tor"][member="Chloe Kandossii"][member="Atin Kandossii"][member="Garrus Garon"]@Rhodessa@Shiro De'Vol[member="Countess Calum Teramo"][member="Azrael"]
...he did not answer the call. Garrus watched as the Elder emerged, spoke words of fervor to empower those listening and called for those who were worthy to step forward while slamming the haft of the warhammer off the floor however the Warrior remained unmoved throughout it all. He had risen to the rank of Field Marshal, mostly through his battle prowess he thought but Garrus was still more apt to participate in battle as a soldier, a warrior, and then withdraw for long periods of contemplation and drink. Now that he had a wife the contemplation and drinking didn't often happen alone either. Regardless the role of Mand'alor was not something that he sought at this time...

...he saw Besaba and Azrael though, the only other Field Marshals present at the moment, and considered that either one of them might fill the position well enough. Both were respectable warriors that the vode of Clan Garon could follow without complaint. He did wonder though. He wondered what would happen if no one stepped forward; perhaps Garrus would have no chose but to stride forth and take the mantle if there was no one else. It would be a peculiar situation in earnest...

...gazing out across the ocean bodies that filled the hall Garrus remained quiet, enjoying his place off to the side under the shadow of the pillar he leaned against while he waited and watched. When Nolan Detta arrived he turned his head, the Detta were long time allies of the Clan Garon, and could not help but chuckle briefly. Nolan appeared to be intoxicated as far as Garus could tell from where he stood but it was a small matter at the moment despite contrasting the solemn atmosphere that filled the hall...

...the Warrior watched, briefly, before his head swiveled back around to look towards the Elder. His arm shifted ensuring the helm he held underarm didn't become awkward or uncomfortable in its placement. Garrus would report everything he saw to Strider when the two communed with one another again so it could be assumed he was making mental notes of everything that was happening all around him. He almost looked tense the way he was standing there despite the fact that he was trying to relax; Garrus never was one for these types of large gatherings preferring smaller groups and ceremonies...
[member="Basaba Willamina"] [member="Azrael"] [member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Edric Ay'bara"]
Late to the meeting of mando'ade, Kal slid silently between the vode until he stood with the Beskar'ad within the loose grouping of clan Kandossii. His armor was grease slicked as he had com from the forges and work shop where he had been working on his latest project. But he was not going to miss this.

Several meters away his brother stood with his blonde little riduur, silent and stoic. Kal made a face of annoyance at the elder. Ati was alor by birthright and his leadership with the aliit. He wasn't a shirker of responsibility. A good little mando who did everything right. Not like Kal. Turning his head at the shout and crash he grinned as Nolan Detta made an entrance. And what an entrance it was. Smirking at the vod Kal pulled a flask from hs hip and shook it subtly at the man. "Hair of the dog?"

As for the challenge of leader set forth by Edric, there were only a few that came to mind.

[member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Atin Kandossii"] [member="Chloe Kandossii"]
[member="Kad Tor"] | [member="Chloe Kandossii"] | [member="Azrael"] | [member="Rianna Ordo"] | [member="Arla Balor"] | [member="Ginnie Ordo"] | [member="Ordo"] | [member="Ralize Tor"] | [member="Kable Detta"]

Mandalorian Protectors
[member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="Atin Kandossii"] | [member="Ember Rekali"] | [member="Evi Sohl"] | [member="Jaden Taacyn"] | [member="Mia Monroe"] | [member="Nolan Detta"] | [member="Olivia Dem'adas"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"]

Betna stood silently, holding Anija's hand as he stood in the chambers. It was an odd thing, he felt. This was the second time he'd been present to the selection of Mand'alor, but the first where one had died and needed replacing. Really, the Mandos never really needed a Mand'alor, but it was a good thing to have. Ret'lini. Just in case.

He stood without speaking, only gripping Anija's hand. He had no intentions of challenging for the title. He could, but he had enough trouble dealing with the Protectors, the group he and Anija had founded to defend Mandalorian borders and Mandalorian people. It was enough of a hassle for him and he had Anija to help! He had no idea how she managed to do so much in so little time while running a company and keeping track of her husband. Betna figured it was a female thing, but he secretly suspected it may be a Force thing. Not that he cared one way or the other, it was just his curious mind at work.

Hopefully, they would have a Mand'alor soon...

Desmond Verd

The old Verd stood silently, engulfed by the small crowd of Mandalorians that had shown to the event. Gilamar was dead. He had been a relatively good man, given the Verd a chance to reclaim their honor after the disgrace of Isley's betrayal. Now he was dead. A single fact and a myriad of consequences. One such, he did not believe was the absence of a Mand'alor.

No one seemed to step forward, and no one had vocally supported any one Mando'ade, and the silence was getting to the older Mandalorian. And so he stepped forward.

"Vode," he began, "We have had loss after loss for the last three years. Junction, Concordia, Manda'yaim, the Dark Harvest, Omni, and most recently The LIberator and Gil." He purposfully left Ordo out of the list of the lost. No traitor deserved to be put among that short list. "Many of us have lost other things in this war outside of property or leaders and role models. Sons, daughters, cousins and lovers. Maybe it is time for us to take a step back and rebuild our homestead. Strengthen our borders develop what resources we have. The Republic will fall to the Sith the way it is now. It sealed its own fate years ago in its complacency, but we will be strong when the Sith come to knock at our doors. But until such a time as it is absolutely vital...I think we should allow our Aliit'buir to hold the reigns, as it is obvious that no one wishes to fill the Mand'alor's boots, nor does anyone here seem to think anyone is fit to do so from the silence."
Olivia stood in the great halls of MandalMotors Tower. Another Mand'alor was dead and the clans had come together to find another. Her blue and silver Light Beskar'gam covered her skin, it in turn covered by her officer's jacket. Her helmet hung from her waste, her back rested against a pillar, and her arms were crossed in front of her chest as she waited for the first young buck to step up and attempt to take the crown. Around her, other members of her clan had chosen to stick near their chief as they watched the event.

Whatever happened in these halls today, the clans would stay strong. Each clan would retain their assets, their warrior brothers and sisters would stay strong, and the chiefs would keep each of their clans strong and focused. Manda'yaim would remain the heart of their people and the Resol'nare would still be spread among over 60 worlds. And clan Dem'adas... Her clan would remain as strong as any. Mand'alor or not.
The Rally Master stood up from the massive ranks of warriors that were settled in the Great Hall. His attention then went to Nolan that was making a fool out of himself and being rude to everyone, especially to the elders. "No one is Mand'alor, but I'll give you a run on your damn ballot for electing our new leader, if ya dare come at me, vod," the Redneck said, challenging Nolan in a duel for the helm of Mand'alor. There were others standing up. Arribi, the man who resurrected the Protectors, stood up, but didn't say nothing. He didn't say anything of claiming the title, he just stood there with his wife.

Another Mando'ade stood up and gave a speech that was interpreted that the vode didn't need a sole ruler. "We ain't gonna get nowhere if that happens, vod. Highly doubt it. With having a sole leader we are more organized, and being organized will get us some more benefit factors. And the Manda will decide our future, not some lil' speech from your mouth," and finished up his counter argument to his own against Desmond's speech.

The three Mando'ade were the only ones standing firmly and strong out of the rest of the vode and were waiting for something to happen. Truly, no one came up to claim the helm, but that would soon change. "Come on, people. What the hell? I sure hope y'all ain't gonna let me stand here all day waiting for somethun'."

[member=Verne Munin] [member="Olivia Dem'adas"] [member="Desmond Verd"] [member="Arrbi Betna"] [member="Garrus Garon"] [member="Kal Kandossii"] [member="Nolan Detta"]
Atin had stayed silently letting the events play out. He was happy with his lot, riduur to a beautiful woman, alor to his clan, vode to countless, and yet he stayed sillent waiting for one to stand and answer the call. As seconds turned into minutes he felt as well as heard the disquiet growing within them all. Waiting for a mando'ad to stand, to rise to the occasion, to answer the call that surely echoed in the breast of every vode. As it was muttering in his.

This was a sacred place, a sacred time. It was where mand'alor claimed their title from among their peers to rise up and lead their people unified in one voice. But the silence echoed louder then a blaster bolt against armor.

Then a rally master, Vilaz Munin stood and gave voice to what was crying out in all their souls. A small smile etched itself upon his face as he stood and stepped away from his clan, his aliit, to join Vilaz. "We are people of action. We do not sit back and let others fight our wars. If we want peace we do not let others forge it. We are children of mand'alor, the cry to battle runs in our veins. Clan heads are good, but we need a leader of single vision to unite us. It is in our very Resoln'are. We fight for the right to lead, to prove ourselves worthy."

He looked over at Vilaz. "I will join you ner vod. I wouldn't want you to wait any longer."

@Kad Tor | @Chloe Kandossii | @Azrael | @Rianna Ordo | @Arla Balor | @Ginnie Ordo | @Ordo | @Ralize Tor | @Kable Detta [member="Vilaz Munin"]
Arla had entered quietly as always more and more she was becoming isolated. She had seen the last change, the last time when Gil fought Verz. Historic they called it. Was it history this time too, this was not one calling the other unfit, this was death.

Death that had claimed him. Death that could not be revived. She waited thought. She looked for her clan though where were they standing, and what were they saying. The twists and turns of her mind driving her, making her feel things that only she saw, only she felt and pushing her further away from anyone that would notice it.

She exhaled, and blinked trying to focus, the discussion yes, listen to the discussion. Focus. She closed her eyes and listened.
[member="Garrus Garon"]

Anita moved in, she had arrived with her sisters. Allison was here as well and dwarfing her husband as she remained near him. Hearing the one speak she crossed her arms looking down. Torn only on one issue, if her husband was going to fight her sister who would she rather see in that place. She knew Garrus was a man of honor, he drank but no more then she did and her sister was dedicated to strengthening her people. Azrael was the one she wasn't sure about only because she hadn't been in a room with him longer then this placing a hand on her husbands shoulder taking both with a single massive hand.
Allison mirrored her sister, standing next to Basaba while he stood in her full beskar'kandar looking on. The silver armor gleaming while she listened and waited to see who would go forward but none did. She would support her sister having little other choices she knew. She had seen Azrael during the harvester incident but that was it. She had been working for the protectorate more and there hadn't been much coming from the clans as she moved off placing a hand on her sisters shoulder.
Waiting to see who their next Mandlore as this took place she was among her own sister waiting for what would be next. Looking at those that had been mix among the others. It was a strange to see so many come out of the wood for this then she wouldn't expect anything different.

Finding herself looking among for the Skitra clan as she wanted to see who was to stand up for the Clan. It had been for the Captain of one of the ships from them that she would have the backing.

After this she would along with her sister and Clan Skirata would be there for her to take care of the business on Sereno but down those that want to take her own family house from power and there from creating for her the head of the Court of Counts. but as of right now it was important to keep her mind on these matters. As it was her Cousin was safe that all that matter for the time she would morn for her father if at all. [member="Allison Willamina"] [member="Anita Willamina"]
..::|| P S Y C H E ||::..
Time had passed since the conclusion of the horrific events on Empress Teta, which she had been forced to hear tell of from afar. Her duties had kept her from joining her brethren in the struggle, kept her from fighting at their side as she should have been. But she had managed to attend the funeral for Gilamar, the Aliit'buir of Clan Skirata...and the man that [member="Azrael"] regarded as a father. His grief had been palpable to her still-growing senses, and the collective grief and rage of all of those assembled had taken weeks for her to clear out of her mind.

Now, though, as Devorah stood outside one set of massive doors that would give entry to the cavernous hall, she paused. Fingers smoothed out the soft, silken layers of her garb, their blue hues a non-traditional shade. But they marked her as a Jedi nonetheless, as did the single lightsaber hilt holstered on her right thigh. On the left, was a Ripper slugthrower that her fingers lingered over. A gift from Azrael, it was the one thing save her lightsaber, that she never went anywhere without.

With a deep breath, she pushed open the doors with a touch of the Force, and strode through with her head held high. Chestnut eyes roved over the assembled vode even as the doors slowly swung closed behind her. Few, if any, took note of her entrance as she was not the only one doing so, though she arrived in time for a sight she had not expected to see. [member="Desmond Verd"], whom she had long since presumed to be missing since Isley's own disappearance, stepping forth to speak. Her features remained neutral as she watched him, the heels of her boots making little sound as she moved forward still.

There were questions she wanted to ask, but it was neither the time nor the place for such a discussion.

Two had declared their intent, neither one familiar to her sight save for the memory of their attendance at Gilamar's funeral. Devorah stopped briefly, her gaze taking in the sight of the armor set neatly upon the seat that dwelled empty on the dais. Her head bowed briefly out of respect before she glanced up and changed her course through the assembled crowd. Steps took her to Azrael's side, fingers brushing his shoulder as she spoke.

"Why do you not voice a challenge?" she asked softly, head tilting to the side as she gaze up at him, a delicate brow lofted.
Ever since he had a glimmer of understanding in what made the Mandalorian people give allegiance to that of their ruler, Azrael had only ever known the decision to be made while the current and reigning champion of their people was still alive and breathing. The Liberator was the first he had served under, just starting to gain the knowledge and clarity of what it meant to be part of the vode, and to be a child of the Manda. The woman was a fierce and apt fighter, who commanded the respect and devotion of her people. Word had it, though he never had checked too far, that it was the retiring of the previous Mand'alor that had granted her that title. And she had owned it. Later, the man he had met as a Field Marshal, and his personal battle instructor, Verz Horak had been gifted the proverbial crown as the events of a Sith's final will had caused Mia Monroe to step down in that leadership capacity. Under Verz, the bulk of his Mandalorian history was written, following the crimson clad man into the thick of battle, even to the point of wading into that nightmare known only as the Dark Harvest. While he reign was admittedly shorter than Mia's, he'd been a figure of power and strength. Only after his return from the depths of Wild Space, did he learn that his Allit Buir had challenged and taken that title from the younger man, as his actions had torn the loyalty of the United clans from him. Now, all that remained from the father figure he'd served was seated on the cold metallic throne that sat at the peak of the stairs. The hollow armor serving as a reminder of what they had all lost. The first time in the half-blood's history in which their people were truly without a leader.

Voices carried in waves of sound, bouncing between the massive columns supporting the grand hall as vode from all over the Galaxy had gathered. The crackling of the fire ripped and roared, but would not overcome the voices that carried in the hall, especially when one of the eldest of their people stepped forward in archaic armor and drew their attention to him and his words. That mighty hammer clamoring down on the pavement and ringing out like a small shockwave in every direction. His words signified the weight of this gathering, and the reason for the call. For the first time in a long time, the title of Mand'alor lay unclaimed, and uncontested. Most were taken from others, or passed down from the current - but rarely did these sons and daughters of the Manda have a void so poignant. His seeming reluctance to even step forward from the shadows of the pillar to which he leaned on spoke to his attitude. Gilamar had entrusted his young protege with much already in his passing. Head of Clan Skirata, a weighty burden that rested on his square shoulders, as well as the responsibility to oversee the continued production and thriving enterprise of Mandal Motors. He knew in his own heart that Gil was so much more than Mand'alor - and yet that seemed to be the one trait that echoed with every syllable from Eric's bearded mouth. How did you replace that? How did you fill the boots and buy'ce of someone like Gilamar? Azrael truly didn't know.

The proceeding silence didn't do him any favors either. While the Field Marshal understood the necessity, he didn't understand the overwhelming reluctance. While he struggled with his own reasons, he wondered in silence why there was such a low response to the greatest honor to ever be bestowed upon a Mandalorian. These warriors were honor bound and seekers of great glory. Why push away that opportunity in the wake of Gilamar's passing? Perhaps they felt like he did, and it only made the halfblood feel all the more useless to do something about it. He shifted uncomfortably against the stone and metal column at his back, attempting to find solace to his anger that welled up from within. Anger not at his family and his vode, but at the futility he felt. Ever since Empress Teta's events unfolded, the backlash had sapped Azrael's confidence in himself, and dealt some emotional turmoil to his already taxed mind. Gray eyes flicked upwards though as Desmond stepped forward to command the attention, offering a different suggestion to the gathered warriors. In spite of the reluctant attitude, the idea of allowing the clan heads to gain sovereign rule still didn't sound like the best option. After Teta, the Mandalorians needed a united front, and there was no better way to present one than with a single figure to look to. Thankfully he didn't have to abide that thought for too much longer as a couple of the vode finally broke their silence and stepped forward catching his turning gaze. While Azrael might have had issues with what these were capable of, in the aspect of taking that role upon themselves, he admired their resolve - for he wished he had such a bravado still.

No sooner than he attempted to resign his fate by a close of his eyes and a shift of his feet, intending to depart company, than the source of strength he'd been holding fast to touched the bridge of his shoulder. Devorah's chestnut eyes seeking his own gray orbs out. A deep sigh accentuated his immobility against the pillar as she placed herself at his flank. The woman had been a new addition to his life, and a welcome one since even before Coruscant. Having met her at the KDY in Republic space, he hadn't imagined she'd carve such an important spot in his life, and his heart so quickly. Her words asked the question he'd been asking himself ever since he'd seen Gilamar memorialized in the Mandalorian star. Why hadn't he voiced his challenge? That answer was both simple and painful. He failed. He had called a retreat on the core world, and gained nothing from the battle. While there was some devastating damage to the Sith forces, their losses felt far heavier. For a moment, Azrael held Devorah's gaze as if speaking mind to mind without saying a single word. Then a turn of his head brought his eyes to the husk of armor that had once contained his adopted father. To back down was not the Mandalorian way, to be labelled hut'uun was a disgrace. Gilamar would not adopt a coward, Ordo would never rescue a coward and bring him to Mandalore - and the vode would never rally behind one. He simply couldn't be one, and that thought stuck as his bionic arm reached for the E'tad Kal that was pressed up against the column. A kiss to Devorah's cheek was offered before he slid the staff like weapon into the sheath on his back, and broke from the shadows.

"No, ner'vod, you will not stand alone. The Mandalo'ade do not stand alone." Azrael's voice boomed from the right side of the lighted path that lead to the throne. His buy'ce still clipped to his side, heavy footfalls to him to stand along with Vilaz and Atin before turning to face the elder Edric. A solemn nod was offered in accordance with the man's words, and even a nod of appreciation for Desmon'd words. He had at least brought a suggestion to the proverbial table. "Gilamar was our A'lor, and he deserves the respect of knowing that the Mando'ade will always press forward. If not by me, than one of you." He said as he turned, looking in a slow pan of the audience gathered. "Who will challenge the title of Mand'alor?" He paused for a moment and squared himself. "Who will challenge me?"

[member="Devorah Khaladan"] | [member="Atin Kandossii"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Desmond Verd"] | [member="Edric Ay'bara"]


I walk uneasily into the gathering behind other mandalorians. Even though I know they are vode I am still hesitant to call them such. I can't remember my clan, my surename, so what right do I have to call these people brother as sister. What right do I have to name them aliit? I don't feel like I have earned it though I bear the mark of the fabled mythosaur o my back and can speak mando'a as a native. Yet I still do not know who I am, and none have come forward to claim me.

Dark thoughts weigh heavy upon me and I try to shake them off as water from my hands. And yet they linger within festering like an open sore.

Pressing in against armored bodies that smell faintly of ozone and sweat I watch as a few meet in the center. The trial by combat sure to follow. Words, places, even customs I know, but the eyes that peer back into mine are a stranger's. Looking around I see faces I recognize by reputation only. And I wonder, will on of them be the new mand'alor? Will one of them recognize me?
And so it begins ...

Atin stood and watched the man he knew by armor, by the sorrow etched in the harsh lines around mouth and eyes. Azrael. Many here would willing follow him. Many had. But this was for something more important then personal honor or aliit. This was for the whole of the mando'ade. The man to claim the title of Mand'alor would wear a heavy burden. The weight of every mandalorian would rest on his or her shoulders. A great honor, and a terrible price. One that Atin was not sure this man was able to bear. Not in his current condition.

Reaching up he removed his buy'ce and hooked it to his own belt as he turned his body slightly at the new vod who had stepped in to claim the title of Mand'alor. Quick gaze took i the strong body with armor worn, armor that bespoke of a warrior. One who stood bent from grief but perhaps not broken. He too understood the darkness in a soul from loss, of pain so great it could shatter a man. But Azrael stood defiant to the emotions bubbling from him through the force.

A small smile cracked his face as green eyes lit with the fire of challenge. Here was a man he could follow. One he would happily call ner vod. But if he wanted to shoulder the immense responsibility as the leader of the mando'ade, he would have to prove himself up to the task. "I am Atin Kandossii, alor of the Kandossii Clan. And I do challenge you for the title of mand'alor, according to our traditions."

[member="Devorah Khaladan"] | [member="Azrael"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Desmond Verd"] | [member="Edric Ay'bara"]
A single tiny pink beskar'gam clad Mandalorian stood on a box at the side of the place. Ginnie searched the crowd for [member="Anija Ordo"], [member="Rianna Ordo"] and the rest of her Clan, when a sour mood splashed against the young deaf girl's face. [member="Desmond Verd"]. Ginnie slunk off the box and hid in the crowd.

Isley had been her favourite brother, the only one of their family that paid any heed of the girl after she'd been deafened and her mother killed. The modifications in her buy'ce all that helped her process the silence into useable sound, the girl kept hidden and safe. Someday. . .

Some day she would be challenging for the right of the Mand'alor, but at twelve the chances were more than a little slim. What was she going to do? Light their pants on fire and push them off the stage? She was halfway to finding out where [member="Evi Sohl"] or her mother were when the silence was broken. "Wayii! You're a dink, [member="Desmond Verd"]. Sounds more like you want the Mandalorians to cut and run. Let the Republic get massacred and let the Sith gain ground. Think the Jedi will exhaust them much? We wanna give the Sith more resources and more troops and more territory while we sit by leaderless with a bunch of intersecting interests squabbling back and forth 'cause no Mando'ade had the courage to put the vote down to the strength of their beskar and their crush gaunts? When's the last time any of us ran from a jai'galaar? A battle? Leaving Mandalore to the Allit'Buir is like leaving the dessert table to a bunch of kids with no adult. There ain't no unity in that. I can see that and I'm twelve.

I might be a vaar'ika, and my Daddy got mind-warped into doing horrible things. . . but how are we supposed to unite as 'kids of the Mand'alor' without one? Your way sucks. Catch up on your Resol'nare, Verd." The child spat, not quite aware as to how loud she said it. . . or that she was standing on her box again in the middle of the crowd.

"C'mon! Someone go up an'challenge [member="Azrael"]! We got to have a Mand'alor and if no one else is gonna go up there, this pre-teen Clan Ordo runt'll go up there and show all you 'brave dudes' what real courage looks like!" The girl in the pink armour stamped her foot and clapped her crushgaunts together.
Nolan looked over to Vilaz, while no one else but Atiin stood to Vilaz's challenge. Though Nolan was far from backing down, he looked to Vilaz and Atiin,...

"You wish for a challenge, then here I am. I came here hoping to find out who would be our leader, but I saw no others stepping forward until in 'entered'. So yes I will put my name on the line for leader. I love my people, I bleed, sweat and cry for them Everyime I step onto the battlefield. If I should become Mand'alor, my people will always know what I fight for. I am fighting for the children of our clans, for the soldiers in our ranks and for the Elders who guide us. I Will take your challenge. I will use my full power to bring the Mandalorians on through the veil of glory into the arms of the Galaxy. We are strong, we are proud and we will never forget those who laid down their lives to join the Manda. I may look the fool, but I am brave enough to take on this mantle when no others will. You challenge me for the wrong reasons Vilaz. I know your heart is in the right place, but your mind may not be."

[member="Vilaz Munin"]
[member="Preliat Mantis"] was still imprisoned by the Sith. Taken during the Invasion of Empress Teta, Preliat had spent just enough time with Aditya to show her the wealth and glory of Mandalore before going off to war. When he hadn't come back, the Epicanthix hadn't a clue as to what to do with herself. Other than run her business and search relentlessly for Eli. She had to get him back, it wasn't fair. They'd just gotten to the promises step, she'd moved to Mandalore to be with him, and poof. Gone.

"I don't care who ends up Manda-ma-wookie as long as whoever it is goes and rescues Eli." The woman whispered, from the back of the room. Visibly shaken and none-too familiar with the goings on of the Mandalorians in general, she smoothed her hand over her corset and hugged Eli's shawl to her chest.

She didn't know why the mantle of [member="Preliat Mantis"] meant so much, just that it did and if it did, then she'd have to learn. It wasn't every day a woman fell in for a man with such a strong culture to back him up. There was a girl, [member="Ginnie Ordo"] standing on a box, a guy talking about whether they needed a Mand'alor at all, and others who wanted to get their jollies off putting up their dukes.

At least Aditya could understand that a little.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
The challenges were made and the wheel of time stood still for no man.

"[member="Azrael"] be Skirata, [member="Atin Kandossii"], [member="Vilaz Munin"], and [member="Nolan Detta"] claim the title." He said to the Vode, "let the combat for the right to be Mand'alor begin."

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