Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Stick It To The Man

My only gripe (not with you) is that you're not allowed the time to role-play any yourself. I'd love to see another Tef-something around the site, be he Jedi or Sith or w/e.

You're a strong leader and you always know best in any situation. Sure, sometimes you may be difficult to read (is he joking or is he serious, etc.) and sometimes you partake in somewhat juvenile pranks around the site (I love that poodoo, btw), but that's what I think makes you endearing. Coming to you for advice is something I consider a privilege, and you've never once disappointed me.
Lysle of the Hydian Way said:
but your comics during the fighting disrupted what I felt was the flow of the entire event.
I know people on the other side of the bracket in ToTG and in other tournaments like to treat things a bit more seriously and that's fine. I didn't want to and I think everyone involved had a ton of fun because of it we weren't marching to the same beat of the drum... and that's all that matters to me.

I'm not fortunate enough to have been a member long enough to have seen (or atleast remember) your characters. But despite that, I still see you as a bloody good admin. I mean, no Admin can be 100% perfect, that's just unachievable, but the fact that you've kept such a good site running for much longer than I've seen other sites go is outstanding. Kudos to you and your admin team.

And hopefully I might be around to see you RP again one day.

I've not had the chance to write alongside you and only know you, as many others do, as Staff and also working alongside you (more of to the side and back, actually), so here's my little slice of feedback:

- Echoing the others, as I'd like to see Tef the writer a little more alongside Tef the Admin. I know your time is precious and you do more duties as Staff, but it'd be nice to see the "other" side of you, and I think build the bridge to get to know you better.

- Linking to my first point, I think as with most people and relationships in general, the more you know them, the more you KNOW them. I don't really know you and I do find it hard to read your comments, suggestions or notices and interpret if you are serious, sarcastic etc. While not a bad thing, I think it comes down to the image of "Tefka" is one that can be liked, but feared and/or mis-interpreted at times, and I'd just appreciate the chance to get to know you and your style and humour more along with your writing. It's not important or a requirement from you, but if the chance is there, take it as I know others would jump on it also to mix with you.

- Your effort and work put into the site is superb, and the time you put into making this a fun and constantly interesting place to meet others and write speaks volumes when you see the popularity of the site. I hope you keep up the good work, and continue to take chances and continue to use and abuse us to help you do it.

Moar rapping Vong pls <3

Sitewise, I know I've said it before, please god can somestaff somewhere try and consolidate some rules?

Like I just got hit (very politely, I felt bad I did not know and had to be told!) with the no more than three submissions in any section at any time rule. I really want fiddly things like that to be in one Stickied Rule post in each area. Instead I have to wade through an entire forum of mixed staff/member relevant/irrelevant/outdated threads.

I really love rules. I do. Sometimes I love being that jerk that works around them, but I at least take them into account. I just.. am also lazy. Please make abiding by the rules easier ; ;

But srsly, moar rapping Vong.
Chiasa Kritivaas said:
I really want fiddly things like that to be in one Stickied Rule post in each area. Instead I have to wade through an entire forum of mixed staff/member relevant/irrelevant/outdated threads.
A huge problem I know we suffer from. We expand and consolidate pretty rapidly, with such big areas like the Codex and the Factory, that you are entirely correct.

I know my mental resources are devoted to the event currently, but I'd bet good money once it's over this area of the website (what you've outlined here) will start seeing significant changes in an attempt to consolidate and solve this issue.

It is not a bad thing to want to be lazy about the rules. There will be some give and take. But I wholeheartedly believe, from a member standpoint, that there should be more giving from the rules and less taking from the members - meaning the rules should be easier to find, and less complicated.

I know this isn't a right-now solution but I promise that its not far from reach.

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
The Grapevine told me that our incident had been addressed so while i probably wont be RPing here again, I had to come back to participate in that.

So, that being said, I think you have great potential Tef. The site has fun mechanics and the events take a lot of effort. I will always hold negative reservations about this site and certain people on it, but I will always attribute it to helping me figure out who I am as a writer.

You have done great things and I enjoyed you as a writer and person when I first joined the site. Recently I feel as if you are different now as a pose to then, at least in public eye. Maybe its stress, anger, etc. If so i can understand that completely and I would say you just need to remember why we all do this. Don't be like me and be better at giving advice than actually heeding it yourself.

In summary, I am impressed that you addressed the issue. All I ever truly wanted was for you to recognize the situation for what it was. Thank you for doing that.

For what it is worth I forgive everything that was said between us from the moment it happened to now. Its water under the bridge.

With that, I'm outtie ya'll!
[member="Ozamu Tzang"]

Totally didn't recognize you at first, so apologies if you saw my biting comment.

Yeah, it's been water under the bridge for a while - it's just one of those times where my anger was unjustified. Sorry you took it so hard, but hey, live and learn. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!
@Tefka Red Lobster, might as well give you a good meal

Your pretty good all around, if you weren't you wouldn't have got me to make this place my only Star Wars site i do much on.

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