Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Star Wars RP's "Who would win in a fight?" thread

Alexander Priest

Whatever happened to your little Jedi Mind Trick?
Pretty self explanatory... you can however, pit anyone against anyone, no matter the fandom or character faction.

I'll start with: Who would win in a fight between Darth Vulcanus and Sarge Pottegier at their prime?

Alexander Priest

Whatever happened to your little Jedi Mind Trick?
I'd say Sarge.

Me at my prime (Master rank in the force and a high ranked officer in the Mandos) vs an angry version Vile from Megaman X

This would be an example of what I said in the first post too

Alexander Priest

Whatever happened to your little Jedi Mind Trick?
Junra. Also, try expanding this a little like I did. 3 way fights, known fandom characters, you can use anyone and any amount.

Eddie vs Bowser? They are one in the same in personality and some weaponry... so why not?

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