Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Star Wars Battlefront II

I wonder if they'll go the predictable route of having Iden conclude the Empire is evil and defect to the Rebels.

Or if she'll stay a diehard Imperial and join the First Order in the Unknown Regions.

Stephanie Swail

[member="Enyo Typhos"] I do hope the latter. Everyone always has to turn in these things. Let's keep them dedicated to the end.

Also, I had to laugh seeing social media react to another SW female leading a story. We had Rey, then Jyn, now Iden. Quite a few chumps out there moaning about it.
[member="Stephanie Swail"]i

1. Agreed. Hell, in the Inferno Squad novel, she's a supporter of the death star. So her staying the course would be more consistent. A protagonist does not have to be 'good' or 'sympathetic', just interesting and compelling. Especially since the Imperial realising the error of their ways and joining the plucky rebels is an old trope by now.

2. And, lol, that's terribly amusing and kinda predictable. :p

Stephanie Swail

[member="Enyo Typhos"] I am excited to hopefully see the Imps portrayed as exactly the same as Rebels. Humans following orders behind a cause they life for but deal with the hard times, not just the glory days. That will be really refreshing to see without, as you say, it always ending with the Rebels gaining an ally and cheering as they look to the next "hopeful" battle.

And up the women of SW! It's the turn of the Chaos characters next to take over and lead the way.

Lorik Rygan

I've already figured out which hero I'll be unlocking first.
Haven't done too much of the Multiplayer yet (two Conquest matches); mostly been gunning down the Campaign (No Spoilers here!).

I am enjoying myself thus far :)
It took me four hours to smash through the entire campaign, and I've never been happier with a starwars game in my life. EA have truly outdone themselves. Now to spend the rest of my days finding the perfect sniping points to make those pesky rebels rage through headshots!
So I'm not exactly sure when this was released but for those of you who are as slow as I am to catch on, here is the way through to the rest of the year for Battlefront 2.

First things I noticed?

The Last Jedi DLC (Of Course)
Single Player Campaign Expansion !


Despite the obvious hiccups and bad feedback from the general gaming community, it's good to know there's no Season Pass in on Battlefront II as there was the last.

I'm personally looking forward to seeing what new content they dish out for us and in the mean time, still thoroughly enjoying what we've been given.

I've put in a good few hours over the last couple days and still have maps I haven't seen across the numerous game modes!

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
Stephanie Swail said:
Great feedback so far!

Very excited to get my hands on this.

Also good to hear EA are listening to the consumers about some issues that do seem to take the p**s a little:
They're not really listening. It's a small gesture to "Outdate The Outrage".

The biggest problem, that it takes something like 4,000 hours of grinding to unlock/upgrade everything, is still present in the game.

It's a shame, hear that game's pretty decent outside of it's awful micro-transactions.

Stephanie Swail

[member="Isamu Baelor"] Well, yes, good point. A little glossing over the crap I guess.

People are defending EA et al saying what do people expect from companies now with how much it costs to make games. It's a terrible argument. So now we have to pay £50/$80 a pop for games and then more in-game just to satisfy the cash grabbing fat-cats?

Rememeber the old days when you bought a game and you got it all there and then with free unlocks after beating a certain level or hitting a goal?

Even gaming today is overly complicated.
[member="Stephanie Swail"] | [member="Isamu Baelor"]

TFW you realize Counter Strike: Global Operations makes more money for Steam through micro-transactions than any new Half Life title would make from Valve.

With the millions of dollars that they haul in through these things, we're sort of forced to get used to it.

That said, I still feel like my money was well spent on Battlefront 2. EA has made some questionable decisions but it's been a great time for me, especially after the failure that it's predecessor was.

Stephanie Swail

[member="Veiere Arenais"] (I'll still invest and play this thing to the bone - the pitfalls of being a far too dedicated fan I guess!)

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