Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion STANDOFF | Bryn'adûl Invasion of SJC held Lexrul, Ruusan, Sev Tok & Shador

Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig Gred Mig Gred

"Behind them, the Siege Towers had successfully began to climb out from within the crater, their massive
crowns and the Reavers protecting them from the fire of enemy vessels."

Post #188 from Drek
But.... weren't all the Reavers in one spot. I remember Tathra mentioning they weren't really deployed for great coverage.
Mig Gred Mig Gred

From what I understand, they've ranged elements. They can protect things from a distance using magnetic blasts they 'manifest' either way, I don't think the Reavers are making that big of a difference for the Siege Towers.

Seeing as one of their strengths says its takes a bombardment of high explosive weaponry to be anything but a waste of time in taking them down. So, either way I think its an appropriate response imo.
Aien Mueller

Hey, just saw your post. How exactly does your team have a map of the ship? The ships systems/computers are mind stones - a telepathic alien network. Not something you can hack traditionally.

EDIT: Also, you may have destroyed a conventional engine core - but you should be aware the Errindak is also seperate power source for the ship.
Thanks for the heads up! sad to hear but RL first always!

reminds me to ask who would be the one calling the ‘damage’ on the epitaph; so far it seemed it was Sylok who protected the ship and etc. just so i know who i can expect reaction from and tag goin forward

Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

Aien Mueller

I'm pretty sure I addressed everything that I did properly, if not then please let me know so I can edit.

Aien Mueller

Osam Osam , thanks for the catch! It was there, but for sanity's sake I keep a copy of the loadout on my RP sheet for them on Google Docs. Instead of C&P properly, I hit Control A first pasted it. Thus the unnecessary extra.

Aien Mueller

Aien Mueller would you like any reinforcement?
Maybe provide the distraction to divert more forces away from them as they made their escape? I've pretty much made my last post. Unless you want to reinforce Gir Quee Gir Quee 's position, or help the Marines engage the ship's forces directly (which would provide the distraction as well...)

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