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SSB Auction - Silk Holdings and CEC and Corellian Arms


Arceneau Trade Company

Now normally.... It would be Danger up on the stage about to manage the auction. However, she had a personal vested interest in the goods about to be set up for bidding.

On the massive stage, set up with various holographic models of the items about to be auctioned off, Danger Arceneau gave a smirk as Alisha'ven, the voice of ATC within the Techno Union of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, gave a happy wave to the crowd, her blue skin reflecting the light beautifully.


"Well well well... don't we all have quite the little party going on?!" said the Rutian Twi'lek with a slight drawl, a wide provocative grin across her face that the former dancer learned all too well during her time at Club Ufora on Nar Shaddaa.

Cheers and an excited rush swept through the crowd, and Alisha'ven's green eyes glittered with mischief.

"Now, folk always say about CEC... good ol Corellian Engineering." she gave a small chuckle "There's a saying," she began with a wide teasing grin,"Goes somethin' like this... Corellian engineering. A CEC ship will keep going until it hits something."

More laughter came bubbling round the room, and about twenty or so folk waaaaaaaay in the back gave a massive hollar. Alisha lifted her hand up and pointed over to them, "Guess we know who the Corellians are in the crowd right?"

"Well thirty-three percent of CEC's and CA's Auction proceeds go to the Rhommamool-Osarian Relief Fund -- ain't that mighty kind of 'em? Good to know the man with that envious hat of his is willing to pass on his good fortune."

There was no teasing in that one, it was an honest compliment.

"And then we have Silk. Silk Holdings to be exact," Alisha said, walking across the stage with the hologram models slowly rotating behind her.

She came to a halt, right hip cocking out as her hand went to perch over it. "Silk has a saying also. Space trains, hyperlanes, and ugly freighters." a devious twinkle came to her gaze.

"Ain't that the truth!" she joked, laughing again as she revved up the crowd, before adding with a knowing glint in her eyes, "But we all know Silk Holdings has a deeper meaning than that!" more boisterous laughter came from the crowd.

"Ain't like the Merrill's keep quiet about that!" oh the double meaning was there. For those who could catch it, they'd be giving WIDE grins.

More cheers, along with demands for the auction to start. She gave a wave of her hand, laughing as her expression changed to one of business, that smile still lingering on her face.

"But let's get to the heart of the matter eh?!" in true Vana White style, Alisha'ven gave a wave of her hand and the holographic screen displaying all the goods to be auctioned off with starting bids came to life.

"Here we go!"

Today's Auctions will be the following

  1. Silk Holdings and Consolidated Bacta Ltd.



  1. Corellian Engineering & Corellian Arms

AUCTION - 33% of Auction proceeds go to the Rhommamool-Osarian Relief Fund
  • One Limited Edition Electrum-Plated Aa'kua Landspeeder - 10,000 credits
  • One Custom Myriad-class Corvette - 150,000 credits
  • Exclusive deal for new station - 50,000,000 credits
  • One Mystery Item - 25k
A bearded man in the back of the room made a 200k bid on each of the Jo'henry-class mining vessels and gritted his teeth. And on second thought, he dropped 500k on the Pathfinder as well. 1.5 mil all up, but with what he had in mind, he'd make that money back in spades.

"Five thousand for each of the Echani droids." He had need for such a thing, his treasury was at his disposal so such a thing wasnt problem, and these droids would be certainly interesting creations. He would find their use to be a interesting one.

Siara Kai

Information Broker
Siara only had eyes for a personal vessel that the agent could use -- especially after dealing with Forcers who had managed to tick off the Information Broker.

Thus, Siara, after having saved quite a bit of money during her years of Information Brokering and her contract as CIS's main Intel agent, the hazel eyed brunette placed her first bid.

300k for the Oneiromancer.
Danger, had her eye on a couple of things, but knew it wouldn't be in her best interest to start bidding so soon.

Instead, she gave a wide smile at one of the drink servers, who poured her a glass of three fingers worth of Whyren's reserve. Plucking a cigarillo from a silver case, the buxom vixen brought it up to her lips.

With a smirk, she lit the tip until it glowed a bright cherry red.

All she had to do was wait.



Arceneau Trade Company
  1. Silk Holdings and Consolidated Bacta Ltd.



  1. Corellian Engineering & Corellian Arms

AUCTION - 33% of Auction proceeds go to the Rhommamool-Osarian Relief Fund
  • One Limited Edition Electrum-Plated Aa'kua Landspeeder - 10,000 credits
  • One Custom Myriad-class Corvette - 150,000 credits
  • Exclusive deal for new station - 50,000,000 credits
  • One Mystery Item - 25k

"Annnnnnnnnnnnnn here we go folks! Got starting bids for almost all of Silk's products right away! Do we have anyone interested in the Winter Class? Just staring bid of one-hundred credits folks! And she is a beaut!"

"The customized Myriad Class Corvette is no laughing matter here folks --- known for it's superior modularity, Corellian Engineering at it's best! Are you Bounty Hunter? Perhaps a Mandalorian? This would be the perfect patrol ship for you!"

"That limited edition Aa'kua landspeeder is a beauty, electrum plated --- ya hear that ELECTRUM PLATED! Starting at ten thousand credits!"


Arceneau Trade Company
  1. Silk Holdings and Consolidated Bacta Ltd.



  1. Corellian Engineering & Corellian Arms

AUCTION - 33% of Auction proceeds go to the Rhommamool-Osarian Relief Fund
  • One Limited Edition Electrum-Plated Aa'kua Landspeeder - 10,000 credits
  • One Custom Myriad-class Corvette - 150,000 @[member="Arthur David Hardrada"]
  • Exclusive deal for new station - 50,000,000 credits
  • One Mystery Item - 25k

In true Vana White style, Alisha'ven updated the tallies!

"Got a bidder on the Myriad class folks! Get it now while it is priced so low! Got that exclusive deal for a new station and of course" there was a waggle of browless brows, "Just what is this mysterious item for twenty five thousand?!"
These were the auctions that had brought Domino out to this corner of the galaxy, well that and overseeing her own company's lots. Though now that she was out here there was precious few things that held her interest enough to bid on. Ten thousand each for two of the echani dueling droids, and a quarter of a mill for the Rassilon fighter. That was fifty thousand over the first bid for it. After a few moments consideration she also tossed in thirty for the mystery item, worst case she might get a laugh from it.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
People thought theye were safe, but here Jared was to raise some hell and bid on some puddy he never was going to use anyway. With a smile he entered the room and sat down somewhere in the back, and watched for a while as the biddings went back and forth.

Not a lot of people seemed interested now, but that might soon change when people wake up more.

Finally he decided to bid himself, no use in just sitting here and waiting. His voice rang out casually with the numbers.

"Winter Eagle Transport 1x 150K

The Echani Mimic whatever, I really only need five or so. But let’s make this interesting. 15K each and I want all of them.

The One—you know I am not even going to try and pronounce that. The ship of the famous guy. 500K

The Starfighter with all that those paintjobs? Let’s make that 400K "

For a while he was silent, and then a true laugh reached his eyes. He had been planning on designing a new station, but this might be even better.

"50,000,000cr for that new station, if someone outbids me… I will double it.

Oh and… I am already in a charitable mood, 50K for the mystery item. Maybe it’s a pony, a pink one."
Ordo decided it was worth wasting a few credits to see what had been cooked up by CEC and put up his bid.

"35k for the mystery item from CEC!" He said. He just hoped it was a Sexy Ayden Hat replica.
In Umbris Potestas Est
Thalia eyed over the listings and put in her own bids.

"750k on the Pathfinder, 200k on the Winter Eagle, 250k on each of the mining vessels, 500k on the Oneiromancer, 250k on the Rassilon, 250k for the Myriad-class corvette, 50m for the station, and 25k for the mystery item."

Danger's eyebrows rose high at the quickness some folk were bidding on.

She waited a bit for now. She had her eye on that station.

But she wanted to see who else wanted it too.

Not to mention the jo'henrys.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
There he was, just sitting around and drinking an extra-ordinary appletini when this girl decided to speak. She reminded him of someone... though he did not seem to know her and he was very very proud of his memory.

“I would like to point out that several of those bids have already been posed by my elegant entity. Now, I know that Addition and Subtraction equations are very hard, I usually use a calculator. But I question the Lady's line of credit, if she ain't even able to remember what the other people just have offered.”

Again he took a sip from his appletini, and waved with his free hand.

“Though, I suppose she -did- have a couple of genuine bids.

You can have 250K for the Winter Eagle. The rest of the bids have already been met by me, I might have dozen off while she was blubbering though. So tell me if I missed something.”
Judah wondered who was trying to compensate for what, considering the bids jumping at such numbers. More than likely trying to impress someone in the room, a lady no doubt. Debating his own personal ceiling and what else he had to buy at the auction, the next bid was at hand.

"550k for the Rassilon"
"800k on the Pathfinder and 275k on the Jo'henry's." He said, eyeing off the other potential customer and wondering where she got all that cash. Even as a business owner, credits were hard enough to come by. Shrugging, he sat back in his chair.

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