Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Something funny, something witty

I've been writing Braith for two and a half short months, from which she has gone from being intended as a villain that had been holding the strings behind Silara to semi-benevolent woman trying to get more "down to earth". I'm sure the relationship she is in might seem sudden (it happened a lot more quickly than I expected, but I'm not complaining!) but Braith's character has actually been a background NPC since I wrote Silara as a Knight (right after the latest invasion of Empress Teta) on Abeloth's world. She started as a voice in her head (just go back and read through some of my older RPs from mid-October onward) and when the opportunity presented itself became the character that is presented to you now.

I have no curiosities about the writer (me), please give me any feedback you'd like on the character.

Like her? Hate her? Reasons?
[member="Braith Achlys"]

I wanted to like her, but now I don't like her.

I loathe what she stands for and what she is; manipulative, deceitful, confused and twisted.

I will make her pay one day for what she has done.

I will have my vengeance in this life or the next.

BUT from the writers' view I think she's a wonderfully rounded character with great back-story and I look forward to seeing her develop. And I'd love the chance to write with her in future it fate allows. :)
Connor Harrison said:
[member="Braith Achlys"] Oh you know that little flame called CORVUS.

*lip tremble*
You know, for me being ever-intent on invading into her Rp time, I never once thought that you two were ever trying to be an item.

I am quite beside myself as to how I missed that.
[member="Braith Achlys"] We weren't. Just Connor, who put everything into trying to guide her out of the Jedi closet into the world of emotion and spend time with her.

He wasn't aware of the relationship you both shared over the years, and only now is learning and having his hope and heart smashed into dust.

BUT don't let me derail your thread! Still think you're a fascinating character and a v.good writer.
[member="Braith Achlys"]

I really admire your characters, and the way you write them; friends me, at least, they're hardly ever wooden or as hard-to-believe as a lot of characters sometimes end up being, and thus far they've never appeared to be boring.

But I can never pluck up the courage nor figure out a very good reason to request a thread with any of them ._.
[member="Braith Achlys"]
I honestly thought that you and Corvus were just joking around with OOC flirting up until this week (aka yesterday). I had no idea that Braith and her were actually, legitimately in a relationship.

But since I've discovered this, I have also discovered how fully, wondrously, and surprisingly adorable they are together? I didn't see it coming, but I read through some of that one more recent thread you guys have, and it was just... so flippin' cute. Usually romantic stuff isn't my cup of tea (unless it's shameless fanfiction fluff), yet I found myself really enjoying the (painfully) cuteness of it all. So, uh, good job on that.

In general I've always enjoyed your writing, and this new(ish?) character of yours is no exception. As for reasons, well, I've never been good at explaining why I like something, but I'll try: I've always found that your writing gives a clear picture of what's happening. There's enough detail that I can imagine the setting, the appearance of your characters, and the emotions of the scene. However, you do a good job of not going overboard with the details. It never feels cluttered or overdone.

Furthermore, I find your characters' personalities to be consistent. While I don't know them as well as you do (as is normal), I've never seen anything that stood out as seeming forced, or done just for the sake of getting to a certain plot point. Everything has felt rather... natural. From what I've seen you've avoided abandoning certain qualities of your characters to avoid (or enter) a situation (whether a good or bad one). Maybe I'm mistaken, but if you have done so, I haven't noticed it.

Hopefully that makes some sense. If not, well, oops. I tried.
Darth Vornskr said:
Oh, it's not for me.

And it's not for you.
Not... for you?...
And... not for Braith?...
But that only leaves...

[member="Darth Vornskr"]
Empty bravado does not serve you.

I am curious, however; if one of you suffers intense physical pain, does the other reciprocate the pain through the Force?

Seeing as you're so close and all.

An experiment I must remember to perform.

[member="Braith Achlys"]
Braith Achlys said:
[member="Darth Vornskr"]

Your wife may have had her head removed, but I'll remove both of yours.
Wow... this went to a dark place...



Your character is fantastic btw, brilliantly presented and in the threads I've seen very well thought out and personified by you as a writer.

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