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Slugthrowers vs. Lightsabers...Begin!

*pulls a random answer out of the aether*

I would think that a slugthrower projectile would be more effective against a lightsaber than a blaster bolt would be, if we postulate that a lightsaber beam absorbs some of the energy directed toward it. In that case, it would still absorb some of the bullet's kinetic energy, but would allow the bullet to pass through, whereas the blaster bolt would be completely absorbed and could then be redirected at the blaster wielder.

Or not. :p
Braith Achlys said:
Fun fact: The best anti-lightsaber weapon is a flamethrower or sonic blaster (geonosian style).

Neither are hindered by the containment field of the lightsaber and will presumably wound or kill the person behind it.
Didn't Ki Adi Mundi block sonic bolts from geonosian sonic blasters?

[member="Braith Achlys"]
Dralos said:
Didn't Ki Adi Mundi block sonic bolts from geonosian sonic blasters?

[member="Braith Achlys"]
I actually looked this up because it came up as a question in the factory. From the episode of TCW, I could not find him deflecting them, only blaster fire. I believe he actually moved out of the way several times.
Aldera Antilles said:
*pulls a random answer out of the aether*

I would think that a slugthrower projectile would be more effective against a lightsaber than a blaster bolt would be, if we postulate that a lightsaber beam absorbs some of the energy directed toward it. In that case, it would still absorb some of the bullet's kinetic energy, but would allow the bullet to pass through, whereas the blaster bolt would be completely absorbed and could then be redirected at the blaster wielder.

Or not. :p
The slug is sublimated and partially deflected.
I am just going to leave this here, as it designed to be blocked by lightsabers.
Also some else use a cortosis rounds, in a shot gun to knock it out.

In my opinion, yes they can block, but the bullet would explodes as it become super heated. That would give the next shot a better chance to hit, though as [member="Draco Vereen"] pointed out. Anyone wearing any medium level armour, would be very well protected indeed.

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