Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dev Shadows of Atrisia

Development on Factory, Codex, etc. roleplay.
THe distraction she came up with while Sayuri and Su slept... allowed her to work with Miyoung, Qi and Barca. THey were setting up the various islands to serve a purpose. More so they were using the AI's to calculate where they would need to make artificial ones to complete the idea of a wall or shield island around the palace. It was a welcomed distraction for all of them. THey could plot and plan that out here.. they could look over all of it and there was more of a chance as well... she would be able to get additional towers as Barca pointed out to grid and enclose the airspace. THeir advanced shielding going high up if they used some of the airships.

THe planning was a part of it but the trip was the most important... the travel finishing as the island came into view and they were docking at the hanger itself with everything able to be transferred off of the airship before it was departing quickly. HEr army of handmaidens there serving in various functions from lugging equipment to checking vitals of them all and some were directing the movement of AHri's medical pod. THe tube being taken into the medical area of the palace that was cleaned with nanomachines, polished to a reflection and deemed one of the cleanest areas in the palace. JUnko smiled at that at least as even Sun had come out of her room to join them before returning quickly.
That was the big surprise to the others as Junko smiled at seeing her. The handmaidens had all seen Sun in person at one time or another but knew she rarely wanted to leave her room. They respected it cause she was untouched when running the cybersecurity and intel for them. She wasn't a wallflower either able to send and control the remote droids or patrol walkers that would be able to aid them... in essence, she was plenty useful and able as she was... so coming out like this she embraced Junko and smiled. "Princess." She said it and Junko embraced her. "I was worried when you were there but the more information it seemed like it could be getting worse."

Junko looked at her and gave a nod of her head. "It wasn't the best but you helped a lot and it was smart sending those privateers to aid us... they made it better." That got a nod and smile. The Mirialian was many things, but praising her when they could be important. Even Barca did and she thought the girl in some ways a coward but had come to respect her ability with computers... mostly after she had gotten her a lot of free accounts to watch entertainment in her ship when she was doing solo jobs for Junko and traveling. As with most things regarding Barca, it was all about appeasing her but not being the meek one next to her.
THeir planning had lasted the trip and now as JUnko was walking throughout the palace. Which was always beautiful as the white and black marble was carved and polished. The seams in the walls and floor designed in a way it interlocked so it looked nearly flawlessly as a single piece of marble. The reflective polish and sheen there helps a lot more as they walked. The alcoves of it filled with statues and artwork. Inlaid gemstones forming pictures and some of the finest that they could get here. THere was more as the ones who served in the palace walked around, gleaming jade silks and jewels on their. The temperature perfectly controlled and palace able to be sealed from attacks.

The audience and throne room opened up for her. Beautiful and filled with alcoves where holograms from the other palaces could be seen... each room designed to be the same in each palace. It eased it and made it so they would when communicating all be able to be seen or heard. No danger of it but the rest of the palaces were designed to the one withins tastes. Junko could see some people were there waiting for her as she walked through with smiles to all of them. NOds of the head and they were giving her plenty to lok at as they had brought gifts for her return. She had left some of her handmaidens here to handle the day to day and they did even acting as her but this was a big thing and they couldn't hide her return like normal.
"Welcome back princess." The people who were there bowed to her and offered smiles. THey were presenting themselves and in a line as an audience while Junko went to take a seat. "THank you all." She said it and some of her handmaidens went off to help Su and Sayuri, to help Ahri... some stayed there with her while she sat there in the throne. "I know I had to leave but I also know I left you all in the most capable of hands in this case. So I am glad that we were able to not have big problems." SHe bowed her head as they began to bring problems to her.. and present them. The villages on the smaller islands were always in need but this time sit was mostly from storm damage.

"I am glad that out improvements are holding up and helping you." She said it and they confirmed much of it.. the terraforming tech allowed for them to repopulate the fish they took quickly enough. So it was sustainable while they fed themselves, their village and more so then that they were able to feed millions across the planet and tens of trillions across the stars. The improvements for their building were also holding up.. most of the storm damage was to the docks and roads across the islands.. the hardest parts that would be there to maintain. JUnko sent him to talk with Phaidor who could begin the process for repair and getting them the funding they needed.
There were more problems, some of the people had disputes about trade or land. The areas designated for them to be able to build had been oversold byu a merchant and broker to the point three people had paid for it... but before they could confront and come to an agreement the broker and merchant had vanished. Disappearing. Junko made sure there was something to catch and track the two for facing this but for now the land was in dispute aas records show they all bought it around the same time. It was something a jedi would be brought in to handle as she was seeking the best solution for it and all of them wanted it.

"One for a home, one for business and one to farm... the land seems to be a prime place on the island it is situated at." She tapped her chin looking at them. "We'll have to look into it more, I would say whoever bought the property first." SHe held a hand up to stop the protesting as they didn't have the records so the first sale wasn't available yet. "That being said for now, we will hold it but provide for you each a plot where you might wish to be. A back up and when the matter is resolved we will discuss it all amicably." THere were groans but they accepted her judgement for the moment and besides she did have access to areas of the islands that were more expensiv or fertile.
Junko had more planned as well, they were not just going to make it right for all three of them.. they were going to encourage more for the villagers and the family that they had. A lot of land would be there and she laid out what was going to be happening.. announced some of the promotions and changes. HOw the islands were going to be getting built up and would need a support system. Villagers and families who wanted to serve as farmers, fishers, vassels to the handmaidens running them and adding to the production. A better way for the families to expand and be able to have larger clans after all. THey would be around her island and provide protection but also a means to benefit from the other more advanced equipment.

That seemed to interest many in the hall and they were tasked with spreading the news to the people on their islands as those would be seeing the improvements. Most wouldn't be losing much and those who did would be getting a larger conpensation for displacement... it would also help tie them into what was happening better as her handmaidens offered a chance to advance in the political court with their status... not just have a great amount of credits tied to it with more farming and fishing chances. THere were jobs for workers and those who wanted to cook or clean. She handled more of the porblems as the three went off.
Some more problems had arisen for the people... there were ones who tried to handle things further out from the barriers. Reports coming of some of the larger more dangerous predots being in more numbers but... it was also a good place for the higher levels of fishing... the fish out there could get massive as the largest wasn't quite a whale or a shark it was still considered a fish... just you know the size of a freighter and it made for really good eating if you were able to catch one first off and bring it back home.. the skin was thick enough you could make clothing from it once it was cleaned and it would have a warping colored effect.

She knew they used the bones for the great halls and homes that they made and there was more as the blubber and fats made for good oils to burn on the long nights or could be collected into candles to sell. The scent something spicy to the nostrils. Junko could help them though as they had vessels that would be able to function and could reinforce the hulls of the ships for open waters and the deeper predators just in case. Not making it easier but stun panels that would repel or keep them away would be beneficial. SHe wanted to get one of the fish halls that they couldmake and building a palace from some of the bones like be interesting as well.
Junko was enjoying the idea of what they might be able to do.. her handmaidens were diverse and had talents... each of them would likely design a home a palace on the islands that was closer to their personalities.... Qi likely would have a jedi retreat similar to her own.. Phaidor a place of islanders like Uzeki that showed more fishing and boats... as opposed to Kirano... the Oni Atrisian was not one to be subtle about servants... war slaves whom were taken from those they had defeated and turned into a mixture of serf and shield wall.. something that they could put in the way of enemy fire or something worse.

She knew Barca's plan for a military, Min was well.. Min would likely have some sort of school or orphanage for children... she loved running the social programs to aid orphans that were from the various wars. THe sisters would likely all be in the same place... between the three of them well she hadn't expected such a boon of handmaidens who were different yet united in their goals and ideals.. despite what their parents wanted. The eldest Tripitaka was proof enough of that as she protected them but they were not going to head back home anytime soon.. it seemed they were united in dislike for how the mother treated the eldest sister because she was not her daughter.
THe other handmaidens could and would be able to design various palaces or fortresses. The more military minded ones surely giving way to defensive emplacements... ones like Uzeki she could see making for instance a naval yard as she loved the ships and water. If they had aquatic troopers anywhere it would be from her and they might be able to make some of the more interesting. THey had naval vessels after all and they were large with submersibles so the idea that they might be able to set it up and establish an underwater base was important in many case. THey would also need to get fighters able to come out and aid them in patrolling the skies above and around the palace.

Junko arriving in the massive chambers after a long day and longer trip... she looked at the suspended bed with its massive chains acting like posts. There was the large square of pillows and silks.. the panoramic windows that wrapped around the one side and able to look out upon the garden filled with exotic trees and statues of various women from around the galaxy itself.. the most beautiful with the centerpiece of the fountain being her, Latyuo and Supisy in a massive seashell. The water coming from their hands and behind them as colored lights shined through it in the light from filters. Other statues prepared and standing tall.
Junko was able to use it all to see and prepare herself.. she wanted to look at more of it but didn't have the time yet.. she was preparing herself though. Ahri's tank was being installed and the information about its progress was coming to her. They had flushed it and were refilling it with new bacta. THey were setting up the sensors so that Junko would be able to see any changes or be able to communicate with her. The advanced medical areas of the palace able to be developed and set up in a much better position then on an airship or even in the royal palace. That was just its own wing designed to be the best... this was secured by and for Junko or her handmaidens.

She found a place in her meditation garden to sit and eat some food that had been brought out for her... prepared as a better means to enjoy it all. "We have a fine meal princess, two soups to starts. One for improving your immune system and the other a hearty stew. With bread and cheese crisps. Then a slice of firaxa with jakko beast flank. Served over potatoes and rice. All of it made to compliment with the teas that we have prepared for your as well as the deserts of sweetened cream over a fruit tart of exotic berries from around the galaxy." The chef said it and was looking at her as he bowed to Junko offering a smile.
Junko looked at the food as it was spread out for herself and there was more one set for each of her handmaidens to go around with. THey were all sitting around and the materia of the area formed into the table that would allow all of them to eat and share the meal. even Sayuri and Su came and joined them as the pair reported the successful implantation and transfer of Ahri's medical tube. More so we they went on trying to present a few more bits of information for the various handmaidens who had questions and were bringing all of the information together to form a timeline that would fit and come together for them all.

Junko listened to them and she ate.. the meal was delicious and as always a piece of something that would benefit all of them.. prepared by master chefs from around the Commonwealth itself... they didn't worry about that or the quality of the ingredients... that all went a long way to make it better for them. Their feast was also a better way that they would be abvle to decompress.. the relaxation of the trip back had helped.. the news that the priviteers that had aided them had turned over a few hundred prisoners... sold the vessels and personal effects on to the commonwealth along with intact information databanks also helped them.
Junko was able to see from Miyoung the reports.. the databanks were filled with much more information that was beneficial to them in this case. Junko was interested in where they had been going the most.. it would provide insight if there were more involved.. and lead to more clues if they were lucky. Her mother was doing a lot and Sun had compiled much much more information that they would be able to work with and use.. it would allow them to investigate. Later... for now it was food and then it was making sure that Ahri was okay.. she would have to be able to deal with and provide information that they might not have.

There was also Ahri's ship that was being worked on, overhauls to its supplies and defenses.. they were cleaning it and making sure everything was scrubbed for them. Junko was updating the systems to the latest and Ahri's research vessel would have some fo the best security biots, droids and systems that could be offered... they were not going to have a repeat chance of that as she was also making it so the crew rooms could protect themselves in case of damage to the air recyclers again. No shooting and damaging the life support system to suffocate the crew again. Pressors fields for medical wounds would allow them to hold in blood if they were shot or stabbed while within the ship.
She was debating some other improvements.. the Commonwealth and well Sasori itself which was tied to her family... developed a great many things including some stronger equipment. IN terms of defensive measures it wouldn't be too bad to have a weapon fabricator for them that was tied to their biometrics. The clothing and armor fabricator was proving a popular item for ships as with weapons and armor they could convert entire armories into additional rooms for systems or even make it so a ship could outfit an entire army given time and it would cut down on smuggling weapons or equipment. Just needed to get them the fabricators.

Ahri's vessels would be one of the best in terms of research and with the right things... they might be able to do more. AShe was thinking improvements to the power systems as well as making it so each room had anchorpoints to their own labs and rooms. FOr pocket dimensional engineering. It would fix the connection in that location of the ship rather then a planet which would benefit them as the danger of losing power was getting more and more rare and if they set it up correctly a secondary generator was easily set upwithin the pocket and connected... so it powered itself and maintained itself.
She was sending the information to their lead ship builders and Miyoung would be at it as well... she was one of the top minds as it was when it came to spatiala nd dimensional engineering in the Commonwealth as well as a number of other advanced astral mechanics. SHe would be able to give them a lot of information in terms of what they could do and if done correctly the team working on it would develop one of the most advanced ships in the commonwealth for them. Well behind her own and a few others that they were working on... it was one thing of importance that they developed and overdeveloped many of their vessels.

Junko was able to look at others things coming in and over to them while she ate the food.. the massive spread still showing to them before she mostly inhaled all of it. The others doing much the same and their chefs were showing they had prepared just as much for them. The meal continued later into the night and there was plenty of tea paired with it but they also had wine... well sake... Atrisian rice wine was much better then some of the other worlds she had seen and it gave them enough to enjoy as well. Junko having a small glass of it for herself and a smile on her face as it was warm and went down smoothly without the retching aftertaste.
Junko was able to relax though and the warmness of the win was welcoming.. she didn't need to drink a lot.. just some that went well enough with the food itself. Breathing in for herself she let it all out and was prepared for the moment... they had all finished. The droids were cleaning up and areas of the tables were being set aside for all of them. The handmaidens changing from their robes to more casual outfits while Su and Sauyri joined them. The sunlight was dusking as it painted the sky in different colors... the temperature control of the world designed in the garden to allow them to control that it wasn't chilly out here and they could lounge around.

The glittering lights in the sky also doubled as the anshin mirrored, cleaned up and worked to make it so the display was always beautiful and not blocked out from its barriers and superstructure. The jedi princess finishing the last of her cup while sweet treats were being brought out to them to enjoy. There was more to it as well... there was a beauty as they all sat and remained there. Junko breathign in the scent of fruit and flowers... wine and beauty... but then there was song. THe beautiful sounds of the handmaidens as they were singing to themselves and each other with a chorus mostly Atrisian... hymms in the night to build togetherness and hope for the future.
THe night itself continued and eventually all of them went to sleep as Junko laid out on her massive bed. Two of her handmaidens on either side for general protection and to keep it from being lonely. Junko was allowing herself the time to relax as she slept and if there was any problems then Ahri would be a priority alert to wake her up. The people who had come visiting were able to get a fresh start in the morning so parts of the palace were filled with more people. Her palace staff handling it as the morning sun came up and they had departing airships. Junko woke up in the mid morning to the smells of fried bacon and shredded potatoes that had been crisped.

She rolled over and was looking at a smaller table set up for all of them. A smile on her face though as she slid along the large bed towards the edge and sat there being able to get plenty of the food for herself. Her handmaidens had fruits and foods that they were eating and she joined in. All of it fresh and delicious before she finished and got dressed. There was not much when she was walking through the halls towards the medical area. it was a beautiful section of the palace where it was meant to heal her up and those closest to her.. so it fit as the medical tube came into view with Ahri floating within it. Her eyes opened in the bacta with a nod of her head.
Junko looked at the woman who was floating there... her shorter hair in the bacta slightly suspended and she was able to move with the mask on her face. It was a tighter fit but designed to be the better and sleeker design for all of them. Junko moved to the side of the tank and standing there and took in the sight... the clean room was all white and metal surfaces polished to be reflective with the smell of antisceptic in the air. The place was cleaner then most could imagine and Ahri was looking better as the wound on her shoulder was scabbing over quicker. The veins that had been blackening from infection gone with the purest form of bacta as they were working on improving the healing juice to a level it would be highly purified.

"How are you feeling?" She asked it and placed a hand on the glass as the woman nodded and seeing Su and Sayuri near Junko she nodded her head. Tapping the glass for just a moment but she was ready to get out it looked like.. she wasn't going to be out for a few hours the screens were indicating but it was a nice thought at least. Ahri frowned but was resigned to her fate as she didn't really have a choice about waiting.. she couldn't pop the seals as they were automatic in the event of power loss, timer or damaage they would pop and drain the tank to allow her safety release... but just wanting to get out wasn't an option. SHe wouldn't have been put in if there was a danger to her being scared.
"You can't get out yet... let it cycle and it will automatically release you." Junko said it and Ahri seemed resigned to her fate in the tube just floating there but she leaned back to float in the waters. Junko looking at some of the others beds in there where her team were able to get checked out as well aas her handmaidens. THey were taking things seriously enough for this... but they were also trying to not make it seem overblown that they had been in danger. Junko was glad though that Su and Sayuri were fine medically... emotionally they might be a little worn down and physically they were fit enough... they had just gone through a lot and were harmed.

"How much time until she is able to get out?" Sayuri stood there and was looking ad Junko came over. "ABout an hour, it is going to begin to cycle soon enough and prep her so she will be able to get out and cleaned up. The bacta we have is good and pure compared to some of the lesser strains that have been developed with Tyferria attacked so many times but... still will cling to the body if you are not careful." SHe said it as Su was joining them and the two went to sit on different cots with the medical droids looking them over. THey could be poked and prodded as needed to make sure they were in the best condition as she was certain they would be back to exploring soon enough.
THe time itself then managed to go by quickly for them... all of the tests being done and the medical droids handling things. Ahri getting out of the tube and happily pulling the bacta tube out of her mouth. Then getting herself wiped off so she could sit there and was finished getting checked. Fresh linens brought to her so that she would be able to change. THen she was looking at Junko and standing up. Slightly taller and built before she smiled. Wrapping her arms around the jedi princess with a nod of her head. "THank you." She said it with a smile on her face and was giving her all of the attention as Su and Sayuri came to join her.

The four were embracing again and she backed up out of it a little but stretched. "Oh this feels so much better... I am not stuck in a cramped tube or doubled over on the floor." SHe got a look from Junko and nodded for herself. "My princess, still willing to come after me... at least it gave an excuse for me to be able to see you and meet up with you again. It has been too long." Junko smiled and bowed her head. "Weren't you captured by sith and me and Shoma had to rescue you?" Ahri hugged her again pushed her head into her chest and rocking back and forth as Su and Sayuri were looking at them "Far far too long."
Junko had a look though and all of them were there as she smiled. Just hugging Ahri was enough for a long time and they were able to leave the medical wing of the palace.. the beauty of the garden and openness what she wanted now that she was out of the tube. Junko checking the scabbed over wound with a nod of her head that it was healing better then before. She breathed in the scent of the flowers that were around them and they had brought wishing plants from Endor and planted them here.. with wisties to care for them that would tend the garden and the best part was the plants altered reality around them making the area of the garden one of the more interesting places.

There was food set out so Ahri could have something more then IV fluids and paste to make her better. The bacta impressive but it was not the best when it came to what they would be able to eat. Afterwards she would have to get used to solid food once again. Ahri sat down next to Junko and they were looking over everything there. A smile forming on her face when she devoured the wine that was on offer... savoring the taste of the sugared plums. It was from their valley for healing and it wouldn't alter too much but it would make her heal a little faster and it was infused with the lightside of the force.

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