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Dev Shadows of Atrisia

Development on Factory, Codex, etc. roleplay.
"Maybe after we know Ahri is safe, I know how much you care for her... well for all of us." She said it and had the credit to look bashful as JUnko smiled. "I do and when she is safe and healthy likely at my palace or at the medical center in Jar'kai... I can come and see you." She got a look. "ANd your mother, she says you and Shoma don't come around nearly enough." JUnko debated it as Shoma worked to establish more diplomatic ties off world and work with the senate. "And my mother and father." THeir father being important as well in mot things. The Ike trade empire didn't run itself and nearly all of the merchants on Atrisia were under him.

"He will like seeing you are well, he just returned from his trip to the white pearl and brought a thousand more gemstones... and what looks like a million flowers. The seasons are in full super bloom this year." That got a laugh and she could imagine her father transporting them... the seasonal trade was important to the artisans and crafters and Jar'kai was located in a more arid area without the mountains and variety. SO they paid a premium but it was well worth it. The gemstones well a mixture of taxes and trade more then likely and there would have been a number of other goods mixed in... likely silks and spices.
THey continued to make plans and she would be able to use this time to better improve a few other things... her mood for one as it distracted her from what was happening with Ahri. Io was also always a welcomed sight to behold when she returned and Su was looking at her. "Io is pretty, Lady Ahri told us she was the new chronicler." THe woman stood there though and compared to some of the others... she and JUnko had been formal and friendly but not friends in the past. Still she spent the most time with Ahri out here along with their team. "SHe is and Su, I am sorry about your team." SHe would say it to ahri later but the woman took some comfort from that.

Su nodded her head and came over as Junko embraced her. "Get some sleep princess, I'll watch for any changes and your handmaidens are ready to alert you should anything come up." Junko gave a nod and they were all tired... she had gotten a little sleep but it was mostly while healing so her energy had been going elsewhere. With Phaidor and the others prepared for them to arrive. Miyoung and Qi were securing the sakuna and she knew that Barcaa was likely asleep... she had fought just as hard. The captain of the priviteers had messaged them about the claim of prizes and was bringing them into port at Frisal while prisoners were being sent to one of the detention centers.
She did have to smirk a little on that, prisoner reform was something Atrisia was lacking in for now. THey sought to reform and turn their prisoners into productive members of the Commonwealth first and foremost. THey would have to work them eventually she knew. Establishing a means to better house, educate, care for and release prisoners into the Commonwealth was the main goal with exile being the last resort as can't just send all of their prisoners away from the worlds... wouldn't be fair to the rest of the galaxy. "Looks like everything is in order." She said it to herself while going into Ahri's room and she laid down in the large bed.

SHe was able to sleep and had at one point been joined by the remaining researchers from Ahri's crew. A large puppy pile of limbs aand looks when she woke up but there was an added comfort to it and what they were doing. Junko shifted and Su and Sayuri were there smiling. "Morning." THe one said as the other looked at her. "Relative morning." The ships internal AI was displaying that they had reached Atrisia and been guided to the medical facility with the Sakuna. THe Handmaidens were there and had elected for them to just sleep which only bothered Junko because she hadn't realized how tired she actually was.
As they all started to stir and wake up the Handmaidens were helping the others minorly... Junko was their concern as they slipped her out of her frumpled kimono and into a new set of robes. Looks and nods on their face as they went around. No one needed to speak when the group was exiting the ship in the palace hanger. They knew what to do and Ahri was being rushed to the medical facility under escort. Phaidor was there with a look of concern on her face though when they arrived. "We have all of the information and... well not nearly as many traitors... a few far flung relatives who may have owed something to a patron uncle... but they seem to have no sympathies."

That was a good thing in her opinion and she could work with it... she preferred that they were not unwilling but were not influenced by emotions in it.. just business or honor for someone who wanted them to recommend people. IF there had been real problems the Atrisian government would have dealt with them accordingly as needed. Junko nodded as she was going into the palace. THe rest of her handmaidens were there, several guards including Nari and the Emperor and Empress with their guards and attendants. Grim looks became joy and the empress came over and embraced her. "AH JUnko, you are safe."
She embraced the empress and nodded seeing her mother and father there as well. Even her mother looked... happy as much as she could. Her father was prepared for a number of other smaller things at least so that would help. "I am, we all are and thanks to Ahri's message it sounds like we stopped something before it could really start and try to take a foothold." There were nods of agreement to that and her mother spoke. "It was a plan from their perspective of grand importance... in truth it was so far in its own infancy that they had no hope once the newer defenses that are being worked on would come online."

SHe looked at her mother and frowned a little. "THank you mother for it regardless but on the ground there seemed to be a lot." THe woman stood there and nodded. "No doubt given the equipment that they were going after there was more forces dedicated. The small groups that have been found recovering equipment that had killed their teams... were not a threat. Of course we did have the benefit of nothing of importance in the locations to preserve once you gave us your information." She said it and it was casual for her to talk about such things. "The generals of Fiendsfire handled the few who had helped them knowingly... the ones tricked were treated less severely."
She looked at her mother and the woman was always serious as she was able to get out of the grip of the empress with a smile on her face. "Thank you mother." She moved over there and embraced her.. the woman wasn't asking for it.. didn't prompt it but she never was one to do that even when her and shoma were little. So this went a long way as she opened her arms and wrapped them around her. HEr father was much the same but came over as he oversaw so much of the Commonwealths trade her was a perfect fit. SHe was embraced by the pair of them and finally it ended as the Emperor looked at her and nodded.

"YOu have done well, a plot like this in its infancy is easier to handle then if they had managed to attack or infiltrate." THe emperor was pleased which was good for her and the others. JUnko offered a bow and smile with her handmaidens. "Ahri and Barca did a lot. One to uncover the plot and the other to get the communication logs of the enemy vessel." The Emperor turned and looked at the larger handmaiden. "The Mandalorian has served you well as I understand it." She stepped forward at his hand and Junko nodded. "She has, brave, honorable and skilled as a warrior despite her indulgences in wine and women.... usually excessively."
The emperor laughed at that though and motioned for her to come forward with a look. "There are many types of warriors, enjoying wine and women while maintaining her skills and not being aa drunk lay about... I can respect that." He said it and stood at the same height as her imposing compared to many others and Junko realized how large the emperor had really been compared to the rest of them. "Handmaiden Barca, if I were to offer you a title here on Atrisia for your years of service to the Imperial family. Would you be able to accept it? Such a thing would bring you closer to the Commonwealth and possibly away from your clan."

THe mandalorian stepped forward and remained there as she removed her helmet. The shorter hair and mythosaur tattoo under her eye that looked like a teardrop was an impressive sight. "My clan travels around the galaxy emperor. We don't have a singular home and the mandalorians are complicated now there is aalways a handful laying claim to the title of Leader or you have groups like the enclave who are attacking anyone cause they want a fight. So moving away from them and showing we have honor and respectibility will be important going forward." She said it as best she could and the emperor raised a hand placing it on her shoulder.
"THen Barca, Handmaiden of the princess and warrior of the mandalorians. As Emperor of Atrisia and its colonies. I would bestow upon you the title of Lady in the court with the responsibilities and privileges that it brings." HE said it and the empress clasped a tiny hand on her shoulder offering a smile and bow. "You have done and served well Lady Barca. Continue to do so." THe Mandalorian was as Junko noticed standing a little taller at that... or maybe it was because next to the emperor she was the same size while with everyone else she was always taller and broader. JUnko bowed same as her mother and father as the princess came forward.

"Congratulations, Lady Barca.... I guess this means you are going to want your own place now filled with hundreds of serving girls?" Junko was saying it as a joke but the woman seemed to be thinking about it. "I can have that?" THe princess laughed. "Yes in a way though you would need something to sustain all of them credit wise. Which would be awkward since I say you as my handmaiden but there is a chance it could be worse off for us." Barca was walking with JUnko after embracing and shaking hands. "Well I don't know about hundreds... but I do enjoy the idea of my own armory or fort that will let me test equipment."
JUnko looked at her and the idea of Barca being a Lady of Atrisia... able to hold court... have subjects in her own domain.... scary thought... like really scary. Junko could admit to that... she wasn't certain how the woman would handle such things but there was the very real chance that she would fill her court with military women... a fortress dedicated to fighting wouldn't actually be such a bad thing. THey could use one of those in the islands which would likely be where she wanted to set up. THere was the mandalorian clan on Atrisia but Barca was right... her clan traveled and didn't travel in the same circles of the other mandalorians from the enclave.

Still thinking about it and the danger of giving Barca the power to have an entire place she would no doubt fill with female warriors from Around Atrisia... well there was also the chance she would settle into it... make it into a powerful force for them and much like with Latyuo and Supisy there was a lot that the three offworlders were showing in terms of loyalty. "Congratulations again Barca." She said it and looked up at the woman who was standing there and they continued towards the palace with her standing a little higher. "When we have the time, we'll find you a domain to oversee and come up with what kind of place you wish to control."
Barca seemed to perk up at the idea of being in control... maybe not for the best but at the same time she knew how to lead a team.. a fortress or military sanctioned facility might be larger then she was used to but there was always the chance she wouldn't just rise to it but also thrive in the chance. Questionable if she would adopt them into the mandalorians of her clan but they would cross that bridge when they came to it. Barca was elated as they were walking and she was taking in a lot of what they had here.. she could see allof the different people who had come out to congratulate her now that the news had broken.

Which as Junko was thinking of it once the report had been given was likely the first thing done... the Emperor wouldn't make a hasty decision but he also wouldn't drag it out and waste too much time debating it after the thought first came to him. HE likel,y discussed it with the empress and himself for a moment but there was a greater chance that he let some people know and Barca was happy as she stood there looking at all of the different Atrisian lords and ladies who had come out to greet and congratulate her. A smile wide on her face when there were Keisai congratulating her and Keisai Girls who were easier morals and standards then the Keisai normally but they were sanctioned by the group so long as it was clear they were not Keisai.
Barca seemed to be enjoying herself with it though.. she had the chance to enjoy the moment. Junko and her moved through as she went off towards the medical area and Phaidor joined them. Miyoung congratulating Barca as Su and Sayuri were standing there in the medical area. Tested and recovering with an IV in their arm but they were able to move around. Ahri was still in the bacta tank but her status was almost fully recovered. "IT was not pretty but she should be alright." THe doctor said it as he was showing the status he could show without privacy. "Whatever the kanzer coat their weapons in is a nasty combination of bacteria."

Junko looked at him and she knew she had been stab but she didn't know that thehy used poison. "A poison?" SHe asked it while the doctor shook his head. "No, this is slower acting... likely a combination of foreign fluids that will infect the blood and cause a lot of pain with exposure or it being able to reach the body. IT is why she had such a high fever as her body was trying to burn all of it out." HE looked. "But your healing in combination with the bacta will help it.. she might be stiff for a few days though.... and lots of bed rest and soup will help in most cases." Junko nodded and she could manaage that. "THen if she can be we'll transfer her to my palace."
THe doctor looked at her and nodded. "I will set it up Princess so if she gets to the points transfer is safe we will be able to begin the process." Junko nodded and it was a better answer then she could hope for... just needed to be patient as she debated what they would be able to go and do now for the moment. "THank you, I am sure she will like being able to wake up in a familiar place." There smiles were all around as Su and Sayuri were there and ready for her. Present in the other room as the rest of her team was there. Two others that wer new. Ofuji and Mujumi. Both pretty and smart like the rest up them but they hadn't been on the ship at the time it was attacked.

The four of them were getting on the airship with Junko and Barca who had attracted the attentions of a few court ladies and soldiers who seemed to want to be around her new position. Junko letting them come if they behaved while on the airship and didn't inturrupt Barca's duties. THey agreed and the trip was easier going as Junko sat there looking at the smaller islands off the coast of her own. "PIck one, they are all able to sustain a fortress and we would establish the initial equipment so you would have fabricators and power generation." Barca seemed to be thinking about it and she went for the mid size one... not the largest but it had clearly more rocks and areas to have tactical advantage.
Barca was looking at it for that reason though as she pulled up a hologram of it. "Hmmm this would tactically be the best and this area here with the right combination of emitters could become a semi private and enclosed beach most will never see... except all of the ladies in my service." That had more of a grin for her while they would be able to go further along. JUnko laughing a little though as she was prepared for it. Pulling up some other parts. "IF we section here off with hydroshielding under the water and move some artificial rocks along the coast it can become more secluded. Tactically it would also be able to house cannons to defend your palace as well."

Junko was looking at it and see her perspective with a nod. The smaller islands around hers could be turned into shield islands which would benefit her in the longer run. From shielding projectors to cloaking and even better alternate launch sites for airships. WIth their new tunnels they could set it up better as well. Junko being able to appoint her handmaidens as ladies in her court in charge of their own islands was also something that could be highly beneficial. It would secure a lot of influence, draw praise as well as allow them to consolidate resources since the officials in charge of allocation of supplies didn't like one person having a lot of things even a princess.
"The tactical chances of it are one thing but as part of building and fortifying your palace princess we need to look at all of it. Since we can't have the benefit of the walls of the major cities... we develop islands around real and artificial. That can double as key points of defense with shielding generators, towers and deployable fighters as well as soldiers. We can set it up better so in case there is a danger there is a visible response as well as the new smart roads that use the underwater ocean floor to get back to the islands. With the right reinforcements and construction we can have a honeycomb of tunnels under it connecting to the main island."

Barca was thinking tactically and presenting a larger plan among all of it.... and Junko liked it. IF they made all of it work out properly then they would be able to better handle threats that might appear as well as any that could come without them seeing it. A honeycomb among the islands that would allow them to have safehouses, supplies and most importantly reinforcements at the ready to respond would serve well enough since they didn't have the massive walls of the cities or some of the palaces. THey had natural defenses in the canyon and isolation of the island and the smaller ones around it. THey could use that and continue to improve upon it.
Junko was looking at the design of the islands and intended results as they had been talking and tactically it was smart but it also allowed for plenty of other things. "You just want to be able to have your train of women from the mainland and the islands able to come whenever you request them?" She said it and Barca grinned as she seemed to be thinking about it. "Can you imagine... just being able to sit there and the women come to me with goblets of wine... oh yes this could be easy... for a week and then I would likely want to go out and shoot something or fight but when I return oh the enjoyment that shall be had with all of it."

Junko shook her head as she listened and leave it to Barca to get bored with what she wanted which was a palace full of women all there for her... well it made sense. She was a fighter and liked the chase in most cases it was why she was in the arena and not entirely worried about the credits. The princess found a place to sit as Ahri was being transferred onto the airship with Su and Saayuri there to observe. "Thank you for this princess. Lady Ahri will be thankful as well though the others might not want to come. THey have their families to go and see Ofugi already took off but she is coming back as they used her family to get in touch about the job and she is worried."
Junko didn't know that part, no doubt if her family had been implemented more her mother wouldn't have let her leave until she knew the connection if there had been any... which was good though she was likely being observed by the dreamguard and blackguard... Ofuji was quite sure but she was loyal to Ahri and her team she wouldn't have been likely to put them all in danger. "If you want to go and see your families, I will understand." She said it and they were looking at her for a moment. Then Sayuri shook her head. "My family is fine, they haven't liked seeing me when I return since I don't want to get married or settle down yet."

Su said much the same in that regard.. they didn't hate their families nor did they not plan to have a family but they wanted to be financially secure first and prepared for what they might be able to do. The airship filled with her handmaidens who were getting along fine enough for now. No injuries and the all returned from their tasks. "Sun, how are we looking for medical facilities?" SHe said it and the image of the handmaiden came up. "We are good princess, we have it set up so Ahri can be transferred quickly and will be in comfort." SHe offered a smile. "THen we have rooms prepared for your guests as well so they will be close and can visit her."
The two gave nods as it was acceptible enough... leaving from the capital city via airship would take a few hours... more then a few in some cases and they were able to work with that. Presenting much of their data and information Sayuri was giving more information about what had led them out there and why they were hired initially... the prospect of investigating the temple moon that had been lost... of getting information about the kanzer and their allies... or servants depending on how you looked at them or the unknown regions within that gap itself. It was all prospective to some and would be invaluable if you were trying to chart the area of space.

Junko was listening to it and there was something there... Sayuri wasn't hiding anything or omitting information if anything she was telling them more then they needed to know but she wanted to make sure it was clear they didn't know in any regard what had been happening. THat was fair enough and she could respect that while Suwas showing data that they had managed to collect from the imperial warships used in the reconstruction of it. Whatever was on it originally or its original purpose they had not found but the armory and main hold of it had been preserved... a large collection of weapons, walkers, droids... all of the things you needed to launch an attack.
Junko was getting a better idea of it as well.. something that they would be able to improve upon and if anything they could use this... send teams to intercept them if they could learn about other possible caches of weapons, or equipment that they might be trying to go after. IT would take an expanding strike team and they would have to work on it but it was entirely possible in her opinion. Might be something to get her growing list of offworld contacts. Latyuo and Supisy might have some ideas... so she would handle that and present it maybe. Or Barca would be able to get her clan if they wanted to since several of them do search around the galaxy.

Junko was looking at some of the other things they had as well. Barca had plans... she had ideas and the other handmaidens might be able to give some tactical areas... if they used the surrounding islands of her main island for the handmaidens... Barca was right... they could do a lot more and the varying degrees of use would also fit them. A research facility for Miyoung that would serve as a home lab could benefit them as she often worked on outlandish theories and ideas but her dimensional engineering came in handy. Kirano might be able to give them some ideas for military and there was Phaidor who enjoyed gardens.
Junko knew there were others.. likely the sisters would want a palace of ice in the middle of the tropical islands.. they loved the north but disliked their family aside from each other. Between their mother who was practically abusive to the eldest and forcing the other two to do any number of things and their father who while a good man didn't leave the main fortress and avoided going home... she understood after meeting his wife. The woman made it insufferable so... there was a benefit that all three wanted to serve with her to escape them. While Min and Qi would likely go for the more simple in scale and size places refined like a jedi temple.

Junko was looking at more of the islands and planning to give her handmaidens the chancce to really choose it. If they wanted to they could get the various islands around the palace island for their own private use. TO have a home away from home as it were and she would support it as they had family or retainers in their own households. The airship making good time as it was going over the waters and the effort son the planet to populate and clean the waters were coming along. More and more she could see schools of fish, clear almost as crystal waters and it was beneficial for the larger native creatures of the planet as whales were in pods traveling around.
There was always more as well... not all of the waters could be cleaned and the deeper oceans needed that bacteria below... but the murky depths of Atrisia were vastly different and with the right chemicals they were able to make organic compounds that adapted and altered but then would breakdown in the bodies and become largely harmless once they had managed to run their course. SHe knew that there was more to it though and with theinr cousins who could explore the depths easily enough it went a long way as they could test it... the advanced cloning and terraforming fisheries, aviaries and other means to grow food and release it on the world had proven effective.

THeir other terraforming efforts had gone a long way.. the weather and atmospheric controls would allow them to develop as they needed for the islands... and she knew they could even if they wanted to have one encased in snow in the middle of the ocean and surrounded with harsh sun... or use them to shield from storms if they were really working on it. The hydrostatic shielding able to protect from storms or predators and in lieu of massive walls they needed to be able to improvise... so artificial islands that would be used was going to be the best way to go if they were lucky or prepared... she had other ideas though for them.

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