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Approved Starship SF-068 "BIG FURY" Starfury Heavy Assault fighters.

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Remain steadfast and you are never without hope

  • "NOT AS MANEUVERABLE AS THE LITTLE BROTHER BUT CAN STILL GO" - The engine's unconventional design not only increases maneuverability but the defensive posture of the fighter as well. A Starfury can quickly rotate 180 degrees by firing two of the "forward" engines and fire on a foe "at her six" and rotate back continuing her path or simply go in the new path she was set on with this change. Strafing runs do not require "lining up" with this engine design. The "Big Fury" can do much the same, but has more mass to it so rotations are noticeably slower, but still there.
  • SPACE SAVER - Can be disassembled into three components for relatively easy storage.
  • NOT A "PAPER TIGER" BUT A "GLASS JAW" - The main problem with being so maneuverable is that the hull is "one and done". Even when the cockpit ejects there are no maneuvering thrusters. The "Big Fury" is not dead in the water after one shot, but you will not last long compared to a Sovereignty.
  • "YOU'RE STUCK UNTIL SOMEONE PICKS YOU UP" - With no equipped hyperdrive these are definitely "short-range" fighters.
  • "GNATS ON A RONTO" - As maneuverable as they are, these fighters are really of little to no good attacking larger capital ships unless en masse. Even with the GDAMN bombs.
  • "OHHH I'M GONNA BE SICK!" - The strength of this fighter is also the primary problem. For the uninitiated pilot, the centrifugal forces are horribly disorienting to those not trained and "checked out" after an extended training period.
The Starfury is a fast, extremely maneuverable fighter. Originally designed to be a fast attack fighter/interceptor capable of firing on and at any angle. The tests did not work out, with the limited firepower capabilities the starfighter proved unable to commit extended damage, and the comparatively fragile hulls made the R&D change their strategy. Over time the designs changed until the idea of increasing the maneuverability even more brought them to the idea of adding four Ion engines firing "reverse". This increased capabilities across the board. Soon the primary purpose of the Starfighter was to provide "Defensive Screens" for stations and larger capital ships. The shakedown flights proved to be a serious problem as the pilots were not "test" pilots. They were not prepared for the effects of the turns and rotations they were ordered to employ. There were two fatalities. This changed things further and created a training program designed for experienced pilots to apply for. This was not an "elite" fighter, but it took some added education and preparation. "A step forward to take a step back" you might say. The "Big Fury" takes things one step further and make this an assault ship. It is not as strong as say a "Sovereignty" class, but it will get the job done in a pinch.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Liram Angellus Liram Angellus

Nicely made, however this is more than Average armament, it is High or Very High. And the defences also more than Low. Shields, Nightshadow, recharging shields, it is also High. So please delete some armament and defences items from your lists, or modify the ratings in your submission which will reflect the Armament and defences more.
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