Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Seek Our Way [Chiss Revivalists]

Seeker Facility

Sila walked through the facility with only the beam of a flashlight lighting the way. She had to get the power back on somehow. No use in trying to get the movement going under the illumination of one flashlight. Once the power was back, she'd be able to prepare the rest of the camp. The silence was eerie, but Sila was too determined. Her own thoughts filled the silence. She found her way to the electrical room where she searched through several panels, moving wires around.

"If I can just get the backup generators working, I'll have power for a few days. Long enough for people to have seen my message and make their way here. I'll need the help to get the solar panels up and running again. Just a few more adjustments..."

Sparks ignited as Sila brought the last two pair of cut wires together. Light's throughout the facility began to flicker on. Some remained dead, however. The generator's could only power up so much. Sila took a seat in a nearby chair and exhaled sharply. The light's coming on were a beacon to a path forward. Unfortunately for her, there was no time to rest. More preparations had to be done. She tossed her flashlight into her backpack and made her way back to the main entrance. Her ship was stocked with several crates of food. With the power back on, the kitchens would be suitable for storing food. She had only hoped someone got her message.
Sila Sila

Just as Sila would be exiting the main entrance, a familiar Cssin'rt'ust-class Infantry Transport was touching down nearby to her own ship. It came down easy, not in a rush or anything. It seemed old, with only minimum maintenance. It was transmitting old Chiss Ascendancy Friend Foe signals, although it was unknown if that mattered. Once it touched down, the ramp opened up almost automatically. A minute or two later, Teorme was walking down the ramp with a crate in his arms.

If Sila was in view or not, he would begin making his way to the main entrance. If she was there, he would introduce himself, otherwise, he would wait until he could. "Greetings, I am Kiritt'eorm'exono. My father was in the Chiss Expeditionary Defense Fleet, and he was a survivor long enough to train me to fight. I have no rank, but I have created a Family, myself, who are also willing to support the rebirth of our nation." He spoke with a weighted voice, as if it was hard to speak. He felt intimidation by Sila as he was an outsider to his own people, and she more than likely had rank, history, and honors, unlike him. The subject of the discussion was also heavy and sorrowful.


Everything, anything, for science.
Location: Theartarra; Seeker Facility
Time: 1700 Hours
Tags: | Sila Sila | Teorme Teorme |

“Medical shuttle Resurgence requesting landing codes from facility. Repeat, Medical shuttle Resurgence requesting landing clearance.”

Only silence emanated from the console, prompting the dark skinned man to turn, looking back at where the Chiss doctor sat with a frown. “Are you sure this is a good idea, Aaaine? I’ll put us down, but I don’t like the silence.” Deep red eyes regarded Alecari with a deep conviction, giving him a slow and pointed nod. If the doctor had any flying skills of her own, she might’ve left the Red Coat behind. But he had already shown himself to be capable enough, enough so that she trusted that he would be able to get her out of trouble should this whole meeting go as horribly as she expected.

“No, I am not. Putting a large number of idealists in the same room can lead to some..interesting results.” A small smile cracked the edges of her lips, a singular eyebrow perking up as she stood. “We would know, wouldn’t we?” She turned, moving to head to the back of the shuttle, where a number of crates, stuffed full of medical supplies, were stacked floor to ceiling as well as pair of B-1battle droids stood, powered down. “Just be careful down there, will you? Magent Karaay Magent Karaay will have my head if anything happens to you.” The gruff, deep voice called from the front just as the shuttle touched down on the surface.

Pushing the controls near the ramp, it began to lower until pressing down onto the soft, rocky surface. Instead of acknowledging her pilots grip, Aaaine instead turned to the cockpit and nodded to the pair of droids. “Get these things up and working, find out where they’re keeping their supplies and unload the shuttle. Just make sure everything is labeled clearly.” Satisfied, trusting that Alecari would handle the task more than adequately, Aaaine took a few moments to gather themselves.

A quick adjustment of the labcoat underneath her jacket, a few steadying breaths taken, and the Chiss whom had never grown up among her people, stepped into the lion’s den. Whether or not she would be eaten alive, or find her place, time would only tell.

A voice in the dark.

It was what Rakom had been waiting for.

What he had been raised to wait for.

He had never met his parents, except via holo-recordings. Ghosts who had risen from the dead to tell him their hopes and dreams.

To tell him his legacy.

They had placed him in a basket and set him adrift in a river of stars, as if he were a character of myth. Then he'd been raised by wolves. Nurturing wolves, to be sure. They'd suckled him, shown him how to walk, taught him how to howl. How to hunt. How to kill.

He could still remember the first time he'd seen the Legacy of the Chiss. A simple-enough looking metal box. Five feet tall, five feet across. One-hundred and twenty-five cubic feet of internal volume. Not much room for the treasure of an entire race. But the jewels within were nearly microscopic. The container could have held twice as many. Even while it was a miracle, it was also tragedy. So many more could have been saved, if there had just been more time.

Sometimes Rakom imagined it. The ships visible in low orbit, in the skies above the homeworld. The clash of titans- bursts of light- blasts of destruction. The brave Chiss who had elected to remain. The fearful Chiss who could not escape. The bold and the brave shared a grave with the weeping, frightened masses. A crash from the heavens. A world stabbed into its heart.

A people lost.


Not all were slain. But too many. Far too many.

Now they were a dispersed people. A people finding their way in a hundred places, enduring a hundred tasks that were anything but their true calling. Chiss, who could no longer be Chiss. A people who had forgotten how to Hope.

But Rakom had not forgotten.

He had been born to Hope.

To Believe.

And now it had come to pass, as a voice in the Dark. Like the clarion call of Angels, summoning the faithful to a Holy War.

Come. We are waiting for you.

"I do not know this place.," he said from the controls of his ship, "Why is it listed as an astronomical object and not as a world?"

The metal golem standing beside him in the cockpit answered in a deep voice, "It does not lie specifically in any system, but sits at the midpoint of a multi-star complex, held by numerous gravity wells and illuminated from various points. It was Chiss practice not to catalog something as a planet unless it orbited a star."

Rakom nodded, watching with interest as the world swelled beyond the cockpit window. Sentai was an SN model training droid, and had been responsible for the majority of the young Chiss' education after he'd attained ten years of age. His parents had left behind a plethora of skill chips that could be slotted into the droid to teach him every subject a youth should know. Politics. Business. History. Language. Piloting. And of course, Combat.

"Sensors are showing a structure," Sentai noted, "According to historical records, it is a Sky Walker training facility. There is a mining field nearby. And once, there was a carnival."

"To receive a signal after so long," Rakom said, "it must have been idle for decades. But now, a leader has come. And they have called to us."

"Be wary, young Master," Sentai cautioned. He had called Rakom 'young master' his whole life, and didn't seem inclined to adjust that now that Rakom was an adult of over thirty years. "This could very well be a trap."

"You think everything is a trap," Rakom scoffed.

"That is why we are still alive," Sentai pointed out.

They were a mere minute away from the facility, now. Sensors showed that another Chiss transport was here, as well as a shuttle. Rakom reached out to activate his own transport's long-dormant Friend-or-Foe identifier transmission. A Chiss code that hadn't seen use since the destruction of homeworld.

That accomplished, he brought the ship slowly down into the barren field beside the facility.


Teorme Teorme Sila Sila Aaaine Aaaine
This was ridiculous, Plikh'ala'niu thought as he gripped the steering yoke even tighter. Coming out here to Theaterra, throwing away his good life in the GA, and for what? A slimmer of hope? Who knew, maybe the former captain had been tricked by some prankster who thought it was a good idea reopen the wounds that many Chiss around the galaxy felt, no doubt, for their homes' destruction. Or worse. A trap could be waiting for him on the other side of hyperspace, and he knew that in this small, fragile shuttle, he wouldn't have a chance to get away.

But maybe that was the old Khalani. The captain in the GADF that was contented with climbing the rank ladder among hundreds of others. The Chiss that was happy with his life patrolling trade routes for any signs of pirates (which were rare). That old self was trying to claw its way into Plikh'ala'niu's mind, seeding doubt and regret in fertile soil.

Light flashed outside the canopy, and Khalani's hopes suddenly came to fruition. Theaterra loomed before him, not merely an "astronomical object" as it was called, but a symbol. The Chiss would not be seperated or annihilated. They would rebuild what was once great, no matter how difficult the process might be. And Plikh'ala'niu would be a part of this reconstruction.

The shuttle swooped down to land beside an E2T medical shuttle, rattling slightly as the aging repulsorlifts ensured a soft touchdown. As the Chiss powered down the ship he leaned back in his seat, taking a moment to absorb the gravity of the situation. The Chiss Ascendancy had a chance to rise from the ashes. He chuckled to himself, pushing out the last of the regret he harbored for leaving the GA. Even if there was just a slimmer of hope, he owed it to his parents and friends, who had perished on Csilla, to try and help this cause.

Khalani rose from the rickety captain's chair, slapped the release button, and walked down the boarding ramp. Time to see what this was all about.

Teorme Teorme Aaaine Aaaine Sila Sila Rakom Rakom


Brask'ari'sabosen (retired)


At first, after receiving a holomessage out of the blue from Alis'ila'miurani - a Chiss name she had not heard of in a very long time, Brask'ari'sabosen had totally dismissed the invitation to join the woman and other Chiss survivors on Thearterra to discuss building a Chiss Revivalist Movement. But after much discernment, the leader of the Sabosen family thought it wise to go for herself and see what this so-called movement was all about.

Steady hands deftly flew the SoroSuub Horizon-class Star Yacht as it descended down through the atmosphere of Thearterra towards the location of the old seeker facility where young Chiss Force-sensitivities were trained back in the glory days of the Chiss Ascendancy to navigate ships rather than have to rely on nav computers. It was a magical thing to watch as many a time Brask'ari'sabosen had witnessed while serving with Admiral Mitth'orn'eruod, her husband, upon his command vessel both with the CEDF and First Order Navy.

But those were memories of the past best left there as the present and future to be were the highest priority for the seasoned Chiss as she chartered the destiny of House Sabosen; who had once been one of the Four Ruling Families of the last Ascendancy and given the responsibility for the social issues of their People such as justice, health, and education. She herself had chosen the path of medicine and still today practiced as a physician and surgeon along with her leadership duties.

Destiny's Flame followed the beacon in, then touched down at the facility that had seen better days next to a couple of shuttles, one of which looked like a medical one. Alone, Brask'ari'sabosen ran a quick security scan of the area before exiting the safety of her ship. On the face of things, this did not appear to be a trap... But If this was, she would find out soon enough.

Proceeding with caution, the Chiss doctor entered the building and followed an illuminated corridor further inside to where voices were coming from. She was wearing her standard traveling outfit: a white jumpsuit with a matching hooded cloak, knee-high boots, and a pair of gloves. The only adornments added were a holstered Chiss charric pistol slung low off her shapely right hip and a medpac attached to her utility belt on the left. Practicality had always been a strength of Ari's over the years - no more, no less.

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"My name is Dr. Alisilamiurani. I have come to Theartarra and taken refuge inside the old Seeker facility. I am sending this message out in search of hope. Hope that my people are out there surviving and thriving. Hope that my people have not forgotten their home despite it's tragic destruction. Hope that we all remember where our true allegiances lie. The Chiss Revivalists remember. We will rebuild, brothers and sisters, The Chiss Ascendancy needs you."

Bernu'mat'manadu- or simply Matma Bernu- gripped his chair, watching the message played in a loop as the landing shuttle deployed by the Reckoning broke through the atmosphere , Theartarra- and the Seeker Facilitylooming in the viewport as, the Hellions scampering about. "Are you sure that this signal is legit?"

"Aye, sir- transponder codes match to old Ascendency codes. Codes we haven't seen...", the officer stated, trailing off as his jaw tightened.

Not since the Cataclysm. But now this message comes. A message of...hope.

Matma nodded jerkily.

"Prepare to disembark, then. We shall see what this Dr. Alisilmiurani has to say."

Snapping a salute, the officer turned on his heels, barking orders as a landing party coalesced, leaving Matma to his thoughts.

Teorme Teorme | Sila Sila | Aaaine Aaaine | Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) | Karisa Karisa

The Sapphire Soul set down on the surface of Theartarra.

The ship had an odd parking stance. Most of its weight was in the aft of the vehicle, allowing it to set down on two thruster pods' landing pads, with the rest of the structure seeming to defy gravity as it projected above the landscape. An example of cantilever architectural properties of which the Chiss were often fond. Asymmetry was an aspect of their cultural aesthetic, manifest in surprising and subtle ways. Asymmetrical principles did not blanket their art, but it was often present as a stylistic flourish. Or so Rakom had been taught. He had little artistic sense, himself.

But if a flair for asymmetry was an aspect of the Chiss, it might serve them well now. They were in the ultimate asymmetrical position, being at the lowest ebb a society could attain. They would be forced to project themselves well past all sense and sensibility, defying the gravity of their grave circumstances.

Rakom bid farewell to his droids, leaving them in command of the ship.

Then he walked across the stretch of land between him and the facility. The air was cold and crisp, warmed by multiple distant suns to the point of habitability, but not quite to the point of easy comfort. The arid surface crunched under his soles, gravel and sand announcing his arrival. There were other footprints in the sands. He followed them, entering the building.

He proceeded down a hall, towards the sound of people.

His people, hopefully.

Finally, he emerged among them. No trap. At least, not yet.

No. Blue skin and red eyes. His people.

"I am Marr'ako'murandi, son of Marr'alle'murandi and Marr'indi'murandi. You may call me Rakom. I have waited my whole life for the voice that called us here. Who among you sent forth the clarion call? Who is the shepherd to our flock?"

Teorme Teorme | Sila Sila | Aaaine Aaaine | Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) | Karisa Karisa Matma Bernu Matma Bernu

As Sila approached her ship, another came into view. She was reaching for the charric pistol when she then realized it was a Cssin'rt'ust transport. A Chiss Ascendancy ship. One she saw in it's early stages of production herself. Sila remained calm and left her pistol in it's holster. She did not expect anyone to come so soon. She sent the message only a few days ago. The adrenaline was too strong for her anxiety. She was excited and determined now that she had managed to reach at least one other Chiss.

As the ship came down, Sila remained at a safe distance until it was at a full stop. She then approached the ship, watching as the ramp came down and revealed the Chiss that was onboard. Sila walked up to him with a welcome smile on her face.

"Welcome, Kiritt'eorm'exono. My name is Dr. Alis'ila'miurani. You may call me Sila. Thank you for coming. I cannot tell you how much joy your presence brings me. Your father watches over you now as you have come to bring in the rebirth of our nation. Please, follow me inside. I will show you around the facility. We're going to be spending a long time here. Might as well be familiar with it." Sila turned and walked back towards the facility. She would have to bring in the food crates later. Company had arrived.

Sila would lead Kiritt'eorm'exono throughout the facility, showing him around on a small guided tour. The facility was not massive, by any means, but it was enough for a start. Sila would lead Teorme into the cafeteria. It was the best place for a gathering. Plenty of seats and the lighting was the best in the facility at the time. Sounds of several more ships approaching the facility could be heard from inside the facility.

"It seems we have more guests. I should greet them. Please, make yourself at home."

Sila made her way back to the entrance when she stopped in her tracks at another Chiss who had already entered the facility. She smiled warmly as he introduced himself.

"Welcome Marr'ako'murandi. I am Dr. Alis'ila'miurani. It is I who have called our people home. Or what remains of it rather. I would show you around the facility but more guests have arrived I presume. We will speak momentarily. Thank you for coming. I will return shortly."

Sila continued towards the front entrance and, once she made it back outside, it was just as she expected. More ships had landed. More Chiss had come. Things were getting even better now. A glimmer of hope. No, a spark in an otherwise dark galaxy.

She approached the new arrivals with a smile, much like she showed the others. "Welcome to Theatarra. I am Alis'ila'miurani. You've all received my message I presume. Others have come as well. I will show you all inside. If you could follow me, please." Sila motioned towards the entrance.

Sila Sila

Teorme stayed quiet, listening as Sila introduced him to the starting facility to gather his people. He listened clearly and intently, finally placing the crate on one of the cafeteria tables. It was full of foodstuffs. He considered the majority of Chiss his people, and he would support them if he could. He wished his people had its own support system, from themselves, rather than relying on outsiders who would sooner rather erase their culture and heritage and assimilate them.

Since this would be the gathering place, he opened the crate and began spreading out meals on the tables for anyone who may be hungry. After a time, he sat down. Waiting to be called, but he would wait and be patient. He would be here to support, so long as this Reformation group stayed independent. If they joined the Sith, the Empire, or the Alliance, then they would not need him. He was here for his people, not as a puppet for another faction.


Objectives: Make Contact with the Revivalists
Location: Seeker Facility, Theartarra
Equipment: Antique blaster pistol
Tags: Sila Sila | Teorme Teorme | Aaaine Aaaine | Rakom Rakom | Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) | Karisa Karisa | Matma Bernu Matma Bernu | OPEN

The Revivalists had alright started to assemble. Either they were closer to this side of the galaxy, or they just had more capable ships than the piece of trash that Tiecia had been able to acquire for the journey. The young Chiss was not the greatest pilot, but that was not how she primarily made her living. She was able to get the crumbling mess of a ship into the hyperspace lanes and then the astromech droid she had purchased took over getting them to Theartarra. As Tiecia approached the Seeker Facility she noted several other ships in a barren stretch of land. It was there that she set down her own ship. She took only a moment to shut down the systems that might cause an explosion in her absence and spun around to exit the craft. ”If this group has any viable assets the ship is just spare parts now. Don’t try anything heroic to keep it in one piece. You’re more important than this bucket of bolts. It’s purpose has been fulfilled.”

The astromech gave a high pitched warble that Tiecia knew was an acknowledgement of her orders. He was a good little droid, though it would take a lot for Tiecia to admit her affinity for it in public. With that done she holstered her weapon, straightened her attire and made her way to the facility. Her years of mercenary work placed her in high alert, but the prospect of returning to service of the Chiss was too much to ignore and she pushed aside her paranoia to move forward. As she approached the facility she noted several beings, red-eyed and blue-skinned, she had finally made it. The home was not the same. That will never be possible. But this was as close as she could hope for as of now, and the future was for them to write.

Inside the facility pleasantries were being exchanged. Tiecia was not used to this. She worked reluctantly with others, mostly because they got in her way. These were her people. She should be aching to make contact, but instead she followed the others, kept to the back of the group, and listened. She had heard many tales of the great Ascendency, but Tiecia didn’t know how it would actually work to bring it back. She would gladly do her part, once she knew what that part would be. Until then she would be patient, this movement was just beginning. It didn’t seem that any of the gathered knew much of the others. She would wait for them to come to her.


Everything, anything, for science.
Location: Theartarra; Seeker Facility
Time: 1715 Hours
Tags: | Sila Sila | Teorme Teorme | Rakom Rakom | Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) | Karisa Karisa | Matma Bernu Matma Bernu | Tiecia Tiecia |

It took a few moments while standing at the edge of the ramp to gather her rapidly changing thoughts. Seeing more ships begin to land, ones of all shapes and sizes, military and civilian, brought forth the comforting ideal that many walks of life were going to be represented here. A collation like this could not exist without the collective efforts of the entire group. A military takeover would only last a few weeks before the ideals would die down, diplomacy could only change so many minds, and there would always be those that denied the teachings of the worlds around them, despite how scientifically backed. Only together, as one singular mind and group, could they achieve their goals.

Hearing the call from one of the entrances facing the makeshirt landing area, Aaaine took one more look at her ship, thoughts of dropping off the medical supplies and leaving flirting at the edges of her mind. It’d be easy. She would never have to come back, interact with this group again. “But…”

Her gaze focused on the facility once more, darting to the other chiss making their way to the front of the entrance. Lips settling into a thin line, those thoughts were pushed aside in favor of ones that spoke to just how much good this group could do for her people scattered throughout the galaxy. One voice, one direction, just give the people something to follow, and everything would begin to fall in line.

Aaaine found herself in the middle of the group as they were led through the halls of the derelict station. Whomever had been here before them had left it in pretty rough shape, but the beginnings of repairs could be seen. They were just lucky the copper had not been stripped by spacers while this place was abandoned. That would’ve made an incredibly difficult job all the tougher.

It wasn’t long until the group filtered out into a small, cafeteria looking area. With the kitchen quiet and empty, it was a welcome sight to see one of the taller men beginning to unload meals out of one of the crates. Approaching, she caught the eyes of Teorme Teorme with a grateful nod. “Appreciate the meal. Tempers flare more easily on empty stomachs.” Taking one meal for herself, her eyes turned back to the room, surveying where to sit, when the scientist's gaze caught one of the attendees attempting to stay clear of the group in the back. In an event like this, every voice mattered.

She turned, grabbing a second meal, before making her way to over to where the similarly statured woman ( Tiecia Tiecia )was standing. Presenting her the meal, lips that had been tightly pressed together cracked the smallest semblance of a smile. “Eat. And let your voice be heard tonight. This is not a place to be silent.” Settling next to the woman, Aaaine opened her meal and prepared for what was certainly going to be an interesting sight.
Khalani was escorted through the halls of the facility, his attention being directed to all sorts of things. The refreshers, the training rooms ... he paid attention to none of those rooms. The only thing on his mind was the fact that he was now standing amidst several of his own people. Something he hadn't done since he was a child still standing on the surface of Csilla. Many, many years ago. Leading the group was Dr. Alis'ila'miurani, who's core name was Sila Sila .

This was a massive undertaking; rebuilding a nation so great as the Ascendancy. If this woman was to be at the head of it, she needed skill. And certain traits. She didn't just need leadership prowess, but empathy for her subordinates, the power of persuading people to follow her, and obviously: problem solving. Khalani was willing to bet this doctor had plenty of the latter if she planned this meeting out and it was going so well. For now, at least.

At last the group was shown into the cafeteria. Not the most traditional spot for a meeting, but a well-lit and open one. Not to mention, meals were spread out on the tables for anyone who was hungry from the journey here.

As the Chiss fanned out into the room (though most gathered near the food), Khalani saw one braided Chiss heading over to another, who at first glance seemed shy, but was probably just waiting to see if this dream could actually be realized.

Khalani had to admit, he had his doubts. Something like this would require a lot of Chiss, and so far there were only several. But even if the faction started off slow, it would grow exponentially. As long as word got out that the Chiss were making a resurgence.

The former captain scoffed as he imagined a holo-ad in the middle of Coruscant.


Tiecia Tiecia Teorme Teorme Rakom Rakom Karisa Karisa Aaaine Aaaine Matma Bernu Matma Bernu
As Matma swept into the cafeteria, he was struck by several things.

One, the number of Chiss that had convened on Theaterra on such short order.

Two, that he recognized at least two of the Revivalists(as they taken to calling themselves)- Karisa Karisa and Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) . He known Karisa through their past mutual affiliation with the First Order, but he had last seen her when he helped evacuate refugees from Sposia as the Maw closed in; he had seen them to Crystal Nest in the Western Reaches of the old First Order territory-now the Dosuunian Commonwealth. Khalani he had met by chance far more recently, rescuing Chiss slaves. He elated to see them.

Matma allowed himself a rare smile. Good company, indeed. They would need all the help they can get- he'd heard rumors, dark rumors. Rumors of old foes of the Chiss, rising again. And if half the things he'd heard from Onderon were true, then their people needed them now.

More then ever.

Matma hastily fixed himself a plate, and went to sit by Khalani, while waving Karisa over.

"I see they just let anyone in here", he quipped, clapping the younger Chiss on the back.

Tiecia Tiecia | Teorme Teorme | Rakom Rakom | Karisa Karisa | Aaaine Aaaine | Sila Sila

Rakom dipped his head to Doctor Alis'ila'miurani.

"It is bold to call blindly into the Dark, Doctor, not knowing what answer might come from the shadows. I honor you for the risk you've taken to summon us here."

She went to greet the next arrivals, and he went to see what food was being unloaded.

"I see we have our Quartermaster," he joked to Teorme. "I am Marr'ako'murandi, but you may call me Rakom. Thank you for this hospitality."

Genuine rek'ta? Rakom had only read about it and seen pictures. The soft-shelled crab was a legendary delicacy... according to his encyclopedia. He took some up and bit into it, chewing thoughtfully. The crab was crunchy on the outside, but not unpleasantly so. The shell didn't break into sharp shards, as one might expect, but broke down the way a nut would, or a piece of granola.

It had a meaty interior with a delightful savory flavor. Someone must have started rek'ta farms on other worlds before the loss of the homeworld, or else this particular meal could no longer exist.

So... this was the taste of home. A home he'd never known.

"Young faces abound," he noted, "I was born on our homeworld, but I have no memory of it. Can anyone here tell a tale of our lost cradle? I have never spoken to someone who has been there, that wasn't a droid."

Tiecia Tiecia | Teorme Teorme | Rakom Rakom | Karisa Karisa | Aaaine Aaaine | Sila Sila Matma Bernu Matma Bernu


Objectives: Make Contact with the Revivalists
Location: Seeker Facility, Theartarra
Equipment: Antique blaster pistol
Tags: Sila Sila | Teorme Teorme | Aaaine Aaaine | Rakom Rakom | Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) | Karisa Karisa | Matma Bernu Matma Bernu | OPEN

When food was brought out, Tiecia continued to stay to herself as others moved to partake. This was for several reasons, first she had been trained not to trust food that she had not carefully vetted, and she didn’t wish to make it obvious she was not yet fully trusting of the group, but secondly, she had made sure to be well fed before arriving at this meeting. As the woman stated to the man offering the food empty stomachs led to short fuses. Tiecia prided herself on maintaining a steady emotional state.

As others gathered to eat one of the gathered Chiss approached Tiecia with a meal. ”That is kind, but I ate on the ship,” Tiecia stated, though she did take the meal. ”Perhaps I will get hungry later though,” she continued with a smile. The woman also made a point of telling Tiecia to raise a voice. Tiecia smiled and nodded. From the looks of most Tiecia had gauged herself on the younger side of the group, if not the youngest, she was curious how her caution in jumping into conversation was construed as timidness, though in a way that might not have been too terribly far off from the truth. It was just from a different source than fear.

”I promise my voice will be heard,” Tiecia stated bluntly. ”Though I grew up with Chiss inside one of the old Empires, I don’t have much knowledge on our people. When it comes to things I have knowledge of, I will be sure to speak my mind. And if in the passing of this night my questions are not answered, I will be sure they are asked. I’m Vletti'eciashu'murga, by the way. Core name Tiecia. Specialty in espionage and sabotage.”

Several other attendees seemed to possibly have past dealings with each other and seemed to possibly pair off to discuss events as they ate. Tiecia stayed with Aaaine Aaaine for now as she heard Rakom Rakom comment about those present who might be able to share things about their destroyed homeworld. ”I was born after the destruction. The fact that you set foot on Csilla has you ahead of me. But I too would be very encouraged to hear about where we came from.”
Sila Sila | Teorme Teorme | Aaaine Aaaine | Rakom Rakom | Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) | Karisa Karisa | Matma Bernu Matma Bernu

The facility's gradual awakening didn't go unnoticed. Far from it. A message blinked into existence on a secure terminal within the dimly lit confines of the Oracle Shroud's operations center. Lareina looked over the message. It had been encrypted quite well - and was in a wavelength that ensured only the Chiss - and perhaps a few other species - would be able to read it. Smart. Checking her shuttle's status on her questis, the spy called for her navigator and immediately made for the landing bay. "Theartarra," The spy said in her distinct, commanding voice, "and wear the Stybla patch on your uniform, we have to keep up appearances."

Her mind calmly but quickly running through anticipation, possibilities, and even strategies (of course this could certainly be a trap), Lareina watched the spiral of hyperspace as her shuttle neared the destination - it had been a rather quick journey. Then star streaks- and finally the star-studded black of realspace. The shuttle let down at the facility, and Lareina and her navigator were ushered by one of the chiss present into a cafeteria, where it seemed introductions had already been made and a meal already served.

"I do certainly hope I am not too late. Stybla'rei'naodo. You may call me Lareina."
Tiecia Tiecia | Aaaine Aaaine | Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) | Matma Bernu Matma Bernu | Rakom Rakom | Stybla'rei'naodo Stybla'rei'naodo

"Appreciate the meal. Tempers flare more easily on empty stomachs."

One of the females gave him a look, thanking him for the meal. He nodded in respect. Usually people avert their gaze when they saw Teorme, who always appeared to be ticked off about something. He just had resting Thrawn face, he was honestly calm and inquisitive, so he appreciated when someone didn't take his facial features as angry. He didn't speak to her, but he respectfully acknowledged her as she did for him. He was just a quiet man in the end, mind racing over several things. Coming to this meeting was another scheduled event in his busy life. Of course, he cleared up his schedule to do it.

"I see we have our Quartermaster, I am Marr'ako'murandi, but you may call me Rakom. Thank you for this hospitality."

“Ch'eo nuhn cart Kiritt'eorm'exono”, he spoke in Cheunh loud and sternly, so everyone in the cafeteria could hear him. He wasn't yelling, but the cafeteria wasn't exactly bustling aloud, either. He gave a respectful nod to the male just as he did to the female before. Unfortunately, he did not comment on the joke, but he gave the smallest of smirks, acknowledging the joke. “To vsibi bah nocsim'i cart sir sea, tsan'ah csei vah bapun. Ch'ah viz tta can let'i ch'eo can'let'ehn.”

"I was born on our homeworld, but I have no memory of it. Can anyone here tell a tale of our lost cradle? I have never spoken to someone who has been there, that wasn't a droid."

Teorme took a breath as he slowly rose from his seated position at the table. "I was only a child when I knew of Csilla, I bore witness to my homes destruction at an age I did not comprehend life itself. But Csilla is something you can not forget. Not because it was my home, but because of it's chill," he spoke in Basic, since he did not know who could speak Cheunh, "Csilla was a glacial - snow - planet, one you could attribute to Hoth, but it was far colder. Life was wearing a thick coat to travel, to gather food or visit a friend or loved one. Jackets were as important as a Mandalorians helmet, and although losing your jacket isn't the same as losing your head, we treated losing your jacket quite similarly - if not harsher - than a Mandalorian taking off their helmet. Children were the most vulnerable. Csilla was not an easy home, it built you up and gave you strength, or it would kill you. The last great ice age on Csilla forced everyone underground for a millennia, our people bored tunnels as close to the core of Csilla as safely as possible. The ice was not something you scoffed at. But it was home, the ice was like another parent." He closed his eyes, tilting his head downwards and balled a fist in his fright hand, reaching it across his chest as if a salute. He took a moment to give silent respects to his childhood home, yet did not expect anyone else to join him.

Sila watched with joy as the newcomers were getting settled in and socializing with one another. This was a sign to the bright future of the Chiss Ascendancy. The elder doctor felt comfort in what was to come, though, she did did not let her guard down. Anything was possible. To fall into complacency was to fail her people.

"He is right. Csilla was mostly a frozen wasteland. We built our home there despite this. It proved not only our ingenuity, but our hardiness. Our strength. Not even the elements kept us from our destiny. I spent most of my life on Csilla. I was there when it was destroyed. I regret there was not more I could do to save our homeworld everyday. Until now. Seeing each of your faces here, now, has defeated my regret and replaced it with hope."

Sila walked over to a large viewport that looked out across the barren landscape of Theartarra. "I see a future where the Chiss Ascendancy thrives once again. That future starts right here. With us all here in the room and every other Chiss we call to our cause. I will do everything in my power to lead you all to that future."



Brask'ari'sabosen (retired)


Brask'ari'sabosen finally arrived in the room where the meeting was taking place after giving herself a little 'self-guided' tour of the rundown seeker facility upon arrival. She was surprised there were so many Chiss that had shown up... or too few known to her more like it.

The Sabosen Speaker momentarily felt her advanced age showing as her crimson eyes looked over the much younger group of blue-hued faces present. There was probably only one or two near her age from her assumption.

Over the years, Ari had experienced the occupation of the One Sith in her youth, been on the front lines of the Chiss Civil War, fought against the Jen'ari Empire and the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium, and most recently the Brotherhood of the Maw via the First Order where she and her husband were serving within their military at the time.

After the destruction of Csilla, Ari stayed in Chiss space to help her fellow brethren as much as she could by welcoming the survivors of the cataclysm and those of leadership left to Sposia. The Sabosen family set up refugee camps and serviced them using their own assets to do so. Then, as they had feared the Maw cultists put their sights on her homeworld and that of Naporar, one planet north of them on the Path of Houses that had started with Csilla. Knowing the remaining Chiss could not battle the Sith from a position of strength, Ari led them out of harm's way and across the galaxy to the Western Reaches, settling the wayward Chiss within the Commonwealth borders on the planet of Crystal Nest where a sizable amount of Imperial Chiss already resided.

Was it the right thing to do? At the time, yes. Now, was it the right thing to uproot her family once again and revitalize what was left of their homeworld? Time would tell after hearing what Sila Sila 's proposal was and the response of the others present. It would not be a small thing to rebuild the Chiss Ascendancy from scratch once again. Ari had been a member of the young Chiss group that had done it after the Civil War... She sighed as thoughts of her beloved Mitth'orn'eruod came to mind, then just as quickly, dismissed her sentimentality. That was the past, this was the present and future for her and the Chiss.

A wave from an old acquaintance caught her eye, and then she pushed back the hood of her cloak and moved to join Matma Bernu Matma Bernu at a table sitting with a younger Chiss; grabbing a warm drink before doing so from the refreshments provided.

"Bernu'mat'manadu... It is good to see you well," Ari greeted in their native language of Cheunh with a respectful cant of her dark head towards the Imperial Knight, then her glowing red eyes glanced over to Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) .

"Salutations. I am Brask'ari'sabosen, House Speaker for my family," she offered with a small smile, then the older Chiss gracefully took a seat at the table to listen to the proceeding speeches. Any response on her part would have to be given careful consideration.

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