Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Searching for Knowledge(Matsu Ike)

Vulpesen nodded and walked over to the tomb, kneeling beside it and checking around the object. "What better place to hide a treasure than with another? People come in, grab one, think that's enough and move on." He tapped at the base of the sarcophagus. "And if I'm lucky, I won't have been the first to think of that."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at him and then at the place he was indicating as she spoke. "YOu are starting to think like an explorer now." Though the idea of searching in the woman's grave seemed a little to invasive while she was focusing on it. "THough lets look around here first and then we can break into the grave of an ancient peacekeeper..... if we don't find anything. We should exhaust all options first."
He rolled his eyes and continued his searching, going over the glyghs and texts on the grave. "I'm not as eager to defile a grave as you think. Anything buried with her should stay with her. But what if something on these stones acts as a key or a lock?" He started to move his hand from stone to stone. "Something that opens a door thats not the grave."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at him and nodded in her acknowledgement while she was moving and checking the script they had going with her had on some fo the script while she was moving towards the other wall. "Sometimes a tomb is just a tomb and sometimes." She trailed it off while looking at him and turning the lights off while parts of the wall shined and she tapped it. "Well sometimes they like to hide things in plain sight... I am not feeling anythign over here how about you?"
He grinned as his hand stopped on one stone. Focusing the force on it, he tilted his head to Matsu's words. With his invisible task going on, he couldn't help but smile on until she was finished speaking. "Well, sometimes a tomb is a tomb." There was a click under his hand and he pulled out small drawer in which there was a simple datadisk. "And sometimes its just a little bit more." He took the disk and closed it before rising up. Giving a small bow of respect to the sarcophagus, he pocketed the disk and turned to Matsu. 'Now, I think that's about all we came for."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at the data disc as she gave a nod of her head and was watching him. "Well then we should go and see what has been found." She had a grin on her face while moving now and turning back on the lights before she was speaking. "A hidden disc is always a good thing to have and learning about so what do you think will be on it?" Matsu was walking out and leading the way towards the railing so they could observe and speak, she brought out a datapad and held it for vulps to use. "Here you can check this and should be able to find what information you want from the disc.
He shrugged and made his way to the exit. "If my hunch is right, a map to another treasure. Someone didn't want their eggs all in one basket, but they did want to know where to find basket number two." He nodded to the mandos at the door and waited a moment to speak again. "Who knows, maybe 'll find something that'll give me a leg up against all the people who've been trying to kill me lately."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu was looking at him and had a grin on her face to that. "I can understand that." She could admit she would keep things around the galaxy and it was better to divide some knowledge up for safer keeping. It allowed a great deal of searching and protecting from ones who would seek to exploit some of the information. Her hands though were motioning for the disc while she slid it into her wrist pad and activated it. "Well old republic codes and encryptions but that will be easier to break. The real trick will be applying it to some charts and maps. Might have some ideas." She kept going with a smirk on her face.... treasure hunting was always a fun thing.
"Mind telling me those ideas so 'm not in the dark?" He passed her a smile. It wasn't often he was on missions like this one. usually, he was search and destroy rather than search and retrieve. Though, it was a nice change. Far more rewarding and far less stressful. Just moving across the galaxy with another competent master and finding out exactly what the galaxy had hidden away in it.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at him. "Ah come now there would be no fun if you knew about all of it." But she would relent, she knew he didn't like surprises while walking back towards the ship with a smile on her face going towards the shops for herself. "But I suppose I will tell you, with what I have been doing there is something I have been working on and I will need another force user to help create it. We are going to have to fight so I do hope you are ready for things." Matsu looked at him and presented a holoimage on her palm pad. "With some of the information I believe I have found the location of the oasis. A rumored spot on Tatooine that is strong with the force and survived the destruction of the worlds surface."
He rose a brow at the mention of this 'Oasis' as well as the possibility of a coming fight. "And here I thought the only water on Tatooine came from the vaporators." He started up the ramp of the ship, calling Ace to start a course to Tatooine. "So, I guess we're headed to the fiery heated crotch of the galaxy, then?

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at him as she got onto the ship and held a grin on her face. "Yes we are but if this place has never been found before that would mean people didn't know where to look or they did and were killed. The hardest thing about well secrets is when they get lost like this and you have t piece together clues.... but records do show Obi-Wan was on Tatooine if there was anyone who could find a place strong in the force it would be him."
"Or someone found it and didn't want to risk the chance of being tracked. I just hope your suggestions are the correct ones." With the ship set into hyper space, Vulpesen made his way to a dejarik board and started up a game with Ace sitting of the opposing side. "If I remember right from my studies, Obi-Wan was there to look after the young Luke Skywalker. Would he have had the time to work on such adventures?"

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"I don't know if you have seen kids.... they can get boring at times." She said it more as a joke but also knew it was true... she loved her daughters but she could only see a new drawing so many times. She wasn't taking it away from them but she was often interested and able to work on her things over just being with them all day. "Kids are great but I found time to run around exploring the galaxy and raising them to be jedi... was there for everythign important as well."
Vulpesen stopped dead in his tracks, leaving Ace to wait on his next move while his eyes widened at Matsu. "WOAH, WAIT, HOLD ON! You have kids!?" Maybe he was a bit overly surprised. But the council seemed wary enough of him having Ace. With all the ire Matsu had earned, kids seemed like something that would enrage them about her, at least to an extent where he might have heard about them.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at him and raised an eyebrow while she smiled. "Yes I have two daughters." And Hanna's daughter made a third but semantics was something she didn't always go over. She sat there. "I had them when I was a teenager and a young jedi knight, now I am a master and they are training in the temple." SHe was surprised at his reaction but it was making it quite a fun sight to behold for herself at least.
Vulpesen shook his head to rid himself of the shock of the revelation, returning his focus to the dejarik move, only to find himself making a flawed move in light of the earlier mentioned shock. "I never saw you as a family woman. Being a jedi and a sort of archeologist and all that. I know that I myself hardly even have the time to think about it and you always seem quite a bit busier."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu was looking at him as the ship was in hyperspace and they had time now to discuss it more if he wanted to. "Well it isn't something I often tell people, my daughters don't need their mother's shadow over them all the time but they fo enjoy coming along sometimes on expeditions because it gets them out fo the temple." She was thinking of a few things with it and had a grin on her face sitting down and grabbing a book while she cracked it open and a small chrono appeared with the travel time of a few hours. "If you want to rest there are plenty of bunks."
He gave a nod to Matsu's words and refocused himself on the match with Ace. "Thanks, I'll keep it in mind." His eyes locking on Ace, there would be a slight influx between them, an effect on the force as the two attempted to simultaneously block and enter the other's mind. A dejarik game between Vulpesen and Ace could take hours or minutes depending on the state of their minds. Being constantly linked meant that you could hear very strategy that wasn't carefully blocked and for this reason,every game for them was literally thousands of scenarios playing through, invisible to the naked eye.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu let the time pass while she continued to read the book and there was a great deal happening within it as she had a grin on her face. More for the notes and enjoyment of some of the stories within. Slowly as the chrono ticked down she moved back to the cckpit and the desert world came into view while she was looking over everything there. Leading the way to the coordinates on the planet as they came into the mouth of a cave for protection and safety of the ship. Her attention was going towards the ramp while she grabbed her satchel with its various trinkets and gear and then her belt and harness for her shoulders and thighs allowing her to hold a lot more since the bodo bass belts were covered in pouches. "Ready to go?"

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