Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Searching for Knowledge(Matsu Ike)

He listened to her words, and tilted his head a bit. Strange indeed to hear of a species that could be calm and docile one moment, and murderous the next. "Sounds like someone I know. Though, I'm pretty sure she isn't one of your species." He gave a small grin as the face of Alexandra appeared in his mind. "But I guess she does make me somewhat specially qualified for this." He reached towards his hand to pop one of his knuckles. "So, how long til we get to you're special planet?"

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at him as he spoke and she raised an eyebrow to him for a moment. Then she was grinning while her hands rubbed together heading towards the larger tower. They were at one of the special planets, but there was more and you never knew what else you might find. They had gone on a quest for answers and come away from ruins with a holocron and one of the oldest swords in the galaxy. Soemthing that she did use more often with a grin on her face. "Oh we are nearly there now." She was leading the way and into the chambers as a smaller model of the holographic display room the Silver jedi had created was present. Maps on the walls being overlaid in 3d with the galaxy map to chart what they had while the humans were walking around. Their mouths covered and speaking in quick telepathic bursts. Matsu was speaking to them for a moment while pulling in the data they had gathered from the holocrons map. Overlaying it and looking for the familiar locations and symbols. As it found them she was moving now around the room and zooming in. "See anything?"
RETCON DSCLAIMER: To avoid confusion with the slinky tangled pile of nerf poodoo that this thread has prpeviously displayed in terms of plot, this discaimer has been made to retcon it into a consistent story line. A week after Vulpesen and Matsu Ike found the holocron and sword, they set off to a different planet where Vulpesen's holocron indicated they should go. Originally thinking it was the maw, Vulpesen somehow got himself turned around, and instead was recommended by Matsu to head to another planet where they could more comprehensively read the holocron. After entering the tower, the holocron was activated and this is where the story(hopefully clearer) begins.

Vulpesen took a seat next to the master and searched the maps, his head resting on his hands. "Nothing yet." He called on the force to increase his focus, using it to further his concentration on the maps. "However, you've been here before, so I suppose that you're more likely to recognize anomalies and the like."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at him while she held with one hand a holographic planet. Moving it around for a moment and then letting it go to slid back into place. Speaking to him more while she moved her hands to zoom in on the sky temple then back away from the planet. "It is one of the more fun places to come and learn, seeing parts of the galaxy that have been mapped compared to the section of silver jedi space. Sadly we don't have enough of the stations around the galaxy for the whole thing so we won't be able to see what it is like now but back then." Slowly zooming out more and using the coordinates to search she was coming towards some other planets. Hands moving while the hyperspace lanes were imposed, then common areas and more data from different groups. "The Imperials had some good exploration records that were secret for their ships only which we can use as well and..." Matsu found the location or at least where it should be near a section of unexplored space with a chewing of her lower lip. "That is it, not many maps for the area, none at least of value or up to a good date. We'll have to play it by ear."
Vulpesed tilted his head a bit. To be honest, he had been fairly surprised to see that there had been no true knowledge, only a map inside of it. He was even more surprised by Matsu's diagnosis of the maps. "So... you brought me all the way out here Brought me through an entire mission. Got em this new holocron... and now its useless?"

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at the man and gave a frown for a moment.... "No I brought you here, brought you through all of this so we could find information. Whether it is useful or useless is up to you. As it has always been." She was looking at him while leading the way back to the ship and letting her datapad transmit the new coordinates. "Where is the padawan who wanted to learn electric judgement? Where is the one who was willing to face down the sith wherever they roamed and popped up? You are a great person and above all have shown imagination. Information like this is only useless if you never use it or try to do something with it. You have more skill then that and many other jedi." She held her eyebrows raised up a little while walking towards the ship and entering. "Where this will lead us, what we will be able to find. That has value, it might not be the value we expected and it might not be what you hoped for but it will have value." She was looking at the new coordinates while speaking. "Plus it does give us an excuse to use and practice our skills within the force. You can ask about more obscure and rare abilities I was at one point bound and sworn not to teach... now there is no such restriction."
His eye twitched slightly as she rebuked him for the words. True, he had been eager at first. What happened? Where did his drive go? He shook his head. Couldn't give up yet. No, he was far from that. He cleared his head and pulled up a seat by hooking it with his foot. Taking a seat, he started to look over the map. A shadow he was. Taking clues like this was his job. "And do you have an idea on what we can reference these maps to? Anyhing of the same area that we can compare to and help us find the abnormalities? or do you already have an idea?"

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

She was looking at him and held a small smile back on her face while moving. "We have most of the coordinates. I over layed the systems to find what we could and eventually managed to get it. Might not be perfect in some ways but drift of the planets can be hard to take into account." She was looking with a grin though on her face while setting it all up for them to look. She had coordinates and was leading them into the black to find well anything really she wasn't going to judge as the ship jumped to hyperspace and Matsu slowly started to focus on her breathing. "We'll reach the world and see what is there, it isn't like the sky temple where we'll have a small map. Must be very observant."
Vulpesen grinned as once more they were set into hyperspace. Making his way to a seat he placed himself down and rested against a wall. "Got it. No guide and no clue. So try not to die from some archaic trap. Sound about right?" Somewhere in his mind, he heard Ace make a sly comment about him falling into said trap, the response to which would be a sort of mental slap on the nose.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at him as she held a grin on her face. "You make it sound like that is a bad thing, it is true there is a great deal of danger but this is the unknown and exploring is one of the many fun things you can do." She was looking at the screen and plotting in her head what they might be able to do. "Besides the time gives us a chance to work on skills. I have been working on practicing my skills with phasing and generating the force. It is a stronger way then most others I have seen and I rather enjoy a chance to practice new skills."
He let out a small laugh and followed close behind, his fingers moving up and down the scaly surface of his lightsaber. "You misunderstand master Ike. I rather enjoy danger and risking my life. It seems the closer I get to death, the more alive I feel." While not one to take unnecessary risks, Vulpesen do always prefer the more dangerous missions of a jedi. Perhaps that's why he took the sentinel class rather than the consular. "Phasing? I've heard of it but I didn't think we had any masters capable of using it."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"Oh there are masters, don't doubt that. The problem is many horde their teachings and knowledge. I prefer to just teach to those who do know they could handle it." She smirked though stretching out. "I learned it from holocrons and from visiting masters. There is a freedom after all in not being as looked after as others and choosing not to try and impress the inner circle of jedi." She knew he had felt them may times in his pursuit of learning about the force. "You have faced some of them though but others didn't seem to worry to much about you."
Vulpesen let out a small sigh. To say the least, hypocrisy was not something he easily tolerated within the order. "There is no ignorance. There is knowledge. It seems so many of us forget that. Granted, some things should be withheld from those who are not ready, but why go through such lengths to restrict someones path?" While he meant the words to cover everyone, he couldn't help but realize just how much he was talking about his own experiences.

"It seems the council cares enough about me to berate my actions and pursuit of new skills. I try to hold my respect for them, but I often find myself shunned or turned aside no matter the actions I take. I suppose that's part of the reason I come to you. Someone with the wisdom and skill of the council but without the pole being shoved up your hind end."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"The council means well most of the time. They want to protect everyone but the problem is they will sometimes forget about thing. IT happens to everything they forget the problems of the little people. THe ones who they are supposed to train. When was the last time you saw a council member take a padawan? THey don't or they take so many because no one else wants them. I like to train and well the stick is always going to be firmly with any council." Matsu was looking at him though while some of the ship was looking over him. "As well I take as many padawans as need a master. FI they wish to go to another then they can but if they want to stay I work to teach them as much as I can."
Vulpesen let out a small sigh and nodded to her once more. "I was one of the ones who never got trained if you'll recall. Master Apparine managed to pop in and refine what I knew but event that, I was knighted after only a short time with official training. I guess it shows sometimes, but at least I can say that I'm not dead yet."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"I was knighted because I was talented at learning and adapting. The jedi order sent me on missions to infiltrate different groups and face enemies to which I saw dangerous things." The look on her face though while she was thinking about it moving around showing some of her tattoo's. "Though when it came to being a master they sought to test me in combat of which I rose to the challenge with a grin on my face. Some masters weren't expecting it but mine was and then there was a new council and they were very... different after I came back from a mission in the unknown regions."
Vulpesen nodded a bit and continued on his way. "Very true, however, The change was not overnight. It was slow at first, to the point I barely noticed it. And then, well it snowballed into this. I know many see me as some sort of paragon of the jedi, hell I once had a bounty on my head with that listed as the reason. But its still hard to stay loyal. Especially when things show signs of only getting worse."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"It ebbs and flows, the council and the jedi will always change. For good and sometimes ill we have history rife with jedi being pragons of peace and order. Doing no wrong and we have ones where jedi were just like everyone else. Flawed, corrupt, arrogant. That is the nature of humans and most species in the galaxy and jedi should be above it but that is like say one grain of sand should be above another. I have trust that when the dust settles and calms we shall have what we need eventually." She was both serious and lying, she didn't expect it to get better but she held out that though and hope it would get better. "We shall just have to see as we go to this world."
With a nod, Vulpesen took another glance around the cabin. "So, I guess all we can do is hope that the jedi improve soon. Before there's no jedi to have said improvements." He felt a movement in his pocket and lowered his hand to pet Ace. He was often impatient at times like this, when the fun of the mission had yet to begin. Normally the two would spend this time with a game of dejarik.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"Oh there will always be jedi, the galaxy sees to that and the force... plus there are how many jedi splinter orders now?" She said it with a grin as they dropped out of hyperspace. "So many orders all headed to be The Jedi Order now with ones who want power and control." Yeah she could say that, she had seen several that were doing things and making things happen. A small smirk on her face though while she raised her eyebrows moving about and forward to see the world they were heading to. "Now we are here mostly still have to get down there and work to search. We'll have fun there is a small surprise waiting."

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