Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Searching for Knowledge(Matsu Ike)

With a nod, Vulpesen rechecked over his items ad made sure that everything he had was ready for the coming adventure. "Well, then I guess I'm about ready. Any long as Ace will be clawing his way out of my robes." He gave the elder master a bit of a smile. "I guess you're right. Jedi have survived purges before. I'm sure a bit of corruption is something they can bounce back from."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at him and gave a nod of her head while she was moving in the seat to the controls while they were heading down to the planet. The large glass blocks and sections that were shifting over the desert as she brought the ship in. to a docking bay. "There is many mysteries in the galaxy but the jedi always being around is as constant as there will always be darksiders. Now come and let us see what we can find. i have often wanted to visit some of the old memorials."
Vulpesen cast his eyes out the cockpit of the ship before starting down the ramp as it opened. "Sounds like a truth to me. And of course, those two will always be fighting. And if they're not fighting, they're just looking for a time to start." As his feet finally hit the solid ground of the planet, he turned back to the master within the ship. "So remind me, what planet are we on?"

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"Kalevala" The desert world was a place s she was looking the city over while she motioned to vulps. "It is not a big place many come to but there are things here you can see. The cities are quite a sight to behold." She was walking while motioning for him to come along with a grin on her face. They could search the galaxy for artifacts sure but sometimes you just needed a break and to see some of the things here was a great place they could see. She walked the glass streets going towards the pathways and there were some mandalorians around who looked at her while she gave a bow.
He nodded slowly and walked after her, flicking up the collar of his coat to defend his neck from the harsh rays of a desert sun. "How is it you always find these places I've never heard of?" He felt Ace growl a bit and crawl out of the coat. No doubt the Ashlan hated the fact that his bond mate had a penchant for wearing blacks and dark blues. At least, when the plan was as hot as this one. Not that it bothered Vulpesen himself, he always loved the heat.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"Because I spend a great deal of time in books and tomes." And she had a family line that was skilled at remembering a great deal as she was walking and the city was an interesting place to see. "This world is many things and there is a great deal of stuff to always see. I came here cause it is a peaceful place. Sure it may be arid and a wasteland outside but here for the purposes we need it is calm and almost serene. The ancient ones who were here did a great deal to make a neutral society free from war and oppression. It lasted for a time but was overthrown however the city still has many of the things that were set in place."
"Then maybe I should start reading again." He followed the master over the planet, his eyes shifting over the arid surface. "Well, better than a frozen wasteland like hoth. I've always preferred intense heat over frigid cold. Any idea how those guys managed to create such a society? Sure it was toppled, but I'm sure there's something that we can learn from them."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"Because they were led by a great leader who sought to stick to their ideals and neutrality.... Sometimes to the point of mind numbingly dumb but there was passion within it." Matsu continued to walk and there were some mandalorians walking around in outfits and armor. Matsu walked past most of them bowing her head in respect while she stood over a balcony overlooking the sections of the city. The transparasteel section of city showing the area outside. "As for outside I woudln't recommend being out there but you can do a lot of work and a lot here. Those who can generate and call forth the force to them have an entire world out there calling out."
Vulpesen mimicked the elder master's bow. Sure he didn't like the way the mandalorians did thing, but that didn't mean he was above common courtesy. "Adventure, knowledge, getting shot at. Welcome to the life of the jedi." He grinned at her before turning to look over the city. "So, what is it your expecting to find around this area?"

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"Well I was hoping to find some remnant and information we could use. Obi-Wan came here many times and well we know jedi they like to do things and leave clues in case of anything. I was hoping to see her tomb in case he left something behind we could use to search for anything from before the jedi purge." Matsu was looking over the city at the others with a smile on her face.
"A tomb?" He had done a lot of research into the jedi as a child, but given Master Kenobi's reputation as a fairly stiff backed and paragon jedi, he couldn't see what on Mandalore would give him cause to leave something around here. Especially in a tomb. Somehow, this woman always managed to lead him into more and more confusion, even when she tried to make sense.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"Yes she is one of the few things from this world that is famous and fought with peace.... standing by her beliefs better then most jedi ever have. Given records and how they were friends this might be the best place to hide something." She was guessing but having things around the galaxy that people would search for sometimes she knew the value of hiding it in plain sight in a place that no one would really look.
He smirked and continued into the tomb behind her. "Well, I'll admit, I wouldn't have thought of it. So I guess it makes sense in that regard." Normally, a friend wouldn't have been enough for him, causing Vulpesen to think that Master Ike had only been jumping to conclusions. Except, this was Master Ike. He had already learned to trust her in these matters.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu found the way towards the tomb, public and in the open as there were pictures of her honoring her memory. She led the way inside and watching it while she was starring at some of the portraits. "It is something pretty." She moved on going deeper and there was an outfit in the center of the tomb while Matsu looked over several pictures that were around it and holos of her speeches to her people and the republic. She reached out and was focusing on the force while her eyes shifted to look. "There is something within the force here, something small and faint."
Vulpesen looked at each picture, noticing the name etched into the places under them. "Satine. She certainly looked peaceful, but given the mandos history and current state, I'm surprised she was so loved as to have all this dedicated to her." He turned to Matsu as she spoke of the nearby object and trained his force senses into a sweep of the area. Once he found what was causing it, he would make his way over to the glowing light within the force.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at Vulps and gave a nod of her head to that, she was moving off into the sections of the place and searching while she brought her hand up moving some area's to another. Se was letting her hands search over some of the things and came away with an old lightsaber as one of the vases looked old and cracked. She could make it out and there was the saber while she held it and spoke. "It is times like this I would say Psychometry would be a good skill to have, seeing the history.... but." Matsu was holding it and checked the saber with a snap hiss as the blade didn't activate and she could feel the power. Her hands deactivating it and opening the casing while the crystal inside seemed what she was feeling. "The crystal is attuned, I know how to work it but I think you should keep the hilt for your collection."
Vulpesen took the hilt with a nod, turning it over in his hand. Years of studying, he had learned the saber designs of the most famous of jedi masters during his studies at Zarro's home. All in his preparation for the day he would have his own. And now, as he held one of the ancient blades he could tell exactly who it belonged to. "Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Seems the people of Mandalore weren't the only ones who were attached to this woman." It was amazing to be holding the weapon of such a paragon and Vulpesen couldn't help but feel slightly overwhelmed by the history he held.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

She looked at him and gave a nod of her head while looking at the crystal and she was holding it. "Yeah they were supposed to be friends from the records but I will admit I thought we might find a signature or something small but this is amazing and." Matsu held the crystal in her hand as she looked at the brilliant blue crystal in her hand and she was speaking. "It is a strange feeling, I can only equate it to the crystal is alive.... It feels like I could pour the force itno it and attune the crystal to me." She had some thoughts about it while she was sitting there with a grin.
Tucking the saber into his pocket, he took a glance around the tomb. "So, now what? Think there's anything else here for us?" His eyes started in a quick sweep of the room, curiously checking for anything that might hold an item of interest. He had his doubts that he'd find anything, but of course he was still open to the possibilities.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"There is always something else to find." She had a grin on her face and raised quickly up the eyebrows before she was moving and gently searching. Not making a large enough scene but more sifting through what there was to see about clues. They might be abel to to who knows where and find anything.... They coudl even find some super secret thing off int he distance corners of the galaxy. "Never know what else we might find hidden away and all secret like here."

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