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[SC] Krankenwagen P-200K

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Intent: A self contained mobile hospital
Image Source: Link
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source: N/A

Manufacturer: Sehnsucht Company
Affiliation: Sehnsucht Company, Elysium Empire
Market Status: Open-Market
Model: P-200K
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Durasteel, Transparisteel

Classification: Heavy Transport
Role: Mobile Hospital
Size: Extremely Large
Weight: Extremely Heavy
Armaments: High
Primary Null-Burst Projectors
Secondary Null Burst projectors
Defenses: High
Maneuverability Rating: Very Low
Speed Rating: Very Low
Propulsion: Repulsorlift/Tracks
Minimum Crew: 3
Optimal Crew: 16
Passenger Capacity: 24
Cargo Capacity: Average


Armoured and Shielded
External Defensive Turrets
Fully Equipped 12 Bed Surgical Hospital

The vehicle is capable of defending itself against air and ground assault
The vehicle is also well protected against damage

Vehicle cannot fire main armament while moving
Repulsorlift Jammers will severely impede movement


Designed in house by Sehnsucht Company as a multipurpose forward base suitable for both disaster relief and security operations, the Krankenwagen houses an enhanced medical facility with a dozen beds inside of the protective shell of a heavily armoured and shielded landcruiser. The vehicle is approximately fourty meters long from stern to the main turrets, twelve meters in width, and fifteen meters high.

The primary non-lethal energy weapons are mounted in a heavy turret on the front of the upper hull, where they can range out for kilometers and shut down any assault on the vehicle with wide-area blasts of stun effect. Other weapon mounts house smaller but no less effective null burst projector turrets, suitable for protection against air or infantry attack.

These emplacements cover the vehicle from all directions, providing overlapping fields of stun effect. Combined with the excellent shields and armour plating, the weapons systems can effectively prevent any assault on the vehicle, protecting any civilians or casualties who require medical aid.

The vehicle is powered by an internal reactor which can drive the repulsorlifts or the tracks, while gravity generators lighten the load of the weapons, armour, and the medical facility. The reactor also provides power for shields and systems, though it cannot handle movement and primary weapons at the same time. At a minimum personnel, the vehicle can function with one pilot and two crew, but standard total loadout is 40 when counting a full crew, gunners, medics, and security.

A most versatile vehicle, the Krankenwagen has been produced in large numbers, able to be deployed across many situations, from Riot Control to war zones directly behind the front lines. Thanks to its many nonlethal but well ranged and effective stun weapons, it can be deployed for both civilian or military needs.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
General Kaarl General Kaarl

This submission is being Denied on the basis of the following rules:
  • Per the General Rules - "Iconography or depictions of real-world extremist political groups, such as Nazis, KKK, ISIL, Russian, Soviet Union, Confederate States of America, etc. are prohibited."
    • Explanation: There are two Wehrmacht symbols on the tank.
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