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Sarge's Guide to The Force and its Users

Just wanted to point out that it was actually well-within Lucas' idea to have all those acrobatics in the original trilogy, along with various other abilities, but he had not the budget or the technology to work with. Star Wars was (as far as the film technology and focus on SFX, not the actual theme of the movies from a viewer's perspective) always using the best special effects available with the budget they had. It should be noted the saber duels of 4-6 were limited in quality and such because the things used for a lightsaber broke or bent often, much moreso than episode 1's.


Well-Known Member
Mikhail Shorn said:
But Saaaarge, Sith can be good people too! Isn't that right, [member="sabrina"]?
Yes, but that a different topic. One I do feel I am on the minority veiw off, but hey if we all thought the same there would be no fun.

[member="Sarge Potteiger"]
I really liked your article, I would only like to added one thing. You can not counter the force with the force, as that would be like shooting someone else bullet out of the sky, with your own bullet.

Personally I like the little uses of the force better, as it does seem more fitting.

Also yes mass acrobatics, is canon for force users. Look a yoda, and bet he still claiming disability benefits.
Valiens Nantaris said:
A Dark Jedi is merely a Sith who isn't part of the Sith Cult/Religion/Empire/Order.

Meaning Jedi Master Phylis Alince consorts with Sith, right? Then again, I remember her friendly conversation with 'Kindly Sith' Enton on another board, so I guess she has a history of doing that. :p

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Different board, different time m'dear.

In any case, Dark Jedi, unlike at said other board, are different from Sith in name. However, deep down they use the Dark Side but like many people they do bad things for supposedly good reasons.
I'd have just written: you're not a collection of the coolest sounding D20 powers you can find, you're trying to immerse yourself in an interesting character and make stories with like minded people. There is no "winning", stop being a dick.

Yours was much better, thank you!
I can't say I have read this before, and I was just looking around at stuff to read when I found this.

I agree with a lot of the points stated in this thread. *mostly Sarge's* And how Dark Jedi are just people who use the dark side, and Sith are a cult of Dark sided users. As for the reasons, religion, and how they act, can change greatly. As you said, Blending in is the best way to stick out.

I also think we should put this for newbies to read to get an understanding of what Jedi, and Sith are so they don't pull down star destroyers. or think they can take down the senate building for the lulz... oh wait...

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