Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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News Rumors of a Reset

There are multiple articles and videos currently stating that Lucasfilms is looking into rebooting the last trilogy to follow much closer if not completely to what Lucas had originally attended. The plan appears to be to toss the new movies under the Legend banner, creating a "Dinseyverse" using the Veil of the Force and some mirrors Palpatine used to work with this Veil. Whether or not, of course, this is true is yet to be validated. I personally dislike the new movies with much disdain, but I doubt there is much truth in these rumors.
The article OP is referencing:

Were there anything to this, for there to be a reset would mean Disney having to acknowledge that they screwed up. I can imagine there being a lawsuit going out pretty quickly for how it would make Disney look, having to have all the SW Fan's shaking their heads and having to backtrack all the effort and money that went into making the new trilogy.

I do admit that they aren't nearly as good as the Original Trilogy, but I found them more enjoyable than Episode's 1 and 2 so I'm willing to accept that this is it. This is what we got. And hope for some great game content and perhaps something will come out in the future expanding on the current Disney SW universe.

I'm still and always will be a hard fan of the "Legends".
I was a fan of the characters that were introduced in the new trilogy. I thought they were all pretty great additions to the franchise. That being said I wasn't a fan of the stories being told with the characters in any of the three films. They felt underdeveloped, overwhelmingly two dimensional, and living in the past in terms of creativity. Each of the films had great moments to them, but overall they were pretty lackluster. I don't hate them, but I expected more from JJ Abrams as I was a really big fan of his first Star Trek reboot, and I've been a fan of his directing since the TV show ALIAS with Jennifer Garner, so to receive what we got for a new era of Star Wars felt pretty discouraging.

As far as a reset goes, I don't think it will happen. Financially the movies were all successes, despite how divisive they are. There's no financial motivation for Disney to say they messed up and start over, instead of moving onto other projects that don't involve 'The Skywalker Saga'. I personally would prefer to see them explore other characters and timelines anyway.
Might be a clickbait channel, but Doomcock was spot on about the plots of TLJ and ROS months before they ever came out, and was similarly informed about what was going on in Game of Thrones' last season by the first episode. He also leaked the final clone wars season, the arcs that would be in it, and the Mandalorian quite some time before both were officially announced.

The guy is meant not to be taken seriously, but most of his leaks end up being true.

Personally I yearn to see it gone. The new movies are mediocre, and the new EU they've created is sanitized and often a far cry from what once was. I miss the grit of the old EU. It's what got me into Star Wars, and without it there isn't much keeping me a fan. The Mandalorian got kind of close.
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