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Approved Planet Ringo Vinda

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Image source: Wookiepedia

Name: Ringo Vinda

Region: Mid Rim
System: Ringo Vinda
Suns: One: Ringo Vinda
Orbital Position: Rather close but still habitable
Moons: Do artificial rings count? If yes, one, otherwise, zero
System Features: None
Coordinates: R-7, close to The Wheel, but closer to the Core along the Perlemian Trade Route
Rotational Period: 24 standard hours
Orbital Period: 425 standard days

Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: 11,310 km
Atmosphere: Type I
Climate: Arid/heated
Gravity: 1.02 times standard (at the surface, gravitational acceleration is 10.00 m/s^2, as opposed to the standard 9.80 m/s^2)
Primary Terrain: Desert

Native Species: No sentient species, only plant and animal nonsentient wildlife
Immigrated Species:

  • Humans
  • Ugnaughts
  • Jawas
  • Gungans (arrived post-Netherworld)
  • Eopies
  • Banthas
  • Nerfs
Primary Languages: Basic, Gungan, Jawa
Government: Sortition-based democracy (Ringovindians call it the Lottery Republic)
Population: 165 million humans, 48 million Ugnaughts, 35 million Jawas, 5.3 million Gungans
Demonym: Ringovindian
Major Imports:
  • Foodstuffs
  • Water (more important pre-Netherworld than post-Netherworld)
  • Tibanna fuel
Major Exports:

  • Alusteel
  • Quadranium
  • Starships
  • Nova crystals

Affiliation: Silver Sanctum

Major Locations:


Image source: Wookiepedia

The ring station. It's impossible to talk about the main populated areas of Ringo Vinda without talking about the equatorial ring station, which circles the entirety of the planet. It was built primarily by the shipwright Core Galaxy Sytems, with construction spanning about four thousand years and ending by about 15,000 BBY. Due to the harsh living conditions on Ringo Vinda's surface, most sentients prefer to live there as opposed to the surface. Naturally, it houses a spaceport and drydocks as well as millions of residents scattered among the various areas of the ring.

Aldanna Range. The highest mountain range of the planet, it had temperatures that were much lower than that of the rest of the surface. Whereas the rest of the planet can be as high as 50-55 degrees Celsius during daytime at that latitude, the Aldanna Range was a lot colder by virtue of being at a higher altitude, with the highest peaks of the planet being almost as cold as Hoth's tropical zone. It is the primary water supply of the planet, and, after the Netherworld event, the site of a Gungan colony.


A nova crystal mine in the Tiplar Dunes

Image source: Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds

Tiplar Dunes. Located at the southern base of the Aldanna Range, and named after heroine of Ringo Vinda Tiplar, it is the primary nova crystal source of the planet. Most of the Jawas living on the surface lived in the region and made a living using and maintaining droids to operate nova crystal mines. Sometimes they operated iron mines, too.



Ringo Vinda was governed by a unicameral body called the Senate, with a number of seats allocated for five years based on the proportion of each species inhabiting the planet. Senators were known to live a rather upscale lifestyle but not as extravagant as those who, and were appointed for a five-year, renewable term (provided a Senator won the lottery again, which, in practice, did not happen often). Within the Senate, the President was chosen in another round of internal lottery, and served one non-renewable five-year term. All major planet-wide offices were appointed by lot. However, settlement-level offices were not always designated by lot and they had a lot of leeway to organize settlement-level politics their own way.

Despite the predominant role lotteries and other games of chance played in selecting their political leaders, lotteries were, by and large, confined to the political arena; casinos and other gambling parlors did not take hold to the same extent using lottery systems for political purposes did.


On the planet's surface, brown and beige colors were predominant due to the desert nature of the planet, and domes were commonplace in surface settlements. When significant subterranean components to buildings were added, often a chimney or two would be included into the design. By and large Ringovindians shunned sharp corners for the outside walls of their buildings, reserving sharp corners for the buildings' interiors, and also largely eschewed windows. Gungans, however, had to replace their signature hydrostatic bubbles with transparisteel, because the crops used to build hydrostatic bubbles were incompatible with Ringo Vinda's hot and dry climate.


Ringo Vinda has never been known for art, other than metal sculptures, due to the largely industrial nature of its economy, where their art is often seen as unrefined by other planets, such as Lipsec, Alderaan or Naboo. Dance, music are mostly nonexistent on that planet, and what few artists live on that planet use are mostly using discarded machinery components to create their art. Despite efforts in history to support other forms of art, it has never taken hold for prolonged periods due to the random nature of regime transition.

Technology: Ringo Vinda has a similar level of technology from that of the rest of the galaxy at large

Ringo Vinda was first explored by mining conglomerates around 20-21,000 BBY, hoping to both mine the asteroid field and the planet. it was found that the planet was rich in iron and other minerals entering the composition of quadranium and alusteel, as well as nova crystals. By 19,000 BBY, the then-major shipbuilder Core Galaxy Systems began construction of a ring station due to the potential for a shipyard in that area of the Mid Rim. Due to political intrigue and interference, as well as environmental concerns, the construction of the ring station took four thousand years to complete.

With the decline of Core Galaxy Systems in the centuries prior to the Clone Wars, and Kuat Drive Yards having abandoned Ringo Vinda in the wake of Core Galaxy Systems being acquired by KDY, the system was in an economic decline, with the system reduced to a role of a minor shipyard by the time of the Clone Wars. During the Clone Wars, Ringo Vinda sided with the Separatists and it was the famous site of a premature triggering of Order 66, whereas a clone trooper's inhibitor chip malfunctioned, causing Jedi Master Tiplar to be killed by her own complement of clone troopers. After the end of the Clone Wars, Ringo Vinda remained largely unaffected by the events of the galaxy at large. In the wake of the first Galactic Civil War, the population grew indifferent to politics, and the old electoral system was replaced by a lottery system for appointing all major positions of the government.

That is, until the Gulag Plague hits. Thankfully, due to rare parasites that ate Gulag plague, which were the same parasites that were purported to have caused the malfunction of Tup's inhibitor chip, the planet remained by and large immune to the plague. During the Gulag Plague, the Jawa-led government of the time decreed that only the necessities could come into the planet until the crisis was abated, even though exports resumed almost as normal. And the decision to nationalize the few shipyards left in orbit was made around that time, thus Ringovinda StarYards became a reality.

During the Netherworld event, earthquakes affected the Aldanna Range to the point of causing caverns to open and fill with molten snow, as well as with groundwater, creating lakes high in the mountain range and being a location where Gungans reappeared after disappearing from several water worlds in the galaxy, such as Kamino, Mon Calamari, Dagobah, Naboo. In the wake of the wars affecting the galaxy, an enterprising Polydroxol named [member="Dunames Lopez"] made Ringo Vinda one of the hubs of what started as a moneylaundering enterprise, Star Tours, which has grown to become one of the main channels to harbor displaced refugees from One Sith space.

Notable PCs: [member="Charzon Loulan"]
Intent: To expand on a sparsely-known canon planet; both companies my PCs own have locations on this planet (and more accurately the ring station)
Links: Ringovinda StarYards
Ringovinda Systems Research Center
Star Tours
Ringo Vinda on Wookiepedia

"This is a canon planet"
[member="Charzon Loulan"]

Maybe I overlooked it, but can you put a link to the Ringo Vinda Wookiepedia somewhere in there, rather than just the image links? Just in case someone from the site needs to compare the two.
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