Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ring around the Space Docks (Clans of Mandalore Dominion of Ringo Vinda)

Objective: Catch me outside how bow dah?
Location: Outside the rings
Tags: [member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"]

Ardgal's troops followed him as the man charged forward.

"Captain," came the voice of Homer over the comms form aboard the Valiant-class. "We are taking some heavy hits, the shields can hold, but I'm not sure for how much longer. That main turbolaser is doing more damage than we anticipated."

"Willco, moving towards main gun," Ardgal echoed over the comms.

Sights set on the main weapon, he charged forward. The recruits had to dead sprint to follow him. The man's cyborg enhancements had taken full control, giving him clinical clarity that was only enhanced and augmented by his own adrenaline and organic strength. He weaved his way along the outstanding dishes, building access hatches, and tools that were set up along the surface of the Ring. It may have looked completely flat from above, but the surface was far from that. His HUD caught the movement ahead.

"Keep moving," Ardgal ordered over the comms, "They will expect us to slow down or stop for cover. If we do, we are pinned. Keep moving."

"Sir, look out!" One of the troops shouted, hurling himself in front of the general. The man contacted the general, but barely moved himself in front of the Stinger's shot. His very body evaporated at the blast, reduced to a charred husk, encapsulated in what remained of the armor.

But the blast still had follow through. The follow through damage hit Ardgal in the leg. While it didn't fully penetrate the plate, the general could feel his flesh singing with a burn. It was minor, for now, and would hurt more than anything else. His cyborg implants worked over time to temporarily block the pain out long enough for him to get through this.

Ardgal's troops scattered. The psychological effects of watching a comrade incinerated in one blast right before them, on the ground where they should have been safe made them think of what really mattered, surviving. They ducked behind anything they could find to give them cover. And just in time before the hail of blaster fire rained down around them. The general looked to his left, he could see one of the troops curled up, crying, weeping. "Oh mommy, mommy, please! Mommy come help me!"

The general marched to his soldier, "Get it together. We have to move, now."

"Mommy, please! Mommy save me!"

Ardgal didn't have to see inside his helmet to know the man was sobbing his eyes. The truth of his mortality hit him, and now his wailing over the comms was demoralizing every last one of the survivors. Ardgal bent over, bringing the butt of his rifle up in a heavy slam against the man's helmet. Call it a "cognitive re-calibration" or just knocking him out. Either way, the boy slumped over unconscious.

"We can either sit here and die, or we can take them down," Ardgal said over the comms dropping a Brimstone round in his rifle's underbarrel grenade launcher. "I won't ask any of you to follow me, I will just ask you to make that choice." He raised his rifle, his HUD and internal chip calculated the angle and distance. He pulled the trigger, its durasteel clad canister soared in a beautiful arc. "Those who want to live, on me."

The blast exploded not far in front of the defenders. Ardgal charged ahead, and most of his troops elected to follow him. The blast wasn't intended to harm them, he wanted to have a chance for his new hands to get a go at live combat. It was only meant to give some cover as the closed the distance. It wasn't long before Ardgal and his berserking recruits were on the defenders. The general used his momentum to powerdrive his shoulder through one of the fringe defenders hiding behind a transmission disc. One of the others turned their rifle to fire on him. The shots bounced off his beskar, Ardgal twisted, shooting a trio of shots from the hip that cut him down. Another tossed a grenade at him. Ardgal caught it in mid air, tossing it over head. It's blast was harmless enough, but bright and hot.

If it wasn't his armor then he hoped that would draw enough attention to himself for the real leader to show up.
Objective: 2
Tags: [member="Livia Maddox"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Kaine Australis"]

The reinforcements of the pirates generally fought with the UCM's forces. As the acclamator charged the Defiant Mantis, it fired its own guns even as it deployed more ships to fight Kaine, Mig, and others. Even though the older ship had been upgraded, it was no match for the Mandalorian ship. Then again, it wasn't supposed to be, its main purpose was to distract the ship and damage or destroy it if at all possible. However, the ship quickly began to crumble under the explosives fire of the Mantis, its shields and hull no match for the firepower of the Alor class ship. Thankfully for the pirates it was mainly crewed by droids, and thus very expendable. Even as the ship was passing the Mantis, its core was set to overload and the final pilots were sent out to dogfight the UCM. Many of those pilots were destroyed before they could properly escape, but enough manged to get out in time that they'd be able to cause some damage. That was all moot though, for in that moment the acclamator finished its self destruction. It wasn't directly on top of the Mantis anymore, but close enough, when the core exploded. The ship went up in a great ball of fire, that fire intent on destruction of everything near it.

Several pirate/merc ships were damaged or destroyed, and many pirates decided to flee then. They hadn't been expecting that and had no wish to needlessly sacrifice themselves any longer. The mercs were a different matter however, they practically threw themselves into fighting Kaine, Mig, and doing their best in bombing the Defiant Mantis. While they no doubt would soon loose, they would make the UCM pay for their defeat.

At the same time, the one pirate ship that had escaped to the ring saw the hopelessness of the situation. Then they made a decision, to make a run for it. Sadly for them, they didn't notice their pursuit, and made their way out into open space to get a clear line to jump. However, in this time they'd be vulnerable to being shot and destroyed.


Objective: 1
Tags: [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Taozi Fuyuan"] [member="Akita Silasrune"]

Adenn grinned slightly behind his helmet, that was rather quick. It was good he'd spoken then if the idea was so good, made things quicker and easier for everyone. He shook his head in response to her question before turning his gaze to Representative Jarod. The man shook his head as well, so it seemed it was all said and done. Then Aditya spoke again, prompt and to the point as always. Chuckling lightly, Adenn nodded his head, then he stood with her, extending an arm for her to help stand up with. At the same time Jarod stood up as well, following their lead, shortly after him came the others. Bowing his head slightly to them, Jarod spoke then.
"Thank you Mandalorians, your services will be appreciated. We thank you for your work done today and look forward to working together in the future."

"Anytime Representative Jarod, anytime. We'll have an eye here to make sure no more pirates come around and so that we can follow through with what Aditya said we would. Standard procedure for every planet." Adenn was smiling slightly behind his helmet, this was done now and he'd get to spend some time with Aditya hopefully.

With the pleasantries aside, Adenn nodded his thanks to those on the Ringo Vinda side before shaking Jarods hand once more. That done, Adenn held his arm out for Aditya, so that they could walk out together. Walking out semi quickly, Adenn would let the door close behind himself and any with him before speaking to any of those with him. His grin was evident as he spoke.
"Good work everyone, mission successful. Thank you for your help, it was most useful."

Then he turned to Aditya and spoke again, affection now evident as well.
"Well done c'yare, very well done. Mission successful, in large part thanks to you." He'd lead down to give her a quick keldabe kiss then. "So, what to do next love?"
Objective: 1
Tags: [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Akita Silasrune"]

A hint of a smile came from Taozi as it seemed negotiations were coming to a close. And the meeting hadn't gone up in literal flames either! The Tal Alor nodded as Aditya mentioned her medical fleet. "Of course, Clan Tal is always on call for those who need medical assistance. The Tal fleet frequents Velmor as part of our patrol route, as well. Please do feel free to contact us if you have need with any medical emergencies. My clan is based on Taanab, if you have any difficulties in contacting the fleet directly."

Taozi watched as Aditya initially struggled to stand, and was pleased to see the pregnant woman able to stand on her own on the second try. With the Alor's business finished, she stood up, and bowed silently to the Ringo Vinda representatives. The two Tal women behind her followed her lead in bowing, before following their Alor out of the room behind Adenn and Aditya. At Adenn's thanking and praise, Taozi smiled slightly, just enough to be noticeable.

"Anytime, Adenn. Do be sure to keep from stressing out your lover." A teasing smirk was sent the other Alor's way, before Taozi walked down the halls. The two women beside her giggling quietly to themselves as they followed their Alor.
What're you gonna do? Kill me?
Location: Ringo Vinda Ring
Objective: 1
Interacting with: [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Taozi Fuyuan"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Akita Silasrune"]

I take Adenn’s arm and use it to help me stand for a minute. Gosh who made seats so small uncomfortable and anti third-trimester-triplets-carrying Epicanthix? Oof.

“Right now I’m about ready to declare war on shoes and puffy feet.” Once we’re out of the negotiation room, I lean into Adenn a bit more. He can take it.

“But... with the firefight outside maybe a... glance at Ringo Vinda? We’re on a stationary ring around a planet, it’s engineering realness! I’d love t-you... you know what? Hold me.” That’s it! I’m declaring war on footwear! Kicking off my shoes, I watch them tumble away in front of me and sigh with audible relief. “Ooohhhh my feet are free hallelujah. Yes I’m never wearing shoes again... until the next time I legally have to wear shoes. And even then it’s a maybe unless there’s rocks or something.”

Freedom of the toes! Save the toes! This place is rather nice. The Ringo Vindans know what’s what for sure. I lean up and give Adenn that Keldabe Kiss, brushing my hand along his shoulder.

“I love you, ya big mandohoovian galoot. Thanks for not freaking out and leaving me at home in the rocking chair. Babies’ll come soon enough as it is.” There’s this spot where I can see part of the ring, and the battle outside. I lean against the rail and watch, pursing my lips. “Hope this galaxy’s a bit safer to be born into, this time around.”
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Liddin seemed to smile as the fighter pulled away from the ring. This was his death sentence, as Liddin's wingman pulled on the fighter, and dialed in the heavy laser cannons. Soon, the cockpit was filled with the deep thuds of the heavy weapons firing, and the enemy fighter broke up.

"Woohoo! Great call Liddin!"

"Right, now let's get back to helping the squadron."

As the fighters flew back, the other Gred TwinTails and Torrent-types kept up the fight. The torpedo frigates fired off cluster missiles, targeting every remaining enemy fighter with Kaine's Bork torpedoes, and the fighters gave chase when clear.

[member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Livia Maddox"]
Location: Ringo verda exterior
Objective: Engage [member="Ardgal Raxis"]
Equipment: Witchhunter armor, Stinger, and DE-10 Blasters.


Vhei took a moment to observe her handiwork as the disruptor pistol fried one of the pirates in his armour, glancing down at the pistol, giving a quick nod to kaine's craftsmanship. Yeah, That'll do.

-You're doing good, Keep it up- She speaks into her commlink as the pirates scramble for cover, it appeared that she was right, their enemies were as ill prepared for this as the local security she was leading, perhaps they'd be on equal terms?
Then the brimstone round hit the deck in front of them. She smirked inside her helmet, holstering the disruptor while drawing her DE-10s instead, Her magno-grip boots clanking with each step while casually walking to the side to get an angle around the smoke

-Don't bother with the smoke, wrap around right and intercept them, they'll be moving for the-- Before she could finish, One of the pirates came rushing through the smoke, barreling through several of the security workers, followed by a few others. She should have ordered them to fire into the smoke, she underestimated their creativity this time, a mistake that she would not repeat. She turns her pistols onto a pair of approaching pirates, making short work of them as green bolts whizzed through the vacuum, leaving their bodies to awkwardly sit there, mag clamped to the surface of the station, but lifeless nonetheless. She takes cover behind them as another pair rush forward towards her men, clothslining one with her cybernetic arm before spinning around and blasting the second, that was when she caught eye of [member="Ardgal Raxis"], clad in black and crimson, and a mandalorian helmet. Either another dar'manda like she had met on H'ratth, or a mercenary of sorts. Either way this another mandalorian, certainly a cut above the average pirate. She could have blasted him, but it looked like he had proper beskar, none of that duraplast imitation osik.

she could have also drawn stinger and ended a career or two right then and there, but something about seeing another mandalorian on the field made her think differently about the situation.
She fires a few blaster bolts in his direction, if they hit, so be it, but it was more so to gain his attention. If all went well, he'd be distracted with her and the security could deal with the pirates themselves.

"MANDO'AD!" She bellowed through her vocal enhancer "Troan ni o'r be'ijaat kaan" She yells, demanding he face her in honorable combat, her magno-grip boots slamming against the ring's hull as she powerwalked towards him, holstering her blasters, fists clenched.
Objective: Cash me outside howbow dah?
Location: Outside the rings
Tags: [member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"]

With 360 scanners, Ardgal had full vision of the battle field. Added to that, Ardgal's armor neurologically hooked directly up to his being, making it an extension of his very self. He could see it all as his recruits charged in fearfully, sending volleys of poorly aimed blaster shots to try and cover themselves. The truth was, unless you had intense training, a lifetime like Ardgal or any Mando worth their salt, then when the actual blaster bolts started flying, all training left. The primal need to survive, to do anything that was required to live, took over. A running tally in the back of his neuro-processor kept a tally of their hit to miss ratio--as it was, they were barely making 15.7%. There was definitely a difference between shooting targets and something that wanted to kill you. Especially when that something was also alive.

His comm picked up on Vhei's challenge. He turned to face her as the woman came closer. His cyborg implants switched over, giving a tactical analysis.

Height: 5'9"; -10"
Weight: ~230; ~40
Armor: Unknown alloy
Weaponry: Dual pistols, one unknown.
Chances of victory: 50-65%
Chances of survival: 94-98%
Advisable action: Engage.

The Warrior drew closer, his own boots stepping across the cold durasteel hull. From behind his T-visor the Mandalorian inclined his head towards the other Mandalorian. He was cool, calm, and collected, despite the death all around them. By his demeanor, he could have just been on his way to cross a board room.

"I will make it painless," Subject 13 promised, his tone both stoic and compassionate at the same time in a strangely powerful mix. "I will not let you suffocate to death in the vacuum."

It might have sounded hard or arrogant, but in Ardgal's mind it was merciful promise. The numbers were in his favor, according to his processor's calculations. There were few deaths worse than suffocating in the vacuum of space as everyone and everything else around you moved freely. It was better to die quickly on the edge of a vibroblade than to fade away in agony.

When he was close enough the warrior brought his left fist forward in a swift blow aimed at her chest. He had no intention to hit, especially not on his first strike. However, he wanted to gauge his foe's speed, and her strength before he truly tried to harm her. If she was good enough, there was a strong chance might even let her live to fight for RMIA.
Objective: Get 'em out the way
Location: Outer hull of the ring
Tags: [member="Ardgal Raxis"]

"Neither Will I, But I make no promises regarding pain" Her tone was equally neutral. It could be interpreted as sadism, But she meant it in honesty, the battlefield was pain, plain and simple, Promising a painless death was often little more than a hollow lie, one that was ever taken seriously.

Her MFTAS flashed suddenly as her foe swung their fist. The naudir were born and bred for melee, each and every one of her aliit had been schooled in a variety of martial arts, both armed and unarmed. "If your enemy can reach you by hand, he is in your ideal range" was a quote often used by the naudir, And it was true.

She knocks his arm to the side with her cybernetic left arm, gripping tightly around his forearm, Aided by a combination of physical strength and the power assistance of her custom beskar'gam, It felt more like the grip of a machine than a women. Her right arm pulls back for a moment, the long, almost shortsword like wrist blade suddenly extends, glowing to life as the dull blue plasma cutter comes online just as she brings her fist down towards him
Objective: Cash me outside how bowdah
Location: Outside, how bowdah?
Tags: [member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"]

She grabbed his forearm with her own tough grip, there was a 75.64% chance this was not the grip of an organic, especially that of a human. As the female countered with a blow of her own, it curved in towards his lower left ribs. The general could see the glimmering energy blade curve through the void of space, aimed at his torso. There was a 46.7% chance of him blocking successfully without getting hurt or damaging his armor. Those percentages were not near enough for him to take the risk. There was only a 16.9% chance of breaking her grip on his arm.

Instead, there was a much better option.

His left hand twisted, grabbing her forearm as well in a tight grip. With a double tap of his toes, Ardgal deactivated both of his boots. Simultaneously, his jetpack roared to life, sending the general charging right towards her body with his shoulder. His other arm would try to wrap around her waist, securing his grip further. If he was able, then Ardgal's trajectory was aimed to slam her against one of the nearby dishes. If he failed, even by a foot, they would likely both be sent spiraling freely through the void of space with no one and nothing to save them. If he hit the angle wrong, they could probably also be sent careening in radically different directions, closer to death than ever before.
Objective: Old the ***** On!
Location: Outside, how b- NO.
Tags: [member="Ardgal Raxis"]

Not Something she was expecting, Not at all. By the time she realized what was happening, it was too late and her mag clamp boots were being dragged across the hull, sliding at rapid pace towards the nearest dish. Her opponent slams her into the dish, bending the edge in a little and denting the large power\jetpack on her back. to say that it hurt was an understatement, and to make matters worse, Another hit like that could damage the inner workings of the powerpack, sure it was duraplast, but it wasn't as thick as the mandalorium she wore.

She grunted in pain inside her helmet as she looked up, it was clear that they were still in an awkward position, Both arms occupied by the other, she had been slammed into a dish, but her metalic hand was still clenched around his wrist. She could try and cut at him again, but he had that hand locked down, and that one wasn't as strong as the other, even with her crushgaunt. What options did she have?

The Keldabe Kiss..

She rears her head back and slams her forehead down at his with as much force as she can muster, While simultaneously attempting to rip her right arm from his grip to take a quick swing with her blade, while trying to force his other arm away with her stronger, metalic left arm.

Even if his helmet absorbed the blow, at least it might give her a second to break free
Objective: 2
Tags: Livia Maddox [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Kaine Australis"]

With the destruction of the acclamator, the situation for the pirates and mercenaries in space became completely hopeless. Chaos ensued in their ranks, those with hyperspace capable ships decided to cut their losses and run for it. Those without either attacked the Mandalorians with even more vengeance or broadcast surrender codes.

That would be that for those in space, and the Mandalorians would be left to lick their wounds and kill or capture those who had surrendered. Those who had run would've been bloodied on the way out, with not many surviving to escape, but those that did would certainly be back. Meanwhile, those who couldn't run either surrendered or fought to the death, trying to take as many Mandos with them as they could.


Objective: 1
Tags: [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] [member="Taozi Fuyuan"]

Adenn walked out of the meeting room with Taozi and Aditya. He noticed Taozi's slight smile, and quirked an eyebrow behind his helmet. While he didn't know why she was smiling, he did let out a chuckle to her quip about not stressing out Aditya. Shaking his head in amusement, Adenn watched as they walked away before returning his attention to Aditya. He easily takes Adityas weight, even if he couldn't, he wouldn't show that. Wouldn't do to get her mad at him now.

Adenn nods to her suggestion, a look around would be nice. Smiling behind his helmet, Adenn shakes his feet as she kicks her shoes off. Leaning down, Adenn picks the shoes up and places them in a pouch on his lower back. While Aditya may not want them now, he's sure that they'll be needed later. Holding Aditya close, Adenn leads them further into the station and away from the meeting room. He'd planned ahead for this, if only slightly, and noted where a good viewing station was. She said she loved him, nodding back Adenn said it back.
"I love you too c'yare." He's smiling behind his helmet.

Leading her to the front of the observation deck, Adenn is glad that no one else is there. It's only the 2 of them with a grand view of space, the battle there, and the ring. Holding an arm around her shoulder and a hand in his, Adenn is genuinely happy. However, he plans on being more than that soon enough. Adenn had planned for this in his mind but was still nervous before the moment. He could charge a legion of enemies and not flinch, but this simple question he couldn't ask so quickly. Sighing, Adenn turned Aditya to himself, the sun out to their side, with a grand view for them to relish. Looking down at her, Adenn smiles again before speaking. His voice is hesitant, slightly nervous, but also filled with resolve.
"Aditya... I," He pauses, takes a deep breath before continuing. "you know I love you c'yare and it's been some time since... well since we fell in love." Sighing again, Adenn shakes his head and finally goes through with it. "Aditya, will you.... Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde."

Adenn breaths the last words out. Aditya may not be the best in Mando'a, but she's versed enough that she should know what those are. Mandalorian marriage vows. And Adenn just said them to her, he said them as much a question to her as a statement of his love. No doubt it's not what she was expecting, but Adenn didn't want to wait any longer, and this seemed the best time for it. Looking down slightly, Adenn can hardly keep his eyes focused on hers, but doesn't fully look down to the ground, instead he focuses instead on her belly. Shivering slightly from nerves, Adenn waits with baited breath.
Objective: Cash me ow--OW THAT HURTS!
Location: Outside, how bowdah?
Tags: [member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"]

Ardgal's maneuver had worked with the 98.47% success rate that he had gauged for it. Her helmet hit his with a direct impact. His helmet, like the rest of his armor, was not designed to stop hardly any of the kinetic damage. The blow stunned him for a second. His sensors fizzed out for a moment at the impact. Even though the man was a cyborg, he was still mostly organic in nature. His grip slackened, giving Wasp plenty of time and ability to break free.

Her blade made contact with the armor weave on the side of his body.

Danger: Loss of life imminent. Immediate cognitive calibration.

A shock of electricity directly in Ardgal's mind brought him back to the moment without a question. The pain of that, combined with the heat of her blade that threatened to burn through his armor, tore through him.

The best defense was a strong enough offense to make the enemy backpedal.

Ardgal's jetpack deactivated and his magnogrip boots reactivated, pulling him down to the surface quickly. As he came down, the man brought his left fist down in a hammer punch, aiming it at the crown of her head. Hopefully the inertia of his fall and his own muscle mass would be enough to buy him some time.
Objective: Retain creativity long enough to finish this dom
Location: Slam City
Tags: [member="Ardgal Raxis"]

He pressed forward, She pressed forward, It was as simple as that. Every time one of them gained ground, the other reacted accordingly, gaining ground of equal or similar value, A stalemate in the vacuum of space, and the next moment would be no different.

As her foe quickly sped downward, She had barely enough time to activate her own jetpack while deactivating her mag boots for a split second, carrying her to the side just enough to avoid a potential K.O.

Instead, her right shoulder takes the brunt of the damage "Agghck" She shouts out as her shoulder is dislocated. Her arm floats awkwardly to the side as she takes a few steps away to recover. She was tempted to just draw stinger and end the fight right there, But then her fight with amon vizsla flashed in her mind. No, Real mandalorians don't kill real mandalorians.. Suppose it's time to talk a little, Something she normally avoided on the field.

"Not bad.. for a pirate" She grunts "Question Is, Why are you fighting for them, when you could apply the same talent to the enemy? The True Enemy"

She made no indication as to who the true enemy was, Maybe he'd start asking questions, giving her time to think and maybe answer a few of her own
What're you gonna do? Kill me?
“You know what? When you say it, I believe you.” Overlooking both the planetary ring, and the dwindled battle, Adenn took my hands. The Mandalorians always say family is important, only reason worth fighting, this and that. Educate your kids. Day I died and opened my eyes in the Netherworld, I knew no such family would be mine.

I’d lost it, with my life. All that potential for soul. The battle outside dies, fighters returning to their carriers, ships banking around the ring. We won and with the negotiation, it feels like a form of winning. One I don’t recognize.

So why’s [member="Adenn Kyramud"] nervous? Doesn’t strike me as a reason unless we’re all gonna die. Maybe he doesn’t want to drop my shoes. My worries drift off as I watch the delight of space, scurrying ships and plenty of debris to bring in for scrap. Adenn’s got his arm around me and I lean into it. Feel the trips rustling around in my belly.

“What’s up, nexu pup? You’re shaking for pity’s... sa-aa-aay?” He wants his kids. Adenn wants to be a father and I knew a lover, but... marriage? Half of me wants to step back, gain some distance and tell him all the reasons he’s wrong to do this. Wrong to love and want me.

For one, I’m not too terribly sure I’m not some form of Sith pop-able balloon. Two, I’m about as soft and lovely as an Acklay. Three... I’m far too analytical to enjoy moments when they come to me. Four? I’m a terrible parent. A wheel of cheese would have done a better job of raising Yash. Then again, I think [member="Gray Raxis"] ate said proverbial wheel of cheese and that might be where he got his belly from.

Five... feth five.

“Adenn...” I squeak, a gigantic sniffle breaking out of my nose. Shoulders shivering and rib cage caught in the shakes, I start bawling. “Ade-e-eenn Kyra-a-am-mud-dy... you... you... you!!!”

Digging around my pockets, I pull out a hankie and blow my nose, trying to wipe my eyes.

“You take that dang helmet off and say your vows again! I don’t wanna miss ‘em! Cause dang it but I ain’t gonna say ‘em right if you don’t repeat ‘em all! Mhi Solis tombe and mhi dartomb and and the... yes! Yes I’ll marry you! Have and hold, ever after, raise the kids to put up their dukes, the lot of it! I’ll marry you right now!”
Ardgal welcomed the chance to take a reprieve. He could sense there was a strong chance this would end with a contract, or a closer deal that would result in more funds than what he was getting at the moment. There was always more money, always a better offer. Ardgal's first loyalty was to the his Virgil, and the clan he had built around RMIA. The men and women who trusted him to put food on the table were more important than the other person looking down his sights.

But that didn't mean that person couldn't make him an offer to put more food on the table.

"I follow the credits," he said in response to her question. "There is honor in the contract, there is honor in the skill of the fight."

He took a few steps forward, the void was lit up with the blasts of death, as the men and women around him struggle and fought in the void. They would die far from home, in the soulless void of space. No one would hear their screams or their pleas. No one would know how valiantly they tried and failed for nothing.

"I provide work. I give hope. I put food on the table of many," his words contrasted with the death and suffering around him. One of the soldiers fell before him, grasping at their severed chest. Blood spewed out into space, mixed with air. The real question would be if the suffocation or blood loss would kill them first. He stepped over their dying form without even glancing down. "And I bring order. The parts we steal here will half be sold to underfunded colonies in the Outer Rim. The other half will help me to built a better and greater space port back home."

Without warning, Ardgal's arms moved like a flash. He had closed the distance to Wasp as he spoke, and now he struck. His blade leapt to his left hand. His right gripped it as well, both brought it around in a heavy slash aimed at her mid-section as it extended. Without gravity to slow him down, the swing was much faster than it would have been on the surface and he threw everything into it that he had.

"That is why you must die." He continued, "Because people depend on me to finish this job."

[member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"]
His strike connects, she was fast, fast enough to see it coming, but she's no jedi, she doesn't rely on some super human crutch, however helpful it may be.
With a loud clank, the blade hits her breastplate and slides across the VT sharkskin undersuit, slowing it down as it slide harmlessly across her armor. With a low growl she grabs the blade with her cybernetic hand, jerking it forward and activating her jetpack while detaching the mag boots, aiming to slam into him with as much force as she could possibly muster, however painful it would be, no thanks to his previous stunt.

"People- She started with a pained grunt, raising her fist again "Depend on me" She swings as fast and hard as she possibly can, probably injuring it

"You're people are out here dying, No use feeding the dead" She pulls her fist back yet again

"And We're- Instead of going for a straight up right hook like last time, she suddenly curves low aiming for a gut punch, using the same vacuum and lack of gravity as her foe had -doing the same!" She screams, pulling her fist back yet again "Fighting the damned Silver witches- and the confederacy!" She lets out one more scream through her vocal enhancer before bringing her knee up towards his chest with as much force as she could bring to bear before reactivating her left mag boot to try and stabilize herself

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
Adenn watched Aditya, looking closely into her eyes and sees her hesitate. The pause nearly kills him, he doesn't want to wait, he needs that answer or he'll die. She says his name and sniffles, prompting Adenn to hold her closer. She tells him to take off his helmet, and so he does. Then she says to say the vows again, so he does that too. But his joy at what she says is indescribable, his true love will marry him. Grinning wildly, Adenn pulls Aditya closer before kissing her.
"I love you c'yare, now and forever more. My love, my hope, my wife." Adenn kisses her again, as words are too difficult in that moment. He pulls her closer, wrapping her in a warm embrace, showing his love to her in that way. He'll need a wedding gift, and a suit of beskar armor should do it. Smiling lovingly to her, Adenn is lost in happiness as he kisses her again before leaning his forehead against hers.

[member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"]
What're you gonna do? Kill me?
The moment he takes his helmet off, I know the decision to say yes was the right one. He’s nervous, concerned and this matters. Failing him would hurt, and hurt more than [member="Adenn Kyramud"]. The way he holds me, secure and scared, is heaven.

Lips against mine, sweet and loving, is heaven.

Thing about heaven is, I’ve seen it from afar. Never able to get there, or touch it as much as I reached and boy oakey, I reached. Heaven isn’t a state of mind, but a state of energy. A synthesis and communion. I can feel in the back of my mind, that slim connection which guides my mind back to its’ origin point. To Prazutis.

How long have I got, before he decides to yank the chain and pull me into his bidding? Nothing I could ever say, my lips sealed by this body’s creator. For a moment I try, my silence almost lingering sweetly in the pause before he restates the simple, Mandalorian vows.

Maybe if I’m really lucky, the devil won’t yank me out of heaven until my life is over, and I’m good and ready to go. Let it go, my heart says, just enjoy this best moment of life so far. I cuddle into him, my husband, as our babies wriggle in my belly.

I repeat them after Adenn, simple tongue twisters meant to give ease to folk in battle so they can connect in the dark. My heart flutters in my chest, a hummingbird against the bars of my ribs. Forehead to his, I grin and laugh and cry.

“I love you… I love you… I’m not being Aditya Kyramud… oh gosh… how do we tell Yash?”

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