Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Return of the Jedi (SJO Dominion of Hast)

He silenced her with one finger, she noticed, before continuing to speak into the comms. Hmph! Silence her? You're lucky this is of import, else I'd give you something to silence me about, Mister Harrison!

As she patiently waited for him to be finished, Kyra's fingers drummed on a surface to her right and her gaze lingered over some of the tech. It was actually in pretty good condition, and seemed to be up to spec'. Someone in the Silvers clearly knew what they were doing. Maybe they didn't need her after all!

Finaaalllyy after what felt like an eternity but was really just a few moments, Connor's attention seemingly turned to the room and yet again his beloved blue milk.

"If you like it so much why don't you marry it" she jested, resisting the urge to stick her tongue out. In truth she might have done exactly that had he not turned to face her and her gaze fell upon his eye... Deep down inside her blood boiled, yet all that showed on the surface was sorrow.

"Oh, Connor..." she breathed, her expression slightly twisted with grief. Two steps seemed to close the gap between them nicely, and her hand lifted up to gently brush her thumb just beneath the scarring. "Who did this to you?" Her voice remained quiet, as though she couldn't quite believe what she was seeing.

In truth she was simply keeping her rage from bubbling over.

[member="Connor Harrison"]
Location: Hast System, aboard the Supreme Commander's ship.

Objective: Follow orders of [member="Suravi Teigra"]

Allies: [member="Thoja Arlos"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Willa Isard"] | [member="Suravi Teigra"] | [member="Reshmar"] (If I'm missing anyone I'll pick them up in the next few posts)

"Let's get moving ladies!" Sergeant Valkren Calderon raised his usual calm, rugged voice to a much more commanding tone as he entered the section of the barracks that Saber team was located in. His team of Top-tier special forces operators had been lounging around while they waited to reach their destination. Young was against his own locker, reviewing over details of the mission at hand; Watson was lying flat on his back on the bench inbetween lockers, a cup beside him on the floor filled with a dark liquid signaling that he had tobacco inbetween his lips and gums; the team's two assault specialists, O'Connor and O'Riley, were busy at an arm wrestling contest with each other; Michaels was occupied with his prosthetic that was now fit where his right forearm and hand used to be. None of his men were suited up, and the Sergeant thought that was a problem.

The commando was already suited up to everything but his helmet, which he was carrying in his right hand. As he walked to the middle of his squad, he'd drop the helmet on Watson's stomach, causing the marksman's eyes to shoot open, leaning over to the side and spitting the dark liquid into the cup next to him. "Man..I was enjoying myself for once, not sleeping in a bush or on a rock," Watson stated, swinging his legs off of the bench to sit up and rub his eyes.

As the rest of his team began to straighten up, each Saber going to their lockers to get suited up, Valkren sighed and walked to the nearest communication system in the room. He leaned against the wall, typing a few commands into it before speaking. He broadcasted to an assistant console on the command deck of the ship, plus to any ground forces team leaders that were preparing their own groups for insertion. "This is Saber One, Saber team is moving to the armory to finish 'kitting up,' we'll be ready for deployment in five." He switched to the insertion groups on a more private challenge. "If anyone would like to meet Saber team in the armory..I don't think I can take another minute with these boys."

Michaels raised his voice in attempt to be heard through the comms' system. "Oh don't say that, you love us, boss!"
Post #2
Objective: Deal with slavers

“Very true. There have been some disappearances over the past few months on one of the planet-side ship yards. We should do some information gathering.” Joza offered a smile at her Padawan. [member="Serana"] was a good student, always willing to learn and go the extra mile to get the job done.

A hearty chuckle left the Zeltron’s throat at the idea of dangling a nervous gangster off of a building. “Hopefully we’ll get to the bottom of this without much fuss. But we should be ready for action regardless.” While most of Joza’s dealings with criminals did involve some sort of interrogation and/or face-punching, they were under the banner of the Silver Jedi this time. A little bit of diplomacy could go a long way, especially seeing as how they were looking into winning the support of the people of Hast.

“Joza Perl and Serana heading down towards the surface of Hast.” Opening the Silver channel, she quickly gave quick update on their position before turning back to Ivan. “You stay here, alright?”

The pilot grunted as he placed the ship down gently on the outskirts of the shipyard, his feelings unclear. Typically he didn’t like joining Joza out in the fray.

“Alright Serana, let’s get to work.” Patting her sabers, Joza rubbed a hand over her stomach. She was beginning to show against the tighter cropped fabric of her robes, and the dancer’s bodysuit beneath it didn’t do anything to hide the bump.

As the Master and Apprentice made their way into the shipyards, Joza looked around to take in the area. Busy, quite a few workers and what appeared to be a storage area in the distance. Spying a man with a clipboard inspecting some parts, she tilted her head towards him as she spoke to Serana.

“That man there. Let’s go ask him about the disappearances. But you take the lead, alright Serana?” She gave the Del-Ya an encouraging smile.

[member="Connor Harrison"]
Objective: Investigate Abductions
Secondary Objective: Project Oculus
Allies: [member="Joza Perl"]
Post: 4/25

Serana looked at her master and gave a nod fo her head to that trotting and moving with some speed but not to startle another person as the sight of a big purple horse with wings and a horn coming at you might make a person be all startled and fearful like. Better to have the zeltron approach with you and then a talking flying horned horse didn't seem so unnatural and strange. "Understood master." She was glad Jerek wasn't here.. he might try and horn in on this special moment and bring sense to the situation of it... or he'd try and sell rides to children to make a better impression... Either way she was ready to begin while going towards the man. "Excuse me sir?" She asked it while walking with a look on her face close to a smile.​
Post 2 of 20
Objective: Save the kitty. Save the day. Kiss the girl. (not necessarily in that order)
Gear: Ankarres Healer Robes | Riptide
#TeamAwesome: [member="Sia Ike"] (the hot one) | [member="Izama"] (the fishy one) | [member="Nyt Rito"] (the young one)

After he'd ensured that everyone was still with him, the group had piled back into the Backwater.

The Niathal shuttle lifted off from the surface of Cholganna, sailing from out of the upper atmosphere and back into the wild space that permeated this region. The Nautolan was standing in front of the navi-computer, staring at a series of charts and graphs.

"They won't have gone far. That strike from my lightsaber should have damaged the hyperdrive," the young knight noted aloud, shifting through comparisons of inhabited systems and distances. Out of the list of possible destination, the escaped ship would need a planet with a population enough as to support repairs to a hyperdrive, and conceal the added presence of a group of smugglers with exotic wildlife in cages.

Reaching forward, the Nautolan hesitated a moment before he settled upon a dot on the map.

"There," the knight remarked simply. Beneath his fingertip was a glowing dot superimposed with the word 'HAST.' "That's where they probably went."
Post 2/20

JJ was distracted from his work. The scent of pheromones wafted about the air, and while he did not personally know the Zeltron [member="Joza Perl"] he knew that the chemicals she produced could be distracting. It was likely a good thing they had distracted him however because it seemed there was something happening in that part of the ship yards. The Jedi could follow along and see what was happening. Something about people missing, and that was more important than another place for the Silvers to make new ships. Judah wasn't sure how helpful he would be considering he was still dealing with the inner turmoil of actually taking a life. However he was more resigned to the fact it was necessary at times, but not the preferred option.

Quietly the padawan followed along, saying nothing for now. He didn't need to involve himself beyond observing for now. Was that a baby bump he noticed? The master Zeltron wasn't jumping into a potential combat scenario while with child was she? Sometimes JJ would never understand why Jedi did what they did at times. He just knew that it was his calling to one day carry the mantle of Jedi Knight. There was nothing more important to him at the moment than to follow in his father's footsteps despite their estranged relationship. Judah wanted this for himself and for no other reason. It was time to be his own man.

It seemed they walked into a container yard of some kind. This didn't feel right. What exactly was the cargo? Slaves. The thought sank into his stomach like a brick. JJ suddenly felt sick inside. How could people do this to others? It was wrong. Everyone had a fundamental right to freedom, and JJ would see to it that this operation would stop. He hoped he was wrong that is was a slaver operation.

Location: Ibtisam City, Hast
Objective: Diplomatic Gains
Allies: Order of the Silver Jedi
Enemies: Intrigue


Mothut dragged him through the ball room, introducing him to various dignitaries, politicians, corporate executives, and even a handful of military officers. Gir politely smiled and tried to remember them and their names as best as he could, yet he found that difficult as they made their rounds. Thankfully for the man, he had already met a handful of them before. Gir found himself talking to one of them now, a brunette woman with snow-white skin that contrasted greatly with her conservatively cut, red dress.

"Gir," started Mothut, "this is Miss Tinian Threkin."

Tinian broadly smiled as she extended her hand towards him, "It's been a while, Gir."

Mothut blinked as the two shook hands, "You know each other?"

"Gir was two years ahead of me in secondary school," recounted the woman, "but we both were in some after school club together."

Gir nodded in acknowledgement, going along with the story. While it was true, it didn't exactly reveal the extent of their shared past, nor their plans for Hast. Mothut's eyes lingered on Gir's face, making him wonder if she knew that he was hiding something. Gir briefly glanced down at the marble floor before looking back up.

"It has been a while," said Gir, "but I believe I saw you in passing during the last business bureau meeting. You made some very pointed yet elegant points about the state of the local fishery industry."

The brunette nodded, and so did Mothut, though Gir doubted that that tidbit had interested Mothut much. The Ibtisam business bureau had the outside reputation of being a rather stodgy institution with meetings that were equally dull and uninspiring. Yet Gir and a select few business people had found the subcommittee meetings of the bureau to be far more interesting from a political standpoint, simply because while most business people were interested in politics, most career politicians weren't interested in the finer points of business. That left him with more room to work around Mothut and many of her counterparts as he sought out alternative allies and perspectives for the future of both Ibtisam City and Hast itself.

"I hope this gathering will be as productive as the our last meeting," murmured the brunette quietly, before taking a sip of her cocktail.

"Oh, I imagine it will be," said the mon calamari female, sweeping a webbed hand around the room, "all the players are here..."

An old quote from one of his teachers came to his mind: All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances...With Mothut's gaze elsewhere, he glanced at Threkin, who gave him a subtle nod. Gir cleared his throat, bringing back the councilor's attention.

"I would like to take Miss Threkin with us to the meeting with the council," announced Gir.
Silver Command Station
Silver Order Temple, Voss

He took Kyra’s hand and patted it, holding it up and wrapping his hand around hers.

"Hey, I’m fine. It’s fine. Just tender, and the occasional twitch. It’s fine. It’s what you get tangling with a Sith Sorceress. Trust me, I’m alright." Connor kissed her knuckles, and gave a reassuring smile. "Just takes a while to get used to I’m sure."

More coms came through the station, and a familiar voice alerted him. He shot a glance to Kyra in confusion, knowing she wouldn’t have an idea why, and squeezed her hand once more before letting go and turning back to the com, activating it. He heard the random chatter from squads on the ground and teams in the air.

"Joza? Is that you? What the hell are you doing?"

The last thing a pregnant woman should be doing was heading into the unknown for a dominion mission. He shook his head and cursed under his breath. A few flickers caught his eye on the map as a number of Ranger ships headed into space.

"Delta Three, keep it tight. Move in and wait for Commander Isard to give any orders."

He turned and looked up at Kyra, still standing there.

"Welome to the operations room, Miss Sol."

[member="Kyra Sol"] | [member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Thoja Arlos"] | [member="Valkren Calderon"] | [member="Judah Lesan Jr."] | [member="Suravi Teigra"] | [member="Willa Isard"]

She stood there almost dumbfounded as he seemingly waved the whole thing off as nothing more than a slight inconvenience. Her head was shaking before she could stop it, and she almost laughed with indignation. "You call that fine? If I ever find out who did this..."

A slow exhale of breath was enough to suppress the rage. She was in a freaking Jedi Temple of all places. She couldn't really be cussing or making threats now, could she? Still the mere sight of his face made her stomach twist uncomfortably. How dare somebody do that to him!

The smile he gave might have been enough to fool most, but Kyra knew Connor well enough to realize that he wasn't even buying into his own words. How many times had he yelled at her for not being true to herself? Hmph. Silly hypocrite...

She wouldn't hold it against him this time though. How could she? He was the one most affected by it.

A voice rang through the comms then, and understandingly she took a step back to give him the floor. Time to process what she had seen, time to process the room she was stood within too. What a weird hub of activity.

While she didn't intentionally eavesdrop she could not help but take note of how firm and confident Connor's tone was when giving instructions, he was in his element here... Which made her wonder why he'd ever doubted his place among these people. Part of her was glad that he hadn't given up, that he hadn't walked away when the going was tough.

The sound of her name made her jump, and she turned to look at Connor yet again with a meek smile.

"Quite the place you've got here, Mister Harrison" she teased with a coy expression, "How are things down on Hast?"

Best to change the subject from his wounds, she supposed. No doubt the last thing he wanted was a continual reminder. Didn't mean she wouldn't seek to find out more about this Sorceress. That gave her one or two clues to build upon at least.

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
How did I miss this! Probably from not reading all of the proposed Dominions I guess!!

Objective 2: Protect the people from slavers

It had been some time since Sorel sat in a fighter in a combat role. It was long overdue in her opinion, so she was pleased she was here with Kaytoo. Her droid was being loaded into a fighter as she entered the pilots’ briefing room. Someone activated the holoprojector at the front of the chamber.

“This is not a drill,” the monotone voice incanted. “This is a most serious situation.”

Sorel felt the collective frustration in the room. These people were here to fly ships, not listen to a party political broadcast.

“Fourteen minutes ago, we received a distress call from a space station," the briefing officer droned. The holoprojector shared a flickering three-dimensional image of the space. It was much like any other space station.

A large freighter was docked at one of the refuelling ports. “The station is under attack. Troops have been deployed but your task is to eliminate the fighter escort and to disable but not destroy the freighter. We anticipate crew have been kidnapped by the slavers. The safety of human life overrides all other orders. Let the ship escape to hyperspace if necessary.”

The muttering Sorel heard was consistent in its tone. Under no circumstances was the ship going to leave the sector. And no lives would be lost.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio thanked the foreman with a nod and began working his way towards the rocky hill. He found a dirt trail that lead towards it. It looked worn but unused in quite some time, as if the dirt had settled and tracks had not been placed on it since the last few rains. As he drew closer, Akio could feel a signature in the Force. It was strong, strangely so. The Blue Pligrim had rarely ever felt one both so familiar and so strange at the same time. He had become so used to feeling Jedi and Sith through the Force that this entirely different feeling was odd. But at the same time it was very familiar.

“Like looking in a mirror,” the Chiss mused aloud, picking his way up the hill.

It didn’t take him long to reach a cave at the end of the trail. Akio peered inside, his red glowing eyes piercing the darkness. A figure of an old man in loose robes came closer. He was very old, older than anyone that Akio had ever seen before. If it wasn’t for the staff the man was leaning on, Akio doubted he would still be able to stand. But in spite of that, the man felt strong in the Force, and refreshing like a breath of sweet air.

“Ah, good evening, young one,” the man said, his wrinkled face giving a thin smile, “I have long been waiting your arrival.” Akio tilted his head to one side, the man gave a toothless cackle, “Do not act so surprised, you are here to take care of the Dark One.”

“The—the dark one? Who are you? What are you talking about?” Akio knew the Force worked in strange ways but even this was odd for him.

“My name? What does it matter? I am the old man who lives in a cave and gives wisdom to those who come to me,” the man said humorously, “I have lived for many years here guiding the village when they ask it. It’s been many years since someone asked me this. I must admit, I have forgotten. Call me Guidance.”

“Very well, Guidance, how is it that you feel so strongly in the Force?”

“Long ago, I was a master of the Force and its ways. I had learned the arts of the Jedi and the Sith too and the spell caster’s ways. I was so powerful that I lost sight of who I was,” Guidance explained in his slow, creaky voice, “But it was at last when I made the most grave of mistakes, I struck down one of my own friends, thinking that it would give me more wisdom and power. When I did this I realized what I had become and relegated myself to an exile. Here I remain, guiding the village and minding myself.”

“Do you not have wish to return to the outside world?” Akio asked. “Power like yours could be of great service to many a people.”

“I tend to crops, I bless them with the Force, I help it to rain when the village needs it, and I stop storms when they are too dangerous, is this not what it means to help people and be great?”

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?

Sorel knew the station was virtually defenceless. Engineers had been assigned to upgrade their weapons systems, so apart from shields and a few squads of troopers, the men and women working on ship repairs would have been easy pickings for a well-orchestrated slaver attack. Were it not for the presence of the fighters at the Silver Jedi’s disposal of course.

Most of the pilots were not Force Sensitive but a few were like Sorel – Jedi as well as trained in space combat. There were two flights present. One was assigned to defend the station and disable the slaver’s freighter. The second – Sorel’s flight – was asked to take care of the fighters that were supporting the slaver’s capital ship.

Sorel followed the pilots to the hangar and most of the first flight were already in their fighters, and their astromech droids were moving the ships into take-off positions. Sorel's fighter stood out among the remainder. For a start it had the least impressive paint job. Sorel spent any available time upgrading systems and saw no value in making the thing look pretty. It often caused fellow pilots to question the space-worthiness of her ship – something they quickly realised was a mistake once they saw it in action. It was an older model X-wing. Sorel was familiar with it and with many modifications specific to her – not least because she was a Jedi – she knew it was as good as any ship in the fleet. What it lacked in shields it made up for in manoeuvrability. What it was let down with in firepower, it compensated for in speed.

In many ways it was Sorel personified in ship form.
Objective: Secret Project
Secondary Objective: Project Oculus
Allies: [member="Thoja Arlos"] [member="Face"] [member="Brooklyn Justice"] [member="Suravi Teigra"] [member="Connor Harrison"]

Willa was looking at the others and preparing a couple of things for it, she had a couple more ideas when the ship was approaching the planet and Willa stepped out. Helmet clipped to her belt and hood of he cloak she had down while she was directing some of them. hearing the orders as well as getting some of their own she wanted to work on what they had as she spoke. "Send one of the advanced recan teams to scout ahead, infiltrator scouts to aid Master [member="Joza Perl"] and the others that are with her in their endeavors. Now lets see what we got." She said it while looking at the area and the ranger teams with her. THey had been setting up a lot more of them with a small look as she touched the oculus seeing different indicators for force signatures that the oled screen was assigning values to given the strength of the signature. "Commander what does it say?" She looked at the one and spoke while she was walking with the ships coming in to help them construct while working with the locals.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?

Sorel vaulted into the cockpit of her fighter. She plugged her helmet into the comm system and Kaytoo slid the canopy shut and issued a series of beeps and whistles that Sorel recognised as ‘all systems go’. She double-checked the status indicators. Kaytoo was a cut above other astromech droids but her training ensured she made sure she hadn’t overlooking something. All flight systems were green, so she surrendered control of her fighter to Launch Control and double-checked the power allocations of her weapons systems and shields.

She chatted to the other pilots. She’d been designated Flight Leader and knew she had to take charge early. She opened up a comms channel. “You know the drill. Launch Control will guide you to the combat zone and relinquish control to you when we're within sensor range of the enemy. Double-check the power allotment to your shields and laser cannons. We're going to need firepower and shields more than speed against the fighters. They’re not running, they’re looking to defend their prize."

The fact that the two things her ship lacked would be the key attributes needed for the dog-fights ahead was not lost on Sorel. Nor Kaytoo, who bleeped mournfully. “I know, I know,” she said to him and him alone and then opened up the comms channel again. “Assume Attack Pattern Beta-Omega Three as soon as control is surrendered. Sound off.”

As Launch Control taxied the fighters to the opening of the hangar bay, the pilots checked in one by one. And then the chatter and banter started.

“Don't be too confident,” Sorel broke in. “And keep comms to a minimum, let’s not announce our arrival too early, eh? Maintain communications silence until Launch Control disengages the auto pilot.”

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Post: 5
Objective: BYOO
Location: Guidance's cave

Akio nodded, "Yes, your right, this is what it means to be great. Its not about how famous you are or how many people praise you, its about taking care of people, but don't you think you could help more people if you were somewhere else?"

"True wisdom is knowing your weaknesses, young one," said Guidance, he waved at the cave around him, "I know that this is a humble station, but this is where I need to be. If I were anywhere else, I'd be tempted to begin thinking about me, and not about the people who need me. I recognize this. Wisdom is knowing when to stop. Remember this, you will need it one day."

Akio gave a nod. He would meditate on this later, "So what is this dark one, what is everyone afraid of?"

"The dark one has been roaming the streets at night, bringing terror on the people," Guidance said with a sad shake of his head, "He sucks the souls and life out of some of the unsuspecting, leaving husks of bodies that were once young and strong. Everyone is afraid to go out at night, the dark one strikes the most then. His harrowing screams and roars can be heard haunting the streets. But lately, there have been some who said they spotted him during the day, now everyone is afraid to go out."

"I will do what I can, you have my word," Akio vowed with a slight bow.

"Yes, good" said Guidance with a bob of his head, "But you will not be alone."

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Reshmar watched as the Mon Jortan dropped out of hyperspace into the Hast system. In the distance, several large vessels could be seen in orbit above the world. So were more ships present parked near the Aurora yards and around the Directorates station. The skys of Hast were filled with ships and he imagined the meeting had already begun. His presence was not needed, Gir represented the Directorate in all political matters. He wanted to be there just to show his support for the union. Hast needed the additional protection the Jedi were offering. The world had grown so much since they had first arrived. Now with more and more criminal activity in the region, Hast needed all the protection if could get.

The sleek shape of the MC601 cruiser, did not go unnoticed. A second after its arrival sensors scanned the ship and read it's IFF transponder. A moment later one of the COMM techs spoke.
"Sir, Commodore Mosses is asking to speak with you." said the man. Rehmasr nodded and an image of the human appeared n the forward screen.

"A mister Mosses, it is good to see you again," said Reshmar rolling his eyes a bit indicating he was happy to see his old freind. It was the closest thing to a smile the Mon Calamari could relay. "I see we have company." replyed Reshmar watching the man return the smile.

Ray was reading the display as it scrolled data. It was printing out the conversation and content of the meeting on the world below. Admiral Gir was the Politician of the Directorate. The other admirals generally stayed out of that element of the Directorates operations. He himself acted as a representative for the organization from time to time but Reshmar, Master Taeli and Lan had never gotten involved. Reshmar had even had Ray handle certain political issues for the Mon Calamari Shipyards from time to time. He owed the Fish his life and the two had forged a friendship over the years. That the Mon Calamari trusted him meant a lot to Ray. He had not had the best childhood; wealth and privilege seldom afforded his parents any intimacy towards him. His father barely acknowledged him when he was young. His mother did try but even she had little time for him. He grew up in boarding schools and academies from the time he was four till his graduation from the Anaxes war college. His refusal for a posting in the military had dishonored his father. After twenty-five years of absence and little acknowledgment, his father finally paid attention to him. His disdain for Ray had driven a wedge in the family and Ray had not spoken to either of them in nearly twenty years.

Ray turned when he heard the chime of the tactical officer's panel indicating a new contact. "Sir, new arrival, I do not recognize the ship but it looks mon calamari." said the COMM officer. Ray magnified the photoreceptors image and looked at the ship. "It seems Admiral Reshmar has a new toy." said Ray. HE knew the fish had been working on something new. Now he saw it for the first time. It was smaller than the other star cruisers he had seen but the shape was undeniably Mon Cal. A tag popped up on the tactical screen labeling the vessel as Mon Jortan. That sounded familiar but Ray could not place it.

"Open a channel ensign" said Ray to the COMM officer. A moment later the large display lit up and Admiral Reshmar filled the screen. Ray waited for Reshmar to finish his greeting then spoke.

"Admiral, Yes it is nice to see you again. It has been awhile since you have been here. I imagine much has changed. Yeah, we have some freind's here. We had a bit of an issue with the Aurora contingent. Solan Charr is here on their behalf. He made his stance clear and refused the Order access to the Aurora yards. I will transmit the authorization codes you will need and link you into the live transmission." said Ray as he transmitted the data to the Mon Jortan.

Joza winced at the voice in her ear, having momentarily forgotten about the commlink earpiece. With her growing stomach, so would her utility be hindered in the field. Joza wanted to make sure she did as much as she could before it would become too dangerous to go out like this. She’d forgotten that one [member="Connor Harrison"] wouldn’t be too pleased with her presence on Hast.

“Just doing my job, Connor.” She replied back sweetly, voice so saccharine she thought it would make herself ill. Turning back towards [member="Serana"], she gave the Del-Ya a look of approval. Her own Master, Dune Rhur, had her approach people under his guidance when information gathering. Though nerve wracking at first, it helped her develop her people skills in the long term.

The presence of [member="Judah Lesan Jr."] did not go unnoticed, and as Joza dropped her hand from the comm she caught the young man out of the corner of her eye. Gaze, on her stomach, she presumed. The thought made her corners of her lips upturn in a bitter smile. She assumed it wouldn’t be much longer until she was to be physically restrained from the battlefield. For now though…

“Hm?” The man with the clipboard turned to face the new voice, one that he didn’t recognize. “Gah!” Startled, he fumbled with his clipboard and nearly dropped it as he jumped, certainly not expecting to see a large purple horse. He paused before responding, looking to the Zeltron woman and then the young man who hung a few paces back. His eyes tracked to the Silver Jedi crest on their clothing, lowering the clipboard from his chest. “Yes, can I help you? The Silver Jedi, is it? What do you want? We’re very busy.” While not entirely impolite, he seemed skeptical of their presence. Perhaps he was on edge from the recent disappearances.


Further into the shipyard, a pair of figure could be seen moving into the cargo area. The workers seemed too busy to pay the young woman and little boy much mind, as out of place as they were. Perhaps they came here often, and their presence was not so unusual? Regardless, the girl seemed to grow anxious.

“I don’t think we should be back here…maybe we should have asked someone if they knew where to look.” Giving him a nervous smile, she glanced back towards the more populated area. The more they moved through the cargo area, the less visible they were. All around them were large shipping containers, some of which didn’t even look fit for transport anymore.

“Huh? But this is where we’re supposed to go!” Turning around, the little boy beamed at her—a large, toothy grin that distracted her just enough for a figure to step from the shadows and wrap one arm around her torso, another around her mouth so that she should not scream out. Her eyes widened and she let out a muffled scream against tanned flesh before stiffening, eyes falling closed and body going slack.

“Nice work, Milos.” Adnan nodded in approval towards the little boy, reaching into his pocket and tossing him a piece of candy. “Alright, Farouk. Call in the boys. Now we can leave.” He pushed the unconscious body of the girl to his younger brother, who caught her with no small amount of difficultly. “Bind and gag her, just like the other. We’re getting off of this rock.”


Above Hast, [member="Sorel Crieff"] may notice an unmarked corvette heading down towards the planet’s surface, a few fighters trailing behind but not hugging too closely—lest they look more suspicious than they already were.

Sorry for the crappy post! We’ll get to the fighting soon enough—Sorel, feel free to control the slaver forces save for the few that are heading down to Hast :)
Objective: Investigate Abductions
Secondary Objective: Project Oculus
Allies: [member="Joza Perl"] [member="Judah Lesan Jr."]
Post: 6/25

Serana listened to the comlink while she was walking and there was another one there with them and master Harrison on the comlink. Serana was still walking and heading over when she looked at her master with a small look. "IF it is needed master, you can rest and I'll carry you around." She said it while going over with a couple of the things seeing the person when she stopped and bowed her head down a little. "Thank you, please if you could direct us towards the latest disappearance. Maybe they could get a beeline on it with some force skills like psychometry if some of them knew it. She might be able to help them find some of the things but was unsure of all the skills her master knew. All she knew was a pregnant human or zeltron would get tired and she could protect her with a force barrier if she was on her back.... plus then they could fly around for an aerial view to see if they can find anything.
Location: Ibtisam City, Hast
Objective: Diplomatic Gains
Allies: Order of the Silver Jedi
Enemies: Intrigue


Mothut blinked before scrutinizing Gir and Threkin each in turn. Gir guessed that from the slight tightening of her jawline that Mothut was not fond of the idea, which seemed to further solidate Keeli's original observation: Mothut intended to keep Gir under tight control if it was at all possible. Gir let a subdued smile briefly grace his face.

"I have seen Miss Threkin in action at the business bureau meeting," started Gir, "she has a very insightful mind when it comes to interstate politics and some of the councilors involved in that arena."

Threkin nodded, "I have to be because of the various boundary disputes and their relation to seasonal fishing zones."

"Do you have any relationships with the other councilors?" asked Mothut.

That's a loaded question. If she says yes, Mothut will say that she can't be trusted. If she says no, Mothut will say that she can't bring anything to the table...

"I realize that you probably have our viewpoints and statements fully planned out, Councilor Mothut," said Gir, "but I do not think that bringing a familiar face and another industry leader will be detrimental to our cause. If anything, it might make them feel more complacent or suggest to them that we will be bringing in fishery concerns into the talks."

"A red herring," said Mothut, "I suppose it will make them remember Ibtasim as not only an industrial has traditionally been our economic life blood since the times of the New Republic. Very well, but please only reply when spoken to. If there is anything that you wish to discuss with the other councilors, please talk to me about it first."

Threktin nodded in acknowledgement. Mothut's eyes lingered on her for a half-second before she led the two CEOs in a meandering route around the crowd. At first, Gir thought it was another meet and greet routine, but Mothut didn't stop to chat with anyone, even as she acknowledged some of the attendees. Instead, the trio found themselves in a small room off the main ball room. Judging by its relatively plain appearance compared to the rest of the ballroom and its windowless walls, Gir guessed it was a storage room of some sort. A pair of folding tables and chairs had been set up around which a pair of other councilors and associated people from their city sat down. Gir almost instantly recognized the councilors as being those broadly in Mothut's alliance. Mothut turned to Gir and Thretkin and waved them to a pair of chairs near the end of a table.

"Go ahead and take your seats over there," started Mothut, "I thought it best to go over our viewpoints together as a group before the real negotiations begin, and so we can discuss any new information that some of us may have brought..."

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