Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Return of the Jedi (SJO Dominion of Hast)

Nyt Rito

The (New) Padawan Menace!
Post 1 of 20
Objective: Being Awesome (With [member="Zak Dymo"])
Gear: Sick Dance Moves, Endless Charisma
#TeamAwesome: [member="Sia Ike"] (the gross one) | [member="Izama"] (the fishy one) | [member="Zak Dymo"] (the Brah one)

Staring at the star chart, the youngling tapped a finger against his mouth. "So, Big Brah, they was taking things they shouldn't be, runnin' cause they are wrong, and we're gonna go stop 'em, right?" The youngling chirped enthusiastically, head-tails bouncing energetically as he whipped around to look at his master.

Previously the youngling used his acrobatics to disappear from harm's way into the trees, but when unarmed against mean, ugly Trandoshan's, evasion becomes a very good idea. "What can I do help on...." he peered closed to the map, "... on Haaaast...?" He asked, his voice catching on the long vowel sound, before looking back up to his Master inquisitively.​

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Post: 6
Objective: BYOO
Location: Guidance's cave

"You are coming with me?" Akio asked feeling a slight twinge of surprise. "I thought you said that this was for me?"

"That I did," Guidance said turning and beginning to walk towards the back of the cave. "Wait here." A few minutes later the old man returned with a sheathed blade in his free hand. "In ages ago, this was given to me by an old man in a cave too, for a mission I was ready to do. He told me that when it was time for me to hand it over to another, I would know, and as he told me, so I tell you, you shall know when it is time to give this blade to its next owner."

"What is it?" Akio asked, he could already feel strange energy coming from it as Guidance held it.

"In the early days of the Sith there was an honorable master who stood against them. He knew there was only one way that this battle would live beyond himself, so he created this edge from Force Crystals and Force imbued it himself. Its strong, no longer brittle as most crystals are. It is able to cut through darkness, evil spirits, and channel the Force stronger than you'd thought before. It will be the only thing able to take down this Force ghost, your weapons will not stand against it."

Akio took it in his hands and drew the blade, looking at its amazing blade. He felt wonder wash over him and a sense of power, invigorating, clearing his mind and opening his senses even further.


"I will not fail, I swear."

Objective: Discover what has been terrorising the village.
[member="Nina Heavenshield"]



Many of the Order had departed for various places on Hast to deal with problems or discover new things. Other concentrated their focus to the skies and shipyards, however Théo and his sister Nina had decided to meet with some of the local people here on Hast and in discovering that one of the villages to the south of the main city had been experiences an issue with something mysterious attacking them in the dead of night, the two had decided to go and see for themselves and to help solve the problem.

"And you say it only comes out at night?", Théo asked of the Elders of the village as they sat around a large open fire situated in the center of the Village. "Aye young Heavenshield, and in the morning one of our villagers are missing". Théo sat back on the log and rubbed his legs while giving Nina a look of incredibility. "Ever since the harvest moon, our people have been vanishing .. young, old it seems to matter not who it takes". The mood around the fire fell silent and solemn and in this moment in the distance, a howl from an unknown creature cut the coming night. "Mark my words young Heavenshield, it will happen again".

"No, not tonight. Tonight it will stop if we have anything to do with it", he stood up preparing to go back to the small hut in which Nina and he had quarters since their arrival. "Nina and I shall investigate who or what this is and put a stop to it", one way or the other, but first there was work to be done and that meant going into the forest that surrounded the village.
Objective: Secret Project
Secondary Objective: Project Oculus
Tertiary Objective: Protect Herald
Allies: [member="Thoja Arlos"] [member="Face"] [member="Brooklyn Justice"] [member="Suravi Teigra"] [member="Connor Harrison"]

Willa was looking at the others when they arrived and giving herself a small break as she started to set out and about. The construction would be easy with one of their larger construction ships and as the station was being brough in the massive ten kilometer by ten kilometer station was built to construct and churn out ships or whatever it is they might be in need up. Willa was prepared checking with the scouter that was displaying the force signatures and levels of the others they were finding. The inbuilt communications giving her com traffic and news that people were missing with possible slaver involvement on the other end. Directorate forces had their things going on so she could have a chance while the prefab structure was being assembled to start landing and housing their equipment.
Post 3 of 20
Objective: Save the kitty. Save the day. Kiss the girl. (not necessarily in that order)
Gear: Ankarres Healer Robes | Riptide
#TeamAwesome: [member="Sia Ike"] (Wonder Woman) | [member="Izama"] (Shark Week) | [member="Nyt Rito"] (Codename: Kids Next Door)

Nyt brought a smile to Zak's face.

...not that it was really that hard to do. Zak was usually smiling. 'Like an idiot' most would say, and there may have been a modicum of truth to that. C'est la vie.

"They're called poachers," the Nautolan knight remarked, turning away from the scanner. Taking a knee, the large aquatic lowered himself to the youngling's eye level.

"They're like bounty hunters, only they trap animals and not people, then take them to distant worlds where they can be sold for credits," the medic noted, as he tried to think of how best to summarize a behavior that was hard for a Jedi to imagine. The pursuit of material possessions or monetary gain was not something the Jedi ascribed to. "The animals are usually not cared for, and may damage the natural ecosystem of a planet if they get loose."

See, he was totally stupid. Just mostly stupid. But he knew what an ecosystem was...

...try finding an aquatic who didn't. Ecosystems, particularly fragile ones, were prevalent throughout any maritime environment. The slightest change in alkaline or acidity, or the removal of a predator somewhere in the food chain, could have drastic and far-reaching impacts that may have even seemed unrelated until the damage was done.

Standing up, the Nautolan made his way to the pilot controls. They'd be coming out of lightspeed soon. "I'll need you to have my back, brah."

Dropping into the pilot's seat, the Nautolan knight looked back at the youngling as he held up a hand for a fist bump. "Top shelf?"

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Post: 7
Objective: BYOO
Location: Guidance's cave

Akio sheathed the blade, he could still feel the hum in his senses, giving him a heightened awareness. It took him a few minutes to adjust. His sight felt honed, like he could see further and in greater detail. The smells were more acute. He could smell the dried meat stored in the back of the cave, the smoke from the cooking in the village, Guidance's homemade soap, and the dried herbs tucked away on his person. He could feel every ounce of fabric on his skin acutely, the soft cotton between him and the armor pressed where the hide plates were held secure to him. The dirt felt silky between his toes. All five of his senses felt so much stronger than before.

But besides that, his sixth sense, the sense through the Force felt so much stronger. He closed his eyes and could see the souls of the villagers in his mind's eye. They moved like living flames. He could almost hear their most basic thoughts, and feel their emotions. All of it washed over him like a wave that was almost too strong to bear. But the Chiss stood against it, like a stone for it to break on.

He walked down the path, monk's spade in hand, towards the village. He could feel the fear, the worry, the horror.

"Someone help me! Please someone!" shouted a frantic woman's voice.

Akio pivoted on his heel and began sprinting towards where it came from. He vaulted over a row of hedges and slid across a speeder's top before coming eye to eye with the woman.

Nyt Rito

The (New) Padawan Menace!
Post 2 of 20
Objective: Being Awesome (With [member="Zak Dymo"])
Gear: Sick Dance Moves, Endless Charisma
#TeamAwesome: [member="Sia Ike"] (the gross one) | [member="Izama"] (the fishy one) | [member="Zak Dymo"] (the Brah one)

The youngling started to box in place, bouncing slightly as if bobbing and weaving under an opponents strikes. "Ya want me to get your back, I gotchya back. I gotchya back! Yeah!!!" He'd cry out enthusiastically before seeing the offered fist-bump. "Oh yeah brah! Top-shelf!" He'd chirp, before hopping up, the tips of his toes barely touching down on the arm of Zak's seat, his fist making solid contact with the old Nautolan's own, before arcing gracefully backwards through the air into the co-pilots seat. Strapping himself in, the eager Padawan couldn't help but flash a bright grin to his Master. "You can count on me, brah!"​

With a playfully mischievous grin, he'd waggle his fingers as he peered at the control panel. "So, any button's you want me to push?" He'd ask, humor thick in his voice. He knew this was serious, and he knew that when things were serious, Padawan shouldn't be pushing buttons that could get them, or others, hurt. Or killed. Or both. A cheerful peal of laughter would fill the cockpit when Zak would likely give a startled glance over to make sure his Padawan actually wasn't pushing buttons.​

After all, the vacuum was not a place any sentient, sane or otherwise, wanted to be.​

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?

They travelled quietly enough for Sorel's liking. As a Jedi, she took the time to meditate and connect with the Force. She knew other pilots had their own pre-engagement routines and as long as they kept chatter to a minimunm, she didn't mind what they did.

Then Sorel's headset filled with beeps and whistles.

Enemy within sensor range. The message scrolled across her screen.

She made a quick check of her tactical display. Both the instrumentation and the Force told her that the enemy fighters were turning from their capital ship, to engage her team. So far so good.

Her flight was more than capable of handling this engagement as her scanner confirmed only that the enemy flew only basic fighters, none of which were as maneuverable or fast as the their ships. And they lacked shields strong enough to deflect the yield of the the Order's proton torpedoes, although their heavily reinforced canopy would probably protect the enemy pilot.

Then a message from her astromech scrolled across the translation interface readout. Flight Control was deactivating the autopilot in five... four... three... two... one. You now have complete control of your starfighter.

Sorel re-checked all of the systems read-outs. All were green, and Kaytoo had already allocated power in the way she preferred-shields at 95%, laser cannons at 101%, and sublight propulsion at 104%.

"Glad you remembered," Sorel joked after muting her comlink. She and the droid had debated power allocation before. She respected what the wealth of data told Kaytoo, but it was her ship and her life ultimately, so it became her decision. And Kaytoo had never raised the subject again. She smiled as she considered that he would never have a chance to say 'told you so' given she'd be dead if he was right.

Sorel switched her comlink on. "This is Flight Leader Sorel Crieff. Deactivate your shields and return to your carrier ship, or you will be fired upon."

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Post: 7
Objective: BYOO
Location: The Village

"Help me, please," she whimpered, lurching forward.

Akio caught her before the woman had a chance to fall face-first onto the pavement. He sent a wave of calming energy through her, letting his grip on her amplify the effect, "My name is Akio, I am a Jedi, what can I do to help you?"

"M--m--my daughter, she's gone, she went out, she left the house," the woman managed through her tearful sobs, "She will never make it with the Dark One out, please, please you have to find her, and get her back."

"I can do that," Akio said comfortingly, "I have come to defeat the Dark One. Guidance has sent me."

Her face lit up with hope, awe, and surprise, "G-g-guidance sent you? You must be strong, you will save her. I know you will."

"I will do my very best. First, I need to know what your daughter looks like," Akio.

"Oh," the woman rummaged in her purse and pulled out a picture, "Here, this was taken a month ago, when she turned 16."


Akio studied the picture for a moment, "I will keep this with me until I find her. Do you know where she went?"

The mother teared up again, "Probably to her no-good boyfriend. I told her to break up with him! We argued and she locked herself in her room. I thought she was just going to sulk there, but she must have just went for him. Please, you have to find my Dianna. I can't lose her like I lost her father in the war."

"I will find your daughter," Akio promised, "I will return her to you, and I will defeat the dark one."

Because that is what Jedi do, Akio thought. No problem is too small to be helped. No person too unimportant. Thank you, Guidance.
Objective: Secret Project
Secondary Objective: Project Oculus
Tertiary Objective: Protect Herald
Allies: [member="Thoja Arlos"] [member="Face"] [member="Brooklyn Justice"] [member="Suravi Teigra"] [member="Connor Harrison"]

Willa continued with the base construction efforts as well as her own goals. They had things to test and as the ship was being brought in and down for them to see it was massive compared to the others, giving new ideas and meanings but it was able to extend its two sides revealing to her and the others the more open hanger within it. Housing the fighters and squadrons of ships that they would be abel to use as needed. Instead of just being a warship the end goal was a multi purpose vessel able to handle more of the danger's that came from the galaxy before she was walking with some fo the ranger teams and the hold of the ship was revealed to be filled with more construction droids, equipment and supplies to continue to build up the outpost and help where they could. The teams could move off and work with the others.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Post: 8
Objective: BYOO
Location: The Village

The Chiss turned crossed a few streets to the center of the town. He stood at the cross roads of the Main street and a street called Elm Way. Akio grabbed the picuture in his free hand and closed his eyes, feeling her Force Aura. All beings left an imprint on the Force like footprints on the sand at a beach. Slowly, piece by piece he got an impression of her imprint. It was vague and small, but it would do.

He stretched his mind out, drawing off the power of the crystal sword Guidance had given him to clarify his mind's eye. He scanned and almost felt all of the presences on the Force around the village. They were all terrified, mortified of the Dark One. It was hard, almost impossible, like shifting through a needle in a small haystack. Then he felt the match. His eyes popped open. Akio looked to his left, she was just two streets over. He sprinted towards her, following the Force like an akk hound on a trail.

The Blue Pilgrim vaulted over a wooden fence, landing in someone's back yard. The hound in the back charged at him barking, but Akio surged forward, emptying his mind of all distractions. When the dog reached him, he vaulted over his monk's spade, spinning through the air and landing on the edge of the fence. Akio carried his momentum forward, flipping over into a back alley and a speeder parked near by. The moment his feet hit the ground Akio summoned the Force around him, propelling himself up in a surge of power that rocked off him. Spinning through the air again he leaped over the steet, cartwheeling across the hood of a speeder. He bound along another fence dividing to properties, halting on the last fence post.

A shrouding mist surrounded the house that even the Chiss could not see through with the aid of the sword. He didn't know what awaited him inside, but as he looked on the red bricked home, he felt a sense of foreboding. There is no turning back after this, he thought, I need to be ready for what lies ahead.

Mentally and spiritually prepared, the Chiss hopped down and walked to the front porch, his senses tingling. As he stepped up the wooden steps to the white painted door, it creaked open ominously.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?

A less well versed pilot might beleive that the enemy fighters receieved the broadcast but weren’t responding. Sorel was no novice. Their response might well be silence, but there were subtle changes. Slowly they rolled and turned and Sorel knew what was coming next.

And sure enough, they fell into formation, and accelerated toward the approaching Silver Order starfighters. They weren’t going to roll over it seems. But then they were slavers and a life in prison was for many worse than death. They were clearly prepared to take their chances.

Sore switched her frequency back to the tight-beam channel she shared with the flight. “Disable rather than destroy, but keep them occupied when the other flight take on their capital ship. We need to get between them and their carrier to stop them going back to help.”

A rousing chorus of “Copy” meant she’d got her message across. They would not risk the life of any civillians but they would not needlessly kill anyone.

“OK, Epsilon Flight, shields at full power. Go to attack speed. Engage targets at will. Let your astromechs worry about any damage to your starfighters and focus on flying and gunnery. Whatever happens, stay with your wingman, and keep the bad guys off each other’s tails.”

“Copy,” replied her own wing-man, slightly ahead of the rest. The other pilots checked in immediately afterwards as she watched the twelve green blips that represented her team converge with the twenty-four red blips that represented the slavers. Gently, she eased her fighter’s throttle forward. Switching to the frequency she shared with her wing-man, she said, “Lock on the fighter closest to me.”

Target acquired. And a split second later, he returned the favour.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Post: 9
Objective: BYOO
Location: The House

Akio gripped the blade in his left hand, ready to draw it as he stepped in. Inside it was almost like a different universe. Despite the broad daylight outside, it was pitch black within. An unsettling evil permeated the air itself in a fog that clouded Akio's senses on a deeper level. It threatened to crush him, drawing on the fear and terror wracked on the village to empower it. Akio pushed back against it, he refused to wilt under the darkness as he drew on his amulet and the Sword he had to fight against it.

Whispers swirled around him, promising to fight against him, to stand against him, that he would fail. It tried to pry into his mind and draw out his own fears, his past, his darkness and dark side. Akio pursed his lips as the tendrils of darkness challenged his mental will. It was almost like back at Degohbah when the Force showed him his darkside. He had to confront it head on, no longer running from the monster he had been. He had not fled then, he would not flee now, he was done running.

"No," he said aloud to the probing evil. His fist clenched as he sent out a wave of energy from his body. It rippled around him with a blast of energy. The force behind it was so strong it physically overturned the furniture in the darkness. Pictures fell from the walls, falling to the ground, shattered glass sprayed through the air and clattered across the hard flooring. For a fraction of a second, the fog lifted and Akio could see Dianna once more. A presence was with her, a male, they were huddled in a corner petrified. But there was a third presence, a spirit of pure darkness that was fogging it all. And it was the one who was shrouding this place.

"Come on," Akio challenged drawing his sword, color shimmered from it, refracting the darkness around him into a world of semi-light. "Face me! Show you can actually fight someone who can fight back!"


jedi Protector of Bal'demnic
Objective: Sick Dance Moves
Secondary Objective Project Oculus
Allies: [member="Nyt Rito"] [member="Zak Dymo"]

Izama had arrived with her master and another padawan here to look at all of the things, the large being was looking over more of the world. Hast was rather different and she was getting looks while walking around with the two of them. The oily skin all grey and white while her bright blue eyes looked across the area they were in. "What is the plan of operation here master?" She was curious and speaking through her mass of teeth in her mouth when she stretched her arms out to move the bones around. She saw some of the other padawan though when he was speaking and her voice came out. "The little brah is strange master but he seems to be interesting at least." She laughed to herself a little wearing boots and her suit before she prepared herself.
Location: Ibtisam City, Hast
Objective: Diplomatic Gains
Allies: Order of the Silver Jedi
Enemies: Intrigue


"Miss Mothut...about that..." said a large man wearing a gray pin-striped suit.

Gir turned his eyes on Councilor Dav Casulon, a barrel-chested man of forty five, who represented Ackbar City. Ackbar city was notable in that it wsa one of the original New Republic settlements on the world, which granted it a certain amount of cultural legacy of outwardness unlike that many of the younger city states. Yet Gir had seen little of Casulon until now. He always seemed more like a wall ornament to me at the various functions...but perhaps that's not the case? While the others sat down, Mothut continued to stand as she looked down at Casulon.

"Do you have a objection? I thought that we were in agreement about everything. At least according to the message you last sent me."

"Things have changed," said the man, "our positions are not what they were once. Or rather, I didn't realize the postions that we were really in. Not even your's."

"What are you babbling about?"

Councilor Cressit, a quarren male who represented Deepwater, exhaled loudly in what Gir thought was a sigh, "While we were maneuvering against the other city states, we all forgot about an internal problem...perhaps I should even say threat."

Mothut winced, "You too?"

"There is a dagger at your throat, Councilor Mothut," uttered Dav, turning his eyes to Gir, "I can't believe that you haven't told her yet."

"Mister Quee, is there something that you should be telling me?" questioned Mothut
Obligatory landing at Hast music​
Post 4 of 20
Objective: Save the kitty. Save the day. Kiss the girl. (not necessarily in that order)
Gear: Ankarres Healer Robes | Riptide
#TeamAwesome: [member="Sia Ike-Dymo"] (Wonder Woman) | [member="Izama"] (Shark Week) | [member="Nyt Rito"] (Codename: Kids Next Door)

"They'll be looking for hyperdrive parts, and possibly looking to off-load the animals," the Nautolan knight noted.

Hast seemed like a more buzzing place than he'd been expecting. It seemed some big business was there, which was going to make it easier for the pirates to get their ship repaired and harder for Zak and the others to find them. But, by the same token, those wild animals were going to stand out like a sore thumb.

"Let's start by making some inquiries with the salvage yards," the Nautolan offered after a moment. "Less than legitimate places. Scalpers. Black marketers. These people are probably using a stolen ship. They won't use a registered business."

Nyt Rito

The (New) Padawan Menace!
Post 3 of 20
Objective: Being Awesome (With [member="Zak Dymo"])
Gear: Sick Dance Moves, Endless Charisma
#TeamAwesome: [member=Sia Ike-Dymo] (the gross one) | [member="Izama"] (the fishy one) | [member="Zak Dymo"] (the Brah one)

"I'm on it brah!" The youngling chirped cheerfully, before tumbling from the co-pilots seat to the communications chair. Fingers began dancing across the keyboard. Kids and their bloody technology.... In what seemed like mere moments to the uninitiated the youngling had a half dozen potential hits. "I think there are three likely stops over in the area labeled 32, one more over in 12, and another shady one in 22." The young Nautolan pursed his lips contemplatively, before chirping up again. "Though, this one in 8 looks almost legitimate enough to make me, like, super suspicious brah. Like, I dunno.... It's almost like they're trying a little too hard to look up-and-up...."​
He'd shrug, before flicking a couple keys, sending the information to the helm to where Zak could bring the data up for easy visual consumption, rather than having to leave the pilot seat. "Want me to fish up some employee lists? Equipment suppliers?" He inquire, looking over his shoulder to the older Nautolan, head-tails bobbing slightly. He'd flash a grin over at his fellow Padawan. He'd not gotten to interact with her too much this trip, but she seems alright so far. For a girl.​

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Post: 10
Objective: BYOO
Location: The House

"You want to seeeeeeeeeeeee me?" hissed a voice, burning like a snake's.

In that moment the world around Akio shook like he was being torn from life itself. He could see the world change from an obscuring darkness to a faint mist made up of vague lines and palid colors. The faint auras around Akio's force imbued gear grew brighter, clearer, showing brighter than reality itself. Chiss gripped his sword in both hands, twirling it in his hands and preparing for anything. Or so he thought.

"Well," growled the voice in a guttural tone that seemed to shake reality itself, "HERE I AM."

In a blaze of burning rage the Dark One appeared, the dark side roared off its corrupted form in a show of ultimate power. It displayed not just in view, but in physical and mental prowess.


"They call me the Dark One," it growled in a hungry tone, "They fear me. They run in terror and think they can get away. But I feed off their fear, their terror. I guile them into deceited thoughts of having a way to escape. Their souls are mine, their hearts are mine, they are all mine. In life I was a powerful Sith Lord, now I shall ravage and devour them until I am strong enough to consume them all! You think you, with your sword and your pathetic Jedi ways can stand against me? Do you--"

His words were interrupted by a clean slice from Akio's blade. It tore through the shroud of darkness that composed the spirit's side. The Dark One took a step back, crying out in surprise. Akio pressed his advantage, bringing his blade back around in a cross-slice along the spirit's sword wielding fore arm.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?

Her wing man matched her acceleration. As they closed the gap, Sorel cycled through the telemetry on her Flight. They were all locking onto enemy fighters as well. So far, they were maintaining formation.

Before she had time to draw breath, she found herself staring down the nose of the slaver fighter. They were heading directly for each other. It opened fire, and her X-wing rocked slightly as the laser bolts impacted harmlessly on its shields.

Shields at 81 percent and recharging came the call from Kaytoo as the two fighters passed each other. Sorel put her ship into a wingover barrel roll and with her greater maneouverability was able to put herself on her foe’s tail with relative ease.

She glanced at her tactical display. It was a mix of red and green blips and flashes of cannon fire ignited the otherwise black space.

The slaver weaved from side to side in a frantic but futile attempt to get Sorel off his tail. She carefully targeted the cowling that protected the ship’s primary power generator and squeezed the cannon’s trigger. The shields survived the first volley, so she fired again. The other pilot started whipping back and forth, trying to shake her. “No can do, accept your fate.”

Sorel fired again. This time, her lasers sliced into the cowling, cracking it open. Sparks trailed from the power generator within as the pilot threw his craft into a spinning dive in one final attempt to shake off Sorel. Sorel fired once more, and the exposed generator burst into shrapnel that spun away from the fighter. The now-disabled slaver entered a wild tumble.

A series of bleeps from Kaytoo informed her that the pilot was alive but unconscious.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Post: 11
Objective: BYOO
Location: The House--sorta

Akio pressed his advantage as hard as he could, bringing his blade's tip in for a stab to the stomach, the Dark One recovered, parrying the blow on the flat of his flame-embroiled sword. He countered with a two-handed slash, Akio barely managed to dodge it.

"You dirty pest. You thought you could stand against me, nothing can stand against me, the light is an illusion," it railed in anger, bringing his blade down in a torrent of blows with each word. It was all Akio could do to parry and avoid each blow "You are nothing more than me! You are darkness as well, you run, you cower, you flee from your fears! You have avoided the darkness because you cannot defeat it? What makes you think you can defeat ME?"

With his last word, the evil spirit slammed Akio's blade directly, sending the Chiss' left arm wide. He was left wide open, taking two steps back and struggling to hold on to the weapon's hilt. The spirit gripped his blue throat, raising the Pilgrim into the air. Akio could feel his windpipe close in the vice grip of the monster before him.

"You are Nothing," the Dark One growled. "Nothing but a murderer, an assassin, as bad as I am--and worse. You thought they'd ever accept you? That anyone would ever see you as anything other than you are? There are no second chances. Kuro is right, you are just a killer."

"You're---wrong," Akio grunted.

With what strength was left in him, the Blue Pilgrim rammed the tip of his blade into the Spirit's chest with what little strength was left in him. It let out a roaring scream of agony, blasting and withering under the white blow of Lightside energy. Its scream reached a crescendo and blasted out energy, dropping Akio to the ground, shattering windows and bringing him back to the material plane, panting and drenched in sweat.

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