Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Campaign Retribution | Jedi vs. New Sith | SGHW



Looking for: Blade Ice Blade Ice

The Jedi's attack on the quarry wasn't his choice for attack plan. Not that a feint attack wasn't smart - In fact, it was the opposite. He just hated leaving those Padawans alone. What if they fought hordes of new Dark Lords from the New Sith Order, or hundreds of Maw raiders and slaves. Would they be equipped to deal with those threats, would they be able to get through that without the guiding light of their masters and come out the other side as Jedi, or would they come out with a darkness heavy in their hearts? No, they should have split up in equal numbers.

He had to admit though, the greater darkness was here. His green blade was at the ready, gold and white battle robe brilliant against the overcast shadows of industry and inclement weather.

"For Light and Life," he muttered to himself as he joined the fray.


Location: Mining facility, Asog
Objective I- Make your way to the mining facility, assist the Jedi present, and wow, are those Sith Lords...?
1x Crossguard Lightsaber
1X Double-barreled blaster combine
Jedi Temple Guard Armor, Sans Helmet
Writing With: Erion Justeene Erion Justeene | Open

25 ABY, Unknown Regions


A single craft pulls a desperate and deadly maneuver, as it is hounded by a swarm of cutting edge starfighters. The Force is with him- but the odds solidly stacked against him. Behemoth capital ships of various conflagrations- horrors, the likes the galaxy as never seen. One looms over them all.


Haro grits teeth, and throttles, ignoring the booming voice of The Enemy, going through every mental cantrip he's learned since he picked up the saber to block his mental probing- to no avail. For all his combat prowess, he is as equipped for this as a child is equipped to sail on a tugboat. His craft rocks with every successful blast; the familiar howl of the TIE fighter dogs his every step as he attempts to break the blockade. He must warn the galaxy. He must warn the Grandmaster.


As The Enemy becomes more frenetic, more agitated, a unholy storm descends upon Haro's craft. The TIEs are scattered into the void. Haro desperately attempts to control the ship, as bolt after bolt of eldritch energy strikes a vessel most assuredly not withstand such force. Klaxons blare as a wing is shorn off.

He is almost past the blockade. He
has to make it past the blockade.

Everything else is immaterial.



Haro is fast losing control of the craft, but he has cleared the blockade. He hurriedly pounds in the first coordinates he can remember- 0,0,0 in this case- and watches the ship jump to light-speed as another bolt rocks it; the deflector shields are gone. He can hear the howls of The Enemy, deprived of it's prey.

The craft starts spinning uncontrollably as it abrupt exits lightspeed in the
atmosphere of world Haro knows is definitely not Coruscant. He secures the crash webbing and begins to attempt a hard landing as the poor ship sputters....


874 ABY, Asog System, About 1 Mile Away From The Mining Facility

The craft, having put through enough, gives one final whine and nosedives toward the rapidly approaching surface. Haro, attempting to center himself, delves into the Force, attempting to slow down the vessel.

As the ground gets closer, he rejects that plan out of hand. Taking a deep breath and with an application of the Force, blasts off his canopy and flings himself out of the fighter, tucking and rolling. A second later, the fighter hits the ground with more then sufficient force, rolling until stops nose-up, a smoldering wreck.

Haro takes a breath. Takes another breath. Wiggles his toes. Pats himself down. Surprisingly, everything's all there. Satisfied with another happy landing, he activates his comms-link. "This is Jedi Harend- anybody out there?" Static. He sighs. 'Well, what were you expecting? With whatever...this is.'

He looked around, taking in the environment of this mysterious world. Arid, dry desert. Thank the Force he didn't land at high noon- with the armor, he'd be cooking right now. But it reeks of the Dark Side- but he can't sense...him. "Thank goodness for small favors", Haru mumbles. Then he notices, in the distance, a building- a mining facility, from the looks of it. Might be have better comms. I have to radio the Order.

His decision made, he begins to trudge towards the facility.
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She could hear, and feel, the conflict above. A diversion? Was she running into battle against Jedi Masters? Not that she was worried. She'd survived two of those thus far and if anything was extremely confident in her skill with a lightsaber. Her growth under the tutelage of Solipsis was nothing to sneer at either. But as she charged forward, electroripper staff in hand, she realized something...wrong with the feeling in the Force. She slid to a halt in the tunnel and realized for the first time that she was alone. She cursed. Alone against other Jedi was not how she wanted this to go down. There was safety in numbers.

She tilted her head, feeling the disturbance again.

Maybe she wouldn't be so alone? Was that...Multiple...

"Did those karking Sithspawn get ahead of me somehow? Strays from Kalyptos' little pet horde?" She shuddered at the thought. They'd be useless without the others. She could reach out and...No, no time. One of the Jedi was almost on her. She cursed and twisted her staff, extending the pole and activating the energy filiments. She would take them by surprise, as soon as they turned the corner...


<Just ahead. .. If you can, don't kill her. She.. I felt something the last time. I want to make sure if it's still there.> The hint of light, turmoil. Before she was thrown from the train. For a moment, her grip around Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri tightened. Was she actually ready for this? Ready to face the one that caused that much pain? Her eyes closed, trying to feel for Domxite.

Still nothing.

But it was for sure the woman from before, right?

Doubt filled her mind for a moment. Only for a moment. No, the colors weren't wrong. She wasn't wrong. Kai ignited his saber and she followed in suit, pulling out the new blade to ignite the blue energy. The corner came, and her eyes narrowed.


Thalia Senn Thalia Senn

Kai silently acknowledged Iris’ request to not kill the woman, though he couldn’t make any promises.

He felt her before he rounded the corner. She was lying in wait for them. Sophie charged ahead, though Kai adjusted her trajectory so that she wouldn’t trample their target. He leaned to one side to catch Thalia as they passed, still holding his lightsaber out with the point facing forward. He didn’t expect to be able to skewer her, but he did hope to at least throw Thalia off balance with the blow.



Issue #2 vs. Adriana Fortemps Adriana Fortemps


Cerulean blades clashed against crimson as the eternal war between Light and Dark ensued yet again. A tireless repeat of past events, some would call it. An unending cycle born of a rift between the Force and its corruption eons ago. As unshatterable as the circle was, so was the rift unmendable.

Dagon diverged from the majority of the group to infiltrate the facility on his own - a contingency in case the padawans' mission went astray - leaving the full-blown out battle to the general purview of someone far more adept in the art of battle - Valery Noble Valery Noble , the Jedi Master of a past epoch fated by the will of the Force to serve the Jedi's purpose in this age. There was no coincidence when it came to matters of the empyrean.

The raven-haired Knight found himself atop a walkway, the wind at his back suddenly disappearing at the sight of a lithe woman with argent locks running down her shoulders. He should've spotted her before and for a moment he blinked once and twice as if she was a figment of his imagination. She didn't vanish.

"You aren't gonna stand down, are you?" they never did. "Even if I ask real nice." the element of surprise had evaporated the moment he'd been clumsy enough to miss her presence.

His eyes sized her up. Head to toes. Scanning for weak spots, details, anything that could give him an advantage. Small talk was just the cover. Buying him time.

It's like a stakeout but way more intimate.
Location: Asog
Objective: 2, Destroy the weapon
Tags: Darth Vow Darth Vow / OPEN

Unexpectedly, one of the pair Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri turned and ordered him to stop following them. The duo was on some kind of personal mission from the sound of it, but it was none of his business to dig any further into the matter. Even though he was only following as a guide through the tunnels, it was probably best to leave the pair alone. Without a word, Silas nodded to the request and stayed back to allow the other Jedi who wasn't far away to catch up.

He wasn't entirely alone, now and then a few pairs of Jedi would walk past on their own quest. Everyone in the tunnel was one big team in a way, yet many had their own goals to achieve. For Silas, It was only to survive.

Further into the tunnel, he could hear the faint sound of crashing and yelling, which could have been one of two things; the Jedi were already confronted by the Sith or it was the chilling sound of workers still being put through their paces. Either way, Sith or not they were going to be free when they obliterated the weapon.

To the right of him, something else soon became apparent. It sounded different compared to everything else, one that was more human and emotional compared to the barbaric fight that was going on ahead. His gaze turned to a dark tunnel that led deeper into the caves, a route that none of the other Jedi had taken before him. Whatever it was, they sounded distressed and hurt, and importantly alone. Silas looked around him and noticed no one else was close. He could go back and find the Jedi like the padawan said, or swallow his nerves and investigate alone. And, with possible foolish intention, he chose the lone wolf approach.

With a swift movement, he ignited his lightsaber and walked down the cold tunnels. For now, his breathing was calm and collected yet the sense of unease going through him was palpable

"Hello?!" the boy's voice echoed with authority, Who knew what this was going to lead to, an injured woman, or a Sith deathtrap...



The Jedi smirked when Valery’s voice dropped in his head. Judah had been very much himself when they first met. His banter and flirtatious comments had almost gotten him slapped, but in the end the circumstances of their meeting had paved a way for them to become good friends. More than anything it was what Judah needed, friends. Life had been lonely since his wife had passed, and the Jedi had not dealt with it well. It was time to stop his isolation.​
He would follow the others until something dark and sinister pulled him away. The twisted feeling called out to him like a beacon. Darkness wound its way in the air around him, and the shadow was drawn to it like a moth to a flame. It needed to be cleansed.​
The closer Judah drew to the mining facility the stronger the sensation became. The smell of liquid iron, blood, wafted up toward his nose. It was fresh. He could hear the whispers echo around the corridor. If he followed it, it would likely lead underground. Judah had to remain on the surface. He had to draw out the enemy.​
“Come out, come out wherever you are!”
Judah stood at the mouth of the tunnel and called out to the presence he could feel walking toward him.​
“No,” his head canted, “there are two of them.”
His lightsaber hilt flew to his hand. The sapphire blade came to life with a snap and a hiss. The enemy was near, and Judah would ensure they could not interfere with the destruction of the weapon.​


ALLIES: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Valery Noble Valery Noble | NJO
ENEMIES: Brotherhood of the MAW | Spindle Spindle | Katherine “Kitti” Fiorencia

Behind her helm, Tempest blinked.

That was what she had felt in the Force. Both of them. Sithspawn? Fighting for the Jedi? Tempest brought up her staff to block the blade, but the speed of the massive monster nearly toppled her, but she spun with the momentum to meet -

"You," she said only half believing what she was seeing.

The wind whipped at her furs as she stood on the edge of the car and looked down into the mists of Cato Neimoidia. She could smell the ozone in the air as the battle in the air raged. The sound of the train flying over its repulsor track should have filled her ears but all she could hear was the blood pumping in her ears. Her shoulder throbbed and her ribs felt like they were on fire. Killed. She'd just killed her first-

No. Apparently, she hadn't.

"You," she said again with a snarl curling her lips behind her helm. She leveled her weapon at the Padawan. "You're supposed to be dead. Not even a Jedi Master could have survived that fall. How?!"


She was there. Thalia Senn Thalia Senn . The masked woman who threw her from the train. Just seeing the mask made her scars throb. At first, she hesitated. Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri 's strike sent the woman off balance, gave Iris a chance to jump down from Sophie to strike on her own. But she didn't. Instead, she just stared. It was her. Where was Domxite? She slipped from the Sithspawn's back, holding her blade in one hand. Staring.

"I was saved."

Iris lifted her blade in both hands, taking a breath. Domxite wasn't here. But she was. That little light she felt before, when they first met. On the train. The one that screamed as Iris fell from the train. She reached through the colors, trying to touch that part of Thalia's mind.

<You can be too.>

Kai's blade nearly made contact with Thalia, but she spun away in the nick of time. Off balance—and apparently stunned to see Iris still alive.

Sophie continued to run even as Iris slid from her back. Kai's attention was divided, torn between wanting to stay close to Iris, and not wanting to interfere in her attempt at persuading Thalia to surrender. For now he stood guard at the other end of the tunnel, ready to fend off anything that came to interrupt them…





The moment he spoke her lips had been set into a deep frown, expecting that, for once, there wouldn't be the faux familiarity that every last member of her family offered her wherever she went. It sickened her, this notion that something as fragile as family was something to hold oneself to - as if any of them could be proud of something that they had no choice in the matter of, as if they were invited into some exclusive group. She shook her head. "Save your breath, shared blood doesn't make us anything more than an unfortunate coincidence." Vesta said with an intonation conveying her disapproval.

She glanced towards the site of the dig that had been ongoing ever since the planet had found itself gripped by the Maw's interest, something she was sorely lacking if her judgmental glare cast towards it was anything to go by, and then turned her gaze towards Kahlil. "All of this is for show, you know." She said, rather off-handedly, with little regard for the importance that the Sith'ari placed upon unearthing the weapon. "You should have gone off to sabotage whatever it is they're doing down there, you might've had a greater chance of success if you had." She added as she twirled the lightsaber she held in her hand and shifted her positioning to better face the man who considered himself family.

"I am not a storm that you can weather."
Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Mandalorian Armor

"I'm approaching Asog in about five minutes."

Hilal looked at the flight navigating system of The Mandalorian Star Ship that she rented for her first mission as a Bounty Hunter. It was more of a retrieval mission something she's done a few times before. But this one was more high profile: Retrieve an ancient Sith Holocron from the desert planet of Asog. Hilal picked up the contract on the Bounty Hunter Guild Holosite, the client in question was a collector in artifacts that went by the name: Undertaker. It wasn't unusual as many clients go by nicknames to avoid being tracked down by their rivals or loved ones. Besides, this Undertaker guy was offering 30,000 credits. Something that Hilal immediately took, expensive contracts like that were pretty rare for non-Bounty Hunting missions. The young woman got up and walked towards the Pod where armor lay dormant. Hilal approached the small computer showing status of her armor. "Tube is shows green," she mumbled moving a strand of her long brown hair over shoulder walking to the sealed door running her fingers across it. "She's going to see action."

At last, the armor was completed.... after all the blood, sweat, and tea- wait scratch that there were no tears involved in the process. Mandalorians do not cry, they only endure, adapt, and overcome. Something Hilal has done countless times after suffering numerous setbacks. She remembered seeing new planets, meeting new people: Some friends, others stinking Jedi scum but prior to undertaking this project, Hilal had always been alone and spent most of her life on Keristi even before the Mandalorian Enclave came to existence.

It was a long journey and quite frankly it was a great experience. In many ways, Hilal had become a stronger person coming out of her flailing and shop and started being more proactive. Maybe that was the reason why Mandalorians had to build their armor, to familiarize themselves with the Galaxy and form friendships outside of their clans. Sighing, Hilal pressed the button on the side of the pod. A loud "hiss" noise was heard as the armor pultruded itself from the pod. "Should be entering the atmosphere," Hilal said as the Armor opened up. The young woman eagerly hopped in her HUD activating as soon as entered.

"Everything is green," Hilal said to herself walking around to get used to the enhancements. "Exoskeleton connected....." she continued slamming her fist against the wall creating a dent. "I'm pretty sure the owner wouldn't mind," Hilal giggled. "I'll be swimming in Creds so I can pay for that."

Hilal, was strong, fast, and taller..... In her armor. But more importantly she displayed strength something a Mandalorian should always portray. She was ready to take on anyone and become one of the most feared Bounty Hunters in the Galaxy.

Yula Perl Yula Perl Del Del (Enemy) Cadere Cadere (Enemy)
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Katherine “Kitti” Fiorencia

Judah Lesan Judah Lesan Spindle Spindle

Kitti emerged from the darkness of one of the tunnels and paused at the entrance, looking over the woman with her head tilted cautiously to the side.

"Hi." She said flatly, then walked up to her and pointed demandingly at the study materials in her bag,

"What's that?" Her eyes shifted from feature to feature, taking in this new distraction that stood before her. "A book?" She went to grab for the bag, but then paused as she observed blood dripping down her finger. "Oh." She muttered, holding the finger up to her eyes, and then sticking it inside her mouth and sucking the blood away. "You probably don't want my blood on your shiny new book." She mumbled with her finger still in her mouth.

"You don't like me." She commented as she tilted her head again, observing the woman, "I distract you." She then let out a wearied sigh as her body recoiled further away from Spindle Spindle like a rejected dog. She turned and gripped tightly to the stack of boxes that the woman had been perched upon, turning and looking at her once again with piercing eyes. "Study study hunt and find… What an foolish waste of time…" Her voice erupted loudly again into singing, followed quickly by a mocking laugh as she pulled herself behind the stack of supplies and slowly reappeared on the other side, walking slowly past the woman with a mischievous smile spreading across her face.

But then her eyes darted to the opening in the cave, sensing the approach of a Jedi. "Won't you come play with me?" She asked the Weaver as she felt herself being drawn out of the caves and towards the presence that beckoned to her. "I'm so terribly bored…" Her steps took her closer and closer to the surface, until the presence of the Jedi was burning against her subconscious.

He was very close now.

As she drew closer still, she reached out and began to probe his mind, filling it with her laugh and creating a mental diversion as she let her metaphorical hands run up his back and rest upon his shoulder, her lips coming up to his ear as she rested her chin on his neck, whispering fragments of her songs to him. The cave would begin to flicker in his mind as she began her first attack of pure mentalism upon the Jedi, casting horrific images that seemed to leap out at him from the cave.

Finally her frame would emerge from the darkness of the cavern, slowly drawing closer to the man.

"Do you want to play with me?" She whispered into his subconscious. "I've been so lonely… I just want to taste your flesh… just one bite…" The mental image of her behind him then leaned forward and began to dig its teeth down hard into the flesh of Judah Lesan Judah Lesan 's neck.
Tempest's hand went to her forehead reflexively. This voice...It was so familiar. It felt like it was pulling at her chest. It was like that damnable lightsaber. So was that it? Her vision swayed and for a moment she was seeing double.

"What are you-" She called on the Dark Side and it enveloped her, protected her from these thoughts and whatever this Jedi was doing to her. She had no right to dig around in there, no right at all. She ground her teeth in anger, drawing on it and drinking it in.

"Save me from realizing the hypocrisy of the Jedi?" She cackled and steadied her grip on her weapon. "Sorry, you must think I'm stormin' airsick to sit here and listen to that drivel." She shrugged. "Why are you here? Come to take back your busted lightsaber? Peh," She cocked her head to the side. "Though it seems it was easy enough to replace. This one seems to work at least."


// Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze //

Unfortunately, the silver-haired Sith would be unable to finish enjoying the pleasant view. Alarms and a shrill-voice soldier interrupted the peaceful air, the comms whining to life in the Echani's ear as they warned of the attack.

An unamused scoff passed her black lips.

Truthfully it would have been more surprising if the Jedi has left the New Sith Order to unearth the Superweapon in peace. The lack of surprise on Jorryn's still didn't change what she had to do, prevent them from karking up the Maw's plans on Agos. Boots began to tap against the metal as she attempted to make her way back inside, failing as another pair of steps called out above the wind behind her.

Standing opposing her on the walkway stood a Jedi, tall and dark-featured. A smirk crossed her cheeks as the man called out to her, inviting a dialogue even if they both knew it to be asinine. It was refreshing to come across a Jedi that at least attempted to talk first. In her experience, many of these New Jedi didn't quite care for the reputation of their predecessors. That was probably why they actually won that war.

"It would be nice wouldn't it?" The syrupy tone came out from a feigned look of pity, toying with the Jedi's words as she spun towards him. "You could always give it a try, though it is a bit difficult to be amicable considering what's being dug up beneath our feet." A nod of her head aimed down the parapet towards the area of the earth that had been tunnelled open to allow the Sith access to their prize.

A hand slid its way past Jorryn's side and unclipped the hilt of her lightsaber from against the hip where it rested, quickly blazing to life to match the chorus of red that had begun to blaze to life across the mining facility and in the tunnels below.

"No hard feelings."

Even as the sarcasm poured from her lips, the former Inquisitor truthfully would have preferred to waste time talking. The life of a bureaucrat hadn't been the most conducive to polishing her martial ability. But the Jedi had come in no small force. They wanted to stop the Maw from getting their hands on the weapon. Needed to.

And as Jorryn drove her blade towards the raven-haired man's shoulder with a small flourish, she knew passivity wouldn't secure whatever lay down in the depths of this planet.



Location: Asog
Equipment: Desert Garb, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Firrerreo Firrerreo (Enemy)

Allowing the Force to flow through him, Jax continued to sprint across the large desert. Mentally cursing himself for leaving himself exposed in a wide open area. What the hell was he doing expecting to meet the Sith in the open field, this wasn't the Great Hyperspace War for crying out loud! There wasn't going to be some epic battle, even the New Sith Order as fanatical and destructive as they are smart. Afterall, they're led by some of the most brilliant, albeit bloodthirsty military leaders like Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen . Jax saw that the Wyvern was swooping fast and hard trying to catch Jax before he could retaliate.

"Swooping bastard," Jax mumbled, why was he running anyway? The building was far ahead, he made his choice to be out on the field. It was a stupid choice for sure, but it was something he had to deal with. Cocking his hand back, Jax used the Force to push the sickly green cloud on to the Wyvern hoping to weaken it and force it to the ground. "Have a taste of your own medicine Lizard breath," he said sidestepping out of the way.



It was brief, but she saw it. Buried under the dark. Under the shell of dark that Thalia Senn Thalia Senn brought on to block Iris out. The faint colors she saw blocked by the dim shades. And yet, Iris smiled. She saw it. Saw them. She lowered herself, slipping the far more scarred hand behind her back to slip out a smaller container of spray paint. Yeah, she brought a can of spray paint to an attack on the Sith.

For good reason at least.

She kept the can hidden behind her back, her blue saber held to the side.

<Domxite things she can be saved. .. You think we can get her back to the temple if we capture her?> She spoke to Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri first, the excitement obvious in her mental 'voice'.

"Domxite doesn't work for people they don't want to. Why not let them come home?"


"Unfortunate coincidence?" He chuckled. Couldn't help it. Honestly, that sounded like the perfect way to describe his relationship to the Zambrano. So Darth Mori wasn't one who sipped the Kanite koolaid, then? Kahlil kept his saber on his hip. His hands empty. His smile kind. If she wasn't the fanatics that his sister, father, all of them tended to be, did that mean..?

"Why not just leave then? You don't sound like you even want to be here. Go on your ship, leave. I'll go do my own thing, we pretend we never met. Nothing says you have to fight."
"Domxite?" She grimaced. She'd thought the Jedi was a whackjob before, when she'd cran at her with a can of paint, but this? Well, she'd heard of Jedi naming their lightsabers and starfighters, maybe that's what this was.

"Salt and spray you're a crazy one," She said. "A real loon. That lightsaber doesn't have a choice. It is mine by rite of conquest." She nodded back at the other two creatures standing behind her. "Besides it looks like the Jedi are no better than the Sith these days. I'll keep my freedom and power." She took a menacing step forward, and then another. Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis was right about the Jedi, had been all along.

"It's mine, just like your lives are right now."

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