Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Red Sun Rising

Lord Odion


The Red Nebula was truly a sight to see in this galaxy of wonders. From his viewpoint aboard the Manticore Class Frigate Chagras, Darth Seraphon could see the vast expanse of scarlet against the dark void of space around it. Shadows moved at the edges of the wound in space; the asteroids that plagued the region making it famously difficult to navigate. Many had tried, and the remains of their ships still littered the outskirts of the Red Nebula. For outsiders, the nebula was something to fear and look upon from a distance. For Seraphon, the Red Nebula was like a second home, the place where he belonged.

Turning his head as a chime began to echo across the bridge, Seraphon watched as two uniformed officers of the Disciples of Odion moved to observe the terminal set into the sunken alcove. After several moments, one of the officers turned and spoke to Seraphon.
"My Lord, the first of your guests is making their approach." Nodding, Seraphon instructed that the hangar on the Chagras, empty of its usual compliment of starfighters, be opened to receive his guests. Once everything was underway, Seraphon turned and left the bridge, passing two of the Disciples standing in silent vigil at the entrance. They did not salute or bow to him, such things were a waste of time to Seraphon. He knew their loyalty to him was absolute, any showy signs other Sith demanded from their followers would just be redundant.

Approaching the hangar, Seraphon stepped across the open threshold to wait for the first of those he had invited to come meet with him, and learn about his plans for this little region of space. For some, it was a lofty ambition that would draw their ambition as Sith. For others, the credits Seraphon had stockpiled would be all the motivation they needed.

S0-T0 S0-T0 Laila Laila Yraven Lakke @anyone else who may want to join
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Tag: S0-T0 S0-T0 Yraven Lakke Darth Seraphon

The Vo Ni stared out the windows. She was still frustrated by how things had turned out, the disappearance of her worlds ruler, her teacher, produced too many risks for her to stay around. No doubt running away was his influence. Regardless, she had taken plenty of resources and equipment with her. She'd handle just fine. However, she didn't want to waste her life living off what she had in some squalor. She had strong Vo, and skills that made her a threat, and a drive to continue. Mercenary work was the most practical route.

They approached the meeting point of Darth Seraphon. Her ship mostly was run by battle droids at present. Not particularly impressive, but she was insuring they were actually at least mildly competent in case she wasn't able. She knew such a meeting place was risky, but once she was on his ship, he too was taking a risk. So she continued regardless. Supposedly, they'd be paid for something. He was sith, she knew of them. Though she doubted he was at the power of her former teacher it was irrelevent, he was not a source of anything but credits, experience, and work.

"Permission to board. I am here for the mercenary work." she said through the comms systems. She'd bring her weapons with her obviously, and a quiver full of enchanted arrows. She doubted that he would try anything, but there was no reason not to be prepared. He wasn't a vran afterall.

Ship: Phalanx
8x Common battle droids armed with blaster rifles. Aboard Phalanx.

Alchemy short sword.

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