Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reclamation (Galactic Alliance T1 Dominion of Kaeshana)

Objective: Defeat Raiders and Support Rogue Squadron
Allies: [member="Choli Vyn"] [member="Asmus Janes"]

The three squadrons moved through the battle area, careful to not engage just yet. Surprise was everything, and even though they were here primarily to test the new Nebulous devices, they wanted to be as effective as possible. A particular group of enemy fighters was looking rather stubborn, blowing out two Alliance X-Wings without so much as a by your leave. Shadow Leader would indicate that squadron as the first to take out for his fighters.

They would strike like ghosts, suddenly appearing among the twirling starfighters, green lasers flashing and chewing through several fighters before disappearing again as quickly as they appeared. More green flashes from another part of the fight, more enemies blowing up, confused as to where the attacks were coming from. They were only revealed long enough to fire their weapons and then the cloak would re-engage, making the hit-and-run tactic terrifying for enemy pilots and likely surprising for the Alliance men and women.
Objective: Defeat Raiders. Rogue Sith and other slavers prey on the Eldorai. Defeat these slavers and scum to help give the oppressed some relief.

"Two minutes til touchdown."

Trextan acknowledged the warning, but his mind was elsewhere. His impotent rage had turned to frustration. Almost an entire morning of trying to make just one blow land. Yet even near forty his father didn't tire.

Slowly even that frustration had ebbed away. Trex had fallen to the ground under the hot midday sun, entriely spent.

Only then did Jacen shut off his lightsaber and come to sit on the ground beside him. In a low whisper he had spoken.

"I always loved your mother, but I don't think we were ever meant to be. I still love you."

That had hurt. The bastard had waited until he was spent and vulnerable. All those memories he had locked away broke free. The times he had barely been at school when Jacen would come home with his bag over one shoulder. There had always been something in it for him.
I heard the door open in the distance and slowly, but surely all of the local crime lords filtered into the room. Short elf like people and foreigners seeking to take advantage of the worlds instability. Scum and villainy most foul. As they came in I shook hands with a few and offered greetings to the slime balls, all the while behind my back my hand constantly fingered the detonator that would blow them all to hell.

I was promised grand amounts of riches, women, the works. But, none of it quiet satisfied me. For what I truly wanted and solely believed in was peace and sadly in this occasion to obtain peace it had to be done by means of violence. So, as the last of them entered I exited. A small niche I had picked up called a stealth cloak.

With the last them inside I activated the cloak whilst in the lieu. Once done I made my grand escape and blew the place to the high heavens. I watched the building collapse upon them for good measure...
Objective: Defeat Raiders. Rogue Sith and other slavers prey on the Eldorai. Defeat these slavers and scum to help give the oppressed some relief.
Rogue One Squadron [member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Taeli Raaf"] ( reinforcements)
Kaeshana Sector

A fresh series of blue dots bloomed within Choli's sensor array. Aww yeahh.

[ Rogue leader, we got friendlies.] It was Shadow Squadron. With three squadrons making their way towards the dogfight.

[ I will have you know, Rogue Leader. ] A sudden drop and then pull of the two Starfighters. [ That this does not mean that our wager is over. Desert rations. You know those little cakes with the orange slices and filling? Yeah. Those!]

More chatter cut through the feed and Choli's laughter echoed through the comms. Back into the game.

The Force and the pilot were working as one. Another Headhunter came at her ten.
Objective(s): 1, 2, 5
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Tegaea Alcori"]
Post 1

First one had helped, now the other. The Silver Jedi had worked along the Eldorai to evacuate many of those on their homeworld of Kaeshana. The evacuation had been by and large successful, but there had been some left behind. Those who didn't want to leave, those who were deemed undesirable by the local government, who'd actually been the one deciding how to handle things. Beyond that, they'd helped set up Tygara, the world claimed as replacement. Firemane had done a significant portion of work on both planets, yet another indication of their prowess. Why the Sanctum's efforts for Kaeshana had been allowed to peter off, he didn't know. But now the Galactic Alliance was stepping up to cover the slack.

Audren was a participant in both groups, and while personally more active with the Silver Jedi Order his company did quite a bit of business in Galactic Alliance space. Besides which, he'd helped with the original work and was as guilty of slacking off as the rest. It was time to kick things back into gear. It also helped that the Eldorai were one of the close cousin species of the Sephi; his culture and heritage were both radically different, but the didn't need to be the same for him to help.

The Jedi Master was among one of the first on the ground, riding a fast-moving ship that landed beyond the outskirts of what had been civilization. The asteroids and debris from the initial calamity had made piloting difficult, but thankfully he wasn't the one flying the boat. Long-range scanners on the Ceredir capital ship had picked up fighting near his landing zone, he was there to determine which was the force attacking the village and put a stop to it. Hopefully peacefully, but the group was prepared to fight at need.

Meanwhile, the Custodian-class frigate Tarlanc was slipping through the orbital fields. The captain was in charge of the ship, but for this outing he was taking general directions from one Korynn Nartano, a relative newcomer to the company but one fast rising through the ranks. And a relative of their mutual boss. They would be heading down into the atmosphere itself to land and offload supplies - including some basic armor sets to the natives. The armor was nothing ground-shattering, just enough to increase survivability, but the other supplies included what raw materials the company could grab on short notice, suitable for helping to rebuild a stable civilization.

Korynn hadn't passed the information on to any of the others, but she was privately expecting some representatives of Firemane to be present. At the moment, Ceredir Industries wasn't really large enough for the massive company to have heard of, but she'd gone through the records and discovered the two companies' cooperation with a previous project on Boz Pity. Besides, this would just be a starting point, a bug in the right persons ears for later, when - if - her predictions and nudges yielded fruit.
Objective: Defeat Raiders and Support Rogue Squadron
Allies: [member="Choli Vyn"] [member="Asmus Janes"]

"Rogue Squadron, this is Aurora Industries Shadow Squadron, figured you guys could use a hand up here," Shadow Leader said, sending that out on the Alliance frequencies. "Master Raaf sends her regards."

He would cut the transmission for a moment, setting his R4 unit to alert him any Alliance squadron responded. He and his pilots had a job to do, and while he was happy to help and glad to be seeing some action since he left the Republic, they had to push the craft harder.

Dusk fighters would appear and engage an enemy corvette that had thought it safe on the edge of the battle, not expecting to have to engage anything for a time. They were sorely mistaken. Unlike StealthX fighters, the pilots weren't Jedi so that meant no shadow bombs for them. Regular old proton torpedoes would fire as the fighters appeared suddenly, striking multiple spots on the corvette. The cloak would take a moment longer to re-engage than it normally would with the laser cannons, and one Dusk was taken out by an enemy fighter, before Shadow Squadron vanished again.
Objective: Defeat Raiders. Rogue Sith and other slavers prey on the Eldorai. Defeat these slavers and scum to help give the oppressed some relief.
Rogue One Squadron
Kaeshana Sector

[member="Choli Vyn"] [member="Taeli Raaf"]

"Yes those ones. You will be giving..." But he fell silent. This pilot was going to put a dent in his kill streak. This was a chase that was going to take time. Their enemies had allies, more red dots appeared. They did too, stealth fighters it seemed.

The TIE kept changing his thrust. First he would reduce acceleration quickly to force Asmus to compensate or overshoot, then he would push hard to try and put some space between them.

But when it came to spatial awareness and memorising patterns, Asmus had a frightening intelligence. He'd memorised what the target had done when Four had achieved missile lock. Janes got missile lock and levelled out. He thumbed the control and watched the torpedo leap ahead.

Aeda Shaytari

We all wear masks....
[member="Rhen Qel-Droma"] [member="Elpsis Elaris"]

"The Queen is the High Priestess of Ashira, yes," Selene replied softly. "She is, as you might say, the intermediary between the Goddess and the people."

"Unfortunately, we could not save everyone. There were, by our count, some two and a half billion souls on Kaeshana before the disaster hit. We managed to move a good 45% of those, and later moved more. But moving billions of people across the galaxy taxes even the greatest. Many were slain by the impact, and many have died since. The war with the Sith and other troubles have prevented us from fully aiding the people here."

She smiled at Elpsis. The redhead was a favourite of hers. Beautiful, passionate, strong.

But now there were Forsaken.

"They are those left behind. Naturally they are angered by that."

She stepped forward. "I am Countess Tarai, and we come in peace. We are late, we know this, but we wish to offer you whatever aid we can."
Post 9/10

Her prayers were answered as a Lambda T-4a shuttlecraft descended towards her position, quite peculiar for Galactic Alliance folks to have such a vessel from the Galactic Empire, but nonetheless help was here and not a moment too soon because her consciousness was starting to falter. The landing ramp of the vessel was lowering and she could see someone rushing down, a man in a black trenchcoat that she couldn't quite discern, atleast until she heard the voice.

"It's been a long time, cub."

Nataya Graf's eyes shot wide open.

It was her father.
Objective: Defeat Raiders and Support Rogue Squadron
Allies: [member="Choli Vyn"] [member="Asmus Janes"]

"Shadow Three, take your flight and engage that enemy force moving into the debris field," Shadow Leader ordered, green lasers briefly illuminating his cockpit as he scratched another slaver. He had noticed that some of the enemy forces had started moving into the debris field for some reason, leftovers from the asteroid that had devastated the planet below.

"Copy, Shadow Leader," came the reply, and several Dusk fighters would break off from the main group to investigate and destroy. The main group would continue to harry the enemy fighters and gunships, with Shadow Leader and his wingmates engaging a group of escorted bombers. A favorite tactic of the old Phantom TIEs had been to loop around and fire from behind, and that was exactly what they would do. Suddenly appearing, green lasers flashing before vanishing again. Bombers exploded, but another Dusk was lost as an enemy pilot was able to predict where they might reappear.
Objective: Defeat Raiders. Rogue Sith and other slavers prey on the Eldorai. Defeat these slavers and scum to help give the oppressed some relief.
Rogue One Squadron [member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Taeli Raaf"] ( reinforcements)
Kaeshana Sector

Annnnd along with the blue dots came to a massive wave of red. Yup. The Raider's reinforcements came in. It was a local Warlord, of Eldorai linage actually. He'd taken to trying to pick up the pieces of what had been left of Kaeshana. But instead of focusing on the Goddesss, he had decided to subjugate with an oppressive heel.

And a man to boot.

One of the many warlords and raiders in the area that were vying for power.

"Well, shit." Choli cursed. R4 the Pebbledrone gave an appropriate indignant hoot.

"Yeah yeah, I got it." Rogue Two pulled up. This time it was her whom the headhunter had picked up.

[ Lining it up. Keep it going. ]

But shit, this guy was FAST.
Objective: Defeat Raiders. Rogue Sith and other slavers prey on the Eldorai. Defeat these slavers and scum to help give the oppressed some relief.

The shuttle bumped as they touched down. Trextan checked his lightsaber and pistol were still with him. He'd never been in a real battle before. They'd trained for it on Coruscant. Talked endlessly about how glorious it would be to fight the Alliance and drive them all the way beyond the outer rim.

This didn't seem very glorious. He was surrounded by men with hard expressions. Shouting started. He could hear blaster fire.

"Keep your head down kid," one of the men grunted as they filed out. Apparently he'd been assigned to keep watch. "When you leave the back of the shuttle there is cover twenty metres to the right. Run for it and get down."

Trextan nodded dumbly. He did as he was told, stepping out into the night. Blaster fire lit the ground in a myriad of colours. His heart raced as he dashed in the right direction. But he couldn't see any cover. Then the soldier behind the low wall opened fire and he found a spot. In the distance guard towers loomed over the slave came. Particle bolts descended from then towards the Alliance soldiers.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

In space whilst the pirates were dealt with, Tegaea Alcori began to see to the defences of the planet.

A Citadel station would be constructed in orbit. This would provide an invaluable bulwark to defend the planet from incursions and give them a location to base supplies from.

"It's sad seeing it again," she said to Siobhan with a sigh. Even from space the scar on the planet could be seen.
At seeing the destruction of the ring leaders below Des knew his job was done. All that was left for him was to make his way back home. He entered his pod and raced for his craft. An old x-wing gifted to him by a friend. He abandoned the old pod and climbed into the cockpit of the starfighter. He had been hiding since he got planet side.

Now it was finally time to brush the dust off once more. He activated the modified engines and punched the machine into overdrive. As he climbed through space he began to hail the Imperial ship The Avenger.

"This is special agent C'artyom reporting in. I'm under the transponder code Hold'Em,"

Desmond's code was accepted and he flew his ship into the hangars. Now he had to be debriefed then he could begin the fight in earnest.

Kir Tillian

[member="Aeron Kreelan"]

Faenula crouched behind the blasted chunk of building. It looked to have once been part of a beautiful building, given the once elegant engravings now worn to nothing. They were barely even visible in the ever present gloom, but she could feel them beneath her calloused hand. The other held the haft of a spear she had constructed from an old knife and fallen tree trunk. Not many were left now, but in her many moons of travel, she had come across enough.

Others in her band carried spears and looted bladed weapons. Others improvised clubs or staffs with broken glass blades. But they all had elements of green in their clothes, patched and ragged as they were. It was what set them apart from the others. Made them a true fighting force rather than a gang of thugs. As their captain, her leather tunic was stained green. It made her stand out.

One of her scouts wriggled back to her.

"Farwalker," the man hissed, "Off world troops are deploying not far away. A vast amount."

Faenula bit her teeth as she tried to sort through this new information. The slaves needed to be freed, but these new forces...

Most of the offworlders who showed up preyed on them and had far more powerful weapons. Not magic as she had once thought, but still would tear her band to pieces. They needed to hit fast and hard and free the prisoners before the off world forces reached the camp.

She gave a nod of thanks to the man through the murk and waved her arm forward, one finger up. No sound yet, it would ruin the surprise and alert any guards who might yet have working blasters.

Faenula stood, bending low to run through the murk, a shadow amidst jagged rock, spear loose in one hand. Others ran alongside and behind her. Farwalker's Company, the Shadow Rangers, some called them. Wraiths in the night according to others. Ghosts even.

The encampment was growing closer, now surrounded by several dozen shadows in the gloom. The horn hung at her belt, ready for after the battle had begun to blow. Kill first. Announce later.

She was close now. Thunder rolled through the distant sky, but she hardly noted it, other than it sounded strange. The first guard was approaching and Faenula broke into a sprint, hefting the spear.

The man turned too late. He caught the spearhead in the chest and went down with a grunt. She yanked it out and went forward, aiming for the slave pens. Other shadows swarmed ini after her.

The battle was theirs this night.
Objective: Defeat Raiders and Support Rogue Squadron
Allies: [member="Choli Vyn"] [member="Asmus Janes"]

Shadow Leader, even in the middle of the dogfight, was still dictating to his R4 unit some of the strengths and weaknesses he was seeing for the design. The weaker armor would be a problem, evidenced by two of his pilots losing their fighters and lives. No overstressing of the adegan cloak though, which had been the primary concern. Slight power drain, but that was predictable. He was fine with that actually, knowing that the cloak wasn't able to stay completely coherent at top speeds... as one pilot found out.

Shadoe Six had pushed the fighter to fast and a ghostly outline of his ship had been visible... and the same fighter that claimed the life of his last pilot took him out. Shadow Leader recognized that one needed dealt with personally. The rest of Shadow Squadron would continue to engage, a couple fighters even popping off to engage a newly arrival enemy Nebulon. He had his own enemy to deal with, either a Force Sensitive pilot or a real ace. Either way, he would welcome the challenge.
(Major) Humanitarian relief. The civilians on Kaeshana live in fear of marauding gangs, starvation, and slavers. Give them help! They are distrustful of outsiders, but if offered benevolently they will thank you.
19 | [member="Elpsis Elaris"] [member="Aeda Shaytari"]

Now that made more sense. So the intermediary between the Goddes and the people.

It was uncanny how alike they were to the Ember of Vahl.

As Aeda would elaborate further, it became clear that with such a large population, it would have been a near impossible feat to save them all. The logistics were just not there. Even with all the current technology, there was no way that this could happen. It reminded Rhen of Corellia. Of Netherworld. Of what had come after.

"I too had to see my homeworld suffer devastation." only it had been due to another would be 'Goddess'.

"Akala had torn asunder Corellia. Split it in two. But we managed to rebuild. To gain strength. One can not simply wipe away our Corellian nature."

Tanomas Graf

Post 4/10

Over the planet of Kaeshana, the Avenger was engaged in a bitter ship-sized duel between it and the Pirate fleet which was slowly losing. Though the old destroyer had a trick up its sleeve as seventy-two TIE Fighters emblazoned with the Imperial crest streamed out of the ships hangar bay, with a single squadron of twelve TIEs moving to assist Rogue Squadron ([member="Choli Vyn"]). A proton torpedo managed to hit the bridge of the pirate frigate as well as a salvo of concussion missiles piercing their reactor, causing a chain reaction that destroyed the entire vessel.

On the surface of the planet, the elder Graf smiled as he collected his daughter in his arms, swiping the hair away from her face, so like her mother's.

"I'm so sorry, about leaving. The war affected both of us, and I'm here to make up for it, even though I'm your 'enemy' as you rebel scum put it." Graf said jokingly, garnering a defeated grin from his little cub.
Objective(s): 1, 2, 5
Post 2

As soon as he crested the ridge separating them from the fighting, it became clear that the two sides were inextricably tangled in combat. There weren't a great number of fighters, maybe twenty to each side, but all were Eldorai and there didn't seem to be any sort of rhyme or reason to their dress. Everything was hodgepodge, if he were generous enough to call it that. Then again, they were some of the survivors of a planetary cataclysm...he couldn't judge them too harshly.

"Drop them all."

That was said to the ranking officer of the small group of soldiers accompanying the Jedi. Perhaps ominous, but he - they - weren't so calloused as to simply kill all the fighters just because they couldn't tell them apart. No, the soldiers moved in with blaster rifles blazing away...with stun bolts. The stiffened fabric and bits of wood or rock or metal that made up the fighters' armor did next to nothing against the modern weapons. The fighters, mostly female as befitting their culture, were mowed down almost before they knew they were under attack by a third party.

"Stabilize the wounded as best you can, don't let any leave."

The Sephi, who hadn't lifted a finger in the blitz, headed towards the village. He was met by an older woman, one who thankfully understood and spoke Basic. While it was heavily accented, he could understand her, and her him. It wasn't long before the villagers were separating out their defenders from the attackers.

The Tarlanc had found its way through the debris and landed on the outskirts of what had been the main city. Many others were there, but there was enough room for all. Upon touchdown, everyone not needed to help secure the ship or maintain its functions started helping offload the supplies, Korynn included. Hobnobbing with Firemane - executives or peons - could come later. Besides, it was better to give the impression that she was there for the people rather than the business. Which she was...but the business could help people in the long run.
Objective: Defeat Raiders and Support Rogue Squadron
Allies: [member="Choli Vyn"] [member="Asmus Janes"]

While Shadow Leader went to deal with the skilled enemy pilot, Shadow Three and his flight of fighters went into the debris field. Their cloaks were engaged fully and he had to make a note for his R3 unit that asteroid fields and nebulas would be great locations for use of their fighter. Plenty of shadows and objects to use to obstruct and confuse where an attack might come from. His fighters would round a larger chunk of debris... and discover a rather sizable asteroid base.

"Warlord or opportunist must have set up shop to mine the debris field, looking for riches," Shadow Three muttered. "Well, the enemy fighters came from here... best to knock it out of commission."

Eight fighters would move to attack the base, plenty of red lights on their sensor boards. A few turrets and fighters were on the surface, the fighters being quickly refueled and rearmed. Perfect first strike area then.

"Weapons primed!"

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